10 Hottest Mortal Kombat Female Characters: Page 3 of 6

Showdown for the title of hottest babe in Mortal Kombat!

8. Sheeva


More arms, more possiblities, right? ... Right? *gulp*

The first question that comes to peoples' minds is "Sheeva, really?". A large half-dragon, half-human Shokan? Honestly, I have no clue. She's just hot. Maybe it's me? Or maybe it's the fact that Sheeva only has a few thin strips of cloth covering her surprisingly curvy body and is the only character in MK 9 who's chest size is actually appropriate for her build? Or maybe the arms, I'm not really sure. 

7. Sindel

Despite the movie's lackluster quality, Sindel is still stunning!

Well, you must be thinking that there's something wrong with me. First Sheeva and now even Sindel. Sindel, Kitana's mother, who's well in her ancient years and even partially undead? I agree with you there, but her body sure doesn't look it. Plus, she has this whole goth thing going for her.

If none of that does it for you, just check out that amazing sequence from Mortal Kombat 9 where she walks in the HQ of Earth's defenders and starts dealing out some serious punishment. She knows how to use her body. 

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alexdaboss29's picture

alexdaboss29 6 years 1 month ago

Why not Jade be the best one!That's my favorite...

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