17 Most Awesome MMORPG Games of 2016

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The Best MMOrpg Games in 2016

It’s time to go on an adventure. In this adventure you will soar through the sky on mythical mounts, fight for your life in an open world, and scavenge the land for epic rewards. Powerful beasts (like dragons/giants) and enemies will attempt to steal your freedom, but you can’t let them.

All of this is at your fingertips. If you’re tired of sharing your glorious accomplishments with only your mom, a MMORPG is the right fit for you. However, we don’t want you to just play any MMORPG. We want you to shine in one of the seventeen most awesome MMORPG games of 2016 (even if your mom doesn’t get it). 

*MMORPG stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game*

** The Order of the following 17 games does not have any significance**

1. World of Warcraft: Legion

An exciting battle awaits you in World of Warcraft: Legion.

World of Warcraft is a staple in the MMORPG world. The MMORPG launched in late 2004, and has gone through five expansions. The sixth expansion, Legion, is set to release August 30th, 2016. But what is Legion bringing to the table?

The world of Azeroth is in dire danger from an evil force called the Burning Legion. They have begun their third invasion on Azeroth with the intention of freeing their Supreme Leader Sargeras. In order to save Azeroth you must travel to an ancient island called the Broken Isles. Here your training will begin…with a legendary weapon to assist you. Your goal? To save Azeroth by defeating the armies the Burning Legion has let loose. 

World of Warcraft, Legion, Lord Sargeras, Burning legion, Flames

The fuel for the Burning Legion is just as bright as Lord Sargeras himself.

Legion will be giving players a 10 level increase (making a max of 110). But where are we going to level up? Well, they added a new map called the Broken Isles, which has large zones to explore and train in. This was an ancient night elf civilization, filled with mystery and hidden powers. Wait, there’s more!  A new class is hitting the spotlight with the release of Legion. This class is called a “Demon Hunter”.  If you choose to become a Demon Hunter, you will start at level 98 (because, yes, you are that special). However, don’t be tricked by the word hunter, because you will not be shooting people with that really cool bow you started picking out. Instead, you will be leading the group as a tank, or quickly dishing out damage in melee range. Assassin type much?

So if you’d enjoy interacting with friendly (and non-friendly) NPC’s, questing to save the world, and slaying enemies left and right...then you will surely love, World of Warcraft: Legion.

These Demon Hunter weapons bring death too fast to produce fear in its victims.           

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My IGN is Kai, and I'm 22 ;D #beabae
Gamer Since: 1997
Favorite Genre: PVP
Currently Playing: Overwatch, LoL, WoW
Top 3 Favorite Games:World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, League of Legends,

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Bawmba's picture

Bawmba 8 years 1 month ago

Great list, there are other good games out there but this is a good short list for a handful of awesome games.

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