As part of the Cybernetics and an Infiltrator, here are the Top 10 best items on the troubled boy Ekko!
-->Starting Items
3. Locket of Iron Solari
The recipe to get the item is by merging Needlessly Large Rod and Chain Vest.
The item is good on Ekko because:
- It is increasing his Spell power;
- Of the item’s Passive which can be applied on allies too.
Details of the item:
- Increases the Ability Power by 20%;
- Increases the Armor by 25;
- Has Unique Passive to shield allies within 2 hexes in the first 8 seconds at the start of the combat.
2. Morellonomicon
The recipe to get the item is by merging Giant’s Belt and Needlessly Large Rod.
The item is good on Ekko because:
- Massively increases the Spell power;
- Has Unique Passive to make Ekko’s targets weaker, which goes in perfect combination with his Spell
Details of the Item:
- Increases the Ability Power by 20%;
- Increases Health by 200;
- Has Unique Passive to deal 2.7% of the target’s maximum Health, per second, applying Grievous Wounds which reduced healing on the target.
1. Ionic Spark
The recipe to get the item is by merging Needlessly Large Rod and Negatron Cloak.
The item is good on Ekko because:
- It is increasing his Spell power;
- Of his Special Ability, which would make the item Passive to be applied to all enemies caught by his spell.
Details of the item:
- Increases the Ability Power by 20%;
- Increases the Magic Resistance by 25;
- Has Unique Passive to reduce the Magic Resistance to the enemies within two hexes and when they cast their Special Ability, they are dealt 225% Magic Damage of their maximum Mana.
-->Early Items
2. Guardian Angel
The recipe to get the item is by merging B.F. Sword and Chain Vest.
The item is good on Ekko because:
- It is granting Ekko bonus Attack Damage;
- Of the item’s Passive which is making Ekko available to maintain longer in combat and to cast his Spell more than once.
Details of the item:
- Increases the Attack Damage by 15;
- Increases the Armor by 25;
- Has Unique Passive to grant reviving upon death and grants 400 Health. Cleanses the negative effects after reborn.
1. Red Buff
The recipe to get the item is by merging Giant’s Belt and Chain Vest.
The item is good on Ekko because:
- Of its Unique Passive which negates the target’s Armor and in combination with his Special Ability, the Passive would be applied to each enemy;
- It is granting him extra Health.
Details of the item:
- Increases Health by 200;
- Increases the Armor by 25;
- Has Unique Passive to burn 2.7% of the target’s maximum Health on-hit while applying Grievous Wounds which reduces the target’s healing.
-->Core Items
3. Hextech Gunblade
The recipe to get the item is to merge B.F. Sword and Needlessly Large Rod.
The item is good on Ekko because:
- Increases the Attack and Spell power;
- Grants him healing from spell damage;
Details of the Item:
- Increases the Attack Damage by 15;
- Increases the Spell Power by 20;
- Has Unique Passive to grant healing from spell damage;
2. Jeweled Gauntlet
The recipe to get the item is by merging Needlessly Large Rod and Sparring Gloves.
The item is good on Ekko because:
- Massively increases the Spell power;
- Grants him the chance for critical strikes of the Special Ability which allows dealing enormous damage.
Details of the Item:
- Increases the Ability Power by 20%;
- Increases the Critical chance by 20%;
- Has Unique Passive to grant Critical chance to the Special Ability.
1. Rabadons Deathcap
The recipe to get the item is by merging two Needlessly Large Rods.
The item is good on Ekko because:
- It massively increases his Spell Power;
Details of the Item:
- Increases the Spell Power by 40%;
- Has Unique Passive to amplify Spell Power stat by 50%;
-->End Game Items
2. Trap Claw
The recipe to get the item is by merging Giant’s Belt and Sparring Gloves.
The item is good on Ekko because:
- Of the item’s Unique Passive which makes Ekko immune of enemies first Spell cast on him;
- It is granting him extra Health.
Details of the item:
- Increases the maximum Health by 200;
- Increases the Dodge chance by 20%;
- Has Unique Passive to grant a Spell Shield, which stuns the first enemy champion for 4 seconds who breaks it.
1. Quicksilver
The recipe to get Quicksilver is combining Negatron Cloak and Sparring Gloves.
The item is good on Ekko because:
- It is granting him crowd control resistance;
- Increases his defensive abilities.
Details of the item:
- Increases the Magic Resistance by 25;
- Increases the Dodge chance by 20%;
- Has Unique Passive to grant immunity to crowd control effects in the first 15 seconds of the battle.
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