Top 10 Ultimate Best Hack and Slash Games to Play in 2019: Page 2 of 10

Best Hack and Slash Games
Whether it’s against humans, orcs, or monstrosities, we’ve got you covered.

9. The Surge 2

A Walk Through Nature to Meet Goddess Helena

The Surge 2 places us in a world where our ecosystem is dying and the planet is on the brink of total collapse.

In a last ditch effort to save the natural world, a company decides to launch nanobots into the atmosphere.

Instead of saving the environment however, the nanobots change the humans, sending the world into a downward spiral of rage and violence. Now, you’re just another human trying to survive this dying world.

Reasons to Play

  • Fluid Combat: Combat has a certain grace of dodging, defending, and then proceeding to punish your enemies with devastating force and combos.

  • Atmosphere: The mix of Dark Souls-style gameplay along with a robotic nature apocalypse blend really feels fresh for the type of game that it is.

  • Dual-Weapons: Not only are you able to use an ensemble of weapons but some are dualistic in nature such as the axe which can be a big two-handed one or two smaller, faster ones.

No Friends Here: It’s either slash or be slashed in this aggressive, rage-filled world of The Surge 2.

Robotic Surge: Humans might be on roid rage but that doesn’t mean robots are your friends either.

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A writer in both nature and heart, Josh weaves tales of fantasy, beauty, and carnage for his readers. Searching for the lost treasures in this world, he seeks to share this knowledge with others.
Gamer Since: 1997
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Top 3 Favorite Games:Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition, Fallout: New Vegas, Shovel Knight

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