[Top 12] Destiny 2 Best Grenade Launchers That Wreck Hard!
Grenade Launchers are one of the strongest weapon archetypes in Destiny 2. After the addition of new weapons, including Submachine Guns, Linear Fusion Rifles, Trace Rifles, and Grenade Launchers, Grenade Launchers became one of the most enjoyable and often used weapons in the game.
Although the current meta of Destiny 2 does not favor Grenade Launchers very much, some can still dominate your enemies in any situation. Here are the Top 12 Grenade Launchers that you should check out.
12. Ignition Code (Best for PvE)

Ignition Code is one of the best grenade launchers from the season of Splicer. It could roll with some excellent perks, such as blinding grenades and Slideshot, which are ideal rolls for this weapon archetype. The spike grenade and vorpal weapon perks are also quite sound because they let you control adds while still dealing damage to bosses.
PvE God roll:
- Barrel: Volatile Launch
- Magazine: Blinding Grenades or Spike Grenades
- Perk 1: Ambitious Assassin or Field Prep
- Perk 2: Vorpal Weapon or Frenzy
How to Get It:
You can acquire the Ignition Code from Xûr. Xûr appears every Friday and sells different weapons.
11. Salvation's Grip (Best for PvE)

While most of the other grenade launchers on this list are here for their valuable perks or damage, Salvation's Grip is here for its one-of-a-kind utility. Players use this weapon to access otherwise inaccessible places. This grenade launcher spits out Stasis shards, which are helpful when building a platform to climb on.
Exotic perk: "This weapon's projectiles create Stasis crystals and freeze nearby targets. Charging this weapon increases the freeze radius and amount of Stasis crystals created."
How to Get It:
You must go through several steps to obtain Salvation's Grip Grenade Launcher. The steps are:
- Complete Beyond Light campaign
- Speak with Drifter in the Tower for The Stasis Prototype quest
- Kill Servitors and Captains on Europa
- Complete an Empire Hunt
- Kill enemies with Stasis
- Complete the Concealed Void Lost Sector
- Complete the Stealing Stasis mission
10. Explosive Personality (Best for PvP and PvE)

Launched along with Season of the Risen and The Witch Queen, Explosive Personality is one of the two new Wave Frame Grenade Launchers. Explosive Personality is a craftable weapon, just like other new weapons introduced in the previous season, making the journey to your custom god roll simple.
Explosive Personality is the game's first Solar Wave Frame Grenade Launcher, which adds to its originality. Additionally, the new Origin trait Land Tank is guaranteed for users with explosive personalities, which is one of the strongest origin traits in the game right now.
Explosive Personality Full Details
PvE God roll:
- Barrel: Volatile Launch / Hard Launch
- Magazine: High-Velocity Rounds
- Perk 1: Auto-Loading Holster
- Perk 2: Frenzy / Disruption Break
PvP God roll:
- Barrel: Hard Launch
- Magazine: High-Velocity Rounds
- Perk 1: Threat Detector
- Perk 2: Disruption Break
How to Get It:
This weapon usually drops from the Runic Chests at the end of PsiOps Battlegrounds missions. You can also get it as a rank-up reward from Fynch.
9. Parasite (Best for PvE)

Parasite is possibly the most unique and fun weapon in the game. It is a worm-launching GL disguised as a rocket launcher. Yeah, you heard it right a weapon that launches worm instead of bullets. It only has one round in the magazine, but that single worm can take out an entire wave of ads. This weapon can deal outrageous damage if you manage to stack up a lot of Worm's Hunger buff.
Parasite is a powerful choice in PvE due to its unmatched burst damage and incredibly high fun factor.
Exotic perk: "Fires Hive worms which explode on impact. The size and damage of the explosion scale with the number of enemies you've defeated just before firing this weapon. Taking damage from your worm projectile detonation empowers your weapons for a short time."
How to Get It:
It is not difficult to obtain a Parasite Grenade Launcher, but it takes time. The steps you must follow to obtain your weapon are listed below.
- Complete the Witch Queen campaign and return to Ikora on Mars
- Complete the Birthplace of the Vile strike
- Speak with Fynch
- Locate a Cryptograph Rune in the Temple of Cunning
- Defeat 100 Scorn in the Throne World
- Find the Sepulcher Lost Sector
- Complete the Lost Sector
- Complete three Patrols in Fluorescent Canal
- Find a Cryptoglyph Rune in Queen's Bailey
- Find the Metamorphosis Lost Sector
- Complete the Lost Sector
- Find a Cryptoglyph Rune in Alluring Curtain
- Find the Deepsight Cache in Alluring Curtain
- Find the Extraction Lost Sector
- Complete the Lost Sector
- Speak with Fynch
- Complete the Parasitic Pilgrimage mission
8. Pardon Our Dust (Best for PvE)

Players can try to grind for Pardon Our Dust, another Kinetic grenade launcher that can also roll with the Blinding Grenade perk if they'd rather not wait for Ignition Code to roll around into Xur's rotating inventory. This weapon is an excellent backup for those who couldn't obtain an Ignition Code.
It comes with the standard Blinding Grenades or Spike Grenades, like most other Grenade Launchers. For this weapon, the ideal rolls would be Danger Zone, Auto-Loading Holster, and Blinding Grenades. Your Blinding Grenades' blast radius will increase with the Danger Zone perk, blinding targets across a wide area when they explode.
PvE God roll:
- Barrel: Quick Launch
- Magazine: Blinding Grenades
- Perk 1: Auto-Loading Holster
- Perk 2: Vorpal Weapon or Danger Zone
How to Get It:
To obtain Pardon Our Dust, you must visit Xur's Treasure Hoard and open the chest in front of him. The location of Xur's Treasure Hoard is Eternity. To unlock the chest, you'll need a treasure key. You can get these keys by completing the dares of eternity event.
7. Anarchy (Best for PvE)

Anarchy has had a spectacular fall from grace and was previously one of the most powerful PvE weapons, trivializing even the most difficult pieces of content in the game. Despite the changes and additions of other powerful options, Anarchy remains one of the game's strongest Grenade Launchers.
You can deal severe damage when you combine Anarchy with a Sniper Rifle or Shotgun. Although it isn't as good as Witherhoard or Parasite, Anarchy's consistent DPS makes it an excellent choice for players who enjoy double Special loadouts.
Exotic perk: "Grenades stick to surfaces and chain Arc bolts to other mines. It also has the Moving Target perk."
How to Get It:
There is still a way to obtain Anarchy in the current game version. The Monument to Lost Lights, a kiosk in the Tower, is where you can buy it. You can find Anarchy in the "Forsaken Exotics" section of the Monument to Lost Lights. It will cost you 240 Conquest Spoils. Spoils of Conquest are a unique currency you can get from raid chests.
6. Lingering Dread (Best for PvP and PvE)

Players were first exposed to the Duality dungeon in Season 17, which explores Calus' thoughts in great detail and has some good-looking weapons. This Stasis grenade launcher, which can have some excellent perks, is one of them and is used in the kinetic weapon slot.
It is the first Special Stasis Grenade Launcher and has one of the most recent Stasis perks, Chill Clip.
PvE God roll:
- Barrel: Volatile Launch
- Magazine: Spike Grenades or Blinding Grenades
- Perk 1: Auto-Loading Holster or Ambitious Assassin
- Perk 2: Chill Clip or Vorpal Weapon
PvP God roll:
- Barrel: Quick Launch
- Magazine: Proximity Grenades
- Perk 1: Steady Hands
- Perk 2: Vorpal Weapon or Demolitionist
How to Get It:
You can find Lingering Dread grenade launcher only on completing the first and final encounter of the duality dungeon. Once the weapon is added to your loot pool, there is a chance of dropping it from the secret chests. If the weapon is rewarded after defeating the Nightmare of Gahlran, you will be provided up to four chances to acquire Linerging Dread.
5. Fighting Lion (Best for PvP and PvE)

As the first Grenade Launcher to utilize Primary ammunition, the Fighting Lion is a unique weapon. Grenade Launchers, especially in PvP, are compelling options owing to their "spamming" nature. Hence this alone makes it an effective choice.
In Destiny 2, a small yet devoted group of gamers solely use the Fighting Lion. The Fighting Lion might be one of the most entertaining weapons, but it can also be one of the most irritating to fight. In the Crucible, mastering the Fighting Lion playstyle can produce fantastic results. However, it needs a somewhat specialized playstyle and takes years to perfect.
Exotic perk: "Grenade projectiles will bounce off surfaces. Hold to fire, and release to detonate. Direct hits do more damage to enemy shields. Rapid kills against grenade-damaged enemies refill the magazine."
How to Get It:
You can find Fighting Lion grenade launcher using rare world findings or exotic engrams. you can also purchase the Fighting Lion from Xûr. Every Friday, Xûr shows up and sells various weapons.
4. Dead Messenger (Best for PvP and PvE)

The Exotic grenade launcher The Dead Messenger is an interesting weapon as it can change its element. The exotic perk can make it a powerful weapon of choice in PvE activities when players must have various sorts of elemental damage to deal with shielded opponents and other things. However, Arbalest will still be the more obvious option.
The Trinary Vision perk, which releases three waves as opposed to the standard one that comes with Legendary Wave Frames, is what distinguishes Dead Messenger, though. This perk makes it dangerous in the Crucible because it is much more difficult to escape and compels you to jump, which makes it simple for your opponent to finish you off.
Exotic Perk: "One-shot handheld Grenade Launcher. Projectiles release a fan of three energy waves in contact with the ground. You can change damage type, cycling between Solar, Arc, and Void."
How to Get It:
Dead Messenger is a reward for finishing the Vox Obscura Exotic quest. The catalyst for the weapon can be obtained by completing the mission on Master difficulty.
3. Salvager’s Salvo (Best for PvP and PvE)

Salvager's Salvo could be a helpful choice for many players in advance of Arc 3.0. It's in the Energy slot, delivers arc damage, and because it was initially one of Destiny 2's seasonal weapons, it has some lovely perks that are fun to experiment with.
Salvager's Salvo is a very accessible and effective solution for PvE content. With its set rolls, this weapon can be used for some additional boss damage or some of the most excellent add clearing in the game. Given how simple it is to obtain, Forbearance may somewhat outperform it, but it is still competitive.
Salvager's Salvo is a strong PvP option thanks to its Spike Grenades. Grenade launchers remain a serious threat in the Crucible. Because of its one-hit kill capabilities on direct hits, Salvager's Salvo is a simple and effective PvP choice.
Curated God roll (PvP and PvE):
- Barrel: Quick Launch
- Magazine: Spike Grenades
- Perk 1: Ambitious Assassin
- Perk 2: Chain Reaction
How to Get It:
You can buy Salvager's Salvo from the Monument to Lost Lights (Kiosk) on the tower by spending specific materials. Here’s what you need:
- One Ascendant Shard
- 75,000 Glimmer
- 100 Legendary Shards
- Two Enhancement Prisms
2. Forbearance (Best for PvP and PvE)

Along with Explosive Personality, Forbearance is one of the few grenade launchers in the game that are craftable. Even though it isn't quite as accessible because it requires players to finish encounters in the Vow of the Disciple raid successfully, Forbearance is ultimately a slightly superior choice to the other legendary grenade launchers. You will need five patterns to craft this weapon.
Forbearance is the game's top Special grenade launcher. It is a Wave Frame GL that can roll with Chain Reaction. Chain Reaction and Ambitious Assassin may be combined to unleash two powerful shots quickly, giving you an unheard-of add-clear for a Legendary weapon.
PvE God roll:
- Barrel: Volatile Launch
- Magazine: High-Velocity Rounds
- Perk 1: Ambitious Assassin or Genesis
- Perk 2: Chain Reaction
PvP God roll:
- Barrel: Countermass
- Magazine: High-Velocity Rounds
- Perk 1: Surplus
- Perk 2: Rampage
How to Get It:
The Forbearance can only drop from the second or final encounters of Vow of The Disciples' (VoD) raid. This weapon cannot technically be farmed, however, players can purchase rolls of this weapon from VoD's final chest after beating the boss.
1. Witherhoard (Best for PvP and PvE)

Witherhoard is arguably the best grenade launcher in the game right now. It's one of the PvE weapons every player in Destiny 2 needs to have, especially when combined with the catalyst that grants it an auto-loading holster.
It is really simple to use and can deliver good damage, lock down an area, stun an enemy, deal with ads, and all this while being super easy to use.
Due to its AoE impact, Witherhoard is also a counter to several "meta" playstyles in PvP, effectively destroying a Ward of Dawn or a Lorley Splendor Shield. It has been a meta in PvP and PvE for a long time, and it can be super annoying to deal with, especially in PvP activities.
Exotic Perk: "Projectiles fired blight the target or nearby area on impact. Blighted targets take damage over time and blight the nearby area on death."
How to Get It:
Witherhoard is available for purchase at the Tower's Monument to Lost Lights kiosk, just like anarchy. You will need a specific amount of resources to purchase that. Here’s what you need:
- One Exotic Cipher
- 100,000 Glimmer
- 150 Glacial Starwort
- One Ascendant Shard
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