Weapon Crafting was introduced alongside the release of The Witch Queen Expansion on the 22nd of February 2022.
This feature allowed Guardians to cut RNG the middleman out of the the grind for their god rolled weapon.
All you’ll need to do is get enough “red border” weapons which will enable you to extract their pattern.
Once you have enough patterns extracted, you can craft your very own weapon. You’ll have to level this weapon up by completing activities and/or spending legendary shards and enhancement core.
Granted this is a quicker process than hoping and praying to RNGesus that you get the god roll you want, but you don’t want to waste time and resources crafting weapons you don’t need.
Which is why this handy guide has 15 of the best crafted weapons the game has to offer.
15. Trustee (PVE)
Aside from the fact the design of this weapon is drop dead gorgeous, this scout rifle with the right perks on it can be a fantastic add clear weapon for low to mid difficulty activities and certainly has a place in some end game activities.
What We Love About It:
- Chunk damage - unlike smgs which require you to sink a lot of bullets into an enemy in a short time frame. With Trustee you can shoot a few shots dealing a chunk of damage, then disengage, reposition and resume fire.
- Long Range engagements: There are some PvE activities where you have to take it slow to progress(looking at you GM Nightfalls) and Trustee is the perfect weapon for long range engagements and shooting from cover. .
- Solar Synergy: Season of the wish has a heavy emphasis on Solar and strand subclasses. With Trustee being a solar weapon, I can think of a few builds it will pair nicely with.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact:45
- Range:35
- Stability:43
- Handling:30
- Reload Speed:31
- Aim Assist:67
- Zoom:19
- Recoil:59 deviates to the right
- RPM:260
- Mag size:17
14. Ikeleos SMG (PVE/PVP)

A weapon that had an imposing presence in PVP and synergises well with arc builds in PvE, this little smg is a must have for your arsenal.
Although SMG’s received a global range nerf in hotfix and a recoil nerf in patch 7.2.5. Ikelos is still perfectly viable in PVP content especially on a Peacekeeper titan, this is a perfect choice for mid range combat.
What We Love About It:
- Dual Purpose: Ikeleos SMG is one of few weapons that is viable in competitive PVP and PvE activities with having god roll perks for both game sandboxes.
- Add clear: Aggressive frame SMG’s are perfect for shredding low tier and mob ads and Ikeleos is no exception and perks such feeding frenzy and threat detector rewards you for staying in the fight.
- Arc Synergy: To synergise with your Arc build, this weapon is a no brainer. Voltshot is *chefs kiss* on this smg, you’ll be jolting enemies left right and centre.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact:23
- Range:44
- Stability:30
- Handling: 77
- Reload Speed:24
- Rounds:720rpm
- Magazine:27
- Recoil Direction 90 (Left deviation)
13. Commemoration (PvE)
Another gorgeous weapon from the Deep stone Crypt Raid. This LMG is takes ad clear to another level.
This weapon CLEARS mobs ranging from your low level thrall to a boomer knight.
Its mid to long range engagement capabilities combined with high damage per shot. Beefy opponents will tremble in fear from the moment you pull the trigger.
Perks like Killing Tally and Reconstruction make it so you never have to manually reload and the double mag capacity means you can hold down the trigger button for longer.
Why We Love It:
- Add clear: This weapon tears through ads in low to end game activities, this weapon displays one of the truer forms of add clear, there are very few enemies that can survive a volley of bullets from this weapon.
- Niche use: doubling down on the fact that it's an add clear weapon in the heavy slot means that it opens up doors for other ways to deal damage using your energy and kinetic slot.
- Safe Boss damage: You won't hit those big numbers you would if you were using Rocket launchers currently,but you won't have to worry about blowing yourself up if a teammate jumps in your field of view and still maintain respectable damage.
- Impact:41
- Range:58
- Stability:60
- Handling:72
- Reload Speed: 52
- Rounds:450 RPM
- Magazine:59
- Recoil:80(Right Deviation)
12. Retraced Path (PvE)
Trace rifles are heaps of fun.
I mean… What's not to love about a gun that shoots a high energy beam.
This weapon can put out a decent amount of damage against rank and file enemies at a decent range.
Plus is a perfect addition to your double special loadout(still viable even with the nerf to double special loadouts) so if you’re hell bent on maining 2 special weapons then this ones for you.
Being able to roll something like Golden Tricorn will give you a nice little damage boost upon defeating an enemy.
Paired with subsistence which partially refills magazine on enemy defeat, you’re practically rewarded just by using it.
Why We Love It:
- Ease of use: This weapon is very stable and very forgiving, smgs and some auto rifle archetypes are brilliant but trace rifles are known for their lack of recoil, making it dead easy to use.
- Support Weapon: Trace rifles are perfect to apply debuffs to major enemies or bosses. Hollow Denial can apply the volatile debuff which allows you to deal more damage to your enemies.
- Mag size: Unlike most special weapons, trace rifles come with a substantial mag size perfect for sustained fire.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact: 6
- Range:64
- Stability:75
- Handling:46
- Reload speed:45
- Rounds:1000RPM
- Magazine:94
- Recoil Direction:94 (upward deviation)
11. Wastelander m5 (PVE/PVP)

A shotgun that does what it says on the tin when it comes to blasting your way through rank and file ads.
However this weapon is a crucial part of any melee titans build and this is because of one particular perk.
One-two punch.
This perk enables increased melee damage up landing all pellets on a target. This paired with Tractor Cannon and either synthoceps or Wormgods caress and you have a boss annihilating build.
Perkwise you’ll want lead from gold to make sure ammo is a non issue and one-two punch for reasons above in PvE.
PvP wise you’ll want slideshot+opening shot for that boosts range and stability.
Why We Love It:
- Handling: Ragnhild-D can also roll one-two punch but the handling is quite poor, this is due to the archetype. Wastlander has intrinsically better handling which will impact your dps output.
- PVP: Bar the mayhem you can inflict on bosses, this weapon has pvp rolls that can be a great benefit to you in pvp.
- Farmability: Unlocking this weapon is a breeze, as the activity it drops from is a matchmade activity granted the loot pool is large but the activity is relatively easy and quite enjoyable.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact:65
- Range:51
- Stability:47
- Handling:66
- Reload Speed:59
- Rounds:80 RPM
- Magazine size:6
- Recoil Direction 51(Left Deviation)
10. Rufus Fury (Pve/PvP)
This Strand Auto rifle weaves itself into the top 10 due to the fact that it has fantastic stats compared to its 720rpm family with little to no recoil.
With the artefact mods containing overload auto rifle rounds.
This is a perfect weapon to take into activities containing overload champions.
In addition to this, Rufus Fury can roll with the perk Hatchling which drops a threadling on precision defeats.
Perfect for the strand build that doesn’t use the Osteo Striga Smg.
Why We Love It:
- Ease of Acquisition: Root of nightmares is one of the easier and newer raids in destiny so you’ll have no trouble breezing through the raid or finding a group to run it.
- Strong in PvE: If strand is not on the menu then Rufus fury has other pve options for you. Frenzy is my recommendation for that buff to damage when in combat.
- Fantastic Perk combos: There are quite a few perk combos that make this weapon a ton of fun to wield in activities, a few to consider: Demolitionist+Hatchling, Reconstruction+Target lock, Rewind Rounds + Frenzy.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact:18
- Range:34
- Stability: 63
- Handling:56
- Reload Speed:50
9. Bxr Battler (PvE/PvP)
A unique pulse rifle that is a nod to the iconic Halo franchise and let me tell ya.
It does not disappoint.
With both very strong offerings in both PvE and PvP. The Battler can mow down rank and file ads in a strike/ nightfall or clutch up in tense moments in Trials of Osiris or the competitive crucible game mode.
PvE wise you’ll want Demolitionist + Incandescent to apply scorch to your targets and boost your grenade cooldown rate whilst doing so.
As for PvP, Perpetual Motion + Kill clip for a boost to stats and increased ttk, perfect to go on a rampage in 6v6 lobbies.
What we love:
- Ease of use: Remember I said this weapon was unique, well this weapon was designed to be more accurate when firing from the hip than normal weapons perfect when you want to be free from aiming down sights.
- Farmability: Like the Wastelander m5, The Battler drops from dares of eternity the matchmade 6v6 activity. So you don’t have to worry about finding a team and the normal version of it is low effort so you won't have to have a super decked out build.
- Solar weapons: With Season of the Wish showing a heavy emphasis on solar abilities. The Battler is a perfect pairing for the solar build of your choice.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact:23
- Range:50
- Stability:64
- Handling:86
- Reload Speed:63
- Rounds:450RPM
- Magazine size:36
- Recoil: 70 (Left Deviation)
8. Succession (PvE)
At the time of writing. ALL sniper rifles have experienced a 15% buff in PvE and with potentially more buffs in the future. Succession is quite possibly one of the best legendary snipers to use in PvE activities.
In terms of perks, there's really only two you really want to focus on. Reconstruction and vorpal weapon.
Reconstruction for the overflow on steroids and auto loading rolled into one and vorpal weapon for the bump to damage to enemies.
Why We Love It:
- Strong Precision Damage: you may be wondering “what about thoughtless?” I’d say Succession edges out thoughtless and this is due to the Succession being a higher damage archetype and stronger utility in solo activities.
- Synergy: Pairing this with something like an auto loading rocket launcher or linear fusion rifle and you’ll be pumping out insane damage numbers.
- Legendary weapon: Just bare in mind, this weapons offers so much in damage capability and this doesn't even include the fact you could pair it with an exotic damage based weapon.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact:90
- Range:76
- Stability:28
- Handling:45
- Reload Speed:35
- Rounds:72 RPM
- Magazine:3
- Recoil:80(Right Deviation)
7. Taipan 4FR (PvE)
Even though the muzzle that got put on Linear Fusion Rifles a few seasons ago. Taipan is still a perfectly viable option for precision boss damage.
Pair this with the likes of the previously mentioned Succession or the high damage Izanagis burden makes for some serious numbers.
You’ll want to go for Triple Tap + firing line or Triple Tap + Frenzy. This is due to the fact that firing line only works when you’re in a squad.
Why We Love It:
- Viability: Depending on whether you;re in a fireteam or running solo. You can Craft this weapon according to your needs.
- Ease to acquire: Unlike most of these weapons. A crafted Taipan is unlocked via a dead simple quest that is given to you upon completing The Witch Queen Campaign. Perfect for new players.
- High Damage Potential, Although this weapon's true potential relies on you being able to hit critical points. This is easily offset by the use of divinity so the damage potential is through the roof.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact: 44
- Range:48
- Stability:48
- Handling:51
- Reload Speed:29
- Charge Time:533
- Magazine size:5
- Recoil Direction:69(Left Deviation)
6. Ammit AR2 (PvE/PvP)

This weapon was the source of a lot of peoples rage in trials of osiris
And for good reason...
As this weapon is probably one of the strongest ARs in the game in both PvE and PvP
Although the Ammit received a small nerf to its zoom, down from 17 to 15, this weapon still has a mighty fine perk set to take into PvP
Whilst also being perfect for mowing down rank and file ads in PvE.
Why We Love It:
- Ease of acquiring: Like the Taipan mentioned earlier this weapon is practically handed to you via a short simple quest upon completing The Witch Queen campaign.
- Feel: Thanks to perks like Dynamic Sway Reduction and Tap The Trigger, this auto rifle stays on target like a fly on honey.
- Dual Purpose: The great thing about ammit is how versatile it is, especially in PvE pairing adaptive munitions with turnabout makes this a weapon you want to use to break enemy shields regardless of elements.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact:29
- Range:61
- Stability:50
- Handling:61
- Reload Speed:38
- Rounds:450 RPM
- Magazine Size:36
- Recoil:71(Left Deviation)
5. Submission (PvE)
This is a powerful SMG that can be found in the vow of the disciple raid.
In an era where SMG’s remain dominant in the PvE sandbox this one is a must for your arsenal.
This weapon yields best results for clearing hordes of ads.
In terms of Perks, you’ll want to go for frenzy for that bump in damage whilst in combat and Subsistence for continuous fire via partially reloading the magazine for you when you defeat an enemy.
What we love about it:
- Origin trait: Souldrinker is a unique trait as it allows you to recover your health reloading after a certain number of hits. Perfect in scenarios where you need a bump in health regen.
- Ease of use: since this weapon is a smg you’re not punished for not hitting headshots the way you would be when using a sniper rifle. Just point the weapon in the direction of the enemy and hold fire.
- Handling:This weapons handling is brilliant, this will come in handy when you need to quickly switch to your damage dealing weapon that has bait and switch.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact:15
- Range:29
- Stability:50
- Handling:85
- Reload Speed:29
- Rounds:900RPM
- Magazine Size:37
- Recoil Direction:100(No Deviation)
4. Half Truths (PvE)

Another nod to the Halo franchise comes the energy sword.
Whilst the sword is a great option if you don’t have anything like the Lament or a falling guillotine for boss damage. This weapon has been made increasingly popular for one main reason...
Whether you're a PvE enjoyer that just wants to skip boring jumping puzzles in a raid or dungeon, or you’re a speedrunner shooting for the fastest possible time.
The perk Eager Edge dramatically increases lunge distance perfect for shatter skating or well skating
Why we love it:
- Movement: This weapon opens up doors to movement tech that hasn’t been seen since worldline skating was a thing.
- Boss damage: Movement aside, this weapon offers up respectable damage to bosses or major enemies.
- Farmability: Since this weapon is part of a twin that is the same in all but element, you’re not as pressed to find one specific weapon.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact:62
- Swing Speed:40
- Charge Rate:20
- Guard Resistance:80
- Guard Endurance:0
- Ammo Capacity:61
3. Forbearance (PvE)

Another entry from the VoW of the Disciple Raid, this grenade launcher is quite possibly the best in slot special grenade launcher.
This is due to the insane add clear potential, you could literally clear a haggle of ads with just one shot. Chain reaction creates an explosion that deals damage over a 3m radius when defeating an enemy.
Pair this with Ambitious assassin which gives you an extra shot in the magazine when defeating your enemies. Not much will be able to stand in your way with this thing in hand.
Why We love it:- Add clear: This weapon excels in clearing hordes of enemies with a single shot which makes it a fantastic choice for efficiency.
- Energy weapon: This weapon has an arc element meaning that any enemies with an arc shield will not stand a chance against a weapon like this.
- Double Special: If you fancy running a double special loadout then this weapon has to be in your arsenal, its ammo efficiency combined with its damage output for a special weapon leaves you free to use another special specifically for boss damage.
Weapon Stats:
- Blast Radius:100
- Velocity:89
- Stability:32
- Handling:70
- Reload Speed:81
- Rounds:72 RPM
- Magazine Size:1
- Recoil Direction:73(Left Deviation)
2. Cataclysmic (PvE)
One of the reigning kings for boss damage back before the nerf to liners. Cataclysmic is the perfect damage dealing weapon when it comes to long precision based damage phases ( Like Oryx in the Kingsfall raid).
Pairing this with Izanagis Burden then your damage numbers will go through the roof.
The god roll perks you’re looking for are bait and switch for the highest damage boost in the game upon hitting a target with all three of your weapons and fourth times the charm for sustained fire.
Why we love it:- Versatile: Some weapons in this list have perks that rely on you being in a fireteam but with bait and switch those stipulations don’t exist you could be in a fireteam of six taking on Oryx or you could be running a dungeon solo, this weapon stays strong.
- Legendary weapon: This gun offers so much whilst leaving room for an exotic weapon, pair this with something like Izanagis burden or witherhoard and your damage numbers will only go up.
- Ease of use: This weapon is perfect for stationary targets with a big ol crit spot, and you don’t have to be a crack shot to aim with this weapon.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact:44
- Range:39
- Stability:53
- Handling:46
- Reload Speed:25
- Charge Time:533
- Magazine 5
- Recoil Direction:70(Left Deviation)
1. Apex Predator (PVE)
Hands down the best legendary rocket in the game, the Apex Predator more than lives up to its name being the king of the hill.
This last wish weapon is the go to for insane damage numbers during a boss damage phase. You’ll be hard pressed to find an encounter where this weapon isn’t the go to pick.
Perk wise you’re going to want bait and switch for the significant damage boost when hitting a target with all three weapons.
Why we love it:
- Staying power- no matter what Artefact mods come around season after season, this weapon will always be a top pick because it doesn’t depend on any of the mods it only depends on you shooting it.
- Synergy: Sniper rifles are making an emergence in PvE once again and I cannot think of a better pairing than this rocket launcher with Izanagi or a crafted succession.
- Ease of use- It’s a rocket launcher, you don’t even need to aim down sights with it. Just point and shoot.
Weapon Stats:
- Blast Radius:65
- Velocity:44
- Stability:33
- Handling:39
- Reload Speed:74
- Rounds:20RPM
- Magazine:1
- Recoil Direction:61(Right Deviation)