1. Heart-Seeking Bow- Aspect of Hera
The first bow ever conceived, and the weapon from the Queen of the Gods, Hera herself.
The Aspect of Hera is one of the weaker aspects of the game. It’s good for mid-game, and if you’re interested in the bow (or just long ranged weapons in general), but compared to the other aspects, it just doesn’t seem worth it to save up vials of Titan Blood just for this aspect. If you’re a fan of melee I don’t recommend this aspect at all; its drop times aren’t that impressive, and you can do just as much damage separating your cast and your attack.
Aspect of Hera:
- Your Cast Ammo loads into your next Attack, firing on impact.
- Ammo Drop Time: (10s / 8s / 6.67s / 6.15s / 5s)
Why Aspect is Great:
- The bow protects you from too much damage, considering it’s a long-range weapon and enemies won’t have the chance to hit you..
- If you prefer the damage from the cast, this is a good aspect to have and practice on (I can’t say much else on it though!).
How to Get Aspect:
- Unlock the Heart-Seeking Bow in the courtyard behind Zagreus’s chamber with 1 Chthonic Key.
- Collect 36 Vials of Titan’s Blood in Total.
- Bring the Vials of Titan’s Blood to the Heart-Seeking Bow, and unlock the two other Aspects.
2. Twin Fists of Malphon- Aspect of Demeter
The power of life in Demeter’s hand, and the power of death in the Fists. A perfect pair.
There isn’t much appeal with Demeter’s Aspect. You only get the special attack after 12 consecutive strikes, when other Aspects can do so much more. The Twin Fists are a great weapon, but this Aspect isn’t their strong suit, I highly recommend going for one of the Twin Fists' other weapons, because they’re one of the best weapons in the game.
Aspect of Demeter:
- After landing 12 strikes, your next Special hits more times.
- Bonus Special Hits: (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5)
Why Aspect is Great:
- This Aspect can increase how often your bonus special hits, to a maximum of five times.
- You can essentially just wail on an enemy and do serious damage, so if that’s your way to attack, I highly recommend it.
How to Get Aspect:
- Unlock the Twin Fists in the courtyard behind Zagreus’s chamber with 8 Chthonic Keys after your first four weapons.
- Collect 36 Vials of Titan’s Blood in Total.
- Bring the Vials of Titan’s Blood to the Twin Fists and unlock the first two aspects before you can unlock the Aspect of Demeter.
3. Stygian Blade- Aspect of Nemesis
Once the Blade of Nyx’s daughter, to torment the arrogant.
The Aspect of Nemesis is the best aspect for anyone who enjoys the classics (AKA the Stygian Blade). The critical chance happens passively, so you have to make no extra moves or keep it in mind as you’re running through the chambers- it’ll just happen naturally. That chance for serious damage can be the difference between the end of your run or going through a few more rooms.
Aspect of Nemesis:
- For 3 Seconds after you use your Special, your Attack may deal Crit. damage.
- Bonus Critical Chance: (+15% / +19% / +22% / +26% / +30%)
Why Aspect is Great:
- Gambling your critical damage becomes even easier when waves of enemies are swarming you. The odds of you getting a crit is in your favor in intense battles like that.
- The greater the chance makes it more deadly to your enemies, and you can raise your attack and critical damage using boons and keepsakes in your runs.
How to Get Aspect:
- Collect 20 Vials of Titan’s Blood in Total.
- Bring the Vials of Titan’s Blood to the Stygian Blade and unlock the two other Aspects.
4. Eternal Spear- Aspect of Achilles
Your mentor’s spear, used in his most deadly battle.
The Aspect of Achilles is your average aspect. I’d say it’s better for early game since it’s the second aspect you unlock with the Eternal Spear. If you like the spear and don’t want to move on just yet to other weapons, I say this Aspect is a good choice for you. The damage you get after a successful rush can do serious damage to bosses and smaller enemies. The decrease in special attacks isn’t a huge drawback at just 10%.
Aspect of Achilles:
- Post-Rush Bonus Damage: (+50% / +75% / +100% / +125% / +150%) or next 4 Attacks or Casts
- Decrease Special range by 10%.
- Special is charged now. The longer you hold on the farther it will launch.
Why Aspect is Great:
- The Aspect of Achilles is great because it increases your damage after your rush attack, meaning that you can keep whaling on large enemies and do serious damage.
- The drawback is the special is decreased by 10%, but there are dozen of boons and keepsakes that can null that, and you’re able to style with your boons to deal more damage as well.
How to Get Aspect:
- Unlock the Eternal Spear in the courtyard behind Zagreus’s chamber with 4 Chthonic Keys.
- Collect 20 Vials of Titan’s Blood in Total.
- Bring the Vials of Titan’s Blood to the Eternal Spear and unlock the first aspect before the Aspect of Achilles
5. Shield of Chaos- Aspect of Chaos
From the depths, chaos always watches.
This Aspect is all about timing- if you can plan out Bull Rush and your special with ease, then this Aspect is for you. It’s good practice to get out of the habit of just key smashing and hoping for the best- with the Aspect of Chaos you can practice your specials.
Aspect of Chaos:
- After you Bull Rush, your next Special throws multiple shields.
- Bonus Shields Thrown: (+1 / +2 / +3 / +4 / +5)
Why Aspect is Great:
- Multiple Shields help attack multiple enemies around you and then can cause serious damage to one enemy if all shields lock on it.
- The max of five shields can be thrown out immediately after your bull rush.
How to Get Aspect:
- Unlock the Shield of Chaos in the courtyard behind Zagreus’s chamber with 3 Chthonic Keys.
- Collect 20 Vials of Titan’s Blood in Total.
- Bring the Vials of Titan’s Blood to the shield of Chaos, and unlock the Aspect of Zagreus
6. Twin Fists of Malphon- Aspect of Talos
The bronze giant filled with power.
The Aspect of Talos is a solid choice for a midgame item. It deals more damage, it helps your special, it adds a bonus after each Special Attack- it’s a good choice once you’ve gotten a hang of the game enough. I cannot recommend it enough.
Aspect of Talos:
- Your Special becomes Magnetic Cutter; its pull deals 20 damage.
- Magnetic Attack & Cast Bonus: (+10% / +20% / +30% / +40% / +50%)
- Bonus lasts 6 seconds after Special
Why Aspect is Great:
- The timing of the Aspect is perfect- six seconds may seem like a short amount of time, but in a game like Hades, it’s more than enough time to destroy the enemies.
- The increase in damage with the special is also extremely helpful during your runs.
How to Get Aspect:
- Unlock the Twin Fists in the courtyard behind Zagreus’s chamber with 8 Chthonic Keys after his first four weapons.
- Collect 20 Vials of Titan’s Blood in Total.
- Bring the Vials of Titan’s Blood to the Twin Fists and unlock the Aspect of Zagreus first.
7. Adamant Rail- Aspect of Lucifer
He fell from grace, but he’ll crawl his way through hell yet again.
The Aspect of Lucifer has to make the Adamant Rail completely worth it. No Aspect can do as much explosive damage as Lucifer. Not only does it look badass, but the explosions you can cause as you pile on boons and keepsakes make the attack awesome.
Aspect of Lucifer:
- You have Igneus Eden, which launches volatile Hellfire.
- Hellfire Blast Damage: (50 / 63 / 75 / 88 / 100)
Why Aspect is Great:
- The Aspect of Lucifer can cause total havoc to every enemy that crosses your path.
- Ares’s boons, in particular, have a high chance to cause explosions, so mixing them with Hellfire can create a massive explosion in the chambers.
How to Get Aspect:
- Unlock the Adamant Rail in the courtyard behind Zagreus’s chamber with 8 Chthonic Keys after unlocking all the other Infernal Arms.
- Reveal the Aspect of Guan Yu for the Eternal Spear.
- Talk to Zeus, until he gives you his waking phrase- It doesn’t matter what weapon you have while you talk to him.
- Collect 51 Vials of Titan’s Blood in Total.
- Bring the Vials of Titan’s Blood to the Adamant Rail, and unlock the two other Aspects.
8. Twin Fists of Malphon- Aspect of Gilgamesh
The furry-man’s savage strength and stout heart are embedded in these claws.
The Aspect of Gilgamesh is one of my top three weapons for late game. Its intensity can be good for players who want a direct approach and don’t mind going straight into the fray to attack the enemies. It might take some time to get their and build up all those vials of Titan’s Blood, but it’s well worth the wait!
Aspect of Gilgamesh:
- You have the Claws of Enkidu, whose Dash-Upper can Maim foes.
- Maim Damage: (100 / 175 / 250 / 325/ 400)
Why Aspect is Great:
- The Maim attack does insane damage, just on its own. Combine it with boons and keepsakes that you learn to use to your advantage through the game, its damage can be intense.
- If you have a hold on your special attacks and dashes, this is a smart weapon to use.
How to Get Aspect:
- Reveal the Aspect of Guan Yu from the Eternal Spear first
- Unlock the Twin Fists in the courtyard behind Zagreus’s chamber with 8 Chthonic Keys after his first four weapons.
- Talk to Asterius before the fight with Theseus, while equipping the Twin Fists. It will eventually unlock the dialogue needed.
- Collect 20 Vials of Titan’s Blood in Total.
- Bring the Vials of Titan’s Blood to the Twin Fists and unlock the Aspect of Zagreus first.
9. Shield of Chaos- Aspect of Beowulf
The Stalwart Warrior-King’s shield is as deadly as his sword.
The Aspect of Beowulf is a close second to the Aspect of Arthur, but its loss of health puts it just below. While the loss isn’t a horrible drawback- only 10% damage- it can create some problems as you progress and get to harder bosses. But the Dragon Rush is a powerful attack, that overshadows the health loss.
Aspect of Beowulf:
- You have Naegling's Board but take +10% damage
- Dragon Rush Bonus Damage & Area: (+20% / +40% / +60% / +80% / +100%)
Why Aspect is Great:
- The Dragon Rush bonus damage has an area of attack, that increases with every upgrade of the shield.
- The 10% of damage doesn’t increase, making it not a huge drawback to the loss of health.
How to Get Aspect:
- Reveal the Aspect of Guan Yu from the Eternal Spear
- Unlock the Shield of Chaos in the courtyard behind Zagreus’s chamber with 3 Chthonic Keys.
- Continuously talk to Chaos while wielding the Shield of Chaos, until his waking phrase goes off.
- Collect 20 Vials of Titan’s Blood in Total.
- Bring the Vials of Titan’s Blood to the Shield of Chaos, and unlock the Aspect of Zagreus beforehand.
10. Stygian Blade- Aspect of Arthur
The rule of the mighty king is the difference between peace and destruction.
The Aspect of Arthur is one of the highest-powered aspects in the entire game. It can slow down enemies and reduce the damage they deal, giving you a protective shield. While this aspect doesn’t do anything to increase the damage you create, the boons and keepsakes you get throughout the game can cover for it.
Aspect of Arthur:
- Aura Damage Reduction: (+20% / +25% / +30% / +35% / +40%)
- Aura significantly slows enemy projectiles, disables floor and wall traps in or near the aura. (Has an 8 Second Duration)
- +50 to your Health Total
Why Aspect is Great:
- The aura alone makes this Aspect one of the most overpowered Aspects of the game- combine it with the fact that you can upgrade the aura’s range up to 45% larger, making this Aspect ruthless.
- The addition to your health, slowed down enemy projectiles, disabled floor, and wall traps, leave you room to crush the enemies in the chamber before the aura is even up.
How to Get Aspect:
- Reveal the Aspect of Guan Yu with the Eternal Spear
- Invest at minimum five Vials of Titan’s Blood in the sword beforehand.
- Unlock Nyx’s waking phrase "I see your kingly pardon from a prison of stone"
- Interact with the sword in the courtyard to unlock the Aspect
- Collect another 46 Vials of Titan’s Blood to unlock the Aspect of Arthur, and all the other Aspects below it.