Top 15 Greatest Weapons in D&D (Most Legendary Weapons): Page 3 of 13

D&D best weapons
A cloaked character wields a Sword of Answering

13. Flame Tongue   

Flames erupt from the blade of this weapon [Photo Credit: Wizards of the Coast]

From vengeance, we turn to fire. The Flame Tongue bears a handle made of brass, with a long blade that seems to glow red in the right light. A bright red gem sits at the base of the blade. In times of need, you need only to speak a command word (anything of your choice, something like “Ignus!” would work well).

When this word is spoken, fire blasts out from the base of the blade, and soon after, the entire blade is wreathed in flames. This fire does not harm the wielder, but on top of the damage bonus it provides, 80 feet of light will be sure to help guide your party’s way—even in the darkest of dungeons.

Just imagine your character taking a single step towards the enemy, before drawing the Flame Tongue, shouting a word in Elvish, and watching in awe as the blade bursts into flames.

Flame Tongue Stats: 

  • Requires Attunement
  • Can output 40 feet of bright light, 40 feet dim
  • Bonus Action to activate the flames
  • 2d6 Fire damage when active

Why this weapon is legendary:

  • Damage bonus every hit while active
  • An endless source of light
  • A flaming sword has a high intimidation factor!
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The darkest dungeons, fiercest dragons, and most memorable characters have taught me the power of storytelling, and that a good backstory is no less important than a good sword.
Gamer Since: 2010
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons
Top 3 Favorite Games:Kerbal Space Program, Alien: Isolation, Rocket League

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