Preventing attackers from hard breaching is one of the most important tasks that defenders have to do in many of the defense rounds in Siege. That’s because once the attackers breach the external wall that connects the outside to the bomb site, it’s going to be much more of a challenge for the defenders to hold the objective spot.
The great thing is, the defending operators have Kaid in their roster. With his Electroclaw, and in the hands of an experienced player, Kaid can make it very hard for the attackers to perform a hard breach. On top of that, Kaid also has access to a wide array of weapons and utilities that when set up properly, can really increase his effectiveness in the match, and that’s what we’re going on a deep dive in this article.
5. TCSG12 with Magnified A, Suppressor, and Angled Grip + LFP586 with Laser + Barbed Wire

A lot of players, especially the newer ones in the game, might be intimidated to use the TCSG12 as their primary weapon when playing Kaid. That’s because the TCSG12, as a slug shotgun, isn’t a fully automatic weapon. It can be fired in quick successions, but its recoil can get easily out of control. But for a lot of experienced players in Siege, the TCSG12 shotgun is a very viable primary weapon for Kaid, if not the best. That’s because it inflicts a high damage per shot, capable of destroying wooden beams; which means it’s great for reworking the map, and it can be equipped with a high-powered scope.
This setup on the TCSG12, for one, is catered for more experienced players. That’s because the TCSG12 will not have any recoil control providing attachments. Instead, it will have the angled grip which will provide Kaid with a +20% reload speed bonus, and that’s very helpful in overall gameplay, but especially during situations where Kaid is facing multiple enemies at the same time. The suppressor on the other hand kind of acts as an integrated suppressor because it’s the only barrel attachment available to the TCSG12.
Excels in:
- The angled grip on the TCSG12 shotgun will allow Kaid to reload the weapon 20% faster than normal which will be very helpful in high traffic situations where he’s facing more than one enemy at the same time
- The suppressor on the barrel of the TCSG12 shotgun will remove its shots’ directional threat indicator and muzzle flash, as well as silence its gunshots, making it harder for enemies to pinpoint where Kaid is shooting from.
- The magnified A scope as the TCSG12 shotgun’s sight will provide Kaid with a 2.5x zoom level which will allow him to hit his targets with deadly accuracy and that’s regardless of the range
- The LFP586 handgun is a great secondary weapon with very high stopping power, so it’s for finishing off opponents when Kaid’s TCSG12 needs to be reloaded in the middle of combat
- The two barbed wires as Kaid’s secondary gadget will prevent defenders from being caught off guard, and Kaid can also electrocute them using his Electroclaw and that will damage attackers that touches them
Build details:
- Primary weapon - TCSG12 with Magnified A, Suppressor, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - LFP586 with Laser
- Generic gadget - Barbed Wire
4. Aug A3 with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + .44 Mag Semi-Auto + Nitro Cell

As mentioned before, a lot of players find themselves uncomfortable using the TCSG12 shotgun because it’s not fully automatic. Despite all of its advantages, it can’t be denied that fully automatic weapons like the Aug A3 are much easier to use. During firefights, you just need to click on it and hold. This works really well for players who don’t necessarily have fast clicking fingers. And in this setup, the Aug A3 will be specialized in medium to long range shooting.
That’s because the vertical grip on the Aug A3 will greatly lower its overall vertical recoil, and that’s great overall, but more so for medium to long range shooting where the targets will appear smaller. The suppressor on the other hand will remove the Aug A3 shots’ directional threat indicator and muzzle flash. It’ll also greatly muffle the weapon’s gunshot sounds, making it inaudible from a distance of thirty meters. This means that with the Aug A3 in this setup, it can be hard for attackers to determine where Kaid is shooting from at medium to long range.
Excels in:
- The suppressor on the barrel of the Aug A3 submachine gun will remove its shots’ directional threat indicator and muzzle flash, making it harder for enemies to determine visually where Kaid is shooting from
- Shots from a suppressed Aug A3 will also have much more silent gunshots, making it even harder for the attackers to know where Kaid’s shots are coming from through the game’s audio
- The vertical grip will allow Kaid to hold the Aug A3’s recoil well as it specializes in weakening the vertical recoil of weapons, which is important since the Aug A3’s recoil isn’t the easiest to control in the game
- The .44 Mag Semi-Auto handgun is a great secondary weapon for fragging opponents at medium to long range due to its high powered 3.0x scope that’ll allow Kaid to see his targets really well regardless of the distance
- Kaid having a great secondary gadget in the nitro cell for fragging enemies as its powerful blast can take out multiple enemies at the same time. It’s a great utility for countering attacker defuser plant attempts.
Build details:
- Primary weapon - Aug A3 with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - .44 Mag Semi-Auto
- Generic gadget - Nitro Cell
Recoil pattern test on the Aug A3 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

3. TCSG12 with Magnified A, Suppressor, and Horizontal Grip + LFP586 with Laser + Observation Blocker

This is another setup for the TCSG12 shotgun that caters to experienced players. That’s because the TCSG12 will not have any recoil control attachments. Instead, Kaid will be benefiting from another perk, which is the added movement speed from the horizontal grip. The horizontal grip is the newest attachment in the game and it provides a +5% movement speed bonus, and I know, that doesn’t sound like much at all, but when you consider the gameplay and role of the operator like Kaid, that 5% will actually mean more.
That’s because during every prep phase, Kaid has to set up his Electroclaws fast, and he will be able to do that faster with the +5% movement speed boost from the horizontal grip. That movement speed bonus will become even more valuable when Kaid is performing a trick with his Electroclaws in order to foil the attackers’ attempts at hard breaching. As for Kaid’s secondary gadget, the observation blocker can prevent him from being scanned during the prep phase, and if the attacker does not know that Kaid is present in the defending team, there’s a good chance that they won’t pick an operator that can counter him.
Excels in:
- The horizontal grip on Kaid’s TCSG12 slug shotgun will give him a +5% movement speed bonus which will be of great help to him when he’s setting up his Electroclaws during the prep phase
- The suppressor on the barrel of the TCSG12 shotgun will remove its shots’ muzzle flash and directional threat indicator, making it hard for enemies to see where Kaid’s shots are coming from especially at medium to long range
- The suppressor will also greatly silence the TCSG12’s gunshot sounds, making it even harder for enemies to know where Kaid is shooting from through the game’s audio
- The LFP586 is a magnum handgun that has very high stopping power, so it’s an excellent weapon for Kaid to switch to when his primary needs to be reloaded in the middle of enemy engagement
- The observation blocker can prevent attackers from detecting Kaid, and that increases the chances of them not picking an operator that can easily counter him like Thatcher and others
Build details:
- Primary weapon - TCSG12 with Magnified A, Suppressor, and Horizontal Grip
- Secondary weapon - LFP586 with Laser
- Generic gadget - Observation Blocker
2. Aug A3 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Horizontal Grip + .44 Mag Semi-Auto + Barbed Wire

This is the best loadout setup for Kaid players who prefer the Aug A3 submachine gun over the TCSG12 shotgun for their primary weapon. The horizontal grip on the weapon just goes so well with Kaid’s playstyle and role and that’s a really big bonus for him. With the +5% movement speed bonus from the horizontal grip, Kaid will be able to set up his Electroclaws faster, and it can also be applied with other things such as setting up the map in general during the prep phase.
For its barrel attachment, the Aug A3 will have the flash hider which will greatly lower its overall vertical recoil. That’s important because as mentioned before, the Aug A3’s recoil is not that easy to control, so most players will need at least one recoil control providing attachment to have good stability and accuracy when firing the weapon. And while the Aug A3 is not compatible with any high-powered scopes, the secondary weapon in this setup is. The .44 Mag Semi-Auto has a default 3.0x scope that makes it an excellent weapon for medium to long range shooting.
Excels in:
- The horizontal grip with its +5% movement speed bonus will be of great help to Kaid especially in the prep phase where he needs to set up his Electroclaws and help with setting up the map as fast as he can
- The flash hider barrel attachment will greatly lower the overall vertical recoil of Kaid’s Aug A3 submachine gun, which is important because most players will need at least one recoil control providing attachment on the weapon
- The red dot A 1.0x sight will provide Kaid with a good reticle when aiming from the weapon due to its center dot reticle. It’ll also provide him with a +5% aim-down-sight speed boost which is great for sudden enemy encounters
- The .44 Mag Semi-Auto has high stopping power and has a default 3.0x scope which will allow Kaid to see his targets very well from medium to long range. Its reticle is also great for sniping.
- The two barbed wires as Kaid’s secondary gadget are great for preventing attackers from catching the defending off guard, and Kaid can also electrocute them with his Electroclaws, making it harder for enemies to pass through them.
Build details:
- Primary weapon - Aug A3 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Horizontal Grip
- Secondary weapon - .44 Mag Semi-Auto
- Generic gadget - Barbed Wire
Recoil pattern test on the Aug A3 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

1. TCSG12 with Magnified A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + LFP586 with Laser + Nitro Cell

This is the best loadout setup for Kaid because it will be what’s going to be the most useful for him overall. In the TCSG12 slug shotgun, he will have a primary weapon that can deal massive damage per shot to enemies. It also excels at any range, but particularly in medium to long range where the 2.5x zoom level from the magnified A scope really shines. And aside from being an excellent weapon for downing enemies, the TCSG12 can also be used as a utility for reworking the map to the defending team’s advantage.
That’s because its shots can destroy the wooden beams within unreinforced walls. That means it can be used for creating rotation holes and destroying unreinforced hatches. As for the vertical grip, ultimately, it remains the best grip attachment for the TCSG12 because it will really help Kaid maintain good recoil control over the weapon. With the vertical grip, Kaid can afford to fire the TCSG12 shotgun faster because each shot will be easier to control. Lastly, the nitro cell is the best secondary gadget for Kaid because he’ll mostly be countering the attackers trying to hard breach, and that presents a lot of opportunity to throw over a nitro cell towards them.
Excels in:
- Having a primary weapon in the TCSG12 slug shotgun that can deal massive damage to enemies per shot, works at any range, and can also be used as a utility for reworking the map to your team’s advantage
- The vertical grip’s presence on Kaid’s TCSG12 slug shotgun will greatly help him in maintaining good recoil control on the weapon, which will allow him to fire it faster than normal without losing much accuracy
- The suppressor on the TCSG12 will remove its shots’ directional threat indicator and muzzle flash. It’ll also muffle the weapon’s gunshot sounds, which will make it harder for enemies to know where Kaid is shooting from.
- The LFP586 handgun will be a great secondary weapon for Kaid to switch to when his TCSG12 needs to be reloaded in the middle of combat, since it has high stopping power and a laser that’ll provide Kaid with a +10% ADS speed boost
- The nitro cell with its wide radius and very high explosion damage is great for countering enemies pushing, especially when they’re coming from one direction. It’s also very effective in countering attackers’ defuser plant attempts.
Build details:
- Primary weapon - TCSG12 with Magnified A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - LFP586 with Laser
- Generic gadget - Nitro Cell
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: