The spears are a very important part of Odyssey’s gameplay. Their main advantage is that you can hit your enemies from a farther distance. Moreover, the spear's attack is quite quick and deals a lot of damage. If you want to increase the range of your attacks, then spears are definitely a good choice.
In this article, I will guide you through, what in my opinion are, the best spears in the game. We will analyze their strengths, power, and capabilities and see what each one excels in. Let’s dive into it.
1. Staff of Hermes Trismegistus (Very Good)
Kassandra with the legendary Staff of Hermes Trismegistus
So the first one is the legendary Staff of Hermes Trismegistus, the ancient weapon that allowed Kassandra to live for thousands of years. This weapon lives up to its name and history and opens up the ranking as one of the best spears in the whole game.
For me the Staff is a great weapon to use, however, there are certainly better ones in the game. The boosts that come with this spear are decent but don’t suit my style of play. It all depends on how you like to play the game, but none can disagree that the staff is one of the better weapons in the game nonetheless.
Staff of Hermes Trismegistus strengths:
- boosts Warrior Damage
- boosts Chance to Ignore Half Damage
- gives a very diverse range of boosts
How to get the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus:
You will have to find Pythagoras to receive the staff. Once you find him, complete his quest and return to him afterward. At the end of the quest, you will become the wielder of the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus.
Staff of Hermes Trismegistus stats:
- Stats for level: 56
- 3148 DPS
- +17% Warrior Damage
- +24% Chance to Ignore Half Damage
- Low chance to gain a 30% Health Shield when Hit
- Description: “It’s been discovered as the key to the unknown world of Atlantis - who knows the untapped potential it holds.”
2. Falx of Olympos (Strong)
Kassandra wielding the legendary Falx of Olympos
Here is the risky weapon to use. Falx of Olympos is a deadly weapon that can help you easily defeat your enemies. However, you will always cling desperately to the little health you have when using it.
I already mentioned it, but let me tell you again that this spear is very risky to use. Its ability allows for +100% damage, however, you will only have 25% of your total health - constantly! Be aware of this when you use Falx of Olympos. Other than that, the spear has very good perks that guarantee great advantages in battle.
Falx of Olympos strengths:
- boosts Assassin Damage
- boosts Adrenaline per CRIT
- increases damage like almost no other weapon
How to get Falx of Olympos:
To get Falx of Olympos you will have to go to the island of Thera, one of the Volcanic Islands. From there, in the northeast direction, you can find the Palace of Amphitrite which is underwater. Loot the palace and in one of the chests you can find the legendary spear.
Falx of Olympos stats:
- Stats for level: 56
- 3148 DPS
- +17% Assassin Damage
- +24% Adrenaline per CRIT
- +100% Damage but Health Capped to 25%
- Description: “High atop Mount Olympos, in the Pantheon, is the meeting place of gods. It is a holy place.”
3. Achilles’s Spear (Very Strong)
Kassandra using the Achilles’s Spear
A great spear to use when you love to use a bow. Achilles’s Spear is a very strong legendary spear, owing its name to Greece’s most prominent mythological hero. The spear is no different in its abilities than the hero himself.
Some of the main capabilities and powers of this spear include its boosts to Hunter Damage and Damage with Spears. I believe these are great boosts when it comes to using spears. An additional boost to the Multi-Shot Ability only proves the strength of this legendary weapon.
Achilles’s Spear Strengths:
- boosts Hunter Damage
- boosts Damage with Spears
- boosts Damage with Multi-Shot Ability
- perfect for players who use bow a lot
- ideal boost of damage when using a spear
How to get Achilles’s Spear:
Getting Achilles’s Spear is very easy. All you will have to do is go to Makedonia and find the Olynthos Fortress. In the fortress look for the legendary chest. Inside the chest, you will find the Achilles’s Spear.
Achilles’s Spear stats:
- Stats for level: 58
- 3341 DPS
- +17% Hunter Damage
- +18% Damage with Spears
- +20% Damage with Multi-Shot Ability
- Description: “There is no point of weakness for the warrior who enters the fight with this spear of legend.”
4. Poseidon’s Trident (Powerful)
The weapon of the sea god himself - Poseidon’s Trident
It is time to look at the last two spears on the ranking, both coming straight from the gods. The first one is the legendary Poseidon’s Trident. A truly godly weapon that you can get in the game without any additional purchases. Getting this weapon is certainly worth it as it allows you great offensive boosts and much easier exploration of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s huge world!
The powers of the trident allow for great combat boosts including benefits in Warrior Damage and CRIT Damage. The only thing that for me places this trident not at the top is the fact that the last perk doesn’t contribute to the offensive or defensive. However, it is a very unique ability and allows for a much easier and better exploration of the huge open world.
Poseidon’s Trident strengths:
- boosts Warrior Damage
- boosts CRIT Damage
- allows you to breathe underwater!
- a very good boost for a Warrior Build
- improves offense
How to get Poseidon’s Trident:
To get the legendary weapon of Poseidon you will have to travel to an unnamed island located north of Samos. It is a very small island and be sure not to miss it. On the island find a temple and loot the chests there to find the trident.
Poseidon’s Trident stats:
- Stats for level: 58
- 3341 DPS
- +17% Warrior Damage
- +30% CRIT Damage
- Breathe Underwater
- Description: “This mighty trident is coveted by sailors, as it’s said it can control the seas.”
5. Hades’s Bident (Very Powerful)
Hades’s Bident, a weapon straight from hell
Here we arrive at the final point of the ranking. Hades’s Bident, is a weapon straight from hell, both literally and in terms of its strengths. A powerful spear with the sole purpose of increasing damage and chance you can defeat your enemies easily.
In terms of its powers and capabilities the Bident’s focus is strictly on offensive. It boosts important offensive aspects and allows for higher damage. Moreover, it works perfectly if you use any Warrior Build and if you use Ring of Chaos Ability. If yes, then the Hades’s Bident is a perfect spear for you.
Hades’s Bident strengths:
- boosts Warrior Damage
- boosts CRIT Damage
- boosts Damage with Ring Chaos Ability
- improves your offensive capabilities
- works perfectly with Warrior Builds
- increases your damage significantly
How to get Hades’s Bident:
To get this legendary spear, you will have to go to Messenia. Once there, look for Mount Ithome Fort. Go to the fort and loot the chests, in one of them, you will find Hades’s Bident.
Hades’s Bident stats:
- Stats for level: 58
- 3341 DPS
- +17% Warrior Damage
- +30% CRIT Damage
- +20% Damage with Ring Chaos Ability
- Description: “Legend says this was wrenched out of Hades’s own hands from the underworld.”
Now you know my ranking and you know which spears I consider to be the best in AC Odyssey. You can let me know what your favorite ones are and if you agree with my ranking. Write a comment down below and let’s have a chat!