Looking for a comprehensive list of the best video game trailers ever made? You've come to the right place!
Trailers are big business. Because face it; how will you convince anyone to play your game if you don’t know how to dress it up?
But not all trailers are made equal. Some, though ambitious, fall flat, while others are so good they stay in the collective psyche long after the hype for the game has died down.
Here we collect the 101 Best Video Game Trailers Ever Made – video game trailers from as recent as yesterday to those stretching back years. We’ve arranged them alphabetically, per year. So sit back, put your feet up, and enjoy!
1. Assassin’s Creed Syndicate – “Evie Fyre” Trailer
Evie Fyre isn’t the first female assassin to kick butt, but man, does she give one heck of a first impression. Seriously, watch the trailer and tell us you don’t feel sorry for her victims.
2. Call of Duty: Black Ops III
The future of warfare is horrifying, especially when you throw giant killer robots and ridiculously powerful weapons into the mix. It certainly helps that this trailer makes effective use of The Rolling Stones’ “Paint it Black,” one of the grimmest war songs ever composed.
3. Cyberpunk 2077 – Teaser Trailer
Why would a squad of well-armed, highly trained police officers want to riddle a poor, ordinary woman with bullets? Oh, don’t let us spoil it for you; go and watch the trailer!
4. Dark Souls III – Announcement Trailer
Dark Souls’ fantasy universe is so weird, we adore it to bits. No pretty sylvan elves or silly little gnomes here, just heavy helpings of hunchbacks, zombie giants, and ruined castles even Dracula would think twice about holing up in. One of the best video game trailers, ever.
5. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – E3 2015 Trailer
The world is changing, and maybe not for the better in the gorgeous, gold-tinged universe of Deus Ex. And this trailer gets bonus points for including actual gameplay footage!
6. Dishonored 2 – Official E3 2015 Announce Trailer
Everyone loves stealth games set in plague-ridden quasi-Victorian cities, where the authorities are corrupt and the alleyways are crawling with human scum. But this trailer made heads spin with its revelation that a certain helpless someone from the original game will be returning as a magic-using, swordfighting badass.
7. Doom – E3 2015 Gameplay Trailer
We’ve waited far, far too long for a proper sequel to the groundbreaking Doom. This trailer has everything we loved about the original – from the music to creatures that look like faithful renditions of the monsters we murdered in droves back in the ‘90s. Now that’s giving fans what they want!
8. Fallout 4
Interlacing the past with the present, we’re given a glimpse into a once-beautiful retro-futuristic world before it was ravaged by nuclear war. Plus, there’s a cute, immortal German Shepherd running around. What’s not to love?
9. Final Fantasy VII Remake – E3 2015 trailer
It begins like any ordinary trailer about a game set in some near-future city. Then it starts dropping hints. Those sign boards. A strangely familiar toy sword. The reactor. The music. And finally…
The remake. It’s happening, people. And we couldn’t be happier about it.
10. For Honor – E3 2015 World Premier Trailer
Knights? Vikings? Samurai? Three ingeniously interwoven worlds, one action-packed trailer.
11. Hellblade – Gameplay Trailer
Fearsome Celtic warrior Senua has all the forces of Hell to contend with; the problem is we don’t know what’s truly demonic, and what’s merely a manifestation of her insanity. The battle against mental illness has never been so terrifying. One of the best video game trailers this year.
12. Hitman – E3 2015 Trailer
Being the world’s top assassin isn’t all about sneaking into high security areas and poisoning someone’s drink; it also entails a strict regimen consisting of early morning runs in the blistering cold and waxing your head clean.
13. Just Cause 3 – “This is Just Cause 3”
Cinematics, story, and – most important of all – glorious gameplay demonstrations all come together to give you five minutes of pure joy. Total chaos has never been so inviting.
14. Metal Gear Solid V – E3 2015 Trailer
When you really think about it, Metal Gear Solid has one of the messiest, most convoluted storylines in the history of gaming. It is thanks to excellent video game trailers like this that we are reminded that no matter how silly things get, the franchise will always deliver on the action, the spectacle, and the drama.
15. Mirror’s Edge – “Catalyst” Announcement Trailer
Faith is back with more parkour, bullet-dodging, and much-needed backstory!
16. Mortal Kombat X – “It Has Begun!”
Our favorite ninjas get the current gen treatment, with cleaner looks as opposed to the previous iterations’ ‘90s comic book hero-inspired designs. To put it simply; they’re looking better than ever.
17. Rise of the Tomb Raider – E3 Gameplay Reveal
As much as we adore Rise of the Tomb Raider’s cinematic trailers, nothing beats a gameplay trailer that shows us the different, exciting locales the game will be set in. Not to mention those death-defying stunts will have you wondering if Lara Croft is just really lucky, or if she is secretly a cyborg with a higher-than-normal tolerance for pain.
18. Star Wars Battlefront – Reveal Trailer
There’s nothing like a good romp through Tatooine, Hoth, or Endor with 40 of your rebel or Empire friends. Make sure to bring your X-Wings or AT-ATs!
19. Street Fighter V – E3 2015 Trailer
Exquisite environment lighting and special effects make Street Fighter V a treat to watch, not to mention those new character models are looking mighty fine. While we’re also glad Cammy is back, it’s an even bigger surprise to see Birdie, who hasn’t been in a Street Fighter game since the Alpha days.
20. Total War: Warhammer – Announcement Cinematic Trailer
Sure, samurai, Roman legions, and the Huns are badass, but sometimes, you just want to raze the battlefield with good ole dragon fire. The Warhammer license injects a welcome dose of dark fantasy into the stellar franchise, so expect a transformation not unlike what the cleric in the trailer goes through. One of the best video game trailers, ever!
21. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – E3 2015 Trailer
This is more gameplay footage than trailer, but it’s really hard to tell, thanks to those brilliant graphics that make full use of the PlayStation 4’s power. It’s a high-speed vehicular chase rivalling even the most riveting Fast and Furious scenes, with plenty of moments that will have you asking, “why isn’t he dead yet?” Truly a spectacle of the highest order.
22. XCOM 2 – “Moment of Truth” Official Announcement Trailer
Twenty years after malevolent extraterrestrials take over our planet, things seem… normal, if a bit more future-y.
Until you see armed men and women lurking in the shadows... and a terrifying human/cobra hybrid? We’re more than intrigued – we want to play this game NOW!
23. Batman Arkham Knight – “Father to Son” Announce Trailer
It’s rare to hear Thomas Wayne’s thoughts about his son, Bruce – thoughts which are finally conveyed to us in the “Father to Son” trailer. Suffice it to say that it’s heartbreaking, lending a sense of gravitas to the whole thing.
24. Bloodborne – “Face Your Fears” Debut Trailer
Love Dark Souls, but tired of medieval knights and dragons? Needless to say, the Victorian gothic aesthetic, haunting soundtrack, and absurd amounts of bloodletting presented in this trailer leaves us speechless.
25. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – Campaign Story Trailer
You give Kevin Spacey all the power in the world, and you expect things to be fine??
26. Child of Light – Launch Trailer
The loneliness of growing up, and the pain of being separated from innocence, all captured in two and half minutes of gorgeous hand-painted visuals and haunting music. Watch and feel your heart tightening in your chest.
27. Dead Island 2 – Official E3 Announce Trailer
They made us cry, now they’re making us laugh. This trailer tells the story of a self-made man who likes his morning jogs along the sun-soaked streets of California. That, plus zombies, of course!
28. The Division – Official Cinematic Trailer
This trailer takes us on a tour of abandoned living spaces and deserted roads, marred by signs of past tragedies and blanketed by a miasma of ghostly voices. They’re the only hints about what has befallen the city, yet the horror is utterly convincing. Definitely belongs to the best video game trailers category.
29. Dragon Age Inquisition – “The Breach” Official Trailer
There’s fighting in all corners of Thedas in this trailer, but best of all, you get to see your party members up close and personal as they come together and kick some major tail. It truly is the adventurous spirit’s dream fantasy world … as long as you don’t mind dragons burning your home and roasting your neighbors alive every once in a while.
30. Final Fantasy XV – TGS 2014 Trailer
A bunch of pretty boys road tripping in a sleek, sexy car? Ginormous kaijus to dodge? Jaw-dropping vistas and picture-perfect towns to stroll around in? Color us impressed, Square Enix! Maybe the wait was worth it!
31. Firewatch – August 2014 Reveal Trailer
You don’t need ghosts or aliens to inject a huge dose of creepy into a genuinely intriguing mystery. This trailer spooks us with sunsets, forests, and the uncertainty in the characters’ quivering voices.
32. The Flame in the Flood
A beautifully eerie melody, an exodus from a haunted swamp battered by furious winds, and a visually arresting art style that calls to mind the weirdest side of Tim Burton, and you’ve got a survival game like no other trailer has depicted.
33. League of Legends – “A New Dawn” Cinematic
Running, running, and more running. And oh, a whole lot of running. Explains why everyone’s in excellent shape. Looks damn good, though.
34. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain – E3 2014 Trailer
This trailer’s not afraid to shy away from the ugliness of war. Child soldiers, torture, murder… not to mention that song. Talk about a depressing five minutes.
35. Ori and the Blind Forest – E3 Debut Trailer
Beautiful and evocative of sorrow, this trailer tells a tale of loss, hope, and adventure through realms ruled by darkness and peril. Keep those tissues handy!
36. Overwatch – Cinematic trailer
What’s better than the announcement that Blizzard has a new IP? How about a gorgeously animated Pixar-style short film introducing said new IP?? One of the best video game trailers of 2014.
37. Saints Row IV – Independence Day Trailer
Because nothing screams “patriot” like liquefiying extraterrestrials with a well-aimed laser blast.
38. Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth – “A New Beginning” Official Announce Trailer
Them lousy humans are always mucking things up, necessitating an exodus from the very planet we call home. At least we get a good game, and a great trailer out of it.
39. Sunset Overdrive – E3 Trailer and Gameplay Demo
A majority of first-person shooters take themselves too seriously, so this trailer comes as an extremely welcome breath of fresh air. And hey, just because a game’s entire color range seems to be inspired by bubblegum flavors doesn’t mean its action can’t be as intense as your run-of-the-mill military shooter’s!
40. Titanfall – “Free the Frontier” Gamescom 2014 Trailer
Free running that makes parkour look like hopscotch, and giant robots that aren’t Michael Bay’s Transformers. Best video game trailer material!
41. Transistor – Launch Trailer
In this trailer, the elegance of the art direction is supplemented by the subdued score and cryptic narration, setting up the mood for an adventure steeped in mystery and intrigue. Extra points for the exciting gameplay footage!
42. Valiant Hearts – E3 Trailer
The horrors of war through the eyes of a military dog. Utterly heartbreaking.
43. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – “The Trail” Opening Cinematic
Before and after scenes depict Geralt as he tracks down a woman who can shoot crows through people’s skulls and turn entire armies into mush. Maybe Geralt should find a desk job?
44. This War of Mine – “The Survivor” Launch Trailer
Intertwining live action footage with scenes from the game, this trailer offers a poignant, non-glorified look at war that is hard to swallow. The maturity and respect with which it handles the subject matter goes a long way in convincing us that this is a game with the emotional depth of the most relevant war films.
45. World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor – Cinematic
Orcs are so badass, they can stare a giant demon down without even flinching. Watching this trailer kind of makes you feel like a badass too, so the best time to view it is just before you ask your boss for a raise.
46. Batman: Arkham Origins – Official Trailer
When it comes to stealth takedowns, it seems Batman takes inspiration from horror films, dragging his victims into the darkness, never to be seen again. As awesome as that already is, the trailer then gives us an exhilarating duel between the Dark Knight and one of DC Comics’ most lethal assassins.
47. BioShock: Infinite – TV spot
This spectacularly rendered, action-packed cinematic features Book DeWitt kicking serious butt in his attempt to rescue Elizabeth, who in turn saves his neck. Ah, the magic of friendship.
48. The Crew – E3 2013 Announcement Trailer
If you ever wondered how cars are built, let this deeply informative trailer give you a demonstration! Or simply enjoy one of the most artistically concocted car chases you’ll see.
49. Dying Light – CGI Announcement
Parkour’s always exciting to watch. It’s even more exciting when you’ve got dozens of zombies chasing your tail. Run, boy, run!
50. The Elder Scrolls Online – “The Alliances” Cinematic Trailer
That ain’t your grandaddy’s werewolf.
51. God of War: Ascenscion – “From Ashes” Super Bowl 2013 Commercial
Kratos is a really, really angry man. This trailer reminds us why – and it’s not because he missed out on landing the lead role in the film, 300. One of 2013’s best video game trailers.
52. Heroes of the Storm – Cinematic Trailer
Diablo versus Raynor versus Kerrigan versus Tyrael versus Arthas. Plus Nova making pew-pew sounds. Seriously, it’s the Blizzard battle royale for the ages. Sign us up!!
53. Metro: Last Light – Mobius Trailer
The camera glides over a diorama of terror, gradually unveiling the full extent of the tragedy in this horrifying trailer. An all-out mutant attack has never been so gripping.
54. No Man’s Sky
This trailer gives us a peek into an entire universe of procedurally generated content, one that contains 18 quintillion planets with unique ecosystems. If the game delivers as this trailer does, then it’ll be an entirely new era of science fiction gaming.
55. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm – Vengeance CGI Trailer
Everyone loves a good old-fashioned revenge story, especially when that entails unleashing an army of a billion ravenous monstrosities on your enemies.
56. Super Mario 3D World – Gameplay Trailer
Nintendo is back with another colorful adventure, and for the first time in a long time, Peach isn’t a kidnap victim, but a playable character alongside Mario, Luigi, and Toad! But the real stars of this trailer? Those amazing new suits, including one which turns our heroes into adorable cats!
57. War Thunder – CGI Trailer
Extreme slow motion captures the unfolding drama of combat in all its horrific detail, from exploding fruits to exploding tanks. The trailer sure is pretty, but there’s nothing pretty about war.
58. Wolfenstein: The New Order – E3 Trailer
Shooting Nazis in the face never gets old. And it’s even better on current gen consoles!
59. Assassin’s Creed 3 – E3 Official Trailer
One assassin vs. hundreds of redcoats. Historically improbable? No. As awesome as heck? Definitely. Ubisoft, you’ve done it again; you’ve given us one of best video game trailers in gaming!
60. BioShock: Infinite – “Beast of America” Trailer
This trailer offers a quick version of the story, with all bombast of a summer action blockbuster. It’s all gameplay footage, too! Not to mention the Beast of America song is just one anthem that’ll make you want to punch the air until you’ve torn a hole through the fabric of reality.
61. Borderlands 2 – “Doomsday” Trailer
As if we need another reminder how awesome the Borderlands franchise is, we get a bazillion guns, stuff blowing up, non-stop action, and Claptrap dancing for your pleasure.
62. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 – Konami Pre-E3 Show
We were all shocked to learn, at the end of Lords of Shadow, that Gabriel Belmont had become Dracula. In this trailer, we get to see just how powerful he is as the master vampire himself. No knight or 100-foot automaton can withstand that ethereal whip, and that shiny pair of new fangs!
63. Darksiders 2 – Death Strikes Part I and II
The Grim Reaper shows us he’s not just a skeleton in a black cloak – he’s an overpowered, overmuscled superhero with a bone to pick!
64. Far Cry 3 – “Stranded” Trailer
A found footage-style setup leads into a mash-up of scenes involving bloodthirsty pirates, running through the jungle really fast, and lots and lots of shooting. Extra points for the wub wub.
65. Grand Theft Auto V – Official Trailer #2
People jumping out of cars jumping out of planes? Trevor blowing things up? Pointless therapy sessions? Everyone’s favorite trinity of antiheroes wage war on the law and human decency in this hilarious trailer.
66. Halo 3 – “Believe”
A quiet, moving diaroma showcasing war and its adverse effects, both physically and psychologically, on all those involved. An emotional gut punch like no other, and one of the best video game trailers ever created.
67. Mass Effect 3 – “Take Earth Back” Cinematic Trailer
This trailer has it all: story, violence, impossibly high stakes, special effects, cool futuristic tech, character, and heart. And extra kudos to Bioware for making a FemShep version!
68. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria – Cinematic Trailer
We’ve seen cinematic trailers featuring people fighting each other before, and frankly, it’s getting old. But this being Blizzard, you know how great they are at putting an exciting new spin on the familiar. One of the best video game trailers ever made, and it’s even got a kung fu surprise!
69. The Unfinished Swan – Teaser Trailer
As ink blobs trace various shapes in the environment, a pristine white canvas is slowly transformed into a living, breathing world. Surreal and filled with a childlike charm, this trailer’s gotten us wanting to know more.
70. Assassin’s Creed: Revelations – Official E3 Trailer
Oh that sexy song, and the sexy Ezio doing what he’s best at. But what really causes the skin to break out in goosebumps is that familiar, white-clad somebody he sees in those visions…
71. Dead Island: Official Announcement Trailer
A gut-wrenching trailer about the demise of an ordinary family in the zombie apocalypse. Everyone was talking about it, everyone is still talking about it, and it hasn’t stopped making grown men and women cry themselves to sleep. One of the best video game trailers, ever.
72. Diablo III – Black Soulstone Cinematic
Welcome to the horror show. Because nothing is more horrifying than a big, fat giant demon with nipple rings.
73. Dota 2 – Gamescom Trailer
An exquisite, full CG reminder that Dota 2 has a variety of heroes to choose from to cater to every play style.
74. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Official Trailer
Talk about epic badassery. There’s that song. Then that Viking-like Nord shouting a dragon to death. And then other similarly badass things, such as a giant, a fortress carved into the side of a mountain, and a windmill. Goosebumps!
75. Forsaken World – Cinematic Trailer
Sometimes, rivals need to work together to face a much bigger threat.
76. The Last of Us – Announcement Trailer
The father-daughter relationship has been explored within the context of the zombie apocalypse before, but there was something new, something profoundly heartbreaking about this one… which made us want to play the game even more. One of the best video game trailers of 2011.
77. Portal 2 – “Aperture Investment Opportunity #2: Bot Trust”
Trust is key to any healthy relationship… unless you’re an Aperture Science robot.
78. Prey 2 – “Bounty” Trailer
You’re a high tech, gunslingin’ bounty hunter hot in pursuit of alien scum. ‘Nuff said.
79. Star Wars: The Old Republic – “Hope” Cinematic Trailer
Better than all three prequels combined. And no cringe-inducing diatribes about the coarseness of sand, either!
80. Street Fighter X Tekken – Comic Con 2011 Cinematic Trailer
While the luscious Poison oozes sex appeal, two of Tekken’s burliest wrestlers go head-to-head with Street Fighter’s resident man-giant. Over-the-top action and hilarity ensues.
81. Street Fighter X Tekken – “Rufus vs Bob” Tekken TGS 2011 trailer
Street Fighter’s blubbery clown challenges Tekken’s corpulent butt-kicker to the amusement of all. Features cameos from Zangief, Julia, and other fighters.
82. Tomb Raider – “Turning Point” Debut Trailer
In our first look at the new and improved Tomb Raider, we not only see that our favorite globetrotting adventurer has been given more believable proportions; the game itself is steeped in reality. Lara Croft bleeds and is capable of experiencing fear? Who’d have thought?
83. Transformers: Fall of Cybertron – VGA Cinematic Trailer
It’s amazing what can be achieved with the Transformers license when placed in the right hands. This trailer gives us the gravitas the Michael Bay films lack, and even a sense of horror and loss usually reserved for films based on real wars. Let’s ignore the fact that Bumblebee looks like he’s got rosy cheeks, and salute it with the standing ovation slow clap it deserves.
84. Bayonetta – Launch Trailer
The game may be fast and furious, but this trailer dials things down for a slow, smooth, and sexy approach. One of 2010’s best video game trailers!
85. BioShock 2 – Launch Trailer
It’s nice to see things from the perspective of the hulking Big Daddy. Because there’s nothing more satisfying than feeding your enemies a faceful of giant drill.
86. DC Universe Online – Cinematic Trailer
A superpowered slugfest featuring everyone’s favorite DC heroes and villains, and a city-wide destruction of Man of Steel proportions. It’s awesome.
87. Batman: Arkham City – Hugo Strange
Jabbing needles into some poor schmuck and calling down an army on everyone’s favorite Bat-freak? If you don’t read comics religiously, then chances are you won’t be too familiar with Hugo Strange; but this trailer shows us exactly why he’s one the Dark Knight’s most dangerous foes.
88. Deus Ex: Human Revolution – E3 2010 Trailer
Fly too close to the sun, and you will burn. And it looks like that is where mankind is headed in this stunning cinematic trailer. Of course, all that technological advancement also means amazing gifts, such as the ability to have blades spring out of your arms, so it can’t be all that bad.
89. Mass Effect 2 – Launch Trailer
As one of the best video game trailers ever made, the Mass Effect 2 launch trailer has a lot going for it: an incredible score that’s equal parts moving, epic, and heroic; voice overs that offer a glimpse into the best parts of the story; and heart-stopping scenes that show the game’s diverse characters in action. All these work together to give the viewer the sense that they, as Shepard, can unite the galaxy against a menace that threatens all. Unforgettable.
90. Resistance 3 – Official Teaser
There is nothing ordinary about this train ride through the sun-soaked countryside.
91. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – “Ghosts of the Past” Trailer
What happens when you betray an ultra-powerful Terran ghost? Years of heartbreak and remorse, if you’re Jim Raynor; an army of murderous monsters if you’re Kerrigan.
92. Halo 3: ODST – “We Are ODST” Live Action Trailer
Good enough to be a full-length war film, this live action trailer captures the raw emotion of armed conflict. And despite its science fiction roots, you will believe every second of it. One of the best video game trailers you’ll have the privilege to watch.
93. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II – “Tyranid Invasion”
There was so much blood and killing going on in Dawn of War II that the Tyranids started feeling a little left out.
94. Red Dead Redemption – “My Name is John Marston” Official Trailer
A magnificently shot cinematic trailer introducing us to badass cowboy John Marston, and a host of other characters who probably haven’t bathed in weeks. Would make Clint Eastwood proud.
95. Battlefield: Bad Company – “Totally Not” TV Ad
Four goofballs go to war and blow stuff up. Let’s just say it’s a miracle that they survive to see a sequel.
96. Fallout 3 – Official Trailer
This opens up with a black-and-white commercial inviting well-to-do families to secure their futures by reserving themselves a spot in one of many Vaults. After such an excellent set-up, who wouldn’t be ready to enter a world populated by mutants, killer robots, zombies, and cannibals? One of the best video game trailers of 2008.
97. Left 4 Dead
Zoey sums it up best: run like hell!
98. BioShock
Once the elegance of the underwater city of Rapture has drawn you in, it unleashes a horror unlike anything you’ve seen before.
99. Grand Theft Auto IV – “Move Up, Ladies” Trailer
Welcome to the Land of the Free, Niko! Where achieving the American Dream means having to deal with an annoying, bowling-obsessed cousin, stealing cars for a steroids-abusing meathead, and shaking hands with goons who’d rather put a bullet in your brain!
100. Gears of War – “Mad World” Trailer
As one of the best video game trailers of all time, this proves that the gradual, almost subdued unveiling of horror, accompanied by the perfect song choice, is more evocative of terror than the overdone shaky cam, explosions-happy war footage.
101. World of Warcraft – Cinematic Trailer
Blizzard’s always been good at making cinematic trailers, but this takes the cake. We see Azeroth’s various locales and representatives of its diverse fantasy races – from a sultry night elf to a ghoulish undead – and then watch them go to war. Oh, the epicness.
So, did your favorite video game trailers make the cut? Tell us in the comments section below!
Want to watch more excellent trailers? Check out the following articles:
All Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Trailers
10 Best RPG Game Trailers Ever Made
The Witcher 3 Trailer: 5 Cinematic Trailers You Must Watch
All 10 Batman Arkham Knight Trailers You Must Watch
3 Most Watched Blizzard Trailers On Youtube