Top 11 Games like Star Wars Battlefront: Page 8 of 11

Games like Star Wars Battlefront, games like swbf2
My top picks for games that play like Star Wars Battlefront or better.

4. Bioshock Infinite

Bioshock Infinite Gameplay

Bioshock Infinite is a first-person shooter for PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, and PS4. The year is 1912. In the levitating steampunk city of Columbia, Booker DeWitt must rescue a woman. A woman imprisoned since childhood with the incredible gift to alter reality. All that stands in Bookers way is an army of zealots lead by the founder of the city.

I won’t say any details but his game plays shenanigans at a temporal level. I’m still not in full understanding everything going on but that only lends to a replay ability akin to the movies The Sixth Sense or Looper. All the possibilities with the rag doll physics makes a second play worth it anyway.

Choose from 8 different Vigors that give you supernatural powers, from shooting lightning out of your finger tips to summoning a murder of crows to do your bidding. New story to be told and abilities to be gained through the Burial at Sea DLC.

The usual Bioshock experience: Plenty of steampunk monstrosities to slay.

A city in the sky: Marvelous environments and scenery to take in.

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After sailing the seven seas, becoming a jack of all trades, and hundred percenting ocarina of time, I now find happiness in photoshop and a perfectly organized inventory.
Gamer Since: 1996
Favorite Genre: RPG
Top 3 Favorite Games:Rebel Galaxy, Diablo, Star Wars: Battlefront

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