Top 15 Greatest Weapons in D&D (Most Legendary Weapons): Page 5 of 13

D&D best weapons
A cloaked character wields a Sword of Answering

9. Wave

Wave is pictured within the dungeon of White Plume Mountain [Photo Credit: Wizard+]

Wave is a powerful golden trident that can only be found in the heart of White Plume Mountain. The Mountain serves as the lair for the dark wizard Keraptis, who stole away Wave, along with the next two items on this list. He issues a constant challenge to adventurers, yet none have yet dared to enter the dungeon.

Wave is unlike any of the other weapons we have looked at so far, in that Wave truly does have a mind of its own. This trident, which is covered in engravings of seashells, waves, and fish, is a sentient weapon. 

It is said that Wave was forged to bring about the demise of one of the great gods of the sea, though little beyond this is known about Wave’s purpose in the world. Should you ask Wave, it will tell you that it wants to convert all beings to the worship of the sea gods. It will only attune to a wielder who worships one or more.

From time to time, Wave longs to return home, to the island on which it was forged. Wave grants an unimaginable bonus to critical hits, draining half the lifeforce of an enemy should you be lucky enough to roll one. 

Should you wield it, Wave will warn you of coming danger, allow you to breathe underwater, give you command over sea life, and even shield you with a wall of force. 

Wave stats:

  • Requires attunement by a creature that worships a god of the sea
  • +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls
  • Neutral alignment
  • On a critical hit, the target takes necrotic damage equal to half its hit point maximum
  • Functions as a Cap of Water Breathing, a Trident of Fish Command, a Weapon of Warning, and a Cube of Force.

Why this weapon is legendary:

  • Grants you powers Percy Jackson could only dream of
  • Its critical hit ability will make quick work of even the most powerful of enemies
  • Has its own goals and motivations
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The darkest dungeons, fiercest dragons, and most memorable characters have taught me the power of storytelling, and that a good backstory is no less important than a good sword.
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