The gorgeous open world RPG of Genshin Impact offers its players all sorts of content from building your characters to sightseeing all for the small price of $0. As a gacha game, it’s understandable that the wishing system is one of its biggest selling points. Of course, if you want to pull for weapons and characters, you’ll need Primogems—or Acquaint/Intertwined Fates, which can be obtained by converting Primogems—the game’s special currency used for wishing.
But fret not, F2P players! If you’re hoping to find out how to earn Primogems quickly and efficiently, then look no further, for this list will tell you exactly what you want to know.
10. Redeem Codes
Xiangling Impact strikes again.
An easy, no hassle, no work required method to obtain Primogems. For newer players, there are an abundance of codes you can redeem for free to earn various rewards—among them, Primogems.
If you’re an older player, however, this method isn’t as viable. New codes do come out, yes, but not that often, except for the 3 codes given out in the version update programs, which can earn you a total of 300 Primogems. The only downside to this is that the codes only last until the end of the day they were released, so be quick about redeeming them!
How it works
- Open the Paimon menu.
- Navigate to Settings.
- Click on the ‘Account’ tab.
- Click on the ‘Redeem Now’ option next to ‘Redeem Code’.
- Copy and paste the code.
- Click ‘Exchange’.
- (Alternative) Go to https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/gift and sign in to your account.
- Choose the correct server.
- Enter the code and click ‘Redeem’.
- Enjoy your rewards!
9. Participate in HoYoLAB/Web Events
Is he Magic Pocket sized?
Occasionally, Genshin will release web events that players can participate in to earn Primogems and other rewards. These can be accessed in game through the Notices tab in the Paimon menu or through the link sent to the player mailbox.
If you have an account on HoYoLAB, you can participate in other events to receive guaranteed rewards (usually avatar frames or text box decorations) or even get a chance to receive rewards like Primogems or a free Blessing of the Welkin Moon.
How it works
- Stay up to date with event notices in the game or through HoYoLAB.
- Take part in said events when they’re available.
- Participate and earn your rewards!
8. Adventurer's Handbook
Genshin finally gave us guns.
Though this method is really only effective for lower level players, there are still quite a few rewards to be earned through it. Through completing Investigation Progress chapters, you can earn Primogems as well as other rewards. It racks up pretty quickly, allowing you to stock up early on.
Plus, as of Version 3.5, players can earn a free Intertwined Fate after completing Archon Quests! Free event wishes for finishing the story? Sounds like a good deal.
How it works
- Open the Adventurer’s Handbook.
- Complete objectives in the ‘Experience’ tab and claim rewards.
- Go to the ‘Guide’ tab after completing Archon Quests.
- Claim your free wishes!
7. Adventure Rank Rewards
Dr. Baizhu says don’t forget to do your ascension quests.
Another method targeted more towards lower leveled players. Each time your Adventure Rank increases, you can collect various rewards from Katheryne at the Adventurer’s Guild. Granted, the rewards really aren’t all that great, but it’s better than nothing.
If you want better rewards, though, completing ascension quests that become available whenever you reach certain Adventure Ranks will give you just that. Just be warned though, once you’ve completed an ascension quest, your World Level will also increase, meaning open world enemies and bosses will become stronger (though you can always lower it later).
How it works
- Go to any Katheryne after ranking up.
- Click ‘Claim Adventure Rank Rewards’ after talking to her and collect.
- (For ascension quest) Open the quest menu.
- Navigate to the domain.
- Complete the ascension quest.
- Enjoy your rewards!
6. Spiral Abyss
Spiral Abyss? Nah, Spiral(ing) depression.
Spiral Abyss, high-level players’ best friend—not. But even though we may hate it, the rewards are relatively decent. And fortunately, it’s not just limited to high ranking players.
Low level players can take on floors 1-8 for a total of 2400 Primogems if 9 stars are achieved on each floor. The rewards are only one-time, though, but still very helpful early game.
If you’ve already completed the earlier floors and are looking for a challenge, then floors 9-12 will give you exactly that—with rewards. Should you get all 36 stars, you can earn a total of 600 Primogems each cycle. Since the Spiral Abyss resets on the 1st and 16th off every month, that’s 1200 Primogems each month!
How it works
- Reach Adventure Rank 20.
- Teleport to Spiral Abyss.
- Enter and choose your team(s).
- Challenge the floors and work your way up.
- Claim your rewards after you’ve completed each floor.
5. Achievements
Bennett congratulates you on your accomplishments.
An easy method to stock up on Primogems—there are tons of achievements to be earned in the game, including several hidden ones. Some take more time to get, but many are farmable and can be completed with minimal effort.
Though the rewards are fairly low, the Primogems do rack up over time. Plus, upon completing achievement categories, you even get a free namecard!
How it works
- Open the Paimon menu.
- Open the Achievements tab.
- Collect/farm achievements.
4. Daily Commissions
“Ad astra aby—”
The easiest method to obtain Primogems, but not the most rewarding. Each day, players have the opportunity to earn 60 Primogems by completing 4 daily quests. Each quest awards 10 Primogems, and once they have all been completed, players can collect the remaining 20 Primogems from Katheryne at the Adventurer’s Guild.
For the most part, the quests are pretty easy to complete and contain various different tasks. Some involve speaking to NPCs and fulfilling some type of request or fetch mission, some are combat based, and others include timed trials or other minigame-like activities. So long as you’re well equipped to deal with any commissions that involve fighting, you can complete them with minimal effort within little time to earn all the rewards.
How it works
- Log into the game daily.
- Open the quest menu.
- Scroll down to the Commissions Quests section or click on the Commissions Quests tab.
- Navigate to and complete each quest.
- Don’t forget to claim your final rewards from Katheryne at the Adventurer’s Guild!
3. Quests
Though long, the Sumeru Archon Quest is undoubtedly one of the best.
As an RPG, Genshin Impact has tons of quests available for players to complete. Each quest’s completion reward usually ranges from 20-60 Primogems, and the quests vary in length and difficulty. Some quests may take longer but reap less rewards, and some might be very short and yield decent income.
Either way, the sheer amount of quests in the game makes it easy to wrack up Primogems the more you do. Plus, there’s a wide variety of different kinds of quests to choose from. You’ve got Archon quests, world quests, character story quests, hangout event quests, and version event quests—all of which are unique.
If you’re more interested in learning about the lore of the game, you’re probably better suited to doing world quests—though some of them can be extremely lengthy, such as the Aranara questline in Sumeru. If you’d prefer to learn more about individual characters, on the other hand, spend more time playing through story and hangout quests. Either way, there are enough of each to earn you a good amount of Primogems.
How it works
- Look for blue exclamation marks on the minimap as you explore (for world quests) and talk to the NPC it’s placed above.
- Open your quest menu.
- Click on the Story Quests button in the bottom left corner.
- Choose which story/hangout quest you want to do and unlock it (requires keys, which can be earned after completing 8 daily commissions.
2. Version Events
It’s time to d-d-d-d-duel!
With each new version update comes limited time events offering plenty of rewards—namely Primogems. The main event usually includes its own storyline along with various game modes and minigames that players can complete to earn Primogems, materials, and even furniture!
Numerically speaking (for F2P), if you were to participate in every single event that takes place during the patch, you’ll rack up around 13k Primogems give or take—assuming you received all of the Primogem rewards from each event, that is. That’s quite a lot, especially if you’re planning to save for an upcoming banner.
How it works
- Stay up to date with version announcements/event announcements (you can check them in game as well).
- Participate in events while they’re ongoing.
- Complete event missions to the best of your ability and claim your rewards.
- Watch your Primogem count go up!
1. Exploration
Yep, that’s definitely Kokomi’s home.
Finally, the most lucrative way to earn Primogems. Genshin’s open world is absolutely massive and, most importantly, chock full of chests and challenges that will reward you with the precious currency. Though lower rarity chests don’t offer as many Primogems, do not be fooled, for they rack up over time.
Not only do you get to beat up enemies and complete puzzles and challenges for rewards, but you also get to experience the beauty of the world from the sights to the music—what’s there not to love? It can be a little time consuming, but well worth it—it is an open world game with a heavy emphasis on exploration, after all.
How it works
- Open the map.
- Pick a location you’d like to explore.
- Teleport and begin your search.
- Enjoy the experience and earn Primogems!
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