In this article, we will be discussing the best weapons, armor, materia, and gear that each member of the party present within Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will equip.
It’s essential for every RPG game to include evolving weapons, armor, gears, and since this is a Final Fantasy 7 Game, who wouldn’t forget some good ol’ Materia in the mix? After all, it’s a staple feature of all Final Fantasy 7 games.
Now, without further ado, let’s start the article.
7. Cloud

Everyone’s favorite blonde swordsman is back with a bang and has all the gears that you need if you have played Final Fantasy 7 Remake before. With this game, brand-new weapons and accessories will be your best friend here.
Since he is a jack-of-all-trades here, he is definitely going to be the most used character in every party setup, so be really careful with the type of setup and equipment that you’re going to give him. It can literally make or break the game.
Best Weapons:
- Early Game: Sleek Saber (Attach Fire and Ice, HP Up, and MP Up Materia on this weapon.)
Skill Rotation: ATB Charge Rate Up - Mid Game: Sleek Saber (Attach Fire and Ice, Wind, HP Up and Precision Defense Focus Materia on this weapon)
Skill Rotation: ATB Charge Rate Up, and Attack Power +20 - Late Game: Igneous Saber (Attach Auto-Unique Ability, Auto-Weapon Ability, Steadfast Block, Precision Defence Focus, Skill Master, and HP Up Materia on this weapon)
Skill Rotation: Unrelenting Punisher, Limit Gauge Stagger
Best Armor:
- Early Game: - Hunter’s Bangle (Attach Assess and Precision Defense Focus on this armor)
- Mid Game: Abyssal Bangle (Attach Assess, Chakra, and HP Absorption paired with Enemy Skill Materia on this armor)
- Late Game: Valkyrian Bangle (Attach First Strike paired with Limit Syphon, Darkside paired with Chakra, and HP Absorption paired with Enemy Skill Materia on this armor)
Best Accessory:
- Early Game: Hi-Power Wristguards (Increases strength by 5% and Increases max HP by 250)
- Mid Game: Hi-Power Wristguards (Increases strength by 5% and Increases max HP by 250)
- Late Game: Speed Demon Keychain (Slightly Replenishes ATB Gauge when using a weapon ability)
6. Tifa

The fastest Martial Artist of the party, Tifa, makes her return in Rebirth as well, and her gear concerns her fists, just like in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, so gear up those knuckles of hers and be ready to deliver a punch!
With super-sonic speed, she is ready to pummel and dish out foes in a matter of a few milliseconds!
Best Weapons:
- Early Game: Sylph Gloves (Attach Fire and Ice, Chakra, and Precision Defense Focus on this weapon)
Skill Rotation: ATB Charge Rate Up - Mid Game: Kaiser Knuckles (Attach HP Up paired with Enemy Skill and Chakra paired with Assess on this weapon)
Skill Rotation: Concentration - Late Game: Crystal Gloves Level 6 (Attach Precision Defense Focus paired with First Strike, Chakra, Speed Up, Auto-Weapon Ability, and Skill Master Materia on this weapon.)
Skill Rotation: Attack Power +20, Opening ATB Bonus, and Enhanced Techniques
Best Armor:
- Early Game: Hunter’s Bangle (Attach Lightning and HP Up Materia on this armor)
- Mid Game: Gold Coral Armlet (Attach Precision Defense Focus, First Strike, Steadfast Block, and ATB Stagger on this armor)
- Late Game: Hades Armlet (Attach Enemy Skill paired with HP Absorption, Strength Up paired with Steadfast Block, Time paired with Barrier, and ATB Stagger Materia on this armor)
Best Accessory:
- Early Game: Aureate Pinion (Increases speed by 10) or alternatively use Hi-Power Wristguards (Increases strength by 5% and Increases max HP by 250)
- Mid Game: Aureate Pinion (Increases speed by 10) or alternatively use Hi-Power Wristguards (Increases strength by 5% and Increases max HP by 250)
- Late Game: Full Throttle Wristguards (Increases strength by 10%. Increases max HP by 500.)
5. Aerith

Everyone’s favorite healer, Aerith, needs the best gear to cure the whole party now, right? We’ll be exploring some of the best gear that she will need to accompany Cloud and the remainder of the party!
She’s slow, very weak to physical attacks, and can be susceptible to damage to a great extent, but in terms of magic casting, she is definitely OP, and the right gear can make her a beast.
Best Weapons:
- Early Game: Timeless Rod (Attach Healing, Fire and Ice, and Wind Materia on this weapon)
Skill Rotation: Chrono Aegis - Mid Game: Wizard’s Rod (Can Attach the Materia in the following slots; Fire and Ice combined with Lightning and Wind, Empowerment combined with Fortification, and MP Up)
Skill Rotation: Enhanced Tempest and Max HP +200 - Late Game: Timeless Rod Level 5 (Can Attach the Materia in the following slots; Healing paired with Magnify, Lightning and Wind, and Time)
Skill Rotation: Ward Shift Mastery, Enduring Ward
Best Armor:
- Early Game: Copper Bracer (Attach HP Up and MP Up Materia on this armor)
- Mid Game: Abyssal Bangle (Can Attach the Materia in the following slots; Healing combined with Healing and Magic Efficiency, and HP Up)
- Late Game: Enhanced Yggdrasil Armlet (Can Attach the Materia in the following slots; Fire And Ice paired with MP Absorption, Prayer paired with ATB Boost, and First Strike paired with MP Up)
Best Accessory:
- Early Game: Magical Earrings (Increases magic power by 5% and Increases Max MP by 3%.)
- Mid Game: Circlet (Increases Max MP by 10% and Increases Magic Power by 5%)
- Late Game: Circlet (Increases Max MP by 10% and Increases magic power by 5%)
4. Barret

Our very own gunslinger of the party, Barret, is also returning to the fray and is best utilized as a Support or a Tank, totally depending on your playstyle!
He may be slow to move, but as a ranged marksman, he makes sure he hits his target with a bang.
Best Weapons:
- Early Game: Hi-Caliber Rifle (Attach Prayer paired with Healing, and Lightning Materia on this weapon)
Skill Rotation: - Magic Attack Power +20 - Mid Game: Gatling Gun (Attach Elemental paired with Lightning, and Prayer Materia on this weapon)
Skill Rotation: ATB Charge Rate Up and Max HP +200 - Late Game: Calamitous Bazooka Level 5 (Attach Auto-Unique Ability, Auto-Weapon Ability, Steadfast Block, Provoke, ATB Stagger and HP Up Materia on this weapon)
Skill Rotation: Massive Recharge, Overcharge Stagger Siphon
Best Armor:
- Early Game: Hunter’s Bangle (Attach HP Up and MP Up on this armor)
- Mid Game: Abyssal Bangle (Attach Steadfast Block paired with ATB Stagger, and HP Up Materia on this armor)
- Late Game: Celestial Bangle (Attach Barrier paired with Magic Efficiency, Vitality Up, Synergy Support, ATB Boost, and Prayer Materia on this armor)
Best Accessory:
- Early Game: Bulletproof Vest Mk.II (Increases Vitality by 5% and Increases max HP by 250)
- Mid Game: Survival Vest (Increases Vitality by 10%)
- Late Game: Survival Vest (Increases Vitality by 10%)
3. Red XIII

Red XIII was a cameo back in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, and we will finally be getting to play him in this game as well!
He is perfect as a Support, where he can attack enemies at a faster pace and can provide healing to himself and to the remainder of the party, too, acting as an alternative to Aerith!
Best Weapons:
- Early Game: Mythril Collar (Attach Chakra paired with Poison, and Lightning Materia on this weapon)
Skill Rotation: Invigorating Vengeance - Mid Game: Renegade Collar (Attach Poison, Ice, HP Up, and Precision Defense Focus Materia on this weapon)
Skill Rotation: ATB Charge Rate Up and Enduring Vengeance - Late Game: Golden Collar Level 5 (Attach Fire and Ice paired with Elemental, Steadfast Block, Speed Up, and HP Up Materia on this weapon)
Skill Rotation: Opening ATB Bonus, Vengeance Rate Charge Rate Up
Best Armor:
- Early Game: Hunter’s Bangle (Attach Precision Defense Focus paired with HP Up on this armor)
- Mid Game: Abyssal Bangle (Attach HP Absorption paired with Enemy Skill, and Steadfast Block Materia on this armor)
- Late Game: Garm Bangle (Attach Empowerment paired with Magic Efficiency, Auto-Weapon Ability paired with Auto-Unique Ability, and Darkside Materia on this armor)
Best Accessory:
- Early Game: Hi-Power Wristguards (Increases Vitality by 5% and Increases max HP by 250)
- Mid Game: Hi-Power Wristguards (Increases Vitality by 5% and Increases max HP by 250)
- Late Game: Survival Vest (Increases Vitality by 10%)
2. Yuffie

The eccentric Ninja is making her return from the Final Fantasy 7 Remake Episode Intermission DLC, and she will finally be joining the main party!
She is equally as fast as Tifa, and thanks to her Ninjutsu skills, you won’t need to spend any MP to cast spells, and enemies weak to magic will succumb to death really easily! Oh, yeah, the better her Attachment, the faster she’ll be. Yep.
Best Weapons:
- Early Game: Yuffie doesn’t join the party in the early game segment.
Skill Rotation: N/A - Mid Game: Savage Dagger (Attach Healing paired with Empowerment Materia on this weapon)
Skill Rotation: Precision Defense Regen - Late Game: Crystalline Cross Level 7 (Attach Fire and Ice paired with Elemental, ATB Assist, HP Up, MP Up, and Luck Up Materia on this weapon.)
Skill Rotation: Lightning Damage Up, Wind Damage Up, and Magic Attack Power +20.
Best Armor:
- Early Game: Yuffie doesn’t join the party in the early game segment.
- Mid Game: Oldebeast Bracelet (Attach Precision Defense Focus paired with Steadfast Block and ATB Stagger Materia on this armor.)
- Late Game: Valkyrian Bangle (Attach Subversion paired with Warding, Auto-Weapon Ability paired with Prayer, and First Strike paired with Item Economizer Materia on this Armor.)
Best Accessory:
- Early Game: Yuffie doesn’t join the party in the early game segment.
- Mid Game: Hi-Power Wristguards (Increases Vitality by 5% and Increases max HP by 250)
- Late Game: Sorcerer’s Earrings (Increases magic power by 10%. Increases max MP by 6.)
1.Cait Sith

The mascot of the Gold Saucer, Cait Sith, is a new character who’s playable in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and is one tricky character to handle and deal with.
He is definitely a luck-based character, but with the right gear and the right timing, you can overcome your foes in an instant with him!
Best Weapons:
- Early Game: Cait Sith does not join the party in this segment of the game.
Skill Rotation: N/A - Mid Game: Cait Sith does not join the party in this segment of the game.
Skill Rotation: N/A - Late Game: Crystal Megaphone Level 5 (Attach First Strike, ATB Stagger, HP Up, Precision Defense Focus, and Steadfast Block Materia on this weapon.)
Skill Rotation: Attack Damage +5% AND Lucky Jockey
Best Armor:
- Early Game: Cait Sith does not join the party in this segment of the game.
- Mid Game: Cait Sith does not join the party in this segment of the game.
- Late Game: Valkyrian Bangle (Attach ATB Boost paired with Level Boost, Luck Up paired with AP Up, Assess, and ATB Assist Materia on this Armor.)
Best Accessory:
- Early Game: Cait Sith does not join the party in this segment of the game.
- Mid Game: Cait Sith does not join the party in this segment of the game.
- Late Game: Speed Demon Keychain (Slightly Replenishes ATB Gauge when using a weapon ability)
And that’s about it with the best weapons, armor, materia, and gear that you can have for each character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. See ya.