[Top 15] Dota 2 Best Last Hit Heroes That Scale Into Late Game

Dota 2 Best Last Hit Heroes

Last-hitting is one of the most important, fundamental elements of the game. And we all know it's one of the main jobs of the carries because they have to scale into late game.

For all of you carry and mid players looking to be effective late game scalers...When your team has chosen only squishy heroes with no late-game potential...You struggle to find the right pick.

This article will discuss the top 15 Dota 2 Best Last Hit Heroes That Scale Into Late Game.We want to help you with that struggle by using the Dotabuff statistics of this week’s best last hitting heroes...


15. Spectre

Dota 1 Spectre model

Spectre is a well-known carry hero for both newcomers and veterans alike.She haunts enemies with her ultimate while she farms the whole map. Along with her movement capabilities and escape mechanics, she ranks among the top 15 last-hit heroes.

This hero is good for fulfilling a nuker line-up because she is always within grasp of her enemies... She especially loves to munch up support heroes. She can also tank a whole lot of damage against enemy nuker line-ups.

What makes Spectre powerful:

  • Durability: With Dispersion, she mitigates a lot of damage.
  • Mobility: allows for faster farming by moving through cliffs and trees.
  • Escape: moving through cliffs and trees can save her life from enemy ganks.
  • Gank potential—she can jump instantly into the fight with her ultimate
  • High damage dealer—with her passive, she can deal so much damage in fights.

Choose this hero if:

  • Because Spectre doesn't require many items to become a difficult to kill hero, pick it if you need a tanky carry hero.
  • You want to be able to gank with the team while you’re farming creeps.
  • The enemy team has a lot of damage, so Spectre would be able to reflect a big portion of it with disperse and blademail.

See Spectre in action:


14. Templar Assassin


The best physical damage hero in midlane has to be TA. She likes to dominate the laning stage and deal high bursts of damage.

With her passive skill psyblades, she can very quickly farm the lane and then transition into the triangle to farm tasty stacks (snacks) made by the supports. If this hero snowballs in the early game, it can become very hard to stop it.

What distinguishes a Templar Assassin is:

  • Fast farmer—with Psyblades, she can quickly farm massive stacks on the ancient camp.
  • Single instance spells with high damage output are extremely effective.She can't be easily bursted by spell damage or critical attacks because she has Refraction.
  • Evasive—she can easily survive with Meld if the enemy supports but forgets to bring vision.
  • High burst of damage—with her high physical damage, she can delete heroes in a matter of seconds.
  • She can solo kill Roshan—Refraction and Meld, along with Desolator, give her the opportunity to solo Roshan while her team is creating space for her.

Choose this hero if:

  • You want to set a high tempo for the game and win fast because this hero snowballs out of control very quickly.
  • Your team needs heavy bursts of damage if you lack damage in the lineup.
  • The enemy team has big ultimate spell supports, so you can eliminate them before they have the chance to cast it.
  • Against nuker heroes, the enemy has high instant damage.

See the Templar Assassin in action:


13. Clinkz

Clinkz giving you a death stare

Clinkz has become a versatile hero that can be played in both the mid and carry positions. He is best known for his hit-and-run tactics. Always makes you wonder from which angle he'll strike!

With the most recent rework of Clinkz in patch 7.30, his skill Burning Barrage has made him one of the top efficient farmers in the game. Additionally, Skeleton Walk enables him to quickly travel from one farming spot to another, making him one of the top 13 farming heroes this week.

This hero excels at pushing without being caught and also has very high solo-kill potential, which gives enemy heroes anxiety when showing their faces on the map.

What makes Clinkz powerful is:

  • He can easily munch down buildings with his Burning Arrows.
  • Escape artist: Skeleton Walk gives him so much movement speed that only heroes with great catching abilities can think about closing the gap on him.
  • Assassin on the map: If he finds you alone on the map, chances are you’re not surviving his Burning Barrage.
  • Difficult to kill—with his ultimate ability, he becomes quite the beefy boy with a large HP bar, so if you don’t pack a big punch... just run, bro.
  • Chaos in the teamfight—with different angles of attack each time, Clinkz creates so much chaos in the teamfight, especially if he has Aghanim’s shard and scepter, spawning loads of skeletons that shoot arrows.

Choose this hero if:

  • The opposing team has divided its pushing cores, allowing you to easily solo-kill them and destroy their farm.
  • Your team lacks building damage.
  • An enemy offlaner is a strong laner (ex.: Slardar, Underlord, etc.).
  • If the enemy team lacks stuns and catches,

See Clinkz in action:


12. Shadow Fiend


Many people’s favorite midlane hero is Nevermore the Shadow Fiend. He’s the versatile magic/right-click hero who is a dominant midlaner and just does it all for the team.

With Shadow Raze's and high right-click damage, he can flash farm the lane and stacks in the jungle.He also has a 305 starting movement speed, which when combined with any movement speed item allows him to move arround fast and farm the map quickly.

This hero has excellent push, a fantastic team-fight ultimate, passive enemy armor reduction, a very high magic and physical damage burst, and so on.In other words, this hero does it all!

What gives Shadow Fiend his power:

  • Dominant laner: his right-clicks have decent range, and Shadow Raze’s allow him to constantly threaten his midlane opponent, never allowing him to get too comfortable.
  • You can instantly clean multiple neutral camps by pressing three buttons on your keyboard.
  • Nuker—SF can delete tanky heroes right at the start of a teamfight due to his ultimate ability, which is most often combined with Eul’s Scepter.
  • Physical damage enhancer: Enables the team to rip through the enemy’s armor with the presence of the Dark Lord.
  • Must be addressed by the opposing team: If you don't focus Shadow Fiend in a teamfight or at least have some kind of counter against him, you will be destroyed quickly.

Choose this hero if:

  • You have a high physical damage lineup on the team, or at least carry a hero to enhance the damage output.
  • You lack both damage and teamfighting at the same time in your team’s lineup.
  • Other heroes in your team are more teamfight-oriented and can create space for you to farm the map.

See Shadow Fiend in action:


11. Sven

Sven looking at his next victim

Sven is a hard-carry hero with great late-game potential and high physical damage. He is one of the best farmers in the game thanks to his skill Great Cleave.

Sven is the type of carry who likes to get small amounts of space, farm up, and then take over the game completely. He is a solid initiator once he gets blink, and with Storm Hammer and his ultimate, he can kill multiple heroes with just a few swings of his sword. The German knight can also provide some armor and movement speed bonuses just so he has proof when he claims he’s not a selfish boy.

What makes Sven powerful is:

  • Sven can be paired with a greedier position 5 hero because he provides a consistent stun, which can set up for some easy lane kills early on.
  • He is a flash farmer; usually, position 4 support creates stacks on the ancient camp, and after a couple of stacks are killed, he suddenly has a significant item advantage against enemy carries.
  • He is a reliable carry in all stages of the game. Sven can scale very well throughout the game since he is all physical damage and his ultimate is percentage-based.
  • Wombo-combo potential: with Storm Hammer, which has a small aoe stun, he can combine with other heroes' (ex.: Dark Seer, Enigma, etc.) setup to kill all five enemies in one swoop.
  • Hard nuker: Due to his fast farming and advantage against enemies, he can literally kill one-shot supports without them having time to cast a single spell.

Choose this hero if:

  • Your teammates have a lot of control to keep enemies in place for you to come slice 'em up!
  • Enemies are mostly physically based, so you can mitigate a lot of their damage, which will make fights much easier and give you a bigger margin for error.
  • Your position already has a greedy hero, and your lane lacks disables.
  • Because Sven can take a lot of damage and spells, you'll need a tanky front liner.
  • Enemy Carry is an illusion-based hero, and Sven can cleave through them with Great Cleave, rendering them powerless and useless.

See Sven in action:


10. Alchemist

The ogre's not sure what his greevil partner is giving him

Ah, the genius alchemist Greevil and the fierce ogre duo... One of the game's all-time highest GPM heroes.This hero is farm-oriented; he scales quickly and is mostly used in the midlane and as a carry.

Alchemist is an expert at farming because of his unique ability to stack multiple neutral camps at the same time, thanks to his Acid Spray skill, which also later helps him farm those stacks.

Except for being good at farming and transmuting creeps into additional gold, this hero is a great initiator with his long stun from Unstable Concoction, and he makes a very beefy boy out of his ogre partner when he gives him the Chemical Rage potion.

What gives Alchemist his power:

  • Farming supremacy: He gains a massive item advantage against enemy cores because of his Greevil’s Greed and Acid Spray skills. Also, he can stack for himself, which means supports can focus on other things rather than stacking for their core.
  • Initiator—Alchemist is a natural Blink Dagger carrier, which allows him to farm faster while also initiating heroes from the fog of war with a full duration Unstable Concoction AOE stun.
  • Very tanky: Chemical Rage gives 100 HP bonus regen, and paired up with a bit of armor and magic resistance items, he becomes virtually unkillable.
  • Nuker—After initiating the fog of war with his stun, he will likely kill his enemies for the duration of it due to the lowered armor from Acid Spray and the high attack speed from Chemical Rage.
  • Team buffer: He is the only unique hero that can give Aghanim’s upgrade to these teammates, and after he is six slots and the game is still not over, he empowers everybody else!

Choose this hero if:

  • The enemy team doesn’t have a lot of burst damage, which means they won’t be able to dish out as much damage as you can regenerate HP.
  • Your team has a fast-paced lineup, and you need a carry who can farm up quickly and become an available asset as soon as possible to finish the game early.
  • You want to control the map, and Alchemist is also a natural Boots of Travel carrier, so you can constantly split push lanes and stall the game until you get six slots and take over the game.

See Alchemist in action:


9. Morphling


Morphling is a high-complexity classic carry hero. It’s a combination of a high-burst nuker and an escape artist who scales very well in the late game.

Like in the real world, water is great for farming... In the Dota 2 universe, the water elemental is equally good because of two things: his high base attack damage and his Waveform ability.

Attribute Shift, even though it’s difficult to control properly, gives the hero lots of durability, which paired with Waveform makes him a tough nut to crack! Also, this nut carries a shotgun in the form of Adaptive Strike (agility), when paired with Ethereal Blade, to one-shot enemies.

What makes Morphling powerful is:

  • Hard to kill—if you don’t catch him off guard with silence or stun, attribute shift will always keep him alive, granting him insurmountable quantities of HP.
  • High burst—the aforementioned "shot gun" one-shots almost all of the game's support heroes, giving them no time to react and be saved.
  • Shape shifter—his ultimate ability Morph gives him the ability to use enemy heroes' strengths against them, giving them a taste of their own medicine!
  • Man-fighting beast: with his high base attack damage due to attribute shift, he can stand and fight face-to-face very effectively, especially when he has a little bit of lifesteal going his way.
  • Aghanim's scepter exploiter (his aghanim's upgrades) is currently one of the most powerful in the game.Every hero has an aghanim’s upgrade in the game today, and most of them are on basic skills and not ultimates. Morph gets the upgrades plus an added cast range and lowered cooldowns for them, which, you guessed it… makes him kind of OP.

Choose this hero if:

  • Enemy heroes have great basic skills, such as Juggernaut and Lifestealer, which basically give Morph a free Black King Bar with their first skills, or Earthshaker and Jakiro, who have powerful long-range stuns like Fissure and Ice Path.
  • You need a durable carry against heavy gank lineups.
  • Your team is lacking some late-game potential.

See Morphling in action:



8. Juggernaut

The blade master himself

Juggernaut is a carry that likes to come up close to heroes and start slicing and dicing! This swordmaster is considered one of the classic hard carries in the game.

Battle Fury, Maelstrom, or a Mask of Madness is a must for this hero in order to enable him to put his passive critical Blade Dance to work. Once he has one of these items, his last hit skyrockets phenomenally.

He also excels at being shady and dealing damage while invulnerable due to his ultimate, and he always has a way out thanks to Blade Fury, which makes him spell immune.All of this means he can stick around in a fight for quite some time and deal massive amounts of damage without giving enemies a chance to catch him.

What makes Juggernaut so powerful:

  • He is very powerful early on, thanks to Blade Fury, who can charge and deal big chunks of damage while being spell-immune. This means, paired up with any disabler support, he can literally kill a hero every time Blade Fury is off cooldown.
  • He has great team sustainability—with Healing Ward Juggernaut, he secures an objective for the team after a bloody teamfight, keeping everybody healthy and in fighting shape. can even turn a fight around with this spell.
  • Deals huge amounts of burst damage once he builds 3–4 items. Thanks to his ultimate, he can easily kill 3–4 heroes while being immune, simply by pressing R in the game.
  • He Can split push very easily with Blade Fury, knowing that the enemy team can’t catch him unless they have abilities that pierce spell immunity.
  • Strong right-click—with Blade Dance, he gets a 35% chance for a critical strike, and he has a good attack speed rate, which makes him unbearable to man fight against.

Choose this hero if:

  • Enemy teams have many disables, especially if they support players who do not have spell immunity to piercing spells.Then you are free to do whatever you want on the map without being caught, thanks to Blade Fury.
  • You play against low-mobility heroes; if they cannot disjoint your ultimate or don’t have a blink, they are doomed to die from your ultimate, no matter if they are core or support.
  • You need a dominant carry on the lane, which also scales well into the late game. Thanks to his early-game potential and a farming passive skill, Jugg seems to be the perfect hero for this playstyle.

See Juggernaut in action:


7. Nature’s Prophet

Nature's Prophet

Nature’s Prophet is the biggest rat in the game, and a lot of players hate him for that reason. Anyway, it's a very powerful split-pushing, all-over-the-map hero.It can be played in carry and offlane positions, even as hard support.

This hero is great for last-hitting creeps since it’s got decent right-click damage, good global presence on the map with teleportation, and with his global ultimate, he obviously kills a lot of creeps.

Apart from last hitting, he excels in ganking, utility, and control, especially for melee carries.

What makes Nature’s Prophet powerful:

  • He is omnipresent on the map, which means he is a part of every group on the map.
  • Great building damage dealer—with Nature’s Call, he can push towers very fast, even more so if he gets Desolator.
  • Great for split pushing—his ultimate ability Wrath of Nature, he can always shove lanes towards enemy towers and then teleport to destroy them before the enemy team can act.
  • Effective control—with Sprout, he can turn teamfights around, especially against melee carries if his team has no way to cut the tree barrier or force him out.
  • very versatile in terms of item build—you can literally build any utility item, or go right-click build, or go support build—it can all work for this hero.

Choose this hero if:

  • You have other high-mobility heroes on your team to perform easy ganks around the map and never really give enemies a room to breathe.
  • You have a hard carry that needs space creation to farm; this is an easy task for Furion since he is an effective split pusher.
  • You want to end the game fast. If, for example, the enemy team is greedy and needs the farm to come online, you can start pushing very early with this hero and don’t give them the chance to farm up.

See Nature’s Prophet in action:


6. Luna

Luna the moon rider

The Moon Rider is another hard carry from the old days of Dota. Her role is usually that of a carry who can fight early too, but recently she has also been viable at position 4 support.

With Moon Glaives, her attacks bounce between enemies, which gives her the unique ability to farm a lot of creeps at the same time. With her high attack speed and very decent damage, she is farming pretty quickly.

Despite being great for farming, she also excels at high magic damage bursts thanks to her ultimate. Luna is also one of the best pushing heroes.

What makes Luna powerful:

  • Strong early-game magic damage: Lucent Beam gives her a mini stun and a high burst damage, giving her a good chance of lane kills.
  • She amplifies the damage of her allies—thanks to her skill Lunar Blessing, she helps a lackluster damage team.
  • Night time is a potential gain time for Luna because she gains 1000 bonus points of night vision with the Lunar Blessing.
  • High bursts of magic damage: Luna’s ultimate not only looks very cool, but it also delivers high amounts of damage capable of completely turning a fight.
  • Excellent pusher—with Moon Glaives, her attacks bounce off of buildings too, which allows her to be at least one of the top two pushers in the game.

Choose this hero if:

  • You want to be dominant in the laning stage. Luna is a strong laner with her high movement speed, reliable stun, and damage amp.
  • You need a reliable pusher; Luna can melt down towers thanks to her Moon Glaives, enabling her to end the game in just 30 minutes.
  • When the team is lacking some AOE teamfight damage, she provides it with her ultimate, which can even be upgraded with Aghanim's scepter.

See Luna in action:


5. Arc Warden

Zet the prison guard of the Ancients themselves

The third fragment of the primordial mind is Zet, a warden of the once-imprisoned greater fragments: Radiant and Dire. Arc Warden is usually a midlane hero, but lately, position 1 has suited him the most.

His ultimate Tempest Double, which allows him to farm on two different places at the same time, makes him great at last hitting.With Maelstrom and Boots of Travel to boot, he excels above other heroes.

Apart from farming well, Zet is an excellent split pusher, shoving side lanes with his Tempest Double all the time. Also, he can contribute to tower defense with a magnetic field and has great pickoff potential while never having to risk anything.

What makes Arc Warden powerful is:

  • Space creator: keeping side lanes shoved out so enemies need to react and you have space to smoke for a gank or farm jungles means a lot.
  • It's difficult to lane against—AW + a half-decent stunning support is far too much damage for almost anyone to try and lane against.
  • Great against enemy push lineups: place the magnetic field in a way that just barely skims the back of the tower so enemies can't easily stand in it and bypass the evasion.
  • Every item you build counts as a double; Midas is considered core since the item effectively has a 2x multiplier with the Tempest Double. A double Dagon 5 can deal a ton of magic damage very quickly, and so on.
  • Spark Wraiths provide good scouting because they have a small radius of ground vision wherever they are planted.You can use these like temporary TA traps to provide basic vision over choke points or in the rosh pit.

Choose this hero if:

  • Your team's lineup is a bit greedy, and you want to create some space for it to farm up and get strong. Arc Warden achieves this by constantly pushing side lanes with his Tempest Double.
  • The enemy team doesn’t have a lot of ways to initiate you, which means your original hero cannot be reached and killed.
  • You'll need a strong utility hero with a lot of control and damage who can completely solo the game.

See Arc Warden in action:


4. Terrorblade

Terroblade and his Metamoprhosis form behind him

Terroblade, the outlaw hellion who even other demons fear!This badass demon, who is only played on carry, ranks at position 4 with 76.07 last hits per 10 minutes.

His Conjure Image skill is the key to his fast farming.It enables him to create an illusion of himself every 16 seconds with 60% of his original self-damage.

On top of farming fast with his illusions, they are really great for pushing and creating chaos in teamfights. Also, he’s got good burst damage with Metamorphosis and is considered a nuker, and last but not least, he has the potential to turn fights around with Sunder.

What makes Terrorblade powerful is:

  • Constantly putting peace on the map—with his illusions, he can be very pesky, stealing creeps in enemy jungles and constantly shoving side lanes.
  • Great pusher—with Metamorphosis (that also applies to his illusions), he gains bonus damage and attack range. This means he melts down buildings in a matter of seconds while staying at a safe distance.
  • Very high armor: TB’s 8.5 starting armor is the highest in the game, which makes him really effective against high-physical damage-dealing enemies.
  • Reflection is a good counter for high physical damage dealers because it turns his enemies' high right-click dps against them, and if they don't have a way to disengage or disjoint the spell, they're doomed.
  • High-impact ultimate: His ultimate ability can turn teamfights around, and this usually happens when the enemy team doesn’t have enough damage to burst Terrorblade before he can cast it.

Choose this hero if:

  • You're not facing a lot of high-magic burst damage dealers. If the enemy doesn't burst through you before you can pop BKB, you simply sunder any hero (enemy or ally) and begin mopping the floor with them.
  • Enemy heroes are mostly single-target-based spell casters. This means they can only target one unit with their spell, giving you free reign over them with your many illusions.
  • Enemy heroes are not very mobile and have a lineup that needs to stick together. TB excels against these types of opponent lineups.One or more of them will have to defend their towers and bases, leaving the rest very vulnerable and susceptible to feeding.

See Terrorblade in action:


3. Medusa

Don't stare at her eyes!

Medusa fits the classic mythical description of a snake lady who turns people who lock eyes with her into stone. She is literally a hard carry, meaning she is very tanky, and her playstyle is in-your-face fighting.

Her split shot ability is largely responsible for her ranking as the top-three hitter (80.28 lb/10 min) this week.With it, she attacks four bonus targets for 75% of her damage, which at level 15 you can upgrade to 85%.

The snake lady is also one of the game's tankiest heroes, with essentially two HP pools thanks to Mana Shield and decent laning against most offlaners.In other words, it’s hard to stop her from farming.

What makes Medusa powerful:

  • Forces opposing teams to select heroes or construct items that consume mana (for example, anti-mage or diffusal blade)—this can completely disrupt one team's lineup or a specific hero's item build, resulting in disaster.
  • Medusa is generally a strong laner; her skill Mystic Snake allows her to do that, which not only bounces between targets but also increases in damage the more units it hits. In other words, she is harassing enemy heroes while speeding up her farm.
  • Hard ganking target: Unless you catch her by surprise while she doesn’t have her Mana Shield activated, the chances of a successful gank on Medusa are very slim. By the time you get close to killing her, her teammates will most likely have arrived and destroyed you.
  • Huge teamfight ultimate: with Stone Gaze, she can completely reset a fight going badly for her team or be used as a counter-initiate to some other big teamfight ultimates like Chronosphere, for example. All of this makes her a valuable asset for the team’s composition and general fighting strategy.
  • Mana Shield obviously allows her to focus more on stats and damage items, making her a very strong man-fighter.You can't just approach her and win a manfight because of her high durability and the mechanics of her ultimate.

Choose this hero if:

  • The enemy has huge teamfight ultimates. Effectively reset the teamfights in your favor with Stone Gaze.
  • The enemy has a high pickoff potential.You will be able to counter that with the sheer tankiness and toughness of this hero.
  • Majority of the enemy lineup is meele.You will be able to have a free game since none of them will be able to get close to you easily, thanks to Medusa’s man-fighting capabilities.

See Medusa in action:


2. Anti-Mage

Anti-mage showing off his blade

Anti-Mage is a popular carry hero and a favorite of many players.It’s a hard carry with a fun, mobile dynamic and a very satisfying ultimate ability. With 82.78 last hits per 10 minutes, he finds himself at position 2 in this week's top last hitters.

This hero's mobility and attack speed, combined with his mana burn passive, are what make him so effective at last hitting creeps.When combined with the cleave from Battle Fury, he can farm the whole jungle in less than 30 seconds, depending on the stage of the game.

Anti-Mage hates magic, obviously, and accordingly, he is very resistant to magic damage. Another signature thing about Anti-Mage is his blink, with its stupidly low cooldown and effectiveness against high-mana heroes (ex.: Storm Spirit).

What makes Anti-Mage so effective:

  • excels against single-target spellcasters. Since the spell's rework in patch 7.30, Counterspell has made players think twice before casting a spell on Anti-Mage because they can hit themselves with it.
  • Extremely mobile: Anti-Mage is the most mobile hero in the game with his 6-second cooldown for a 1200-range blink ability. giving him great escape, farming, and initiating capabilities.
  • This hero never has to fully commit to a fight—he can jump in and out of teamfights, giving the enemy only a small window to catch him.making him very elusive.
  • He is an excellent split pusher—he can split push effectively since he kills creeps very fast and has good right-click damage output. Also, the moment he senses danger, he can blink into trees and leave enemies struggling to find where he blinked.
  • Stop the incoming enemy push. When his teammates die in a teamfight, many players will skip the enemy heroes heading for his base and kill the incoming creeps down the lane. This will cause backdoor protection, and the push is over.

Choose this hero if:

  • The enemy team doesn’t have a lot of stuns or disables. You will have a free game because they will never be able to get their hands on you.
  • Opposing cores have big mana pools. Mana Void will always be a threat to them and their entire team, and they will never be able to freely use the full potential of their hero’s mana without paying a heavy price for it.
  • You play against mostly single-target spell casters. As mentioned before, you gain the ability to use their spells against your enemies and destroy them.

See Anti-Mage in action:


1. Naga Siren

Naga Siren

Naga Siren’s carrying skills are as amazing as her vocal skills. She is this week’s top last hitter with 87.38 last hits per 10 minutes. It’s not strange at all that she is ranked #1; she has a hard split-pushing playstyle and likes to control the map.

The reason behind her "best last-hitter" trophy is her illusions and her passive damage ability. Every 25 seconds, she gets three (four with talent) illusions that last for 26 seconds, which also get the bonus from her passive Riptide... So yeah, you get the idea...

Naga Siren, in addition to being the top-ranked last hitter, excels at confusing the enemy as to who is the original, while still having a way out even if they figure it out with her ultimate.Also, she and her illusions become very hard to kill in the later stages of the game, and without proper heroes or  items, they’re very hard to deal with.

What gives the Naga Siren her power:

  • She has complete control of the map, spreading her illusions all over it, farming everything in their sight.She shoves side lanes and steals enemy jungle creeps.
  • Has a strong, reliable disable—Naga’s Ensnare ability provides a 5-second root disable, and she can cast it from afar, making it easy for 5 Naga sirens to come munch you up. Also, with Aghanim’s scepter upgrade, you gain the ability to cast this spell on spell-immune targets.
  • Burst damage: Once she gets close and starts swinging, riptide procs that also lower armor can bring down even big tanky heroes in a matter of seconds.
  • can disengage and initiate a fight—her ultimate, Song of the Siren, puts everyone to sleep and can be used as setup initiation for big spells like Enigma’s Black Hole or Tide’s Ravage or to disengage from a losing fight.

Choose this hero if:

  • Enemies rely on initiative to win fights. With Song of the Siren, you can completely disrupt their initiative and easily win the fight from there.
  • The enemy team doesn’t have a lot of catchers. If they can’t stop you from casting your ultimate, they will never be able to slow you down by killing you, which gives you the opportunity to take complete control over the map.
  • Your team has big teamfight spells that need some sort of setup. Song of the Siren can easily setup long-duration, hard-to-hit disabling  along with Naga’s damage output, can easily determine a positive outcome in teamfights.

See Naga Siren in action:


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From the distant lands of Macedonia, Nikola is a nice guy, a pretty groovy guy.. But once he gets a little sugar in him he gets a lil wacky and starts philosophizing about the realm of games.
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