The 25 Best Dungeon Crawlers for PC : Page 17 of 25

best dungeon crawlers
This Diablo 3 Barbarian isn't playing games, but we sure are.

9. Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms

Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms Gameplay

An uneasy peace falls over the Heretic Kingdom in this top-down dungeon crawl. Among the civil wars of Corwenth, Taymuria, and the Sura Wastes arrives the Devourer, a demon who can traverse between the human and Shadow realm. Yes - This demon is you!

Controlling up to four characters including the Devourer, the choice between good and evil is once again in the hands of the player in Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms. You must devour each soul of the enemies you defeat, and the downfall or rise of your character is entirely due to the choices you make. Without much hope in the world of men, orcs, and beasts, the Devourer sets out to either right or conquer the already fragile Heretic kingdoms. Rife with civil wars, side quests, unique party members, and of course, loot, Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms allows you to play as a necromancer … with friends!

This game looks good and plays good, giving the players rewarding loot and exciting dungeons to travel through, all while growing strong enough to either swallow the world and plunge it into darkness, or save it.

Magic used on the battlefield against bone raptors.

The realms of the Heretic Kingdoms are both beautiful and rife with secrets. This is the town of Katatonia, hidden in the mountains.

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When you cross Hello Kitty and a love for pixel sandbox games with eldritch horror genres, you get me.
Gamer Since: 2005
Favorite Genre: RPG
Top 3 Favorite Games:Alice: Madness Returns, Dragon Age: Origins, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion