What I’ve noticed is that a lot of people simply don’t care about their secondary at all, and they don’t choose a specific one for their mission. Now, that’s a bad thing, mainly because if you run out of ammo in your primary, you have to rely on your secondary.
If you don’t have a good pistol with you, well, you might as well consider yourself dead. In today’s article, I’ll be showing you and ranking all of the pistols in the game! So with that, let’s get into the article!
8. PC19
Sadly, if you want to use this custom-made Glock 19, then you’ll have to cough up 71 euros for the supporter edition. Which isn’t that worth it if you only want this pistol.
It does hold up to 15 rounds in its magazine, has a decent rate of fire, and has some recoil, which can be negated with attachments. But in the end, it just ain’t worth coughing up 71 euros for it.
What PC19 Excels In:
- It can kill people through thin walls.
- It holds 15 rounds, which is great for taking down multiple targets.
- Doesn’t have a high recoil.
How To Get PC19:
- You can obtain this pistol when you buy the Supporter Edition from the Steam Store.
7. M45A1
This pistol is the modern version of the M1911 with some fixed issues. It uses a huge round that can blast through targets, but the downside is that it can only hold up to 7 rounds in its magazine.
When compared to other pistols, that isn’t that much, so it’s not that reliable. You’ll be running out of ammo with this pistol in no time, which will lead you to reload quite often, which then puts you in some sticky situations.
What M45A1 Excels In:
- It’s a modern version of the M1911.
- It can blast through some targets.
- Has a high rate of fire.
How To Get M45A1:
- You can obtain this pistol when you go into the locker room and pick it from the pistol category.
6. USP45
If you don’t care that much about performance, then you should go with the USP45, as it looks like one of the coolest, in my opinion. Especially when you attach a suppressor to it, it can look damn cool.
It also uses .45 ACP rounds, and it can hold up to 12 rounds in the magazine. Which is certainly more than the M45A1. The pistol has a somewhat quicker rate of fire, but the drawback is some of the recoil.
What USP45 Excels In:
- It holds up to 12 rounds of .45 acp.
- It can take down multiple targets.
- Has a quicker rate of fire.
How To Get USP45:
- You can obtain this pistol when you pick it up from the locker room.
5. M11 Compact
This pistol is one of the more popular ones among police units due to its use of 9mm rounds and being highly reliable. It doesn’t have a lot of recoils, is easily controllable, and doesn’t require any modifications to make it viable. It can also hold 15 rounds in its magazine, which is just perfect for taking down multiple targets.
What M11 Compact Excels In:
- Taking down multiple targets at once.
- Almost no recoil.
- It uses 9mm pistol rounds.
How To Get M11 Compact:
- You can get this pistol when you go into the locker room and pick it up from the secondary tab.
4. G19
If you don’t know about this pistol, you’re just lying. This is the classical Glock 19, which has been featured in many other games. The most popular game that it was featured in was CS: GO. It’s also one of the most used pistols in the special forces and police units alike. It’s reliable, has a decent rate of fire, and has decent penetration.
What G19 Excels In:
- Has a decent rate of fire.
- Decent penetration.
- It’s a reliable pistol and a great secondary to have.
How To Get G19:
- You can obtain this pistol when you go into the locker room and pick it from the pistol category.
3. P92X
This is the classic Beretta pistol that is still in use in the United States military. The pistol uses a 9x19mm round and can hold up to 15 rounds in its chamber. You can even modify it with a different scope and add a barrel attachment to lower some of its recoils, which makes it even better to use in the field.
What P92X Excels In:
- It can hold up to 15 rounds in its magazine.
- Has a decent rate of fire.
- The recoil can be lowered with some attachments.
How To Get P92X:
- You can obtain this pistol when you enter the locker room and pick it up under the pistol category.
2. 357. Magnum
If you don’t care about the mag size that much and you just want to blast a hole through someone or kill someone through a wall, then just bring the magnum with you.The pistol holds up to six rounds in its chamber.
It’s a double action as well, so you won’t have to cock it after every shot. The major drawback of this pistol is that it has recoil, so you can’t just spam it constantly. But for killing and lethality, it’s one of the best in its class.
What .357 Magnum Excels In:
- Killing people through multiple walls.
- It’s a double-action revolver.
- High penetration.
- You can kill someone in one to two shots.
How To Get .357 Magnum:
- You can obtain this pistol when you pick it up from the locker room.
1. 57 USG
If you’re going up against some armored targets and you need a pistol that holds a lot of ammo, then go with the 57 USG. The pistol has excellent penetrative power, which makes it a breeze to take down armored targets.
It can also hold up to 20 rounds in its magazine, which is damn amazing. Honestly, you could clear a whole mission with only this pistol and nothing else. But thankfully, you won’t be spending money on ammo because the ammo for this pistol is so damn expensive, it’s unreal.
What 57 USG Excels In:
- Taking down armored targets.
- It can hold up to 20 rounds in its magazine.
- Highly reliable pistol with an easily controllable recoil.
How To Get 57 USG:
- You can obtain this pistol when you go into the locker room and pick it from the pistol category.
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