Oculus Rift: 11 Interesting Facts about Virtual Reality Gaming: Page 3 of 11

Looking forward to Oculus Rift
11 things you may not know about VR

9. The Industry is ready to go

Look for Oculus Ready PCs

One of the biggest factors affecting virtual reality’s move into mainstream gaming is compatibility. It stands to reason that many current PCs will not be up to the standards required of the Oculus Rift. The technology for VR is there, but can the average person use it?

The answer is both yes and no. Unfortunately Oculus Rift’s recommended minimum specifications include a video card such as the NVIDIA GTX 970 or AMD 290 and an Intel i5-6400 or i5-4590 CPU. This may not affect any gamer with an already high end desktop PC, but it will sure make it more difficult for anyone not up to date with their gaming hardware.

The good news is that computer companies are ready for the influx of potential customers ready to make the upgrade. Oculus Ready computers are hitting the market so anyone not willing or capable to swap out the parts themselves can purchase one all ready-to-go. The selection includes sets from prominent gaming computer companies Asus, Alienware, and Dell.

And we are ready.

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Drake321's picture

Drake321 5 years 7 months ago

I know about this gaming console in the 90s. Then it was a radically new concept in a gaming industry. But more popular were portable game consoles. Therefore, many have chosen them instead of this game console. Now VR games are very popular. A level of a virtual world in modern virtual reality helmets is much higher. But the cost of high-quality virtual reality helmets is high. In cheap helmets, you can only play low-quality games. A great alternative are the centers of virtual reality. For example, the center of virtual reality in Melbourne - https://virivr.com.au/. Here for a small fee, you can play quality VR games.

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