If you love playing on maps that have a lot of close or medium-range engagements, then you need to bring an SMG with you.
SMGs are highly versatile and are suited for any situation in the game.
When it comes to the type of SMG that you want to bring with you, that all depends on your preference.
It also depends on the type of mission that you’re playing.
So with that, let’s get into this article!
9. MP5/10MM

Why is this thing so slow?
Let’s start this article off with an MP5, but this one chambers a 10mm round instead of the standard 9mm. Due to that, it has a slower rate of fire, but it’s good against armored opponents and penetrating through walls.
Although that doesn’t seem that bad, the slower rate of fire isn’t worth it. You can get a way better SMG with higher penetration than this one. It does support up to 30 rounds in its magazine and can be highly customized due to having a handguard and a riser.
What MP5/10MM Excels In:
- It has a slow rate of fire, which means low recoil.
- Good against armored targets.
- It supports up to 30 rounds in its magazine.
How To Get MP5/10MM:
- You can get this SMG when you go into the locker room and equip it under the submachine gun category.
8. MP5A3

It’s a bit better than the 10MM.
Look, this SMG is the same as the previous one, except it has a tad bit faster rate of fire and uses a smaller caliber. The recoil is also a tiny bit higher, but that isn’t anything special, as you can control it with ease. It maintains the same design as the MP5 SMG but with an added collapsible stock and a rail system that is good for customization.
What MP5A3 Excels In:
- It’s highly customizable.
- Has a tad faster rate of fire.
- The recoil is controllable.
How To Get MP5A3:
- You can obtain this SMG when you go into the locker room and get it under the submachine gun category.
7. MP9

It’s so small and so fast.
Well, if you want something with a higher rate of fire but it isn’t that good against armored opponents, then go with the MP9. This SMG excels in close quarters and against targets that don’t have a lot of armor. It has a high rate of fire, and the recoil is high, but you fire in short bursts.
What MP9 Excels In:
- Great in close quarters.
- Has a high rate of fire.
- The recoil is high, but it can be easily controlled.
- Great against targets who aren’t wearing armor.
- It has a fast reload speed.
How To Get MP9:
- You can obtain this SMG when you go into the locker room and get it from the submachine gun category.
6. MPX

It’s like a mini assault rifle.
If you’re playing on a map that has some long-distance engagements but also a lot of close quarters, then bring the MPX with you. It has a mediocre rate of fire; the recoil is high, but it can be lowered with attachments; and it has medium penetration. It also comes with 30 rounds in its magazine.
What MPX Excels In:
- Great at long-distance engagements.
- It’s an assault rifle turned into an SMG.
- Good against armored targets.
How To Get MPX:
- You can get this SMG when you go into the locker room and get it from the SMG category.
5. UMP45

Damn, this gun can make a hole.
This gun has a lot of stopping power and can make a dent in someone. It’s amazing at taking down armored targets. The only downside to this weapon is that it has a really slow rate of fire.
But that can be traded off just to aim for the head. The recoil isn’t that high, so you can even hip-fire it if you need to. As you might have guessed, the weapon uses the .45 ACP round, which is amazing.
What The UMP45 Excels In:
- The slower rate of fire.
- Uses a high caliber, so it can go through armored targets.
- It can be hip fired easily.
How To Get UMP45:
- You can get this submachine gun when you go into the locker room
4. MP5A2

This is a classical SMG.
This is the classical MP5 SMG that has been featured in many other games as well. It has a faster rate of fire than its younger siblings, but it also has a tad bit higher recoil and decent penetration, and the best part is that it works magnificently in close quarters.
What The MP5A2:
- Higher rate of fire than the previous MP5s.
- Has a tad bit higher recoil.
- Has some decent penetration.
- You can fire it from the hip easily.
How To Get MP5A2:
- You can get it when you go into the locker room.
3. SPC

What does the SPC mean?
Well, if you want an SMG that has a high rate of fire and good penetration, then go for the SPC. This is an amazing SMG, and when you go into close and medium engagements, it will do wonders. The only downside to this SMG is that the recoil is high.
It’s damn high, even with some attachments; you’ll have to pull down your mouse when shooting in fully automatic. But you can fire in semi-automatic mode , as it’s that good. Do not try shooting it from the hip, as you won’t hit anything.
What SPC Excels In:
- It has a high rate of fire.
- It has some decent penetration.
- The recoil is high, so don’t shoot it from the hip.
- You can effectively kill someone if you shoot it in semi-auto mode.
How To Get SPC:
- Go into the locker room and pick it from the SMG category.
2. MP7

Why is this so good?
If you want a good and reliable SMG, go with the MP7. It has a decent rate of fire, which is amazing for taking down a huge number of opponents. You can take down a whole house of bad guys with this weapon alone.
The recoil is controllable and isn’t that high. I can say that it’s medium. It does come with an attached recoil grip already. It has some medium penetration. It also supports 40 rounds in its magazine, so that’s nothing short of amazing.
What MP7 Excels In:
- It has 40 rounds in its magazine in total.
- You can take down a whole house of bad guys with only this weapon.
- The recoil is controllable and isn’t that high, and the recoil grip is stock.
How To Get MP7:
- You can obtain it when you go into the locker room and pick it up.
1. P90

The best SMG in the game.
If you want to use an SMG that looks cool as hell and is reliable and good, then go with the P90. It uses a high-caliber round that can penetrate armored targets and kill anyone through a wall. It has a high rate of fire, and you won’t run out of ammo quickly as it has 50 rounds in its magazine.
What The P90 Excels In:
- It has 50 rounds in its magazine.
- It has a high-caliber round that can penetrate through armored targets and walls.
- It has a high rate of fire, and the recoil is controllable.
How To Get P90:
- You can obtain this SMG when you go into the locker room and pick it up.