The 25 Best Dungeon Crawlers for PC : Page 25 of 25

best dungeon crawlers
This Diablo 3 Barbarian isn't playing games, but we sure are.

1. Bastion

Bastion Gameplay Trailer

And finally at number one on the list of the 25 best dungeon crawlers is the critically acclaimed Bastion. In the aftermath of the great Calamity that fractured the city of Caledonia, you control the unnamed Kid as he works to repair the broken parts of a falling-apart world. It’s narrated beautifully, and the two years it took to make were well spent.

Bastion is nothing short of a genius sort of game. The graphics are detailed and the storyline has you hooked. You end up wanting to see what the world was like before the Calamity and pondering what it’ll be like after. Each weapon you gain and upgrade feels like a triumph, and the sheer beauty of the hand-painted graphics will leave you stunned and for good reason.

It’s a beautiful game in story and gameplay alike. If you haven’t played Bastion before now, I highly encourage it, because it’s an indescribably melancholic experience.

The Kid is in the hub world, a floating remnant of his homeland of Caledonia.

Each level feels fresh and great on the eyes. The Kid is gearing up against a phantom in order to continue on his journey to find the Core piece in this dungeon-esque setting.

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When you cross Hello Kitty and a love for pixel sandbox games with eldritch horror genres, you get me.
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