Devil May Cry 5 is a mechanically difficult game. Maybe not as unforgiving as the previous entries, but the game is still certainly extremely hard on harder difficulties.
You can be good at the game with the default controller mappings, but if you really want to get into the micromanaging of Devil May Cry 5 and get the most out of your combos, you’ll want to have your controls suit you best. I can’t tell you exactly what will work best for you, but we’ll go behind the logistics of how you should map your controls and we’ll take a look at some good examples.

The main problem I’ve encountered while playing is that the ranged button is mapped to square/X. Every character has some form of a charged ranged attack that you can use when you’re holding the button down. Especially for V and Virgil, those attacks can be used in the middle of your melee attacks. But it’s pretty hard to get the most of it, since you can’t be clicking triangle/Y and holding down square/X.
So the most important thing to change is allowing you to use the buttons that can be held down while still being able to attack freely. We’re going to be primarily mapping out the controls to fix that without making it awkward to do anything else.

Best PS Configuration:
Triangle - Melee Attack
Square - Nero’s Breakaway / V’s cane attack / Dante’s gun change
Circle - Nero’s Exceed / V’s DT charge / Dante’s sword change
X - Jump
R1 - Nero’s Devil Breaker / V’s finishing blow / Dante’s Style button
R2 - Ranged attack
L1 - Nero’s Devil Bringer / V’s Nightmare / Dante’s Devil Trigger
L2 - Lock On

Best XBOX Configuration:
Y - Melee Attack
X - Nero’s Breakaway / V’s cane attack / Dante’s gun change
B - Nero’s Exceed / V’s DT charge / Dante’s sword change
A - Jump
RB - Nero’s Devil Breaker / V’s finishing blow / Dante’s Style button
RT - Ranged attack
LB - Nero’s Devil Bringer / V’s Nightmare / Dante’s Devil Trigger
LT - Lock On