Won't You Love Taking These 10 Lovely Ladies Out To Dinner Sometime?
It’s not always the hero that’s attractive. Video games are full of female villains that make us use the in game zoom function a little excessively. The ability of game makers to create attractive female villains is quite impressive since this list contains not just humans, but other creatures like demonic characters as well. Here we go: The top 10 hottest female villains from video games.
10. Tanya
Dark and exotic Tanya
Tanya is a female villain from the Mortal Kombat series. Unlike most other girls from the game, she thinks highly of her own diplomatic abilities. I suppose if diplomacy involves dismembering, brutally crushing, and incinerating people, then she has a pretty valid point. However, she’s still a looney that worships a demon god bent on the destruction of all living things… so yeah, I definitely get the crazy vibe from her.
9. Mileena
Mileena vs Kitana (Image via Asherwarr)
The Mortal Kombat series is bound to have a few entries in this list since the game is full of scantily clad women with very attractive bodies. They could probably all be classified as villains as well considering the fact that they dismember and kill the opposite player in the most brutal ways imaginable. Mileena comes in at number 9 with her outfit that can’t possibly be practical in any way. She would be higher up on the list, but if you take her mask off she quickly becomes pretty nasty! Those teeth though.
8. Christie
Always dressed right for the fight
The Dead or Alive series seems to have a stronger focus on sexual appeal than on actual gameplay. Christie exemplifies this with her first appearance in the third installment of the series. As a professional assassin she enters the tournament with one simple goal: Stop Helena from winning. Of course you would never know that since her winning cinematic consists of her taking a shower, lounging in her underwear, and petting her pet panther. Seriously, who has a pet panther?
7. Sylvannas Windrunner
One of the most awesome faciton leaders in WoW
The undead ranger in World of Warcraft, and the leader of the Forsaken, comes in at number 7. Everyone knows that the blood elf females are the best looking race in the game. Sylvannas is like that only better. Whether or not she is a true villain remains a subject of debate though and will hopefully be addressed in a future WoW expansion. Her tragic death and re-animation certainly did not leave any scars on her body though.
6. Excella Gionne
She got what she had coming
This is the first villain on this list that seems have some dignity about her. She dresses very formally, but still revealing, and she carries herself with elegance. None of that makes better the fact that she is totally pro genocide and creating zombie virus mutations. Her death, oops spoiler alert, came very fittingly from the man she loved, and through nasty mutated Uroboros tentacles. Unlike the previous villains on this list, Excella did not get her hands nearly as dirty. She worked from the shadows and had others do her dirty-work for her.
5. Anna Williams
Anna or Nina? You decide.
Anna Williams is the younger partner in a highly dysfunctional sibling rivalry between her and Nina Williams. This grudge that they hold towards each other often involves beating each other senseless in the arena. Whatever happened between these two is unclear, but it is obviously very serious. Anna follows her sister through cryosleep into the future in order to settle what happened. Either way, it doesn't matter much to us. Anna Williams is to the Tekken series what Christie is to Dead or Alive.
4. Kunimitsu
Where did you go Kunimitsu?
Kunimitsu first appeared in the original Tekken game and disappeared after the second game in the canon. Since then she has made appearances in the Tekken Tag games as well as in Tekken Revolution. Supposedly the fans liked her or something. She was a member of the Manji crime syndicate under Yoshimitsu but was expelled after breaking the organizations code of conduct. Since then she has been stealing both treasures and the hearts of men for her own benefit. If you ask me, I think Yoshimitsu was just jealous.
3. Skarlet
Good advice would be to stay away.
Originating as a game glitch in Mortal Kombat II, Skarlet got her official debut in the 2011 Mortal Kombat game. Like most of the other females in the franchise, she doesn't really wear much as far as clothes go. In fact, the most covered part of her body is probably her face. She is the result of a genetic experiment and resides in Outland. She is a pretty disgusting character though as she tends to bathe in the blood of her enemies.
2. Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn is nothing but crazy!
Immune to both poison and toxins, Harley Quinn, the frequent side-kick of the Joker jumps in at number 2. While she certainly has good looks, the crazy factor on this girl is insane. She is a thorn in Batman’s side throughout the entire Arkham game and serves as a secondary antagonist. Creating emergency hostage situations seems to be her forte as it happens over, and over, and over again. She is incredibly unstable and can supposedly only remain sane around the Joker. Whatever that means. For a special surprise, check out the Jokers office after completing the game. There is some very interesting information about Harley Quinn in there.
1. Poison Ivy
Hands down the hottest Batman villain of all time.
If a kiss could kill then Poison Ivy would probably not be fictional. This female villain has her heart in the right place, but her execution is lacking. Take a lesson from this character. If you want to make change happen, don’t do it by murdering countless individuals with lethal spores and toxins. It never works. She is immune to all poison and is bent on protecting all things green. She was a promising botanist before she was poisoned by her mentor to cover up a crime. Instead of killing her though, the poison made her stronger, and mutated her into the villain she is today.
Another couple of honorable mentions include Moxxi from Borderlands and Queelag from Dark Souls. Which video game villains do you find most attractive? Let us know in the comments below which video game characters make you sweat.