What are the best bags in WoW Dragonflight?
Let's face the truth here: inventory management sucks. It is always a problem whenever you are playing a game, going about your day, and all of a sudden you get that annoying popup of "inventory full".
In World of Warcraft, we have access to many bag slots that can make our lives a lot easier if we use the correct bags, so this article will guide you through the best bags currently in WoW Dragonflight and how to acquire them.
10. Simply Stitched Reagent Bag
As the name implies, this is a simple bag, nothing fancy here. However, 32 reagent slots is a lot and this is certainly a good pick for players who focus on their professions or who are trying to level up their professions without wasting time and resources. What makes this a good option is the fact that this is an easily obtainable craftable bag introduced in Dragonflight, and it also goes for a very cheap price at the Auction House.
Get Simply Stitched Reagent Bag if:
- You are focused on your professions and don’t want to waste time going back and forth all the time to sell reagents because your inventory is full;
- You want an easily craftable reagent bag;
- You want a cheap option of a reagent bag.
How To Get Simply Stitched Reagent Bag:
- Dragon Isles Tailoring (Skill Level 15), the pattern can be learned from a profession trainer for 80 gold.
Average price on Auction House: 141 gold (NA), 185 gold (EU).
Materials needed to craft: Spool of Wilderthread (4), Wildercloth Bolt (8).
9. Portable Pocket Dimension
The Portable Pocket Dimension is a beautiful bag released in Shadowlands as one of the unique drops from the Castle Nathria raid. Not only does it look very good, especially if you are a void elf, but it also has 32 slots, which is a lot, making it a very useful bag to have. The big problem here is that you will have to get this bag yourself with some tough RNG odds.
Get Portable Pocket Dimension if:
- You are a raid-focused player instead of a crafter;
- You want a good option of a droppable bag with many slots;
- You like the purple void aesthetic.
How To Get Portable Pocket Dimension:
- This bag is a rare drop from Artificer Xy’mox and obtainable from the Spoils of Sin treasure container (4% chance) at the Castle Nathria raid.
Average price on Auction House: Cannot be sold.
Materials needed to craft: Cannot be crafted.
8. Scholar’s Ancient Pack
Another great bag from Shadowlands is the Scholar’s Ancient Pack, a 32-slot general bag. What makes this bag so useful is the fact that players have found it to not be Unique-Equipped. In fact, many players have been able to equip two or more of these at once, making it a very easy way to quickly expand your inventory. You will need to scavenge a little bit to get it though since the Auction House prices are usually very high for this bag.
Get Scholar’s Ancient Pack if:
- You want a fast way to expand your inventory;
- You like to scavenge for loot;
- You have a lot of gold to spend on bags.
How To Get Scholar’s Ancient Pack:
- This bag can be found in many different types of treasure containers all around Korthia, such as Piles of Bones, Nests of Unusual Materials, Anima Laden Eggs, Dislodged Nests, Glittering Nest Materials and Shardhide Stashes.
Average price on Auction House: 9000 gold (NA), 5000 gold (EU).
Materials needed to craft: Cannot be crafted.
7. Lightless Silk Pouch
Lightless Silk Pouch is a bag that does everything that the previous one does and it is so much cheaper. While the Scholar’s Ancient Pack goes for over 5000 gold, this one can be bought for as cheap as 350 gold, plus it can be easily crafted if you just so happen to be a tailor (one of the materials is even sold by NPCs).
Get Lightless Silk Pouch if:
- You want a fast way to expand your inventory;
- You are a tailor and can craft this yourself;
- You want a cheap bag that can be bought at the Auction House.
How To Get Lightless Silk Pouch:
- Shadowlands Tailoring (Skill Level 75), the pattern can be learned from a profession trainer for 2 gold and 75 silver.
Average price on Auction House: 350 gold (NA), 390 gold (EU).
Materials needed to craft: Lightless Silk (15), Penumbra Thread (25).
6. Wildercloth Bag
Just like the last two bags, this one can be crafted or bought at the Auction House, so the advantages are basically the same. While the Wildercloth Bag might not be as easy to craft as the Lightless Silk Pouch, it isn’t that much harder either. The big selling point here is the fact that it is the cheapest 32-slot general bag available, selling for 150 gold (this is cheaper than the price to acquire the recipe and craft it yourself).
Get Wildercloth Bag if:
- You want a fast way to expand your inventory;
- You are a tailor and can craft this yourself;
- You want a very cheap bag that can be bought at the Auction House.
How To Get Wildercloth Bag:
- Dragon Isles Tailoring(Skill Level 75), the pattern can be learned from a profession trainer for 160 gold.
Average price on Auction House: 149 gold (NA), 173 gold (EU).
Materials needed to craft: Spool of Wilderthread (4), Wildercloth Bolt (12).
5. Papa’s Mint Condition Bag
Moving on to the big boys of this list, we have the Papa’s Mint Condition Bag, also known as the former biggest bag in World of Warcraft back in Shadowlands. This bag was obtainable as a part of the pre-patch event in Shadowlands, so unfortunately now you depend on the Black Market in order to obtain it, and it isn’t always for sale there, but if you are lucky enough to find it, this is absolutely worth it.
Get Papa’s Mint Condition Bag if:
- You want a fast way to expand your inventory;
- You are lucky enough to find it at the Black Market Auction House;
- You want one of the biggest bags in the game.
How To Get Papa’s Mint Condition Bag Bag:
- Can be bought from the Black Market.
Average price on Auction House: Cannot be sold.
Materials needed to craft: Cannot be crafted.
4. Chronocloth Reagent Bag
This is the uncontested best reagent bag currently in World of Warcraft. Chronocloth Reagent Bag is a new bag released in Dragonflight that sports an unbelievable 36 slots space, making it the biggest bag in the game. If you are serious about your profession, then you just have to get this one.
Get Chronocloth Reagent Bag if:
- You are serious about your profession and want the biggest reagent bag in the game;
- You are a tailor and can craft this yourself;
- You have high renown with the Valdrakken Accord faction.
How To Get Chronocloth Reagent Bag:
- Dragon Isles Tailoring(Skill Level 65), the pattern can be bought from a renown vendor of the Valdrakken Accord faction (Renown 23) trainer for 500 points.
Average price on Auction House: 23300 gold.
Materials needed to craft: Spool of Wilderthread (6), Chronocloth Bolt (6).
3. Madman’s Luggage
Madman’s Luggage is a huge 34-slot general bag that is probably the easily accessible bag in this list, but certainly not the easily obtainable one. This bag is sold by an NPC in Dalaran, which is great, but the price is very high: 500000 gold. If you have enough money to afford that, absolutely go for it, but not everyone is that wealthy in WoW.
Get Madman’s Luggage if:
- You have a lot of gold to spend on a bag;
- You want a fast way to expand your inventory;
- You want one of the biggest bags in the game.
How To Get Madman’s Luggage:
- Sold by The Mad Merchant in Dalaran (43, 46) for 500000 gold.
Average price on Auction House: 600000 gold (NA), 685000 gold (EU).
Materials needed to craft: Cannot be crafted.
2. Azureweave Expedition Pack
WoW Dragonflight has been an amazing expansion when it comes to expanding your inventory space, and the absolute proof of that is the last two entries on this list. First, we have the Azureweave Expedition Pack, the first craftable 34-slot general bag in the game. This bag is absolutely amazing and you should definitely go for it if you are a tailor, and it can also be bought at the Auction House for a very cheap price in comparison to the other 34 slot bags.
Get Azureweave Expedition Pack if:
- You want one of the biggest bags in the game.
- You are a tailor and can craft this yourself;
- You have high renown with the Dragonscale Expedition faction.
How To Get Azureweave Expedition Pack:
- Dragon Isles Tailoring(Skill Level 65), the pattern can be bought from a renown vendor of the Dragonscale Expedition faction (Renown 19) trainer for 200 gold.
Average price on Auction House: 12500 gold (NA), 10500 gold (EU).
Materials needed to craft: Spool of Wilderthread (5), Azureweave Bolt (3).
1. Misty Satchel
The best bag in the game right now is obvious. The Misty Satchel is a completely free 34 slot general bag. What seemed impossible in previous expansions is now just waiting for you to get it. Just fly through the waterfall near the Ruby Life Pools at the Waking Shores and claim this beauty for yourself.
Get Misty Satchel if:
- Just get it, everyone should get this one.
How To Get Misty Satchel:
- Obtainable from a Dragonflight Treasure at the Waking Shores (59, 53), directly north of the Ruby Life Pools and through the waterfall in the lake.
Average price on Auction House: Cannot be sold.
Materials needed to craft: Cannot be crafted.
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