Vanilla armor is good and all, but if everyone is wearing the same thing then there's no longer any space for individuality. Fashion and vanity items have been a staple in modern games and Terraria lacks in none of it. There are a vast array of Vanity costumes that range from nods to certain games or even disguises for Terraria developers. Find out which ones are the most eye-catching in our top 10 Terraria best outfits that are great!
10. Explosive personality
This outfit might spark some wonderful memories in some and nightmares in others. Every gamer knows what a Creeper is and Terraria knows it. While a lot of players often compare Minecraft and Terraria, the games' developers have been known to be on good terms. Both games show splash screens and titles that include jabs of trying the other game and vice versa.
Item details:
- This outfit perfectly shows what a creeper would look like in Terraria.
What makes it awesome:
- What's not to love about a little Minecraft collab?
How to get it:
- Drops from Goodie Bags during Halloween (not Pumpkin Moon)
- Click HERE for more info
9. I See an Eskimo!
Those of us that have been alive before the internet will recognize these as the costumes of the 2 unnamed climbers in the Nintendo cult classic, Ice Climber. The younger generation, however, will know them as Nana and Popo from Super Smash Bros. Terraria has been known to give nods to classic games (more of which are on this list) and has given them respect by adding iconic costumes for players to don.
Item details:
- The outfit comes in two colors, both pink and blue
- Has 4 defense when not worn as vanity.
What makes it awesome:
- Perfect for couples playing in multiplayer
How to get it:
- Drops from Frozen Zombies in the Ice Biome
- Click HERE for more info
8. It's-a me! Mario!
No gamer does not know of the legendary Mario Mario. He's by far one of the most iconic characters in video game history. This is why the Plumber set is highly popular for cosplaying our favorite pipe-diving genius. It does, however, boast a low drop rate for the hat from Fire Imps in the underworld. Yikes!
Item details:
- Allows you to do a Super Mario cosplay with your friends in Terraria.
What makes it awesome:
- Great for playing Mario-themed adventure maps
How to get it:
- Hat drops from Fire Imps at 0.4%. The suit and pants are bought from the Clothier on a Full Moon.
- Click HERE for more info
7. Santa Claus is coming to town!
Christmas is a widely known holiday celebrated across the globe. This is why almost everybody knows who this man in a red bodysuit is. Donning his favorite jumper, you can celebrate Christmas in style by buying this set directly from the Santa NPC after the Frost Legion has been defeated. The Mrs. Claus costume is different, however, since it can only be acquired during the Christmas season.
Item details:
- The male Santa set is what you usually see in popular media. The female sprite shows a giant red bow in the chest. If you'd like a more simple-looking female sprite, then go for the Mrs. Claus set.
What makes it awesome:
- Great for playing during Christmas, or if you really just want to be St. Nick!
How to get it:
- Santa set is bought for 45 gold from the Santa NPC. Mrs. Claus set is dropped from Presents during Christmas.
- Click HERE for more info
6. Yarrrrgh! We Be Pirates!
Pirates are very popular. They're seen in almost all Halloween costume parties around the world. A whole lot of people want to be pirates and if you're one of them, this one's for you! There are multiple pirate-themed costumes in Terraria, most of which drop from the Pirate invasion event. If you want the Captain's costume, you'd have to buy it from him after defeating the event.
Item details:
- Allows you to do a Pirate cosplay with your friends in Terraria.
What makes it awesome:
- Great for playing Pirate-themed adventure maps
How to get it:
- Basic pirate sets drop from the mobs in the invasion. Buy the captain's clothes from the Captain NPC.
- Click HERE for more info
5. Don't Starve
A few years ago, there was a huge collaboration event between Terraria and Don't Starve. They included multiple new weapons, enemies, and an entirely special seed with new mechanics. While the event gave us plenty of Don't Starve content, the playthrough won't be complete without Wilson's Gentleman's Set and Willow's Firestarter's Set.
Item details:
- Play as your own version of Wilson and Willow with these craftable outfits
What makes it awesome:
- Gets you in the correct mindset when playing the Constant seed.
How to get it:
- Both sets are crafted with silk on a loom
- Click HERE for more info for the Gentleman’s set and HERE for the Firestarter’s set
4. Legend of Link
Another iconic videogame franchise is the Legend of Zelda. Play as both Link and Zelda with these classic-styled costumes. Although aptly named the Royal set and the Hero set, these are undoubtedly based off of the main characters of the Zelda series.
Item details:
- The Hero set is Link while Royal Princess set is Zelda
What makes it awesome:
- Great for roleplaying the key figures of Hyrule in Terraria.
How to get it:
- The Hero set is crafted with silk on a loom while the Royal set is bought from the Princess NPC.
- Click HERE for more info
3. Capricorn
If you ever wanted to play as an anthropomorphic creature, the Capricorn set is by far the most majestic. This is a vanity set that was just added through a contest that was held during Journey's End's launch period. It has a very unique mechanic of being able to switch between hooves and a tail by right-clicking the leg set piece.
Item details:
- Features a very detailed sprite with animations
What makes it awesome:
- Switch between legs or a tail whenever you want
How to get it:
- Crafted from Coral, Fallen Stars, Silk, and Silver Dyes on a loom
- Click HERE
2. Developer Sets
There are a wide array of costumes that are tied to specific Terraria developers. The one featured on the thumbnail is one from Whitney "Cenx" Baird who is the Vice President of Re-Logic and one of Terraria's lead game designers. There are loads of other costumes, including decent hardmode wings, that you can get from simple boss treasure bags in Expert mode.
Item details:
- Great for impersonating devs!
What makes it awesome:
- Some sets include developer wings which offer decent fly speed and fall damage cancellation.
How to get it:
- Can be obtained randomly in boss treasure bags in Expert mode.
- Click HERE for a comprehensive list of developer items
1. Familiar Set
The Familiar set is by far the most used vanity set in the game. It allows you to see your basic character sprite when you made the game and is for people who want to look at the character that they spent their time making. It's also great for removing helmets or specific armor pieces when you don't feel like seeing them. Overall, people just use them like a toggle to show their character's faces.
Item details:
- Wearing a Familiar item in the vanity slots will disable the currently equipped graphics
What makes it awesome:
- Can be used to toggle equipment display on and off
How to get it:
- Purchased from the Clothier NPC for 1 gold each
- Click HERE for more info