One of the best aspects about Dead by Daylight as a video game is its inclusion of content from other major horror franchises and you just can’t leave out the Resident Evil games. After the success of the first Resident Evil chapter release in Dead by Daylight, it only makes sense they’d do it again. Project W, released on August 30, 2022, featured infamous characters Ada Wong and Rebecca Chambers as new Survivors and Albert Wesker as the new Killer. Rebecca Chambers and her new perks made a major splash both for diehard Resident Evil fans and for competitive Dead by Daylight survivors. Here are just some of the fantastic builds that prove why.
5. Better Than Adept
Ada Wong is safer than she thinks with Rebecca Chambers nearby to activate her perks and save her.
The “adept” achievements are regarded as some of the hardest to earn as they require players to get above a certain score threshold in a match while only running that character’s three starting perks. Luckily for Rebecca, her three perks make for a stellar build all on their own. This build can not only get players the “Adept Rebecca Chambers” achievement, but there’s an additional, optional perk included for those just looking to add some power to her base kit.
What “Better Than Adept” excels at:
- Rewards Rebecca for sticking close to teammates and for having a general altruistic approach
- Makes hitting “Great Skill Checks” more valuable for Survivors to hit successfully which is useful for veteran players
- Offers teammates additional value in being healed by Rebecca making it worth their while to stay near her as well
- Optional perk makes it easier to find teammates and reconnect with them in the event the Killer separates everyone
Build Details:
- Better Than New: When Rebecca heals a teammate, they gain up to 16% additional action speed when healing, unlocking chests, and cleansing or blessing totems. This effect persists until that teammate takes damage again. A nod to Rebecca’s role in the Resident Evil series, this perk makes Rebecca an invaluable source of healing for her teammates and will likely inspire them to try harder to avoid future hits. That additional 16% action speed is incredibly sweet in a Killer meta featuring tons of slow-down perks.
- Reassurance: If Rebecca is within 6 meters of a hooked teammate, she can halt the Sacrifice Process for up to 30 seconds. Skill checks during the second phase are also suppressed for the duration of Reassurance. It’s sadly a common occurrence for teammates to get left on a hook too long, especially if the Killer is causing chaos for the rest of the team and keeping them from getting the save. This build is centered around Rebecca sticking close to her team and if she’s doing so, this perk rewards that dedication with precious time that can mean the difference between a save or a sacrifice.
- Hyperfocus: Rebecca earns tokens up to a maximum of 6 for every “Great Skill Check” she performs while repairing generators or healing. Each token increases the Skill Check trigger odds and rotation speed by a stackable 4%, but each token also increases the bonus progression for successfully hitting Skill Checks by up to 30%. The perk loses tokens if the action is interrupted, a Skill Check is missed, or if Rebecca only hits a “Good Skill Check.” Skill Checks can be daunting for new players, but most veterans hit “Great Skill Checks” nearly every time making this perk extremely valuable for getting generators completed quickly. It’s the first perk to truly reward accurate players and its bonuses reflect in a satisfying way.
- Bond (Optional): The auras of all Survivors are revealed to Rebecca within up to 36 meters from her location. Don’t take this perk if you’re aiming to get the “Adept Rebecca Chambers” achievement. However, if you’re just looking to spice up Rebecca’s base kit, having Bond goes a long way to keeping Rebecca near her teammates which is what her base perks revolve around. You can also opt for an “Exhaustion” perk such as Dead Hard or Sprint Burst if you’re having trouble with avoiding taking hits during chases.
4. Gen-Rush Frenzy
Rebecca Chambers actively repairs a generator to power the exit gates.
Sometimes the best thing you can do in Dead by Daylight is play the objective. With this build, Rebecca doesn’t just play the objective, she crushes it. This build revolves around getting generators done fast. Staring at a generator can get boring though, so this build utilizes a riskier perk which rewards Rebecca for continuing to smash out generators with the caveat of letting herself remain in the Injured State. It isn’t for newer players, and it rewards highly-skilled, long-time Survivors for their heightened awareness and precise actions.
What “Gen-Rush Frenzy” excels at:
- Gives Rebecca the potential to gain ridiculous amounts of generator progression bonuses
- Challenges veteran Survivors to nail every “Skill Check” and stay in the Injured State for as long as possible
- Allows highly communicative teams to leave generators to Rebecca and distract the killer, scout totems, or unlock chests
Build Details:
- Hyperfocus: Rebecca earns tokens up to a maximum of 6 for every “Great Skill Check” she performs while repairing generators or healing. Each token increases the Skill Check trigger odds and rotation speed by a stackable 4%, but each token also increases the bonus progression for successfully hitting Great Skill Checks by up to 30%. The perk loses tokens if the action is interrupted, a Skill Check is missed, or if Rebecca only hits a “Good Skill Check.” With the right accuracy behind her, Rebecca can easily turn into a bonus progression machine by hitting every Great Skill Check.
- Fast Track: Rebecca gains up to 3 tokens every time a teammate is hooked for a maximum of 27 tokens. All of the tokens are used up whenever Rebecca manages to succeed in hitting a Great Skill Check on a generator. Each token grants an additional 1% progression bonus which is stackable depending on the number of tokens in Rebecca’s possession at the time. This is the factor that makes it worthwhile for Rebecca’s teammates to focus on other tasks while Rebecca does generators. Getting hooked only increases the progression on whatever generator she’s currently working on. Plus, in conjunction with Hyperfocus, Rebecca will be focused on hitting Great Skill Checks the entire game anyway.
- Stake Out: For every 15 seconds Rebecca spends in the Killer’s Terror Radius, she gains a token up to a maximum of 4 tokens. This perk uses one token every time Rebecca hits a Good Skill Check and converts it into a Great Skill Check instead with an added progression bonus of 1%. Even if Rebecca ends up on a team full of skilled Survivors, odds are, she’s going to be in the Killer’s Terror Radius at multiple points during the match. This perk simply rewards her for sticking to her objective and working on her generators regardless of the nearby danger.
- Resilience: As long as Rebecca is in the Injured State, she gains up to a 9% increase in her action speeds. Here is where the risk comes into play. If Rebecca can manage to become injured and stay injured, everything she does has a near 10% speed bonus and that can be devastating to a Killer’s time. However, she runs the chance of getting downed immediately if she strays too close to the Killer without a teammate to take the heat.
3. Angelic Teammate
Injured teammates need healing, and who better to heal them other than Resident Evil’s prodigal support character, Rebecca Chambers.
Rebecca Chambers reprises her role in Resident Evil with this build that focuses on saving, healing, and granting bonuses to teammates. Other Survivors will want to flock to her location after taking a hit or getting unhooked. The build returns Rebecca to the roots of her base kit of perks which primarily encourages her to stick with her squad and rewards the entire team for doing so. It’s also yet another build meant for Survivor players who are used to looping Killers and escaping chases without Exhaustion perks to lean on. Played well, however, and Rebecca will be the angel of life for her team.
What “Angelic Teammate” excels in:
- Rewards Rebecca for sticking close to teammates and for having a general altruistic approach
- Works best for a team of Survivors capable of communicating with one another as Rebecca will be able to keep everyone healed and boosted throughout the game if they know where to go
- Offers a decent challenge for long-time Survivors to act as the team’s go-to healer and booster while also having no Killer avoidance perks
Build Details:
- Better Than New: When Rebecca heals a teammate, they gain up to 16% additional action speed when healing, unlocking chests, and cleansing or blessing totems. This effect persists until that teammate takes damage again. If Rebecca stays close to her teammates or is able to communicate her location to them, her team will have a constant stream of healing and action speed boosts.
- Kindred: When a Survivor other than Rebecca is hooked by the Killer, all the auras of every Survivor are revealed to her. If the Killer is within up to 16 meters of the hooked teammate, their aura is revealed as well. The same effects apply if Rebecca is hooked but the auras are revealed to all her teammates. This perk helps Rebecca and her teammates gain some awareness when someone is hooked allowing them to plan for a save more effectively. Survivors will spend less time on a hook overall and can make more effective plays in saving each other with less of a chance of the Killer hanging out nearby to snag an easy hit on the savior. Plus, it can help Rebecca’s teammates see her general location for healing and boosting purposes while another Survivor is hooked.
- Reassurance: If Rebecca is within 6 meters of a hooked teammate, she can halt the Sacrifice Process for up to 30 seconds. Skill checks during the second phase are also suppressed for the duration of Reassurance. This perk goes hand-in-hand with Kindred and allows Rebecca to strategize on saving hooked teammates while also distracting the Killer. If she’s within range for Reassurance to activate, the Killer is likely right on her heels. Kindred will give her other teammates valuable information on the location of the Killer to safely get the Survivor off the hook and Reassurance should keep that Survivor from being Sacrificed thanks to the time it grants.
- We’ll Make It: Rebecca is able to heal her teammates 100% faster for up to 90 seconds after they are unhooked. We’ll Make It rewards Rebecca’s teammates for finding her after getting unhooked with lightning fast healing. Combined with Better Than New, they’ll be healed and boosted in one efficient motion and it shouldn’t be difficult for her teammates to find her thanks to Kindred.
2. Run, Rebecca! Run!
Rebecca Chambers turns mid-sprint to face whatever evil comes her way.
Finally, Rebecca gets a break from her primary role of supporting her teammates. This build relieves her of her previous duties of healing, boosting, and saving her teammates and allows her to get her feet moving. She’s equipped with perks that encourage her to run the Killer for as long as she can. It’s a bit easier for newer Survivors than the previous builds on this list, but they’ll still need to have a decent amount of experience with looping and escaping chases.
What “Run, Rebecca! Run!” excels at:
- Provides Rebecca with the tools necessary for running the Killer for long periods of time
- Gives her a method of escaping the sight of the Killer
- Rebecca still has a way out of dire situations regardless of her condition after all the generators are completed
- Her teammates are given free reign most of the match to repair generators, cleanse or bless totems, and unlock chests
Build Details:
- Sprint Burst: Rebecca gains a speed boost of 150% for 3 seconds when she starts to run. This causes her to suffer from the “Exhaustion” effect for at least 40 seconds. Sprint Burst can be considered the meat of this build. Rebecca will want to get the Killer’s attention as often as possible, when not Exhausted, then run away with that huge speed boost before the Killer can actually hit her. Some long-time Survivor pros can wait till the Killer is right on top of them and still avoid a hit by timing their run perfectly. It can also be used for an escape tactic if the Killer is persistently following Rebecca from loop to loop.
- Vigil: A passive perk that allows Rebecca and any teammates within 8 meters of her location to recover from status effects such as Exhaustion up to 30% faster. The speed boost lingers for nearby teammates for 15 seconds after leaving Rebecca’s location. Since Rebecca’s role will be actively distracting and running the Killer, it’s important that she remains as unhindered as possible by status effects as often as possible. Being Exhausted at the wrong times can ruin minutes of perfect loops and Rebecca will likely end up on a hook as a result.
- Off the Record: Rebecca’s aura and grunts of pain are suppressed after she is unhooked for up to 80 seconds after being unhooked. She also gains the Endurance status effect. If Rebecca is utilizing this build correctly, don’t be surprised if the Killer develops a vendetta against her and starts chasing her directly after she gets unhooked. Off the Record acts as a defense against tunneling Killers and gives her a means of escaping without being detected. Endurance allows her to take an extra hit if the Killer does manage to find her right after she gets unhooked as well. This perk is vital for Rebecca to reset after getting hooked so she can continue to distract the Killer again.
- Adrenaline: Rebecca instantly heals a health state and runs 150% faster for 5 seconds after the exit gates are powered. This perk ignores the Exhaustion status effect if it was active when the exit gates were powered, but it does cause the Exhaustion effect again for at least another 40 seconds. Don’t be surprised if Rebecca is injured or even on the ground by the time the last generator is repaired. She’ll have been running the Killer for most of the match and she’s bound to have taken a few hits here and there. Adrenaline can come in clutch and allow Rebecca to get right back up and escape despite the beating she’s taken thus far.
1. The Human Shield
Meg Thomas needs some extra support and Rebecca Chambers is there to offer a helping hand.
Altruism isn’t just about healing and unhooking in Dead by Daylight. Any Survivor player can tell you that taking hits can be vital for the survival of the entire team. This build puts Rebecca on the front lines of defense for her teammates and rewards her for taking Protection Hits when they’re injured. It gives her motivation for staying close to her teammates, yet again, but also has her rushing into the Killer’s immediate vicinity to shield them. It’s risky, it’s helpful, and it expands on Rebecca’s overall theme of acting as the supporting role in a new way.
What “The Human Shield” excels in:
- Rewards Rebecca for staying near teammates and taking hits for them
- Cooperative actions will be easier to perform since Rebecca will be sticking near her teammates anyway
- Adds a nice dose of risk and challenge by encouraging Rebecca to remain injured and her aura is revealed more often
- Gives Rebecca a small boost in Repairing, Healing, and Cleansing every time her aura is revealed to the Killer
Build Details:
- Dead Hard: Rebecca can activate this perk and give herself the Endurance status effect for 0.5 seconds. She is afflicted with the Exhaustion effect for at least 40 seconds afterward. The frontline perk for taking hits, Dead Hard is important to have for Rebecca to take an additional hit before either going down or reaching a point of safety such as a pallet or a window. It can also be used to take a Protection Hit for a teammate without entering the Dying State which is what this build revolves around.
- Mettle of Man: If Rebecca can take 3 Protection Hits for her teammates, this perk activates. She can take a free hit without being put into the Dying State. Going down for any reason afterward causes Mettle of Man to deactivate and Rebecca’s aura is revealed any time she is healed to full health if she is up to 16 meters away from the Killer. Mettle of Man rewards Rebecca for taking those Protection Hits by providing her with hit protection of her own. At this point, she may be under a lot of heat from the Killer for stealing opportunities to down her teammates away from them. Every hit she can take is important to her overall survival and her ability to continue acting as a human shield for the other Survivors.
- Empathy: Rebecca can see the auras of her teammates that are in the Injured State and the Dying State within up to 128 meters away. This goes hand-in-hand with the previous perks and offers an easy way to stay near her teammates and jump in for Protection Hits. Rebecca wants to get Mettle of Man activated as early as possible so being aware of her teammates’ locations when they’re injured is important for this build to succeed.
- Object of Obsession: Increases the odds that Rebecca will start the match as the Killer’s Obsession by 100%. Every 3 seconds, her aura is revealed to the Killer. Everytime her aura is revealed to the Killer, this perk activates. Rebecca can see the Killer’s aura and Rebecca gets an increase in Healing, Repairing, and Cleansing by up to 6%. This perk goes well with Mettle of Man due to the boost given in action speeds every time Rebecca’s aura is revealed. It also heightens Rebecca’s awareness of the Killer’s location on top of Empathy’s effect of revealing the locations of her injured teammates meaning she should be able to find them everytime she wants to go for a Protection Hit.
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