Hu Tao is the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor of Liyue, a playful girl that often comes across as annoying to some of the other characters in the game. Still, her work ethic is strong enough to make her be as professional as possible when it comes to funerals.
With a Pyro vision (one of the strongest elements in the game), Hu Tao has the potential to delete everything in a matter of seconds, hence why she’s always been second place, after Ganyu, of most powerful DPS characters in the Chinese tier lists. Are you looking to get your Hu Tao to the next level? Check out these builds to know more about it!
5. At the Edge of Death.
(Check minute 4:34 to see what it looks like)
The way Hu Tao maximizes her damage with her ultimate and elemental abilities is by having minus 50% of HP. Therefore, for those who are just getting used to playing her with low HP, you could use the four-piece Retracing Bolide set.
What “At the Edge of Death” excels in:
- This build is great if you have a unit that can generate shields, since you get 35% shield strength, you don’t have to worry that much about dying having 50% minus HP
- 40% attack bonus when you gain a shield, which is insane considering the fact that Hu Tao already does good damage, plus, this bonus lasts for the whole duration of the shield. It’s not time-dependent.
Build Details:
- Circlet: Crit. Damage / Crit. Rate.
- Goblet: Pyro DMG Bonus %.
- Sands: HP %.
- Plume: Attack (This is invariable).
- Flower: HP (This is invariable).
- Aim for these Substats: Crit. Damage, Crit. Rate, Attack %, HP % or Energy Recharge %.
- Best weapons: Staff of Homa, Primordial Jade Spear, Dragon’s Bane, Death Match.
4. Pyro Goddess
(Check minute 1:32 to see what it looks like)
This is a great build if you are running a team of Pyro and Anemo characters, to take full advantage of this one, enemies need to be inflicted with Pyro, due to the four-piece effect of the Lava Walker set, the one we’ll use in this build.
What “Lava Walker Director” excels in:
- 35% attack bonus against enemies inflicted by Pyro. Because Hu Tao is constantly applying Pyro thanks to her elemental ability, you benefit from this build all the time.
Build Details:
- Circlet: Crit. Damage / Crit. Rate.
- Goblet: Pyro DMG Bonus %.
- Sands: HP%.
- Plume: Attack (This is invariable).
- Flower: HP (This is invariable).
- Aim for these Substats: Crit. Damage, Crit. Rate, Attack%, HP % or Energy Recharge %.
- Best weapons: Staff of Homa, Primordial Jade Spear, Dragon’s Bane, Death Match.
3. Basic Attacks Spam
(Start from minute 1:04 to see what it looks like)
The following one is perfect if you want to focus your Hu Tao playstyle on basic attacks. This build will require you to have four pieces of Shiemenawa’s Reminiscence set. If you don’t care that much about using Hu Tao’s ultimate ability you can go for this one.
What “Basic Attacks Spam” Excels in:
- 18% attack bonus from the two pieces of the set.
- In exchange for 15 energy, when you activate her elemental skill, the damage of her normal, charged, and plunging attacks increase by 50% for 10 seconds, which is great for her because other than her burst ability, you can spam basic attacks.
Build Details:
- Circlet: Crit. Damage / Crit. Rate.
- Goblet: Pyro DMG Bonus %.
- Sands: HP%.
- Plume: Attack (This is invariable).
- Flower: HP (This is invariable).
- Aim for these Substats: Crit. Damage, Crit. Rate, Attack%, HP % or Energy Recharge %.
- Best weapons: Staff of Homa, Primordial Jade Spear, Dragon’s Bane, Skyward Spine.
2. One Shot
(Check from the beginning of the video to see this build in action and what it looks like)
If there’s something everyone who has Hu Tao agrees on, is the fact that she can finish enemies and bosses with just her ultimate and an elemental reaction like melt or vaporize. For this build, you will need two pieces Noblesse Oblige and two pieces Crimson Witch of Flames.
What “One Shot” excels in:
- Yes, Hu Tao already does nice damage, but 20% more damage to her ultimate thanks to Noblesse it’s always welcome..
- Pyro damage bonus from Crimson Witch of Flames for overall Pyro damage.
Build Details:
- Circlet: Crit. Damage / Crit. Rate.
- Goblet: Pyro DMG Bonus %.
- Sands: HP%.
- Plume: Attack (This is invariable).
- Flower: HP (This is invariable).
- Aim for these Substats: Crit. Damage, Crit. Rate, Attack%, HP % or Energy Recharge %.
- Best weapons: Staff of Homa, Primordial Jade Spear, Dragon’s Bane, Death Match.
1. Pyro Master from Beyond
(Check from 0:14 to see what it looks like)
For our first spot we have what might be the most used and effective Hu Tao build. Four pieces of the Crimson Witch of flames will get our damage widely increased, best thing of everything is that the damage of elemental reactions increases as well.
What “Pyro Master from Beyond” excels in:
- Huge Pyro damage bonus that can increase with just using the elemental skill.
- Elemental reactions become more powerful thanks to the four pieces.
Build Details:
- Circlet: Crit. Damage / Crit. Rate.
- Goblet: Pyro DMG Bonus %.
- Sands: HP %.
- Plume: Attack (This is invariable).
- Flower: HP (This is invariable).
- Aim for these Substats: Crit. Damage, Crit. Rate, Attack %, HP % or Energy Recharge %.
- Best weapons: Staff of Homa, Primordial Jade Spear, Dragon’s Bane, Death Match.