[Top 5] DbD Best Demogorgon Builds That Are Strong
Though they have become endangered since the Stranger Things chapter was removed, Demogorgon players are still thriving and searching for new ways to make him even stronger! With a unique “shred” ability to swiftly lunge at Survivors and portals that allow for both travel and information, he comes with a strong basekit that is versatile for many different builds.
1. Devourgorgon
Up close and personal with a hungry Demogorgon
Inspired by Youtuber SpookyLoopz, this build is focused on getting value game delay from your totems. The addons included are extra defense if you place portals near your totems as well!
- Hex: Devour Hope: Each time a Survivor is rescued from a Hook when you are at least 24 meters away, Hex: Devour Hope receives 1 Token: 2 Tokens: 10 seconds after hooking a Survivor, gain a 3/4/5% Haste Status Effect for the next 10 seconds. 3 Tokens: Survivors suffer permanently from the Exposed Status Effect. 5 Tokens: You are granted the ability to kill all Survivors by your own hand.
- Hex: Undying: The Auras of Survivors within 2/3/4 meters of any Dull Totem are revealed to you. When another Perk's Hex Totem is cleansed or blessed, its Hex is transferred to the Hex: Undying Totem, including any accumulated Tokens, disabling Hex: Undying instead.
- Spirit Fury: After breaking 4/3/2 Pallets, Spirit Fury activates: The next time you are stunned by a Pallet, The Entity instantly breaks it. The normal Stun penalty still applies.
- Discordance: Any Generator within a range of 64/96/128 meters that is being repaired by 2 or more Survivors is marked by a yellow Aura. When the Generator is first highlighted, Discordance triggers a Loud Noise Notification on the Generator. After the Generator is no longer within range or is being repaired by just 1 Survivor, the highlighted Aura will linger for another 4 seconds.
- Lifeguard Whistle: Survivors near activated Portals are indicated by Killer Instinct without having to charge Of the Abyss. Reduces the Killer Instinct's Detection range by -1 meter
- Upside Down Resin: Increases the time Survivors require to seal Portals by +40%
There’s a bit of everything in this build to ensure you have adequate pressure in chase, navigation and endgame potential with Devour Hope. These two addons can be a bit gimmicky in regular builds, but for this one they prove to be quite useful as totem protection!
2. Pallet Diet
The Demogorgon's "Twisted" cosmetic, taken over by grotesque scales
On his own, Demogorgon is great at cutting off loops with his shred. But using this build will render pallets useless for Survivors, whether they manage to stun you or throw them too early!
- Spirit Fury: After breaking 4/3/2 Pallets, Spirit Fury activates: The next time you are stunned by a, The Entity instantly breaks it. The normal Stun penalty still applies.
- Hubris: Whenever you are stunned by a Survivor, that Survivor suffers from the Exposed Status Effect for 10/15/20 seconds. Hubris has a cool-down of 20 seconds.
- Enduring: Reduces Pallet Stun duration by 40/45/50%. Enduring has no effect while carrying a Survivor.
- Jolt: When you put a Survivor into the Dying State with your Basic Attack, all Generators within 32 meters of you instantly explode and start regressing. Applies an immediate 6/7/8% Progression penalty.
- Barb’s Glasses: Decreases the Pallet Break cool-down of Shred by -15%
- Black Heart: Decreases the Attack cool-down of successful Shred Attacks by -15%
While it may seem overkill, this build comes in handy for getting swift downs without wasting your time. And a bonus is that if Survivors stop trying to stun you to avoid your perks, you can catch them anyways thanks to the addons!
3. Stacked Up
Demo caught in the action of screaming at the player, per usual
This build helps in the long term if you’re having trouble getting faster kills. Plus the combination of Save the Best for Last and Dissolution aids you in quickly catching up to Survivors.
- Coup de Grâce: Each time a Generator is completed, Coup de Grâce grows in power and gains 1 Token. Consume 1 Token to increase the distance of your next Lunge Attack by 70/75/80%.
- Save the Best for Last: Each time you hit a Survivor other than your Obsession with a Basic Attack, Save the Best for Last gains 1 Token, up to a maximum of 8 Tokens: Gain a stack-able 5% Cool-down reduction on successful attacks per Token, up to a maximum of 40%. Each time you hit your Obsession with a Basic Attack, Save the Best for Last loses 4/3/2 Tokens. When the Obsession is sacrificed or killed, you can neither gain nor lose any more Tokens.
- No Way Out: For each Survivor you hook for the first time, No Way Out gains 1 Token. Once the Exit Gates have been powered, No Way Out activates: When a Survivor interacts with an Exit Gate Switch, you receive a Loud Noise Notification and The Entity blocks both Exit Gate Switches for 12 seconds and an additional 6/9/12 seconds per Token in your possession, up to a combined maximum of 36/48/60 seconds.
- Dissolution: 3 seconds after injuring a Survivor by any means, Dissolution activates for 12/16/20 seconds: While Dissolution is active, if a Survivor fast vaults over a Pallet while they are inside your Terror Radius, The Entity will break the Pallet at the end of the vault, deactivating Dissolution.
- Barb’s Glasses: Decreases the Pallet Break cool-down of Shred by -15%
- Rat Liver: Increases Movement speed while charging Of the Abyss by +3.5%
What’s great about the perks in this build is their synergy with the Demogorgon’s power. Pressuring Survivors with either a shred, longer lunge, or pallet destruction all in one build can make them panic.
4. Demogorgon’s Grip
A terrifying capture of the Demogorgon in the Upside Down!
Both a punishing and confining build, these overbearing perks are even more effective when combined with the listed addons. They allow for better mobilization and make timed perks like Tinkerer especially good on this killer.
- Tinkerer: Whenever a Generator is repaired to 70%, you benefit from the following effects: Triggers a Loud Noise Notification for that Generator, revealing its location. Grants the Undetectable Status Effect for the next 12/14/16 seconds. Tinkerer can only trigger once per Generator per Trial.
- Deadlock: Whenever a Generator is completed, The Entity blocks the Generator with the most progression for 20/25/30 seconds. The Aura of the blocked Generator is revealed to you in white during this time.
- No Way Out: For each Survivor you hook for the first time, No Way Out gains 1 Token. Once the Exit Gates have been powered, No Way Out activates: When a Survivor interacts with an Exit Gate Switch, you receive a Loud Noise Notification and The Entity blocks both Exit Gate Switches for 12 seconds and an additional 6/9/12 seconds per Token in your possession, up to a combined maximum of 36/48/60 seconds.
- Dragon’s Grip: Performing the Damage Generator Action on a Generator activates Dragon's Grip for the next 30 seconds: The first Survivor interacting with the damaged Generator will scream, revealing their location for 4 seconds, and suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 60 seconds. Dragon's Grip has a cool-down of 120/100/80 seconds.
- Rotten Green Tripe : Increases the Traversing speed between Portals by +15%
- Unknown Egg: Decreases Power Recovery time by -1.5 seconds
This build works wonders for applying overwhelming pressure to generator progress as well as improving portal travel. You’ll need to dedicate yourself to defending generators if you want the best value., as well as paying attention to Dragon’s Grip.
5. All Seeing Demo
And here we see the killer in the downward demodog position
Focused on aura reading perks, this build practically grants you constant information on where everyone is at all times. Lethal Pursuer is especially handy as it increases the aura reading time for all perks and addons! The faster teleportation speed also helps with getting value out of the aura reading.
- I’m All Ears: Any Survivor performing a rushed action within 48 meters of your location has their Aura revealed to you for 6 seconds. I'm All Ears can only be triggered once every 60/50/40 seconds.
- Lethal Pursuer: At the start of the Trial, the Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 7/8/9 seconds. Extends the duration of a Survivor's Aura being revealed to you by +2 seconds. Lethal Pursuer benefits from its own effect.
- Make Your Choice: Each time a Survivor is rescued from a Hook when you are at least 32 meters away, Make Your Choice activates: The Rescuer screams and suffers from the Exposed Status Effect for the next 40/50/60 seconds. Make Your Choice has a cooldown of 40/50/60 seconds.
- Dead Man’s Switch: After hooking a Survivor, Dead Man's Switch activates for the next 20/25/30 seconds: While activated, any Survivor that stops repairing a Generator before it is fully repaired causes The Entity to block the Generator until Dead Man's Switch's effect ends. Affected Generators are highlighted by a white Aura.
- Leprose Lichen: Reveals the Aura of all Survivors while traversing the Upside Down and for 3 seconds after emerging from a Portal.
- Deer Lung: Increases the Traversing speed between Portals by +30%. Reduces available Portals by -2 Portals.
This build is great for more portal dependent Demo players, and for those who want quick chases one after the other using Make Your Choice! The benefit of the aura reading perks in this build can come in handy whether for tracking new Survivors or predicting their moves during chase.
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