![[Top 10] Monster Hunter Rise Best Palamute Gear (And How To Get Them) image](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2022-07/how-to-ride-palamute-riding-controls-monster-hunter-rise.jpg.webp?itok=TwZzKoDj)
Dogs have been the best friend of man for more than thirty thousand years.
The bond between man and mutt is a love tested by time, and while palamutes are only a recent addition to the Monster Hunter franchise, palamutes are now companions that hunters cannot do without.
Palamutes, if you’ve been living under a rock, are the trusty furballs introduced in Monster Hunter Rise. Palamutes bring us quicker to the front lines of battle or rescue us away from danger when needed.
They are now a necessary formula in the complex equation that is Monster Hunter. We need them but don’t forget, they need us too.
Despite their capabilities, Palamutes can die too. Not permanently, mind you! But still, any responsible palamute-owner should do their best to protect their mutts.
“How can I protect my sweet Palamute?” You ask? Fear not, for the answer is armor and arms.
That’s right! The best protection is cold hard steel. A good old-fashioned set of armor, paired with a reliable blade, will make sure any mutt is safe from every monster.
So without further adieu, this is a list of the ten best gear for your Palamute!
10. Canyne Diablos S
Diablos Armor Set
The Canyne Diablos S packs good offense with defense.
This set has good stats all across the board until you get to affinity. Unfortunately, the weapon comes with -10% affinity which is why it places so low on the list.
Combined Stats:
- Melee attack: 190
- Ranged Attack: 170
- Element: 0
- Affinity: -10%
- Defense: 230
What makes the Canyne Diablos S so great:
- Good attack stats.
- Good defense stats.
How to get the Canyne Diablos S:
- Parts for the Canyne Goss S are obtained from hunting down the High-rank Diablos.
9. Canyne Goss S
Although it is ninth on this list the Canyne Goss S armor set is, without a doubt, one of the best protection you can provide for your mutt.
The head and torso armor of this set combine for a whopping 230 defense. It also has decent attack numbers.
This set also comes with negative affinity, but it is much less than the Diablos’ set. The Canyne Goss S also makes up for its negative affinity by coming with ice elemental damage.
The biggest plus of this armor set, however, is its early availability.
Combined Stats:
- Melee attack: 190
- Ranged Attack: 170
- Element: Ice 10
- Affinity: -5%
- Defense: 230
What makes the Canyne Goss S so great:
- Easily attainable.
- Ice elemental damage.
- Solid defense stats.
- Good damage.
How to get the Canyne Goss S:
- Parts for the Canyne Goss S are obtained from hunting down the High-rank Goss Harag.
8. Canyne Tigrex S

A little bit of extra damage comes a long way, which is why the Canyne Tigrex S is on this list.
Although defense stats are identical, the little added boost in damage stats boosts this armor set above Canyne Goss S. Plus, no more negative affinity.
Combined Stats:
- Melee attack: 195
- Ranged Attack: 175
- Element: Ice 10
- Affinity: N/A
- Defense: 230
What makes the Canyne Tigrex S so great:
- Better offense.
- Good defense stats.
How to get the Canyne Tigrex S:
- Parts for the Canyne Goss S are obtained from hunting down the High-rank Tigrex.
7. Canyne Bazelguese
At first glance, this set might seem like a major downgrade to those that came before it, but it isn’t.
One must remember that even with the most deadly weapon equipped, the amount of damage Palamutes do is negligible when compared to the actual hunters. This is why prioritizing defense for Palamutes is ideal.
Keeping Palamutes alive is the most important thing, for that reason the Canyne Bazelguese ranks number 7 on this list.
Combined Stats:
- Melee attack: 175
- Ranged Attack: 155
- Element: Blast 20
- Affinity: N/A
- Defense: 244
What makes the Canyne Bazelguese so great:
- Pure defensive gear.
- Blast elemental damage.
How to get the Canyne Bazelguese:
- Parts for the Canyne Goss S are obtained from hunting down the Bazelguese.
6. Canyne Golden
Rajang Armor Set
For the most part, everything that can be said about the Canyne Bazelguese can also be said about the Canyne Golden.
Ten points of raw melee damage do make this set a little bit better, but they are both generally in the same tier.
Combined Stats:
- Melee attack: 185
- Ranged Attack: 165
- Element: Thunder 5
- Affinity: N/A
- Defense: 244
What makes the Canyne Golden so great:
- Excellent defensive stats.
- Thunder elemental damage.
How to get the Canyne Golden:
- Parts for the Canyne Goss S are obtained from hunting down the Rajang.
5. Canyne Narwa
Narwa’s entry on this list is a step up from the previous two entries.
Like the Bazelguese and the Golden, the Narwa is primarily focused on defense. It can, however, be called an upgrade on all fronts.
The Narwa set simply has better defense and attack.
Combined Stats:
- Melee attack: 175
- Ranged Attack: 175
- Element: Thunder 20
- Affinity: N/A
- Defense: 260
What makes the Canyne Tigrex S so great:
- Decent attack stats.
- Excellent defense stats.
- Thunder elemental damage.
How to get the Canyne Tigrex S:
- Parts for the Canyne Goss S are obtained from hunting down the High-rank Tigrex.
4. Canyne Kaiser
Those monsters better watch out for you, because with this set you will be blasting the competition, literally.
The main appeal of the Teostra’s armor set is blast damage, but that isn’t its only selling point.
This set combined has nearly 300 defense— that’s enough to ensure that your Palamute survives through any battle.
Combined Stats:
- Melee attack: 165
- Ranged Attack: 185
- Element: Blast 15
- Affinity: N/A
- Defense: 230
What makes the Canyne Kaiser so great:
- Great long-range attack stat.
- Blast elemental damage.
- Elite defense stat.
How to get the Canyne Kaiser:
- Parts for the Canyne Goss S are obtained from hunting down the Teostra.
3. Canyne Kushala
The Canyne Kushala starts the tier of truly elite gear for the Palamutes, but what makes this set so great?
First, we have to look at defense. This has the same defensive stats as the Canyne Kaiser— that’s 296 defense, in case you need reminding.
Second, this set has damage even greater than any other on this list. It has 190 of both attack ranges AND ice elemental damage.
Combined Stats:
- Melee attack: 190
- Ranged Attack: 190
- Element: Ice 15
- Affinity: N/A
- Defense: 296
What makes the Canyne Kushala so great:
- Elite defense.
- Excellent attack stats.
- Ice elemental damage.
How to get the Canyne Kushala:
- Parts for the Canyne Goss S are obtained from hunting down the Kushala Daora.
2. Canyne Mizuha
Before you call this a downgrade of the Canyne Kushala, remember one thing: poison is the second-best status in Monster Hunter Rise.
When paired with a Palamute with the status attack-up skill, this armor set could potentially rank even higher than the top two.
Combined Stats:
- Melee attack: 170
- Ranged Attack: 190
- Element: Poison 15
- Affinity: N/A
- Defense: 296
What makes the Mizuha so great:
- Poison elemental damage.
- Elite tier defense stats.
- Excellent long-range attack.
How to get the Mizuha:
- Parts for the Canyne Goss S are obtained from hunting down the Chameleos.
1. Canyne Valstrax
To no one’s surprise, the king of Palamute gear is the Valstrax’s armor set. This set destroys the competition and it is not even close.
On the damage end— it has 190 attack stat for both melee and ranged, plus 10% affinity. Finally, it has 20 whole points of dragon elemental damage.
Defense-wise, the Canyne Valstrax has the highest damage stat among ALL the possible Palamute gear.
Combined Stats:
- Melee attack: 190
- Ranged Attack: 190
- Element: Dragon 20
- Affinity: 10%
- Defense: 310
What makes the Canyne Valstrax so great:
How to get the Canyne Valstrax :
- Parts for the Canyne Goss S are obtained from hunting down the Valstrax, unlocked at HR 100.