Warwick is in TFT now with his deadly claws and fangs to eat out his enemies. He is the mightiest wolf out there with 4 gold, and he surely knows what to do to get you there in the first place.
Warwick is one of the strongest champions in this set, as he casts his ultimate slashing enemies and sustaining tons of health.
In this article, you will find a detailed guide on how to use Warwick in TFT and what the best combos are for him to make sure you win your games.
I'll do a trick for a Warwick snack!
Warwick is the best choice when it comes to mid- to late-game rounds, where he can deal tons of damage and still survive with his huge omnivamp ability.
Warwick shares each of the following traits: Lasercorps, Brawler, and A.D.M.I.N., which makes him a huge pick because he stacks tons of health and magic damage as long as he gets the extra effect.
Warwick’s stats, traits, items, and everything related to him are going to be discussed below to make sure you win your games and get the most out of his combos.
Best Warwick builds in TFT Set 8.5
Warwick’s stats:
- Cost: 4
- Health: 900 / 1620 / 2916
- Mana: 90
- Starting Mana: 40
- Armor: 50
- MR: 50
- DPS: 76 / 137 / 246
- Damage: 80 / 144 / 259
- Atk Spd: 0.95
- Crit Rate: 25%
- Range: 1
Warwick’s traits:
1. A.D.M.I.N.
A.D.M.I.N programs a custom configuration per player each game.
- 2 [Initialize ADMIN cause and effect]
- 4 [Add another effect to the program]. Boost all tiers by 25%
- 6 Boost previous tiers by 100%
2. LaserCorps
When a drone pilot attacks or is hit by an attack, their combat drone deals magic damage to the agent's target (0.4 second cooldown). When a pilot dies, their drone is reassigned to the nearest living pilot.
Drones lasers deal:
- 3 30 magic damage.
- 4 50 magic damage. All units get a LaserCorp drone.
- 5 65 magic damage. All units get a LaserCorp drone.
- 6 99 magic damage. All units get a LaserCorp drone.
3. Brawler
Brawlers gain additional maximum Health.
- 2 +20% Max Health
- 4 +45% Max Health
- 6 70% Max Health
- 8 +100% Max Health
Warwick’s ability
Passive: Warwick gains Omnivamp. Upon his first takedown, he enters Empowered Kill Mode 2.0, granting himself 60% Attack Speed and causing him to leap to new targets for the rest of combat.
Active: Warwick leaps and slashes at his target, attacking 6 times and dealing a percent of his Attack Damage. If the unit dies, he gains 10 mana for each remaining slash.
- Percent of Attack Damage: 460% / 480% / 800%
- Omnivamp: 15% / 15% / 50%
Carousel priority:
These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:
Warwick’s best items
1. Runaan's Hurricane
Grant 20% bonus Attack Damage. Attacks fire a bolt at a nearby enemy, dealing 50% Attack Damage as physical damage.
2. Bloodthirster
Grant 20% Omnivamp.
Once per combat at 40% Health, gain a 25% maximum Health shield that lasts up to 5 seconds.
3. Titan’s Resolve
Grant 2% Attack Damage and 2 Ability Power when attacking or taking damage, stacking up to 25 times.
At full stacks, grant 25 Armor and Magic Resist.
Best comps for Warwick
- 4 A.D.M.I.N.
- 3 Hacker
- 2 Brawler
- 2 Spellslinger
This is a slow reroll to level 8 with a strong economy trying to get LeBlanc to 3 stars, and if you manage to get the others, you will get the best out of this team.
This team revolves around Leblanc as a Hacker, A.D.M.I.N., and Spellslinger.
Best team for this comp:
1-LeBlanc is the main source of damage, having 3 active traits and being placed on Hecarim’s spot.
2-Shen is the 2nd Hacker, and you can also place Riven to have the Defender trait activated.
3-Camille can deal some good damage and will add to the A.D.M.I.N. trait.
4-Blitzcrank will be activating both the A.D.M.I.N. and Brawler traits.
5-Sona is a great choice as she can deal some great damage from the backlines, heal her allies, and activate the Spellslinger trait for Leblanc.
6-Warwick is a great source of damage in his comp as he shares the Brawler and A.D.M.I.N. traits.
7-Pyke is the 3rd Hacker member, and he is a great CC champ as he has a huge stun.
- 5 Lasercorps
- 4 Brawler
- 2 Defender
- 2 A.D.M.I.N.
- 1 Ace
This is one of the best combos to play to rank up, and it revolves around Warwick being the main carry.
You can replace Riven and Garen with Vi and Alistar for the Aegis in case you need more magic resist than armor.
Best team for this comp:
1-Warwick is the main damage dealer as he has tons of HP as he shares the Brawler trait, has an extra effect for the A.D.M.I.N. trait, and can deal tons of damage with the Lasercorps trait activated.
2-Garen is a really strong frontline as he shares the Defender trait, and his stun gives you a huge advantage.
3-Riven is a great frontline and a critical choice as she shares both the Brawler and Defender traits, and she can deal some good damage.
4-Blitzcrank is a critical pick as he shares both the A.D.M.I.N. and Brawler traits, which give Warwick huge extra stats.
5-Ashe can deal some good damage from the backlines, and she also shares the Lasercorps trait.
6-Yasuo can knock up enemies, and he also shares the Lasercorps trait.
7-Renekton is your must-pick as he shares both the Brawler and Lasercorps traits.
8-Mordekaiser is a great damage dealer and is a great fit in this comp as he shares both the Lasercorps with the team and the Ace trait, which allows him to execute enemies.
- 4 Lasercorps
- 4 Brawler
- 2 A.D.M.I.N.
- 2 Sureshot
This is a slow reroll to level 7, trying to get all the 1 and 2 cost champions to level 3, and you can also place Kayle or Vayne instead of Warwick as item holders until you get him in the shop.
This comp revolves around Warwick being your main damage dealer, as he shares Brawler, A.D.M.I.N., and Lasercorps traits.
Best team for this comp:
1-Warwick is the main damage dealer as he can deal tons of damage as he got buffed, and he also shares 3 of the main traits, which are the Brawler, which gives him extra health, the Lasercorps, which gives him extra magic damage, and the A.D.M.I.N., which gives him an extra buff.
2-Sivir would deal some pretty good damage starting in the early to late game as she shares the Sureshot with Ashe.
3-Ashe would deal tons of damage as she shares the Sureshot and the Lasercorps traits.
4-Yasuo is a great frontline damage dealer as he shares the Lasercorps trait.
5-Lee Sin is the 4th Brawler member, which gives more health.
6-Renekton is a Brawler and Lasercorps member, which makes him a must-have on your team.
7-Blitzcrank is a Brawler and an A.D.M.I.N., which gives an extra buff to Warwick.