Top 10 Hardest Dark Souls Bosses: Page 2 of 10

Top 10 Hardest Dark Souls Bosses
Prepare to Die

9. Lost Sinner (Dark Souls 2)

The Lost Sinner is one of the bigger bosses in Dark Souls 2. You need to defeat her in order to get one of the Great Souls, but she is no push over. She attempted to re-light the first flame a long time ago which something many consider to be the ultimate sin. As consequence for her actions, she now punishes herself eternally for her trespass.

The most annoying and difficult part of this boss fight is that unless you’ve completed a very specific set of requirements before this point in the game, the room will be too dark for your lock on the remain on the boss. This meant that you could only keep your lock on when the boss was right next to you, but since she continuously disengages, she would often be able to blind side you.

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MJuarbe's picture

MJuarbe 9 years 2 months ago

that game still kicks my ass every time i play it

James Lightning's picture

James Lightning 9 years 2 months ago

What's the best thing about it?

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