Fallout 4

Fallout 4 game rating
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Fallout 4 (2015)

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Judged by: 68 gamers
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Set in Boston, a nuclear blast has wiped off the entire region. A few who survived in Vaults are now fighting for control over the whole area. As the sole survivor of Vault 111, we must venture out in search for our son and to avenge the death of our wife.

As the protagonist, we can determine how the game will progress. A lot of control has been given to the players and there are multiple endings to the story. 

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robertdmoores's picture

robertdmoores 6 years 4 months ago

Although not without its flaws, I definitely think Fallout 4 (and Bethesda RPG's in general) is a lesson in what an RPG game should try to deliver. FO4 is a game where you can sit down to play, get distracted by all the unique things you run into, and suddenly you've been playing for hours. The game is what you make it. You have so much freedom, and there are so many different things to do, that you can play it forever and never run out of surprises. Even collecting clutter has been turned into an addictive treasure hunt - something that Bethesda's games previously lacked. There's always been a ton of clutter, but finally, FO4 gave it purpose. No other game in the world has ever made me spend half an hour hunting down three rolls of duct tape!

RKChauhan's picture

RKChauhan 7 years 9 months ago

This latest edition in the fallout series is like any other bethesda game a massive and arguably one of the most immersive and engaging RPG of its time.

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