Glaz is an operator that has received so many changes to his character throughout the years. One can get the sense that the devs have always been very careful of what to do to him because he’s the type of operator that just one big change to his loadouts can really affect the dynamics of the game.
But especially now with the huge changes to the game that came with Siege’s Year 9 Season 1, Glaz players have more options in terms of customizing his loadout and that really allows the player to have the best weapon and gadgets that fits their own playstyle. In this article, we’re going to help you decide which one fits yours.
5. OTs-03 with Red Dot A, Muzzle Brake, and Angled Grip + Bearing 9 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Laser + Frag Grenade
This loadout setup for Glaz is for players who like to play him more aggressively, and even though he’s a sniper who mostly excels at medium to long range shooting, they have no qualms about engaging opponents in close range with him. This loadout setup is good for aggressive plays because even if Glaz is moving a lot while shooting his OTs-03, it won’t lose much stability due to the muzzle brake on its barrel adding a lot of recoil control. That’s great for rushing and dealing with multiple enemies at the same time.
Speaking of high traffic situations like the one described above, the angled grip on the OTs-03 will work perfectly because it will allow Glaz to reload the weapon 20% faster than normal. That means even without changing to his secondary weapon, he’ll be able to go back into action with his OTs-03 much faster than normal. He’ll also be able to use the two frag grenades in this setup to flush enemies out of their hiding spots or distract them while he’s rushing them down.
Excels in:
- The muzzle brake will greatly lower the OTs-03's recoil and that will allow Glaz to control his shots with it really well even when he’s playing aggressively and moving a lot
- The angled grip on the OTs-03 will allow Glaz to reload the weapon 20% faster than normal and that’s great for high traffic situations as it’ll allow him to go back into action with his OTs-03 quicker
- The red dot A on the OTs-03 will provide Glaz with a 1.0x sight that has a good reticle for pinpoint shooting while its frame doesn’t take up a lot of screen space. It’ll also add a 5% aim-down-sight speed boost
- The bearing 9 machine pistol provides Glaz with a rapid firing fully-automatic weapon that he can switch to when his OTs-03 needs reloading or if he’s more comfortable using it for close range engagements
- Glaz can use the two frag grenades in his arsenal to force defenders out of their hiding spots or to distract ones that are holding angles because if it drops near them, they’ll have no choice but to move or they’ll die
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - OTs-03 with Red Dot A, Muzzle Brake, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - Bearing 9 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Laser
- Generic gadget - Frag Grenade
4. OTs-03 with Red Dot A, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip + Gonne-6 + Smoke Grenade
This is a more balanced approach on Glaz’s loadout because this setup will provide him with things that he’ll need to deal with many situations. The muzzle brake, as mentioned before, will add a lot of recoil control on the OTs-03, and partnering it with a vertical grip will make the weapon a lot more stable. With this setup, the OTs-03's recoil will be almost non-existent, which of course translates to pinpoint accuracy that is very important for a sniper like Glaz.
The gonne-6 hand cannon will be great for destroying an enemy gadget that can block Glaz’s sniping view like a Castle Armor Panel or a deployable shield. Its one shot can also be reserved for destroying a Maestro Evil Eye which is one of the most troublesome defender gadgets in existence. As for the two smoke grenades in Glaz’s arsenal, they have great synergy to his OTs-03 since its flip sight with a variable 4.0x zoom has thermal vision, so he’ll be able to frag enemies through the smoke from the smoke grenades.
Excels in:
- The muzzle brake on the OTs-03's barrel will provide a lot of recoil control on the weapon as it specializes in lowering the weapon kick of single shot weapons like designated marksman rifles
- The vertical grip, even though its recoil control has been nerfed to 20% from 25% will still provide a lot of additional recoil control on the OTs-03 which will make its recoil virtually non-existent
- The red dot A when used without the OTs-03's variable 4.0x flip sight will provide a good 1.0x sight for Glaz which is really useful when he’s expecting close range encounters
- The gonne-6 handcannon as Glaz’s secondary weapon will allow him to disable a bulletproof defender gadget especially one that blocks his view like Castle’s Armor Panel or a deployable shield
- The smoke grenade is usually the go-to generic gadget of Glaz players because it has great synergy with the OTs-03's flip sight’s thermal vision which allows Glaz to see and target enemies through smoke
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - OTs-03 with Red Dot A, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
3. OTs-03 with Red Dot A, Muzzle Brake, and Horizontal Grip + PMM with Suppressor and Laser + Frag Grenade
This is another loadout setup for Glaz players who like playing him aggressively. That’s because the horizontal grip on his OTs-03 will allow him to move 5% faster than normal. That may not sound like a lot of help, but it’s a big boost for Glaz who has 3-speed rating, and will really help him catch up to his teammates since most of the time, Glaz is positioned at long range. It will also make it harder for enemies to hit Glaz when he’s moving which is a big plus for his survivability.
As mentioned before, the muzzle brake’s added recoil control on a single shot weapon like the OTs-03 is so great that even when Glaz is moving while shooting it, he still should have an easy time managing its weapon kick. For this loadout setup, Glaz will have the suppressed PMM handgun as his secondary weapon which he can use to silently shoot enemy gadgets, especially cameras, when he’s going in the mission building while trying to not alert enemies to his presence
Excels in:
- Having a great recoil control over Glaz’s OTs-03 marksman rifle because of the muzzle brake barrel attachment which will allow him to manage its weapon kick even while moving a lot
- The horizontal grip’s 5% movement speed boost will be a huge help for Glaz when it comes to catching up to his teammates after sniping from long-range as well as avoiding hits from enemies while he’s moving
- The red dot A sight on Glaz’s OTs-03 provides him with a good 1.0x sight that has a good reticle for pinpoint shooting at close range. It’ll also provide a 5% aim-down-sight-speed boost.
- The suppressed PMM will provide Glaz with a utility that can effectively disable enemy gadgets like cameras in silence when he’s trying to not alert enemies to his presence
- The frag grenades are great utilities for distracting and forcing enemies out of their entrenched positions, because when one lands near them, they’ll have no choice but to go away or die
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - OTs-03 with Red Dot A, Muzzle Brake, and Horizontal Grip
- Secondary weapon - PMM with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Frag Grenade
2. OTs-03 with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + Gonne-6 + Claymore
This loadout setup specializes in sniping, and of course, that’s Glaz’s specialty. The suppressor on the OTs-03 will hide its shots’ muzzle flash and more importantly, their directional threat indicator. It’ll also greatly silence the OTs-03 gunshots, and all of those perks combined will make it much harder for enemies to know where Glaz is shooting them from, especially since he’d be at long range when he’s sniping. The vertical grip on the other hand will add a lot of vertical recoil control which will aid Glaz when it comes to accuracy.
As for the gonne-6 hand cannon as Glaz’s secondary weapon, it’s a great utility to have, because from a distance, he’ll be able to use it to destroy one bulletproof defender gadget, especially one that could block his sniping view like Castle’s Armor Panel. With this loadout setup, Glaz will also have good protection from run outs while he’s sniping since he can place the two claymores in his arsenal on common run out spots. That’ll really help especially when he’s rappelling by a window and sniping enemies inside the mission building.
Excels in:
- The suppressed OTs-03 will allow Glaz to shoot enemies with them having a hard time finding out where he’s shooting from because the suppressor will remove the directional threat indicator from its shots
- The suppressed OTs-03 will also not have a muzzle flash and its gunshots will be greatly silenced and that will make it even harder for enemies to know where Glaz is shooting from
- The vertical grip will be the attachment that will provide additional recoil control on the OTs-03 which is much needed because the suppressor doesn’t add any recoil control benefits
- The gonne-6 hand cannon will allow Glaz to bring down a bulletproof gadget that’s blocking his view like a deployable shield or a Castle Armor Panel, and he would be able to do so from a distance
- The two claymores in Glaz’s arsenal will protect him from run outs which is one of the dangers of rappelling and sniping by the window. With the claymores, he’ll be safer and has a high chance of scoring kills from run outs.
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - OTs-03 with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic gadget - Claymore
1. OTs-03 with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + Bearing 9 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Laser + Smoke Grenade
This is the most balanced loadout setup for Glaz and that is why it’s at number one. The suppressed OTs-03 partnered with the smoke grenades is a perfect combination for him because as mentioned before, the OTs-03's variable 4.0x flip sight has a thermal vision. That will allow Glaz to see enemies clearly through the smoke, and of course, that’ll allow him to hit them with precision. And with a suppressor on his OTs-03, his shots will be silent and won’t create a directional threat indicator.
That means that when he’s shooting enemies through the smoke, they won’t immediately know where the shots are coming from. Having no directional threat indicator from Glaz’s shots will also prevent enemies from effectively counter firing through the smoke as they won’t have any visual or audio cues of where the shots are coming from. As for the bearing 9 machine pistol, it’s a great alternative weapon to have for when the OTs-03 needs to be reloaded and when Glaz has to deal with enemies at close range.
Excels in:
- The suppressed OTs-03 marksman rifle will not create a directional threat indicator, and its shots will be silent, so it will be really hard for enemies to know where Glaz is shooting from which is great for a sniper.
- Maintaining a good amount of recoil control on the OTs-03 marksman rifle due to the presence of the vertical grip which helps a lot in accuracy that is very important for a sniper
- The center dot reticle on the red dot A 1.0x sight is great for accuracy and the sight's frame doesn’t take up much screen space. The red dot A will also provide a 5% aim-down-sight speed boost for Glaz.
- The two smoke grenades in Glaz’s arsenal will allow him to provide a lot of cover for the attacking team’s push as well as trick his enemies into peaking them especially when they don’t know that there’s a Glaz on the attacking team
- The bearing 9 machine pistol is a great weapon for finishing off enemies when the OTs-03 needs to be reloaded in the middle of combat. It’ll also be a great weapon to switch to for close quarters combat.
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - OTs-03 with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Bearing 9 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Laser
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: