The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn (2013)

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The First Dragonborn has returned, and it is now up to you to find out why. For the first time in the Elder Scrolls, players can now journey to the island of Solstheim, off the coast of Morrowind, where they meet the Dark Elven settlers of Raven Rock. With new towns, monsters, and spells, players will experience a whole new level of Skyrim battle and adventure. New armours such as the Bonemold and Chitin armour sets will be obtainable in this expansion.

In Dragonborn, players encounter new powers that can even let them tame dragons, all to square off against the First Dragonborn, and discover the fate of both Solstheim - and themselves.

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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn Reviews

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ellonganiza's picture

ellonganiza 9 years 2 months ago

TES: Skyrim was a succes even before launch, the reasons could be summed up like this: OBLIVION+Graphics+Scope. The world was bigger, the magic was more impressing and of course there were Dragons. Then, came DawnGuard and after becoming a Vampire Lord i though i needed nothing more to be happy. But the Dragonborn dlc brought a premise that i couldn´t resist: "You are not the first or the only dragonborn, but you can show those suckers that you are the best one. Go get some!" and i did. Play it!

choreograffy's picture

choreograffy 9 years 2 months ago

TES V: Skyrim is a game that any gamer in the world MUST play! Why, do you ask? First of all, the graphics are simply amazing and the environment is beautiful even for a fantasy landscape. The great thing about Skyrim is that you can build your character any way you would want to! You are no longer limited to classes like the other games. There are a lot of interesting npc's and quests! You can even decide on the fate of some npc's and also your own fate in the game. A very legendary RPG game.

All Comments (37)

Yvette2000's picture

Yvette2000 3 months 1 week ago

An absolute must play!!

TheDarkestLight787's picture

TheDarkestLight787 1 year 7 months ago

A very good DLC and part of a legendary gaming franchise. Easily the frontrunner for its genre. A masterwork from Bethesda.

Robonowsky92's picture

Robonowsky92 1 year 8 months ago

So unless you have never played a video game otherwise you know that this is a GOAT'D game! Some may not always agree & that's perfectly cool. However if you have at least gotten to the main menu then you already know!

SaltyArrow's picture

SaltyArrow 1 year 9 months ago

The game is still fun even after a decade, you will always find new stuff to do, secrets to find and even after that you can spice it up with mods which this game has plenty of.

JD Parrish's picture

JD Parrish 2 years 13 hours ago

One of if not the best game of all time!

albertalba's picture

albertalba 3 years 11 months ago

The gold standard of open ended games. You can spend a thousand hours in this game and still find something new to do!

sTaTic_waFFle's picture

sTaTic_waFFle 4 years 8 months ago

May I say this game never gets old. Avoiding the main quest is ridiculously easy and the character variations are endless. Definitely make sure to nab the DLCs, especially if you're interested in the creation aspects.

Lennyg's picture

Lennyg 5 years 11 months ago

One of my favorite games. I'm glad it got exposed to so many platforms/consoles, lots of people were introduced to the series.

Serlexington's picture

Serlexington 7 years 4 months ago

Great Improvement on the vanilla game. Still wish they would redo the skill trees though

RKChauhan's picture

RKChauhan 7 years 9 months ago

Skyrim is one of the most detailed and longest RPG's I've ever played, and not in a bad sense. It is thouroughly enjoyable and the dragonborn DLC expands the already huge game further. This game is definitely a must play for RPG fans.

XyZero's picture

XyZero 7 years 11 months ago

If you want a game that will allow you to have fun and a decent difficulty without rage quiting or breaking you keyboard , THIS IS THE ONE , youll have hundred of gameplay hours youll have a world to explore and youll have freedom .

Jimbeam's picture

Jimbeam 8 years 6 months ago

This is a great game if you are looking for something to play for months on end look no further, as this, is the game for you! Countless hour of collecting resources for gear, potions, and enchantments for a large number of different characters and a large number of different builds.

selfsearcher's picture

selfsearcher 8 years 11 months ago

Great game! If you want, you can explore the world spending several (and I mean, several!) hours leveling and mastering your abilities.

Simonas777's picture

Simonas777 9 years 2 weeks ago

Simply amazing!!! Originally The Elder Scrolls V – Skyrim was released on 2011 and even without the DLC it has stunning graphics! There are lots of missions you can do, it's just too adictive! Once you start playing it, you can spend hours and hours on it mainly because you have so much stuff to do in the game! And you have huge variety of skills you can train and upgrade.

vecinux's picture

vecinux 9 years 3 weeks ago

This DLC add's a few more days to a game that already had an amazing amount of hours on it. Skyrim catches your time like no other game and even when if you finish the main story lines it still has a lot to offer making you come back.

OintheDARK's picture

OintheDARK 9 years 3 weeks ago

This new DLC brought a whole new zone for you to explore, many many more missions to do, new spells and new followers. The bads would probably be the occasionally bugginess some people experience, but that’s only the job for the modding community to fix!

Ilcorvo5250's picture

Ilcorvo5250 9 years 3 weeks ago

You want to bring up a game that everyone has played and no one gave a negative comment of Skyrim is that game. It takes customization, exploration, and the abilities of an RPG to a new level. Tie in the factor you can fight giant dragons geared up in gear or powered by spells makes you feel as if you are the fantasy hero him or herself. Hours and hours of people's time became invested in this game so that they could drift off into a fantasy world and live in the hall of heroes. Giving the gamers the ability to extend their quest just increased the love that this game has been given.

espinozacerdag's picture

espinozacerdag 9 years 4 weeks ago

This is probably one of the greatest middle-earth-dragons-armors-ale games of the last years. Creating a new lenguage (though without many words), you can feel the sensation of being part of the story trying to learning it. You can add moods, but that may take away the simplicity of the game. You are the chosen one in the story and you can even feel when you become stronger. The soundtrack is delicious, and you can even watch on youtube the making off. If you can, play Skyrim and enjoy it.

ruiinin's picture

ruiinin 9 years 1 month ago

Another great DLC launched by Bethesda improving the epic tale of the Dragonborn. The dragons in the new realm could use some work. Overall the dialogues, the story, and the characters are all significant especially the antagonist. I just wish there were more catches that further explains the past of the antagonist.

Rafiul's picture

Rafiul 9 years 1 month ago

An impressive rally by Bethesda after the bland and broken "Oblivion". Characters look better than ever before, dialogue is much more interesting, a main quest worth playing and not to mention dragons(!) make this entry a quintessential addition to any self-respecting gamer's library, with replay value well beyond years.

aynessa's picture

aynessa 9 years 1 month ago

Skyrim is the pinnacle of the Elder Scrolls series, boasting an expansive storyline, stunning visuals, and the most epic musical score you have likely ever heard. This game is one of the most popular, successful titles of the decade, and worth every ounce of praise.

gus227's picture

gus227 9 years 1 month ago

Surely one of the best games Action RPG. Beautiful scenery. A method incredible game experience. Expectaculares enemies. all a big party in this The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn.

MrM0rg0th's picture

MrM0rg0th 9 years 1 month ago

The rightful heir to the Elder Scrolls saga, Skyrim gave gamers something no other game could: freedom. Freedom to become a bow-wielding battlemage or an axe swinging assassin. Freedom to explore a well thought out, addictively immersive environment, at your own pace and without having to follow the storyline at all. The vanilla version was already epic, but there are tons of mods too. And by mods, I mean studio quality extensions you can download for free. Talk about an unlimited lifespan!

555's picture

555 9 years 1 month ago

The Game is very different to another game.I am very attractive to played this game.This is a first-person shooter based on the 2004 BIONICLE story. You play as Toa Metru Vakama, who is trying to prevent Morbuzakh vines from twisting apart support beams to the foundry's overhead vat system. To stop them, you must shoot them with your Kanoka Disk Launcher. However, it's not that simple: there are different strength vines.

neaz222's picture

neaz222 9 years 1 month ago

Great game.

nicomorganelli's picture

nicomorganelli 9 years 1 month ago

This game is absolutely amazing. The storyline is convincing, and the choices you can make are so numerous that it simulates real life's choices and how they can lead from one thing to another. The extensiveness of the world is amazing, and exploration is endless. This game truly sparked the adventurer/dragon slayer within me, and I would personally recommend this game to anyone that enjoys gaming. It's a definite 10/10, and it did not disappoint in the slightest.

Shpendi's picture

Shpendi 9 years 1 month ago

This addition has totally succeeded in enhancing our desire of exploration and discovery, which had previously disappeared. The main quest is super and this version contains a whole package of annex and secondary quests, new content and the decor change is totally adapted to the player's diverse tastes.

betatester's picture

betatester 9 years 1 month ago

The Dragonborn DLC addition provides some additional content and quests for the every level of player. New players will be faced with a challenge as Solsteim features some tough new creatures while experienced players will enjoy the new quests and gear. This DLC is must download for Skyrim fans.

JPodz's picture

JPodz 9 years 1 month ago

A must for any gamer. Great graphics, epic adventures, great characters. Enjoy the new location and related quest streams. if you want to see things a bit differently, start a new character! There is lots to do and can keep you entertained for hours! I love the addition of the dragons and the added elements of fantasy.

Marcos's picture

Marcos 9 years 1 month ago

The Dragonborn DLC brings great content for the already masterpiece that is Skyrim. You go to a new location, named Solstheim, an island located off the north coast of Morrowind. Dragonborn is good, it adds new shouts, spells, new creatures to battle, weapons, armor, etc. Not to mention, you get to discover a brand new location, that you can explore freely. Along with this, Dragonborn, features a brand new main quest, along with many side-quests and new characters. How can you say no to that?

Dream3r's picture

Dream3r 9 years 1 month ago

It says something when one of the most played games daily is still Skyrim years after its release. The game offers a massive world with a ton to do and can easily keep you busy for over a hundred hours. If you manage to get the game on PC you'll have access to one of the greatest libraries of mods currently out there and be able to expand your experience even further. Some of our future developers are likely mods for this game right now. A must play.

Joseph8's picture

Joseph8 9 years 1 month ago

When Skyrim meets Lovecraft, what happens? Dragonborn. When developers decide to show everybody they can also do great mods –what a challenge for the Elder Scrolls- we get Dragonborn. Lovecraft would be proud of the Bethesda’s work, as you will if you haven’t played it yet.

Randomaire's picture

Randomaire 9 years 1 month ago

With the release of the expansion Dragonborn for Skyrim: Elder Scrolls V, the game takes on a whole new dimension. The expansion adds the Island of Solstheim, new items, a new shout system, and new enemies. The biggest added features are dragons giving players the ability to tame and ride them. The player can use the Dragon to rain down terror from the sky, but sadly does not allow you to control flight. You will never view the sky the same way again and be in awe of the majesty of the dragon.

Azy_Sketch's picture

Azy_Sketch 9 years 1 month ago

I loved this game, but it just wasn't a 10 for me personally.

Brdjanin's picture

Brdjanin 9 years 1 month ago

If you liked Skyrim, you will love this! It is one of the best sequel/expansions recently. It keeps the same beautiful graphics for your visual enjoyment, and adds more epic to the already present epicness with all the freedom of customizing your hero - regarding not only physical appearance and gear sets but also the skills, that are upgraded through their use as you play. This game has raised the bar for the genre very high. It will certainly keep you occupied for hours.

choreograffy's picture

choreograffy 9 years 2 months ago

TES V: Skyrim is a game that any gamer in the world MUST play! Why, do you ask? First of all, the graphics are simply amazing and the environment is beautiful even for a fantasy landscape. The great thing about Skyrim is that you can build your character any way you would want to! You are no longer limited to classes like the other games. There are a lot of interesting npc's and quests! You can even decide on the fate of some npc's and also your own fate in the game. A very legendary RPG game.

ellonganiza's picture

ellonganiza 9 years 2 months ago

TES: Skyrim was a succes even before launch, the reasons could be summed up like this: OBLIVION+Graphics+Scope. The world was bigger, the magic was more impressing and of course there were Dragons. Then, came DawnGuard and after becoming a Vampire Lord i though i needed nothing more to be happy. But the Dragonborn dlc brought a premise that i couldn´t resist: "You are not the first or the only dragonborn, but you can show those suckers that you are the best one. Go get some!" and i did. Play it!

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