Genshin Impact How To Get Diluc

Genshin Impact, Characters, Diluc, Pyro, Guide
Diluc is really loved and not everyone knows how to get him, so we're here to help them!

Diluc is one of Genshin Impact’s 5-star characters. The difference between Diluc and Zhongli, for example, is that you can get Diluc anytime soon!

Everyone needs a Pyro character and not everyone loves Amber, so Diluc is the most affordable option. If you’re new to Genshin Impact and don't know how to get him, let us explain it to you!

  • Get primogems and transform them into Intertwined Fate (pink wishes) or Acquaint Fate (blue wishes).
  • If you pull in the Standard Banner you can only have Keqing, Jean, Qiqi, Mona, Diluc, and 5-star weapons. So your chances to get Diluc are increased!
  • If you pull in the Promotional Banner you can only have these 5 characters if you lose your 50/50 by don’t getting the promotional character.


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