Read on to find out what decks you will have the most success with on your quest for LP!
A fresh meta: Patch 3.10.0 just rolled around, bringing the LoR playerbase some much needed balance and meta updates. Eight days into the new patch and the wheat is beginning to separate from the chaff. After reviewing the stats and consulting with some top players, I am ready to bring you the ten best decks to climb the ranked ladder with!
10. Pyke Rek’Sai (Lurk)
Keep this image in mind the next time you eat some fishsticks
This highly thematic archetype has been lurking around in the meta of every patch so far, and this one is no exception. A strong aggressive early game and a consistent transition into your finishers like Rek’Sai and Jaull-fish (thanks to the predict mechanic) make this deck an easy and reliable climbing tool.
This deck needs to trigger the lurk mechanic as often and as early as possible, so to get the most out of it you have to keep around units to attack with – and while your units are generally well-equipped for this task, their low health stat makes them vulnerable to the removal spells that some of the stronger decks on this list are just loaded with. Lurk also lacks interaction, outside of the Death From Below spell which is somewhat situational.
Due to this the deck earns only the tenth spot on the list, however it provides quick games and a straightforward play style with high rolls that will blow your opponent out of the water!
What is great about Lurk:
- Good curve with aggressive early game, good tempo and strong late game.
- Pyke and Rek’Sai demand specific answers and can win games on their own.
- Easy to learn-hard to master playstyle; the deck has a lot of potential, however you can do very well by just throwing fish in your opponent’s face until their HP hits zero.
- Quick games! Lurk games are decided early, which lets you get in more games to climb faster.
- Unstoppable high rolls that give it a fighting chance against any deck on this list.
- There is room for tech-cards like more Rite of Negation or maybe Quicksand, depending on the meta.
3x Sharkling
2x Treasure Seeker
3x Xer’sai Hatchling
3x Aspiring Chronomancer
3x Call the Pack
3x Redfin Hammersnout
3x Snapjaw Swarm
3x Rek’Sai
3x Xer’sai Caller
3x Pyke
1x Rite of Negation
2x Blood in the Water
3x Xerxa’Reth, the Undertitan
3x Xer’sai Dunebreaker
2x Jaull-fish
9. Trundle Tryndamere (Feel the Rush)
Now thats what you call a ramp-payoff
Another evergreen archetype like Lurk, this has been the flagship of control decks in Legends of Runeterra ever since the KDA event when Feel the Rush was released.
In Patch 3.4.0 it received a massive power spike when She who Wanders was changed to also affect Champions. With the addition of this late-game behemoth, the deck is capable of obliterating the hopes and dreams of any opponent that is not fast enough. Being fast enough however is not so simple, since this deck has great tools to fend off aggression. From board clears to single target removal and efficient healing, this deck has every tool needed to stabilize early and transition into its powerful win conditions.
Look for Faces of the Old Ones and Catalyst of Aeons in your opening hand and keep some AoE removal against aggressive decks, and not much should stand in your way to the Master rank. Its greatest weaknesses are Deny and rally effects – unfortunately for control fans there is no shortage of those in this meta, which is why FTR earns only the ninth spot on this ranking.
What is great about FTR:
- One of the strongest late games there is. Only decks with very specific tools can compete with it past turn 10.
- This deck does not depend on a board: you win in one or two explosive turns and don’t need a board before that. This makes you very resilient against the popular removal based decks.
- Powerful board clears: if your opponent relies on making a board full of small guys they do not want to face Trundle Tryndamere, it’s as simple as that!
- Feel the Rush ends games abruptly, so even if in theory your opponent’s deck has a stronger late game, chances are they won’t live to get there.
- In addition to destroying wide boards, this deck is also great against single big units due to Vengeance and Three Sisters.
- This deck gets to run The Ruination. Yes, that is a great thing in itself. Many decks in this meta commit to one board, and if you see it get out of hand you can just press that Ruination button.
- Trundle has 6 HP... b-but why tho?
2x Three Sisters
3x Faces of the Old Ones
3x Vile Feast
3x Kindly Tavern Keeper
2x Avalanche
3x Blighted Ravine
1x The Box
3x Catalyst of Aeons
3x Trundle
2x Withering Wail
3x Vengeance
2x Atrocity
2x It That Stares
3x Tryndamere
1x Voices of the Old Ones
1x The Ruination
3x Feel the Rush
8. Nami Twisted Fate (Zombie Fish)
Nami doing her magic
Now we are finally departing from the familiar land of staple decks and entering the foreign waters of the latest patch, and in its depths we encounter Nami and her terrifying armada of ghost-fish!
This deck is not as intuitive and straightforward as the previous two but it is every bit as powerful, and if played to its fullest potential it will leave your opponent wondering whatever it is that happened between turn 5 and turn 6 that made them go from a seemingly won game to 0 HP on their nexus.
Use your token spells like Double Trouble, Answered Prayer and Vile Feast to hold the line while you accumulate 8 spell mana for Nami's level up. Then aim to establish Nami and Fleet Admiral Shelly onto the board, play your by now reduced Burblfishes and go to town with Shadow Isles Tellstones into Mark of the Isles for insane amounts of elusive damage seemingly out of nowhere!
Of course it doesn’t always go that way, and oftentimes you end up using the Nami buffs to trade the board down. Utilize the other two options from Tellstones to stop enemy attacks, or kill their threats and then eventually go for a spooky finisher with The Harrowing (hence the name Zombie Fish).
This deck can be extraordinarily strong if played right, and some top players consider it one of the very best in the game. However the playstyle can be unintuitive and the deck is a bit inconsistent at times – pair this with the high skill floor and a slight proneness to aggro decks, and Nami TF ranks only at #8. But remember that, in the hands of an experienced Nami player, this deck can be truly harrowing!
What is great about Nami TF:
- Very efficient tempo plays. Nami is effectively a 2 mana 3 /4 with a lot of potential to snowball the game.
- Flexible gameplan: you have the elusive damage gameplan, but since this deck has so much draw and so many threats you can also play the long game, and if your opponent ever slows down you can easily switch back to hitting him with big elusives.
- This deck can win out of nowhere with sudden OTKs or maybe a Ruination into Harrowing play, so you should never surrender when playing the Zombie Fish deck.
- Sometimes Twisted Fate levels, and that’s always fun.
2x Fading Memories
3x Shadow Isles Tellstones
1x Answered Prayer
2x Coral Creatures
3x Glimpse Beyond
3x Vile Feast
3x Double Trouble
3x Nami
3x Tentacle Smash
3x Twisted Fate
2x Zap Sprayfin
3x Eye of Nagakabouros
3x Fleet Admiral Shelly
2x Vengeance
3x Wiggly Burblefish
1x The Ruination
1x The Harrowing
7. Bard Poppy Demacia
Bard Poppy players on their way to Master Rank
From the deep sea into soaring heights, we now fly on swiftly to this board-based Byrd and Bard deck where bird is the word.
Poppy Bard is as Demacia as Demacia decks come. You play overstatted units, buff them even more with Durand Sculptor, the Poppy attacking ability, Bannerman, For Demacia and Swiftwing Flight, and if after all that – somehow, someway – some trade still doesn’t line up: don’t worry, you will probably draw some chimes that will push your stats to the desired thresholds. After a couple attacks with your beefed-up challenger units your opponent’s board should be as empty and barren as the deserts of Shurima, at which point a rally effect will bring the game to a timely finish.
If you want a simple but powerful deck to steamroll through the ranks with, Poppy Bard Demacia is a great pick. Despite its ability to run opponents over, the deck is a bit rigid and exploitable by certain strategies, which is why the Silverwings will fly no higher than rank seven today.
What is great about Poppy Bard Demacia:
- Simple but effective. You won’t get too many decisions to make, but while the games may feel a bit on rails, the railroad sure leads to a high ladder rank.
- Extremely powerful high rolls, like hitting two chimes on Petricite Broadwing on turn 2. Yeah, that’s a 2 mana 5/5 challenger by turn 3.
- Probably the strongest board-based deck in the meta, almost nothing can trade up against your units.
- This deck is filled with challenger units, allowing it to control the key threats of the opponent’s deck. Sometimes it is worth it to use a rally, just to quickly eliminate a Nami for example.
- Despite the early curve, this deck can last well into the later turns thanks to some card generation and Bard scaling.
3x Byrd, the Bellringer
3x Fleetfeather Tracker
2x Penitent Squire
1x Brightsteel Protector
3x Durand Sculptor
3x Petricite Broadwing
3x Sharpsight
2x Laurent Protege
1x Vanguard Sergeant
1x Silverwing Vanguard
2x Swiftwing Flight
3x Golden Aegis
3x Poppy
3x Bard
1x Relentless Pursuit
3x Vanguard Bannerman
2x Concerted Strike
1x Genevieve Elmheart
6. Irelia Azir (Blade Dance)
Isn't this just an awe inspiring sight? Yeah, and this card is not even in the deck! Just wait until you see Azir!
Many LoR veterans fondly remember the time when this deck was so strong and so popular on ladder that people would concede the game immediately upon queuing into it, out of protest against it going without nerfs for so long. Even after this deck did receive numerous nerfs, Irelia Azir was still the undisputed king of the meta. Only once the Flawless Duet token itself had its cost increased to 2 mana the deck’s reign of terror ended.
Well, guess what… it’s back! Irelia now has Attune, and it makes all the difference. The deck still has the same play patterns that we used to love: set up your engine with Emperor’s Dais, Azir and Irelia and devastate your opponent with two, three and even sometimes four attacks in one turn, utilizing all the attack bonuses that your champions and synergy cards provide. Protect your key cards with recalls and health buffs, and soon enough your opponent will feel completely helpless against the onslaught of magical Sand Soldiers and flying razor blades. Blade Dance also received some great new tools since its glory days, in the form of Shadow Apprentice and The Stagehand in some builds.
This deck is very good, but some players consider it slightly overplayed at this point. It struggles a bit against early aggression and your engine can be vulnerable to removal; additionally, you are highly dependant on finding key engine pieces like Azir or Dais early on for the deck to even function properly. Lastly, you can struggle with defence sometimes, since there aren’t many good blockers. It is for these reasons that the winds of Shurima’s vast deserts will carry this deck no further than rank 6 on our list.
What is great about Blade Dance:
- Unique play pattern: many decks simply don’t have the tools to even begin to contest Azir Irelia.
- Very polarizing matchups: if you are constructing a tournament lineup Azir Irelia is always a consideration, because it can target specific decks like FTR that simply do not stand a chance.
- Once your engine is established you are basically unstoppable. I don’t remember when I last saw an Azir Irelia player with leveled Azir and Irelia on board lose.
- I mentioned before that sometimes you draw badly, and the deck can seem weak due to that. Well, on the other hand, when you draw well this deck is in a league of its own.
- You will have to plan ahead with Blade Dance, allowing a good player to gain an edge.
2x Rite of Calling
2x Dunekeeper
2x Shadow Apprentice
3x Sparring Student
1x Ancient Hourglass
3x Emperor’s Dais
2x Greenglade Duo
3x Lead and Follow
1x Nopeify!
3x Ribbon Dancer
1x The Stagehand
2x Twin Disciplines
3x Azir
3x Irelia
3x Defiant Dance
2x Field Musicians
3x Blossoming Blade
1x Storm of Blades
5. Miss Fortune Quinn (Scouts)
Pray that you will never see Miss Fortune like this...Because that is her Level 2 artwork!
Scouts has been a staple of aggressive decks in Legends of Runeterra ever since the Scout keyword was introduced. This deck features the two most powerful Demacia champions: Miss Fortune and Golden Aegis! It also runs Quinn, I think. Jokes aside, this deck is as strong as ever – and if you are looking to climb the ranks quickly and effortlessly, as per usual, Scouts is the deck you want to play.
You have amazing matchups into almost all control and combo decks: you will overwhelm most decks that require a degree of set-up, like Nami TF or Blade Dance. Decks that cannot remove or threaten Miss Fortune don’t have a chance against you, apart from the chance of you just not drawing her in time. Likewise, just as it is your opponent’s task to kill Miss Fortune on sight, it is your task to protect her come hell or high water! To this end you can use Sharpsight, Ranger’s Resolve and most importantly Brightsteel Protector, should your opponent commit the grave error of taking one too many actions to contest her. It is of course possible to win without Miss Fortune, just using the familiar Poppy Bard strategy of making a big board and rallying until your opponent can’t fight back anymore.
This deck doesn’t really have any glaring weaknesses other than being a bit too dependant on drawing Miss Fortune and, well, just being an aggressive deck that tends to run out of steam if it doesn’t take the game early. However, it ranks at #5 not because there is much wrong with it, but only because the following decks are particularly good.
What is great about Scouts:
- Very fast games: this deck will give you the quantity without sacrificing quality. A high win rate and games that last mere minutes.
- You can win against any deck with this. Even in the few bad matchups, you always have a chance if you draw a strong curve.
- Highly flexible build allowing for many tech cards. Scouts used to run Stony Suppressor at some point. Now it runs Zap Sprayfin and Inspiring Light. The core of the deck is Miss Fortune, assorted scout units and rally effects – everything else can be adapted to fit the current meta.
- Easy deck to pick up on, great for beginners who are looking to learn the game while also climbing to higher ranks in order to face new challenges quickly.
3x Fleetfeather Tracker
1x Ranger’s Resolve
1x Shellshocker
3x Brightsteel Protector
3x Durand Sculptor
3x Inspiring Light
1x Marai Warden
3x Petricite Broadwing
2x Sharpsight
3x Miss Fortune
3x Vanguard Sergeant
3x Golden Aegis
3x Island Navigator
3x Zap Sprayfin
3x Quinn
2x Genevieve Elmheart
4. Annie Twisted Fate
Thats what turn 6 looks like for your opponent.
With Annie TF we are entering the true meta-shapers: the last four decks are the ones you want to have in mind when building your own list. This one in particular is the reason why you don’t see cards like Aurelion Sol much on ladder anymore.
The archetype of Bilgewater Noxus midrange has existed for a long time now, but never has it been this intimidating. Apart from the usual power cards, like Ravenous Flock and Arachnoid Sentry or Twisted Fate and Make it Rain with Kegs, this new version makes the most use of cards released in recent patches.
Ravenbloom Conservatory will eventually give you Tybaulk (or Tabaluga as some people have started calling it), allowing you to scale your numerous damage effects. This allows you to switch from a midrange style to a combo gameplan where you use multiple Tybaulks and eventually play a pumped-up Riptide Rex. Through this new angle, Bilgewater Noxus gains a fighting chance against previously rather unpleasant matchups like Feel the Rush.
Another addition is the meta staple Disintegrate. This card is the reason why investing in one big unit really is not the way to go right now (unless that unit is Fizz). Disintegrate is particularly strong because, unlike Flock, it can be cast in one action with a damaging spell or even be used in combat to tip a trade in your favour.
Now, you may think that with all these cheap pings and aggressive low-curve units like Annie this deck is prone to running out of steam quickly, but this problem is handily addressed in the form of Eye of Nagakabouros. 5 mana for two cards is inefficient, but in addition you get a 2/2 unit. At burst speed! And the next Eye will buff the token +2/2, allowing for some surprising trades or even lethal pushes. If this is not enough card draw for you, you can still run cards like Fortune Croaker or Whispered Words, as some versions do.
Overall Annie Twisted Fate is a very well-rounded midrange deck that has the tools to adapt to any situation, earning it one of the highest play rates in the latest patch and the fourth rank on this list.
What is great about Annie TF:
- Extremely efficient removal. Poppy Bard may have great stats, but even they can’t do much against 1 mana deal 4!
- Strong early game and great finishers.
- Very flexible: can adapt its plan to different decks.
- Also very flexible in the cards you run. There are a lot of versions of this deck around and most perform equally well, so you can adapt the deck to suit your needs and style.
- Sometimes TF levels... and we have already established that that’s fun.
3x Annie
2x Blade’s Edge
3x Ravenbloom Conservatory
3x Ravenous Flock
2x Disintegrate
2x Dreadway Deckhand
3x House Spider
3x Make it Rain
3x Arachnoid Sentry
3x Death’s Hand
1x Scorched Earth
3x Twisted Fate
3x Zap Sprayfin
3x Eye of Nagakabouros
3x Riptide Rex
3. Jayce Heimerdinger
"And then you play the 6-cost-spell when you have 6 mana!" Jayce giving a briefing on how to play Jayce Heimer
This inventive deck combines the 6-cost-spell synergy with the tech synergy package seamlessly, and utilises both Heimerdinger and Jayce to great effect.
Similar to Annie Twisted Fate, this is a midrange deck with tools to rise up to almost any challenge. In my opinion, however, this deck just has slightly better tools.
Or should I say: it can have better tools. Because there are not too many spells that cost six or more that are worth main decking, this list includes several card generation effects. Some of them let you choose similarly to Hearthstone’s discover mechanic, and some just create a random spell in your hand. These high-cost, high-impact spells are what pushes the deck higher than just a powerful midrange deck with good card quality.
At its core, the deck is trying to use techs and Hextech Handler to build wide and powerful boards and snowball them with Heimerdinger. Once Heimer is on the board, all your 6-cost spells will give you the elusive turret with base stats 6/1. These are your main sources of damage. Eventually you want to finish the game with a leveled Jayce doubling up burn spells or using his own spell for a finishing attack.
The powerful Hextech core and adaptability through card generation makes Heimer Jayce a very reliable climbing tool. It may not be as fast as some other decks, but it will reward you for thinking ahead and analysing the situation correctly. As a deck that is equipped for all eventualities, it receives the bronze medal on this ranking.
What is great about Heimer Jayce:
- The Production Surge + Hextech Handler combo can give you a very strong start that some decks can’t deal with.
- Great late game that doesn’t sacrifice early stability.
- Amazing single target removal that synergizes with Heimer, giving you specifically the elusive turret once you cast it.
- Enough random card generation to keep the games fresh and novel.
- High degree of player agency, allowing skilled players to gain an edge.
- Can lead to crazy games due to high-impact randomly generated cards. Great deck if you are looking to climb and farm YouTube highlights.
3x Production Surge
2x Thermogenic Beam
2x Adaptatron 3000
2x Forge Chief
2x Mystic Shot
3x Vile Feast
3x Flash of Brilliance
3x Hextech Handler
3x Station Archivist
3x Jayce
3x Heimerdinger
2x Piercing Darkness
3x Vengeance
1x Albus Ferros
2. Ahri Bard
Honestl, I thought Sai'nen was a bad card. Yeah I was wrong.
The silver medal goes to this absolutely nasty elusive deck. Ahri Bard effortlessly combines the two things that go together in Legends of Runeterra like spaghetti and meatballs: elusive units and stat buffs!
Offensively, this deck is simple. If you draw Chimes on your elusives early, well, good job, you probably won. If not, however, that really is not the end of the world. Simply draw more by using recall effects on Dancing Droplet, or double up on Chimes by recalling the Chime generators like Byrd, the Bellringer and Esmus, Breath of the World.
This deck can run up to six Homecoming, and that card is a great defensive tool. Not only does it allow you to reuse the play effect of the recalled unit, but on defence it lets you block and then use the blocking unit to recall an enemy unit, effectively neutralizing two attackers with one card. Of course you have to be mindful of your opponent’s ability to stop your Homecoming, but with several counterspell effects and buffs that is an achievable task.
For later stages of the game you should consider using your recalls on Sai’nen Thousand-Tailed to keep drawing cards. If you can hold the board long enough while doing this you will accumulate Chimes on units in your hand, which provides great late game scaling. Alternatively, you can use Ahri’s leveled-up form to finish the game with a huge elusive swing.
Ahri Bard is an elusive deck that can continue pumping out threats seemingly forever, it has a good deal of interaction, it has access to heal against burn, it has Deny to disallow any major disruption through spells – for what should be a simple aggressive elusive deck, Ahri Bard has a plethora of midrange and control tools that make it hard to classify but more importantly very hard to beat.
This is not a fair deck, and liable to receive a nerf in future, but as it stands it comes to its rightful home at the second rank.
What is great about Ahri Bard:
- Very high power level. This deck just does things that are better than what other decks do.
- Despite having a low and aggressive curve, Ahri Bard can keep going even in later turns due to the option to recall and reuse units with a card draw effect.
- Bard provides a lot of stats once leveled. This is another source of value that can keep you going in the later stages of the game.
- Deny and recalls and buffs make it very hard to disrupt your strategy. This deck can feel uninteractive and unfair to the opponent very easily.
3x Byrd, the Bellringer
3x Dancing Droplet
2x Ionian Tellstones
3x Recalling
2x The Mourned
3x Ahri
3x Esmus, Breath of the World
3x Navori Conspirator
1x Navori Highwayman
2x Nopeify!
3x Twin Disciplines
2x Shadow Assassin
3x Bard
2x Deny
3x Homecoming
2x Sai’nen Thousand-Tailed
1. Aphelios Vi Zoe
Man this thing looks really cool... is what i thought before my opponent played it on turn 5...
not so fond of it since then.
And now for the undisputed, uncontested, unjustifiably still not nerfed, unfair and undeniably broken number one!
Our number one deck earns its rank in large due to the new card The Winding Light. This thing is like a Darius that also casts Pack Mentality on play. I don’t know if the developers thought that giving it Nightfall would balance it but, the way it turned out, having Nightfall is an upside for this card – and a big one too!
One advice that I can give you for this deck is: if you have the attack token on turn six and you had a Lunari Duskbringer before, do not play the Duskpetal Dust to trigger Aphelios’ Nightfall ability. Instead save it for turn six. The Duskpetal Dust will reduce Winding Light to 6 unit mana, allowing you to play it one turn earlier than intended for the cost of 1 spell mana (for the Duskpetal) and 6 unit mana. Not that Winding Light is weak if you play it on turn 7, but the ability to play it one turn too early is what makes this deck feel like it isn’t even a real deck. More like a bug, or a cheat.
Now, you may wonder: what if I don’t have a board to buff with this amazing Winding Light card? Well, don’t you worry about that! In order to fill your board with units worthy of being graced by our winding star dragon overlord, you have several tools available to you. Poro Cannon will give you elusive tokens that are great to buff, while also summoning Flame Chompers if you chose to discard them with it. Additional discard cards will make it easy to get Chompers onto the board. Zoe and Aphelios can both generate cheap units to fill the board with, and provide great value in general. Both of these champions can also be win conditions on their own, just in case you were concerned that the deck is too reliant on that overpowered 7-drop.
After getting in one Winding Light attack, you will usually be able to close the game out with some burn spells. Alternatively, simply use the tempo lead you got from your opponent having to trade their board in to survive. Should the game go a bit too long, you are by no means at a disadvantage as this deck has plenty of card draw, high value champions and some card generation in Feros Financier and Celestial Trifecta. But of course what makes the deck is The Winding Light, and the peerless power level of that card is what puts Aphelios Zoe Vi in a league of its own, making it the crowning piece of this ranking.
What is great about Zoe Vi Aphelios:
- The Winding Light
3x Poro Cannon
3x Lunari Duskbringer
3x Zaunite Urchin
2x Zoe
3x Boom Baboon
3x Ferros Financier
1x Flame Chompers!
2x Mountain Goat
3x Mystic Shot
2x Pale Cascade
3x Aphelios
3x Get Excited!
3x Sump Dredger
1x Moonlight Affliction
1x Vi
1x Celestial Trifecta
3x The Winding Light
This concludes my Top 10 of the most powerful decks in Legends of Runeterra at this moment. I hope you found this article useful and discovered a deck that may serve you well in your quest for LP. See you next time!
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