The 17 Best Dark Fantasy Games for PC: Page 3 of 17

Dark Fantasy Games
Dark Fantasy is a subgenre within Fantasy which focuses on frightening images and themes. Dark Fantasy typically follows a tormented protagonist as he fights through a number of horrors and trials to overcome that torment.

15. Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice

Hellblade Teaser Trailer

Based in Norse mythology, the story revolves around Senua and is focused through her point of view.  This results in an extremely personal journey through a hell of her own making as she battles her own reality and mind.

Ninja Theory took their three best qualities, fast, brutal combat, strength in characters, and unique visionary works, to a whole new level with Hellblade.  The game features heavy use of motion capture camera as every movement and action by the protagonist, Senua, has been filmed using a live actress.  Ninja Theory unleashes incredible visuals on a dark and twisted world with brutal, uncompromising combat.

Senua prepares herself to fight a powerful berserker.

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Tanya Davidson is a Breton sorcerer from Tamriel. She has a strong interest for RPG and horror games and has written over a hundred thousand words on the topic. Tanya loves spending time in Tamriel.
Gamer Since: 1997
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Elder Scrolls Online
Top 3 Favorite Games:Alien: Isolation, Alan Wake, Her Story

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elcoldtown's picture

elcoldtown 5 years 5 months ago

Never thought about it, but browsed through other dark fantasy games after reading this piece and thought to myself that The Witcher series is the perfect example of dark fantasy. Hell, it's even darker than the books at times, and the original game might be the darkest one. There aren't many magic there (perhaps because of the visuals) and all other aspects of dark fantasy are there.

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