[Top 5] PoE Best Armor Sets for Deadeye That Are Powerful
The best ranged Ascendancy in the game right, Deadeye are an expert at projectile skills, both from melee attacks, spells and ranged attacks. It’s on the squishy side of things, being a true glass cannon unless you invest heavily, but it’s by far one of the best for quick mapping.
5 – Dex Stacking Spectral Throw
A phenomenally strong build that got a lot of traction thanks to Mathil, Dex Stacking ST can mow down screens of enemies while still dealing a truckload of damage on single target thanks to Sniper’s Mark splitting the projectiles and having a veritable wave of weapons flying around the bosses.
A staple for any cold dex stacker, Fractal Thoughts is often BiS as it provides a ton of life and 15% Dex, while also being great damage boosting helmet that grants 1% Elemental damage per 10 Dex. And since Dex builds often reach over 1.5k Dex, that’s 150% ‘free’ Ele damage.
Body Armor
On a budget, getting a Briskwrap is a great idea, as it will give you a ton of Dex and Damage, similar to Fractal Thoughts. But on a higher end, you’ll want a Hunter/Elder body armour that gives you % Dex, Attack Crit Chance, and a +1 Curse will help things out quite wonderfully. If you can, getting as much life as possible will also go a long way to your survivability.
Temple Mods, with Cold damage or Crit Chance are a great addition, while also granting you a lot of resistance. Try to get a lot of attack speed, as this is one of the best ways to scale your damage. Also, try to get as much Dex as possible, since that’s the bulk of your damage!
These are Sentinel special boots that grant the same mod as Hunter weapons (and the reason Dex Stacking exists), that grant you 2 to 4 Cold damage with Attacks per 10 Dex. So at 1500 Dex, that’s 300 to 600 Cold damage. And then you double it with your weapon’s mod. This is an absurd amount of damage. You’ll also want on your boots as much Spell Suppress, Movement Speed, Dex and Life as possible.
Like mentioned before, you’ll want Hunter Claws with the 2 to 4 Dex Mod, but also as much attack speed, some flat cold damage would be good, as much crit as possible, and Elemental Penetration with Attacks.
This is a great place to get as much Evasion, Spell Suppression and Life as possible while filling out Res and Dex as possible, and any Attack Speed you get is gravy.
This is a very important piece that can net you a ton of % increased Dex/Attributes, while also providing a bunch of Flat Dex and even % Damage per Dex. It’s also a good place to get as much Minus Mana Cost as possible.
Same as the Amulet, % Dex Implicits, and crafting with as Essence of Sorrow for Dex, life, resistances, whatever else you need.
Here you’ll want a lot of WED, Stats, Life, and Res as you need them. It’s also where you’ll get your Curse on Hit Frostbite and more Minus Mana Cost to skills.
4 – Strength Stacking Chaos Venom Gyre
A very meta build, though often used by Berserker, this Strength Stacking build is one of the few Deadeyes that are actually quite tanky, capable of taking a hit and walking away from it, both because of the high armour and big life pool from stacking so much strength.
Crown of Eyes. As we’re not a Berserker, and we can abuse Redblade Banner to the same level, we make great use of Crown of Eyes to convert Spell Damage into Attack Damage, at 150% of the value, essentially multiplying our massive % Increase for Spell Damage, which comes from Iron Will.
Body Armor
The obvious choice in a Strength Stacking build, which grants us a massive boost of Melee Damage, which then gets converted into generic Spell Damage, only then converted back to generic Attack Damage (which now works for projectile attacks too) at 150% of the Value because of Crown of Eyes. At 2700 Strength, it means that we’re getting, from this combo, around a whopping 1200% Increased damage to ANY Attack.
You’ll want here a pair with as much Life, Attacks Speed, Strength, and hopefully Spell Suppression. Getting Rage on Hit and % Damage Per Strength is also a great bonus, and you can reach over 80% Increased damage just from that!
The reason we even have any Flat Added damage in the build at all. Replica Alberon’s Warpath grants us 1 to 80 Chaos Damage per 80 Strength, and this translates to over 2700 Average Flat Added Chaos Damage, which then gets magnified by our whopping 1200% Increased Attack Damage, beyond all of our More Multipliers.
You’ll want a strong and quick claw, with as much Attack Speed, Crit Chance, Strength and Spell Damage as possible (Using Essence of WoE) because that becomes essentially even more generic Increased Attack Damage. It’s also a great idea to get as much Chaos Pen as possible since that’s a very rare mod to have.
Best place to pick up a bunch of Spell Suppression, as well as Strength and a bunch of Life. Looking for Synth Bases with % Strength is a great idea as well.
You can use a variety of Amulets here. Either % Attributes Synth Base, or Elevated and Awakened Orbed Amulets with a lot of % Attributes and Strength as well as some other stats. A great pick-up, though, is if you can find a cheap Eyes of the Greatwolf. It won’t have Catalysts, but it can roll up to 50% Attributes, if you’re insanely Lucky.
Synth base Rings, with % Strength with as much Flat Strength, Attributes, Life, Attack Speed and Resistances as you need them. And don’t forget to pick up some Minus Mana Craft, to help you sustain your frenzied attacks.
Same as the rings, % Strength or % Attributes, with as much Strength as possible, Life, Resistances, and Chaos Res if you can.
Build Details: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/%EC%83%81%EC%8B%AC_/%EC%82%AC%EA%B3%BC%EB%A8%B9%EB%8A%94%EB%A0%88%EC%9D%B8%EC%A0%80?time-machine=week-3&i=3&search=time-machine%3Dweek-3%26class%3DDeadeye%26skill%3D!Tornado-Shot%26sort%3Dlife
3 – Intelligence Stacking Power Siphon
If you noticed, there’s a trend to Deadeye, which is her flexibility in builds, capable of doing almost anything and any kind of projectile, built completely different in varied situations. And this one is just like that. Though an old build by now, it’s still more than capable of clearing all the content and reaching massive levels of damage. It isn’t a playstyle everyone enjoys, but it’s definitely a strong, and expensive, archetype.
Though we aren’t going with conversion shenanigans, Crown of Eyes is a great Wander helmet, because most wands have built-in Spell Damage, and this makes it a great way of adding a bunch of Increased Damage that way.
Body Armor
You’ll want as much ES as possible, as well as Frenzy on Hit Redeemer Mod. It’s also a good idea to get Elevated, if you can afford it, % Intelligence from Crusader, which becomes then becomes even stronger and you get a +1 Int socketed gems, which ends up boosting Power Siphon quite a bit, as, at level 21, you get an extra projectile.
Another great place to pick up a lot of Energy Shield (you’ll always want a lot of flat ES, because since we’re an Int Stacking build, we get a lot of % Increased ES). You’ll also want as much Int as possible, and Resistances, and it’s the best place to pick up some Lightning Exposure as well as Intimidate on Hit.
Even more ES, Int and Resistances. Try and get as much Movement as possible. For implicits, go for Action Speed, while the other one you can use anything.
This is how we even deal damage. You’ll want an Elder/Hunter Wand, with 1-6 Lightning Damage per 10 Int, as well as 1% Spell Damage per 16 Int. With over 2000 Intelligence, this means we’re getting a massive amount of damage from this wand alone, and its our main, nearly only, source of Flat Added Damage. Truly the core of the build.
Many Shields are great, but a long-forgotten shield, the Atziri’s Reflection, continues to be amazing for Int Stacking Builds, as it grants you immunity to curses as well as a ton of Intelligence and Flat Energy Shield.
You’ll want Synth % Int or % Attributes, with as much Flat Attributes and Intelligence as possible, as well as a lot of Energy Shield.
Same deal, but you’ll also want at least one of the rings to either be Synth or Crusader Influenced, for an easy Conductivity on hit. As for the rest of the affixes, look for as much Inte, Crit Multi, ES and Lightning Damage as possible. Resistances as you need them.
Also a Synth %Int or %Attributes, and you’ll want to craft it with Essence of Spite, to get as much Flat Int as possible, an unobtainable Stat otherwise on belts.
Build Details: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/X_MrMiracle_X/NaxPowerPsiphon?time-machine=week-3&i=4&search=time-machine%3Dweek-3%26class%3DDeadeye%26skill%3D!Tornado-Shot%26sort%3Ddps
2 – Ice Spear
While a curious choice, it is a supremely strong build, capable of clearing all the content, and it’s strong from league Start, though it scales supremely well with a lot of investment.
You’ll definitely want a helmet with Ice Spear Enchant for a +1 Proj. Besides that, it’s a great place to pick up a lot of RME and Cast Speed from the Implicits, as well as some extra Cold Pen.
Body Armor
You’ll want as much Life, ES, and even more RME, using Essences to craft the body armour. It works even better with a fractured chest. Besides that, getting some Aura Effect or some Crit Multi for Spell on the Implicits is a great idea.
You’ll want Spell Suppression, Life, Cold Temple Mod, for extra damage, as well as Unnerve on Hit, to boost your damage further. Besides that, go for as much Resistance and attributes as you need them.
You’ll want some Spell Suppression boots, with as much Life, Movement Speed, and Resistances as possible. It’s also a great place to pick up some Action Speed to improve your casting speed, as well as movement speed. And if you’re going for full Ailment Avoid, you’ll want to spam the boots with Essence of Loathing, hopefully, a Fractured Base with either a big Resistance, Life or Spell Suppression. This means you can, with your shield and/or body armour, become fully immune to all Ailments quite easily.
You’ll want a strong Wand with either +1 or +2 All/Cold Gems, a lot of Proj Speed, and as much Spell, Cast Speed and Crit to Spells as possible.
This is a great place to pick up a +1 to Cold with as much Life and Ailment Avoid as possible. Any extra Crit Strike Chance is gravy since Ice Spear has insanely high amounts of Crit Chance.
One of the few unique items in this build, The Pandemonius is still an amazing item for Cold builds, as it provides a massive amount of Cold Pen.
You’ll want a Snakepit, for +1 Chain, making the clearing feel superb. Just be sure to have it placed in the right slot. For the other, any ring with Frostbite on Hit is a good pickup. Life, Resistances, Attributes, etc. Cast speed is also phenomenal.
A solid Stygian Vise, with a lot of attributes, Resistances and Life is a great pickup.
Build details: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/rodmonsta/Rodkalandra?time-machine=week-3&i=5&search=time-machine%3Dweek-3%26class%3DDeadeye%26skill%3D!Tornado-Shot%26sort%3Ddps
1 – Omniscience Tornado Shot
One of the strongest builds in the entire game, because of how flexible it is in the content it can do, as well as the maximum output of damage you can deal when properly geared. The ideal situation is going with a Physical Bow and then converting the damage you deal into Cold damage since it synergises so well with Inspired Learning and Headhunters.
Loathing Essence Helmet with as much Dex and/or Int as possible and RME. If you’re going for a Melding setup, you’ll need to choose where to get it from, and picking up Maximum Lightning Resistance is a good way to go.
Body Armor
Here you’ll want as much life as possible, as well as capping out on Spell Suppress and Ailment Avoid as possible, and if you can, RME. Any extra Attributes are gravy, as we are an Omni build.
This is where you’ll get the bulk of the Phys Conversion. You’ll need Eldritch Implicits to reach 25% as well as getting either temple Mod or Jun Veiled mods, to hit 60% (so you can convert the rest through the passive tree) and as many attributes and Spell suppress as possible, and hopefully some life.
Keeping in line with the theme, as much Spell Suppress, Attributes, Movement Speed, and in this case, you’ll want to spam the boots with Loathing Essences for Ailment Avoid, to reach at least 55%, combined with Eldritch implicits, in order to reach 100% with the passive Tree and the Body Armor.
This is the most expensive part of the build, and if you don’t have the bow, you might as well use a Triple Ele Bow. Here you’ll want a bow with the most pDPS as possible, +2 Arrows and as much Crit Chance as possible, with anything else being gravy on top.
You’ll want as much Phys damage, Projectile Speed (we convert that into damage with bow hits) Crit Multi, Attack Speed and if you can, a +1 or +2 Arrows as well. Life is almost mandatory, and anything else is gravy by then.
Crystalized Omniscience. The core of this build.
Here you’ll want rings with either Onslaught on Hit or pure % Attributes Synth base, since that’s our primary way to scale attributes. Getting Life and Minus Mana Cost will go a long way to improve the comfortability of the build.
Mageblood. Enough said.
Build details: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/00_brave_b0obs/Hail%E3%86%8DSithis?time-machine=week-2&i=5&search=time-machine%3Dweek-2%26class%3DPathfinder%2CDeadeye%2CRaider
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