Top 11 Games Like God of War (Games Better Than God of War In Their Own Way)

Games Like God of War

What Are The Best Games Like God of War?

God of War (2018) is a semi-open world action-adventure game that took the Spartan Kratos out of Greece and gave him a new pantheon to obliterate; this time the Norse gods. The game served as a soft reboot of the series by changing the setting and adding a new dimension to Kratos by giving him a son. 

God of War is a special game, but what made it special? The setting? The combat? The tone?


The following 11 PC games share similarities with God of War, and here is why they are worth checking out.  

11. Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice Gameplay

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice is an action-adventure game developed by FromSoftware (The studio behind Dark Souls). The game takes place in a fantastical version of 16th century Japan where you control a Shinobi out for vengeance. Like God of War, the action is brutal, and the game takes inspiration from both history and myth.

Both games also contain big snakes!

When you look this cool, its almost a shame for the guards not to see you.

He had it coming!

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Stephen is a writer, historian and tour guide in DC . He has 3 Masters Degrees and was once captured by pirates. His proudest recent achievement was getting an NES controller to work on the Switch.
Gamer Since: 1988
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: God of War
Top 3 Favorite Games:Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine , Portal 2, Baldur's Gate

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