Exploration is key when you want to go treasure hunting in Terraria. Although caves are usually safe, you'll be instantly dead when you fall through a huge chasm. This is where Hooks come into play. Terraria's cave exploration is never complete without the iconic Hook. It allows you to traverse through caves, cliffs, and so much more with the push of a button. With enough practice, it also allows you to dodge bosses and save yourself from sticky situations. Find the best hooks in our Top 5 Terraria Best Hooks and how to get them!
5. Gem Hooks
Possibly one of the earliest hooks you can get are Gem hooks. These are made with 15 of the same gem (e.g. Ruby, Emerald, etc.) and can be made using an anvil. Finding gems early is a blessing due to the sheer necessity of better verticality.
Item details:
- Amethyst hooks have the shortest reach of 18.75 tiles
- Diamond hooks have the longest reach of 29.125 tiles
How to get it:
- Combine 15 of the same gems in an anvil
Hook stats: LINK
4. Slime Hook
Slime hooks are the next big upgrade since it drops from the very first boss of the game, the Slime King. While it has the same reach as the Amethyst hook, it shoots out faster and has 3 separate hook heads.
Item details:
- It has a reach distance of 18.75 tiles with a speed of 13
- Can have 3 hook heads out at the same time
How to get it:
- Drops from King Slime
Hook stats: LINK
3. Dual Hook
While the Slime hook can latch up to three times, the Dual Hook can shoot up to 2 hooks but only latch once. This might seem like a downgrade, but the Dual Hook has better reach and shoot speed than the Slime variant. It is also relatively easy to obtain as it drops from Mimics underground in Hardmode.
Item details:
- It has a reach distance of 27.5 tiles with a speed of 14
- Can shoot 2 hook heads out at rapid succession but can only latch once
How to get it:
- Drops from Hardmode Mimics
Hook stats: LINK
2. Hook of Dissonance
The Hook of Dissonance can be obtained right at the start of Hardmode through the Queen Slime. It has the unique feature of allowing you to teleport wherever your hook head lands. This is by far the fastest reel-in as it happens instantaneously. The biggest downside is that you'll lose out on the Grappling Hook's basic function of slingshotting as no momentum is kept when using it.
Item details:
- It has a reach distance of 30 tiles with a speed of 16
- Instantly teleports you where it lands
How to get it:
- Drops from Queen Slime
Hook stats: LINK
1. Lunar Hook
The Lunar Hook is the last hook you'll be able to craft as it's locked behind the essences farmed during the Pillar events. It has, by far, the best performance out of all previous hooks and allows you to latch on 4 different hooks.
Item details:
- It has a reach distance of 34.375 tiles with a speed of 18
- Can latch onto 4 different hook heads
How to get it:
- Combined using Lunar Essences
Hook stats: LINK