[Top 5] Fallout 4 Best ENBs Everyone Should Use

Fallout 4 Best ENBs
Check out these 5 best ENBs to make Fallout 4 great!

Fallout 4 has been one of the most well-received RPGs of all time particularly due to the amount of content it has available in a huge post-apocalyptic world filled with different kinds of the unknown. The game has immense replay value because of how different the outcomes can be due to different choices in the stories and side quests. But after a while, the graphics start to feel degraded and you feel like the game needs a visual overhaul. Well, this is where ENBs come to play and make the game much more lively and greater than ever before. ENBs are a post-processing suite that adds many visually enhancing features in a game that aren’t present in the base version of the game. Think of them as adding filters and enhancing various aspects of the visuals. ENBs are important specifically due to the amount of visual upgrade they bring without pushing the limits for the graphical components. And with that, let’s nail down the top 5 ENBs that everyone should use to enhance their Fallout 4 experience.

5 . Dawn ENB

Why it is great:

  • Keeps the framerate and overall performance stable
  • Brings clarity and realism to the environment
  • Depth of Field and Shadows are precise
  • SSAO, Adaptation, Bloom, Sharpening available
  • All weathers are available

Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33710

4 . Vivid ENB

With the Vivid ENB, Fallout 4 becomes much more lively and colorful. The colors are probably the most amazing thing about this mod as everything in the games looks and feels natural. The sky and clouds are greatly detailed when you look at them. The terrain details also become much more visible with the help of this. And you don’t need a high-end PC to use this mod as well.

Why it is great:

  • Makes the game much more lively and colorful
  • Colors have a natural feel to them especially
  • Greatly vibrant atmosphere
  • SSAA, Depth of Field, and SweetFX enhances everything
  • Stable and doesn’t drop in performance 

Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17115


The NAC X ENB, short for Natural and Atmospheric Commonwealth, is probably the easiest and user-friendly ENB out there. It has tons of features and customization options including distinct sound designs, weather templates, and different climates. This truly does make the game fun and immersive. The amount of weather options in this mod is staggering and is definitely a must-have.

Why it is great:

  • User-friendly mod and interface
  • Many customizable features and designs
  • Distinctive sound design and dynamic interior relighting
  • Climate and weather control
  • Depth of field, Lens aberration, graining present

Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46722

2 . Photorealistic Commonwealth ENB

This ENB is made by the same author as the NAC X ENB and it is optimized much better. As the name states, this ENB aims to achieve photo-realism within Fallout 4. Natural lighting and colors are all improved massively with this one. There is a balance present between the natural and realistic lighting in the game. It has about 5000 different looks which are derived from different sources. The depth of field is absolutely amazing and the user interface is definitely friendly.

Why it is great:

  • Optimized for both high and low-end PCs
  • Natural lighting and coloring with proper balance
  • Depth of field, Lens aberration, graining present
  • Over 5000 different looks present
  • Enhanced shaders and material rendering present

Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6796/

1 . Vogue ENB

And finally, we have the Vogue ENB mod which aims to make Fallout 4 much more immersive and atmospheric than ever before. Gameplay is a priority with this mod so the framerate hits are very low and you should have a smooth experience with this mod installed. The color palette has been tweaked to make the game feel much more lively. The texture and shaders have also been improved to make it more realistic and immersive. The nights are much darker which increases immersion greatly too.

Why it is great:

  • Focus on immersion and gameplay
  • Framerate is stable throughout
  • A vibrant color palette makes the game more lively
  • Textures and shaders are crisp
  • SSAO, Depth of Field and SweetFX enhancements are available

Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42

And that is all fellow Wastelanders! Adding these ENBs to Fallout 4 will make it an even greater and much more realistic game than it already is by enhancing all the visual aspects of the game. You’ll surely be playing it for the n-th time after adding these ENBs because they make every new game save unique in their own way. Good Luck and remember War. War Never Changes.

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Word on the street is Samam is an otherworldly entity who has joined this realm to discover all its darkest depths. Spooky!
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