Top 10 Hades Keepsakes
The Keepsakes in Hades are items that help you in your escape through the underworld. Each keepsake is usually obtained by giving nonplayable characters Nectar- the drink of the Gods. Each keepsake has its special abilities and will help you get through the underworld faster and easier.
10. Old Spiked Collar
The Old Spiked Collar is given to you by the family dog, Cerberus.
- Gain +25/+38/+50 HP
Why Old Spiked Collar is Great
- The Old Spiked Collar is a good starting keepsake. It’s simple, it’s easy, and it gives you exactly what you need when you start- health.
- It gives you security while you’re still learning everything about the world.
- It’s a simple enough keepsake for you to start with- plus who doesn’t want to give a gift to the best boy in the Underworld?
How to Get Old Spiked Collar
- You obtain nectar by going through the chambers of the Underworld.
- Once you’ve obtained Nectar, gift it to Cerberus.
- You can equip the Collar in the courtyard before your next run, or in the middle of the run after a boss.
See Old Spiked Collar in Action
Hades - Ultimate Keepsake Guide | Everything You Need To Know About Keepsakes In Hades
9. Pierced Butterfly
A gift from Thanatos, after you beat him in a challenge.
- Gain +1/+1.5/+2% damage for each encounter you clear without taking damage.
Why Pierced Butterfly is Great
- The pierced butterfly is great once you’re starting to get into the swing of Hades’s gameplay.
- If you’re skilled at getting through encounters with no damage, you can increase your damage with each encounter, and in theory, cause a lot of damage.
How to get Pierced Butterfly
- After encountering Thanatos, best him in one of his challenges
- After you’ve won, on your next encounter gift Thanatos Nectar
- He’ll gift you the Pierced Butterfly as a thanks
See Pierced Butterfly in Action
Hades - Ultimate Keepsake Guide | Everything You Need To Know About Keepsakes In Hades
8. Black Shawl
A gift from your surrogate mother, Nyx, the goddess of night.
- Deal +10/+15/+20% damage striking undamaged foes (includes striking foes from behind).
Why Black Shawl is Great
- The Black Shawl starts each encounter off with a bang. Each enemy you encounter, you’ll immediately hit them with extra damage, which can give you the boost you need in the rest of the chamber.
- It includes striking foes from behind, so matter what you’re guaranteed that extra bit of damage.
How to get Black Shawl
- Obtain the Black Shawl by giving Nyx a gift of Nectar.
- In return, she’ll gift you the Black Shawl.
- See Black Shawl in Action
Hades - Ultimate Keepsake Guide | Everything You Need To Know About Keepsakes In Hades
7. Skull Earring
A gift from Megaera, one of the three Fury Sisters
- Deal +20/+30/+40% damage while at 35% HP or lower.
Why Skull Earring is Great
- If you’re the type to blast through enemies without caring that much for your health, this is a good item for you.
- This item can save you from death at the last possible moment.
- However, it’s very hard to control healing in Hades, so it’s best to use this keepsake with caution, if you constantly find yourself low on health, it might be time to invest in this flashy earring.
How to get Skull Earring
- Defeat Megara in the first boss battle.
- Once defeated, she will appear in the House of Hades irregularly, and you’ll have the chance to give her Nectar.
- She will give you the Skull Earring in return.
See Skull Earring in Action
Hades - Ultimate Keepsake Guide | Everything You Need To Know About Keepsakes In Hades
6. Lucky Tooth
A lucky tooth, given to you by your training buddy, Skelly.
- Automatically restore up to +50/+75/+100 Health once your Life Total is depleted.
- Only once per run
Why Lucky Tooth is Great
- Lucky Tooth is a hidden Death Defiance! It’s great if you haven’t unlocked all of them, and are looking to keep most of your health.
- It’s great if you struggle with keeping your health and gives you essentially a second chance in the same run.
How to get Lucky Tooth
- Gift Skelly Nectar in the training room.
- He’ll give you the Lucky Tooth in return.
See Lucky Tooth in Action
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5. Evergreen Acorn
A gift from Eurydice, an oak nymph who resides in the Underworld.
- In the boss fights in each underworld region, take 0 damage the first 3/4/5 times foes hit you.
Why Evergreen Acorn is Great
- The Boss Fights in each region can be extremely difficult, so the Evergreen Acorn can give you the chance to get the jump on the boss before they can hurt you.
- You have the opportunity to change keepsakes between each boss, so you can plan out which boss is the most difficult for you, and you can use it to your advantage.
How to get Evergreen Acorn
- Find Eurydice in her sanctuary in Asphodel.
- Gift her Nectar on your next visit.
- She’ll gift you the Evergreen Acorn in return.
See Evergreen Acorn in Action
Hades - Ultimate Keepsake Guide | Everything You Need To Know About Keepsakes In Hades
4. Bone Hourglass
A keepsake, given to you from the boatman for the River Styx- Charon.
- Items from the Well of Charon have durations increased by +4/6/8 Encounters.
Why Bone Hourglass is Great
- Charon’s shop has good items that normally increase your chance of survival throughout the run.
- They don’t last the entirety of the run, however, only lasting a few encounters before breaking on their own. The Hourglass helps with that, giving these items a longer life, and by extension you.
How to get Bone Hourglass
- Next time you meet Charon in his shop, gift him Nectar.
- He’ll gift you the Bone Hourglass in return.
See Bone Hourglass in Action
Hades - Ultimate Keepsake Guide | Everything You Need To Know About Keepsakes In Hades
3. Owl Pendant
An Owl Pendant, gifted to you by the goddess of wisdom, Athena.
- The next Boon you find will be from Athena.
- Her blessings have a +10/15/20% chance to be Rare or better.
Why Owl Pendant is Great
- All of the keepsakes gifted to you from the Gods are usually better in late game.
- By late game, you usually have a grasp on what weapons work for you, and what don’t. Once you have a grasp on what weapons you like, it’s good to see which God’s boons help with that style of attack.
- Athena’s pendant, in particular, is great with the shield, which is easier to deflect with.
How to get Owl Pendant
- During your run, there’s a chance that Athena will be there to offer you a boon.
- If she is, gift her with Nectar.
- She will gift you with the Owl Pendant in return.
See Owl Pendant in Action
Hades - Ultimate Keepsake Guide | Everything You Need To Know About Keepsakes In Hades
2. Broken Spearpoint
A keepsake given to you from Patroclus- Achilles’ romantic partner and closest friend from the overworld.
- After taking damage, become impervious to damage for 1/1.25/1.5 sec.
- Refreshes after 7 Sec.
Why Broken Spearpoint is Great
- For a few seconds, you are immune to any damage. There’s a bigger time gap while it refreshes, but any safety from damage can be extremely helpful.
- The immunity allows you to jump right into the fray, and attack your enemies without any fear- that is till it eventually runs out.
How to get Broken Spearpoint
- After meeting Patroclus in Elysium, you’ll have the opportunity to gift him with Nectar.
- In return, he’ll give you the Broken Spearpoint.
See Broken Spearpoint in Action
Hades - Ultimate Keepsake Guide | Everything You Need To Know About Keepsakes In Hades
1. Pom Blossom
A gift from your biological mother, Persephone.
- After every 6/5/4 Encounters, gain +1 Level.
- Randomly assigned to one boon.
Why Pom Blossom is Great
- Persophone’s keepsake is one of the last boon’s you can obtain in Hades, making it one of the strongest.
- Persephone’s keepsake helps you increase any boon natural, the farther along you go in your runs.
- This keepsake is one of the last keepsakes you’ll ever receive, but it’ll make each fight so much easier as you carry on.
How to get Pom Blossom
- Escape the Underworld and meet Persophone.
- After your initial escape, you need to escape another ten times.
- On your tenth escape, you can give Persophone the gift of Nectar.
- In return, she’ll give you the Pom Blossom.
See Pom Blossom in Action
Hades - Ultimate Keepsake Guide | Everything You Need To Know About Keepsakes In Hades