The 30 Best Free MMORPGs Worth Playing in 2017: Page 16 of 30

Best Free MMOrpgs 2017
Enter an online world of wonder and mystery.

16) Perfect World

The breathtaking land of Perfect World is threatened by an undead race called the Wraith. You must train your fighting skills and group with other players to help annihilate those who would tear your world apart. Every fight matters, so give it your all or give it all up.

The most known characteristic of Perfect World International, is the deep customization in character creation. For many years Perfect World held one of the best character creation options. While the game is undeniably gorgeous, it also has fun content. From the moment you step onto land in Perfect World, you are able to enjoy free-form flying. Yes you get to fly. There are dungeons to be beaten, and massive pvp battles to be won. Be the perfect somebody, in the perfect world, just like you’ve always wished.

Download and play Perfect World

Soak in the breathtaking graphics and character customization that Perfect World International offers.

Defeat ruthless enemies as a team for rare loot and experience.

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My IGN is Kai, and I'm 22 ;D #beabae
Gamer Since: 1997
Favorite Genre: PVP
Currently Playing: Overwatch, LoL, WoW
Top 3 Favorite Games:World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, League of Legends,

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MaxwellDenton's picture

MaxwellDenton 6 years 3 months ago

I've only played a few games on this list, but I was satisfied with the gameplay of those that I was able to play. It's worth the read if you are looking for a new MMO to kill time on. I highly recommend Neverwinter and D&D Online. DC Universe online is epic if you are into creating your own superhero with a customized skill set.

sallyryder's picture

sallyryder 7 years 4 weeks ago

Any gamers know this first person shooter (deerhunt) game? It's featured @ 3.22 mark on this video. It's not snipehunt, NES??? Gracias!

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