Hold your Raquazas, this article covers the best competitive teams in Regulation G.
What is Regulation G?
Regulation G introduces a new rule that adds a strategic twist to team building. You can now only include 1 Restricted Pokémon, also known as a Legendary Pokémon, in your battle team. This means you'll need to carefully consider whether to choose Koraidon or Miraidon as your Legendary Pokémon, while still having the option to include a powerful Pokémon like Entei on your team.
Click on this official Pokémon link to learn about the Regulation G rules.
What are Competitive Teams?
Competitive Teams participate in Pokémon's official Video Game Tournament Championship.
Click here to learn more about official Pokémon events.
Shortly after these events, average online players can rent Competitive Teams from those events and participate in:
- Casual Battles
- Ranked Battles
- Friendly Competitions (the host controls the restrictions)
You CANNOT use VCG Rental Teams at events that give championship points.
You have to form your custom team before attending those events.
You can use Rental Teams in Friendly Competitions by joining or hosting one.
Even though this article provides Rental Codes, the displayed Pokémon are intended to give you an idea of what Pokémon you should use during Season 19 Regulation G in case you're considering joining official competitions.
10. Kyogre, Chien-Pao, Tornadus, Rillaboom, Urshifu, Entei

This is a powerful Drizzle team. This team has excellent Tera coverage.
Rillaboom’s strong against:
- Ghost (immune to when Terastalized)
- Ground
- Rock
- Water
Entei’s strong against:
- Ground
- Water
- Grass
- Electric
Kyogre’s strong against:
- Dragon
- Flying
- Grass
- Ground
Chien-Pao is strong against:
- Normal (immune to)
- Fighting (immune to)
- Psychic
- Ghost
- Ice
- Dark
Tornadus’s strong against:
- Normal (immune to when Terastalize)
- Ground (immune to when not Terastalized)
- Psychic
- Bug
- Fighting
- Grass
Urshifu’s strong against:
- Fairy
- Ice
- Rock
- Poison (immune to when Terastalized)
Rillaboom as a Normal Tera Type is immune to Ghost Moves.
This team may struggle against Tera Types:
- Fire Tera Types
- Fighting Tera Types
This team works together by being aggressive. Kyogre's Blizzard increases offense moves for Chien-Pao's Ice Shard, which may leave opponents Frozen.
This team works well by being defensive, using Tornadus's Snowscape, and raising the defense of Ice Types. For Kyogre and Chien Pao.
Rillaboom's Grassy Surge Ability activates Grassy Terrain when entering battle. It also restores the HP of Grounded Pokémon each turn, including increasing the power of Grass-type attacks for Entei's Trailblaze.
PJCS’s Strengths:
- This team’s designed to beat Dragon, Flying, Grass, Ground types by using Kyogre and Chien-Pao.
- Kyogre has the Drizzle Ability, to create a rain shower when entering battle lasting 5 turns. If multiple Pokémon with weather-generating abilities enter the field on the same turn, each weather condition will activate consecutively, fastest Pokémon first. Holding the Covert Cloak will protect Kyogre from additional effects of moves.
- Chien-Pao holds a Life Orb to increase the power of moves such as Ice Shard, but it loses HP every turn. Chien-Pao’s Sword of Ruin ability lowers the defense of all Pokémon but itself.
- Rillaboom’s Grassy Surge Ability, activates Grassy Terrain when entering battle and restores HP of Grounded Pokémon each turn including increasing the power of Grass type attacks. It also holds Miracle Seed, boosting Grass-type attacks by 20%.
- Entei has the Inner Focus Ability, preventing it from flinching during battle. It holds an Assault Vest boosts Special Defense but prevents use of status moves, such as Sacred Fire. You want Sacred Fire to fail because Stomping Tantrum’s power doubles.
- Tornadus has the Prankster Ability, increasing the priority of status moves by +1. It holds a Focus Slash. If Tornadus has full HP, it will endure one potential KO attack, leaving 1 HP. You want this setup because it boosts Bleakwind Storm dealing 100 damage and harshly lowering both the opponent’s defense in double battle.
- Other priority moves that Tornadus can use is Snowscape, boosting defense of your Ice-Types. It can use Tailwind to double the speed of all your Pokémon for 4 turns.
- Urshifu has the Unseen Fist Ability, making contact moves such as Detect and Close Combat break through Protect and Detect. It holds Mystic Water boosting Water-Type moves by 20% such as Surging Strikes, dealing critical hits and ignores stat changes. Aqua Jet is Urshifu’s 1’st priority move.
9. Lunala, Urshifu, Rillaboom, Iron Jugulis, Umbreon, Chi-Yu

Here is a powerful Dark and Fairy team. They have excellent Tera Type coverage.
Lunala’s strong against:
- Dragon (immune to)
- Fighting
- Dark
Rillaboom and Urshifu are strong against:
- Fire
- Ground
- Rock
Iron Jugilus’s strong against:
- Electric (immune to)
- Fire
- Poison
- Rock
- Steel
Umbreon’s strong against:
- Fairy
- Grass
Chi-Yu’s strong against:
- Ghost
- Psychic
- Normal (immune to)
This team may struggle against Tera Types:
- Psychic
- Electric
- Steel
This team works together by having several Special Defenses in motion, such as Rain Dance and Reflect. Lunala and Umbreon are the dominant leading Pokémon.
Iron Jugulis sets up Rain Dance for Urshifu's Water-Type attacks and can use Tailwind to increase the Speed stats of all Pokémon in your team.
After moves like Snarl, Rain Dance, Taunt, and Toxic, Lunala's prepared to sweep the opponent's team.
This team’s Strengths:
- This team’s designed to beat dragon, fairy, and grass by trying to use Umbreon and Lunala together after the effects of Snarl and Rain Dance happen.
- Lunala has the Shadow Shield Ability reducing damage when HP is full. Lunala holds Leftholders, gradually restoring HP during battle. Moongeist Beam is an accurate 100 damage Special Attack ignoring the opponent’s Ability.
- Urshifu has the Unseen Fist Ability, making contact moves such as Detect and Close Combat break through Protect and Detect. It holds the Focus Slash. If Urshifu has full HP, it will endure one potential KO attack, leaving 1 HP to use its powerful Water or Fighting-Type moves.
- Rillaboom holds an Assault Vest boosts Special Defense but prevents use of status moves. Rillaboom’s Grassy Surge ability, activates Grassy Terrain when entering battle and restores HP of Grounded Pokémon each turn including increasing the power of Grass type attacks.
- Use Rillaboom’s Fake out because it is a move only successful in the first turn when Rillaboom enters battle. It resets each time when Rillaboom switches out and back in with a move like U Turn.
- Iron Jugilis holds Booster Energy, boosting its strength. It also interacts with the Quark Drive Ability to enhance Iron Jugilis’s most proficient stat when on Electric Terrain. These 2 things will make Snarl and Air Slash more powerful.
- Chi-Yu has the Beads of Ruin ability, lowering the Special Defense of all Pokémon except itself. It holds a Choice Scarf raising its Speed but only 1 move can be used.
- Depending on the situation, use Chi-Yu’s Overheat dealing massive damage and to lower the opponent’s Special Attack by 2 stages. Or use Snarl, lowering opponent’s Special Defense more.
- Umbreon has the Inner Focus Ability preventing it from being flinched. It holds the Sitrus Berry, healing its HP a little. Use Umbreon’s Toxic to poison the opponent. Umbreon’s Foul Play turns the opponent’s strength against it. The higher the target’s Attack stat, the greater the damage this move inflicts.
- Use Umbreon’s taunt to prevent the opponent from using Status-category moves for three turns. Assist Lunala by using moves such as Reflect and Teraltalize as a Poison-Type as a shield against Fairy and Grass-Types.
8. Calyrex, Incineroar, Pelpipper, Urshifu, Amoongus, Ting-Lu

Here’s an example of a Trick Room team. They have excellent Tera Type coverage.
Calyrex Ice Rider and Urshifu are strong against:
- Ground
- Rock
- Water
Incineroar and Pelipper are strong against:
- Ghost
- Psychic
- Normal (immune to)
Amoonguss’s strong against:
- Fire
- Ground
- Rock
Ting-Lu’s strong against:
- Fairy
- Grass
- Electric
This team may struggle against:
- Ice
- Fire
- Psychic
- Electric
- Flying
This team works together by setting Trick Room in motion, making the slowest Pokémon move first, and keeping Calyrex Ice Rider on the battlefield to sweep the opponent's team.
Pelipper and Amoonguss work as great defensive Pokémon using moves like Wide Guard to protect the entire team from priority moves and Pollen Puff to restore an ally's HP.
Urushifu's Coaching assists by increasing its ally's Attack and Defense stats, especially Calyrex's.
CalyRain’s Strengths:
- This team’s designed to defeat legendaries in the likes of Groudon, who is weak to Ice, Grass, and Water-Type moves such as Glacial Lance, Surging Strikes, and Spore.
- Calyrex has the As One Ability combining effects of Unnerve (makes opponent unable to ear berries) and Chilling Neigh (boosts Attack stat after knocking out a Pokémon). It holds a clear amulet, preventing its stats from being lowered from the opponent’s moves and abilities.
- Incineroar has the Intimidate ability, lowering the Attack stat of all opponents by 1 stage when it enters battle. Incineroar holds Safety Goggles, preventing damage from weather. With Incineroar use Fake Out, Knock Off, and then use Parting Shot.
- Pelliper has the Drizzle Ability, to create a rain shower when entering battle lasting 5 turns. If multiple Pokémon with weather-generating abilities enter the field on the same turn, each weather condition will activate consecutively, fastest Pokémon first.
- Pelipper also holds a Focus Slash, enduring 1 potential KO with 1 HP, and can use last moves such as Hurricane to beat the opponent or Wide Guard to help its allies.
- Urshifu has the Unseen Fist Ability, making contact moves such as Detect and Close Combat break through Protect and Detect.
- Amoonguss holds the Rocky Helmet where if Amoonguss takes damage, the attacker will also be damaged upon contact. Amoonguss has the Regenerator Ability, restoring ⅓ of its HP when switching out of battle such as switching out for Ting-Lu as the best option.
- Ting-Lu has the Vessel of Ruin ability, lowering the Special Attack stat of all Pokémon except itself. It holds the Assault Vest, raising Special Defense but prevents the use of status moves. The Assault Vest makes Snarl a failed move to double the power of Stomping Tantrum.
7. Tornadus, Calyrex, Clefairy, Chi-Yu, Urshifu, Rillaboom

This is a confident Calyrex Shadow Rider team. They have excellent Tera Type coverage.
Calyrex Shadow Rider’s strong against:
- Dragon (immune to)
- Dark
- Fighting
Tornadus’s strong against:
- Psychic (immune to Psychic)
- Ghost
Urshifu and Clefairy are strong against:
- Ground
- Rock
- Water
Chi-Yu’s strong against:
- Ghost
- Psychic
- Normal (immune to)
Rillaboom’s strong against:
- Bug
- Grass
- Ice
- Steel
This team may struggle against:
- Bug
- Poison
- Steel
- Flying
- Water
Clefairy stays in battle as a support Pokémon by using all 4 moves to take all the battles' attacks, protect itself, boost an ally’s power, and force the opponent to attack the next turn. Clefairy can force other allies to attack the next turn.
Essential moves in this team, such as Taunt and Snarl, prevent the target from using status category moves and lowering the opponent’s Special Attack by 1 stage.
Calyrex Shadow Rider is flexible enough to stay in battle if it uses Draining Kiss or swaps in Pokémon at unpredictable times when an opponent has low Special Attack stats and can’t use status category moves.
CalyShadow’s Strengths:
- This team is perfect against legendaries such as Mewtwo and other legendary Dragons weak to Ghost, Fairy, and Dark moves.
- Calyrex Shadow Rider has the As One Ability combining the Unnerve Ability (preventing opponents to eat berries) and the Grim Neigh Ability (boosts Special Attack stat after knocking out Pokémon).
- Calyrex Shadow Rider also holds a Covert Cloak protecting itself from additional effects of moves.
- Tornadus has the Prankster Ability, increasing priority to status moves such as Tailwind and Bleakwind Storm. It holds a Rocky Helmet, where if Tornadus takes damage the opponent does too.
- Clefairy has the Friend Guard Ability reducing damage done to allies. It holds an Eviolite boosting its Special Defense and Defense stats because Clefairy can still evolve to Clefable.
- Urshifu has the Unseen Fist Ability, making contact moves such as Detect and Close Combat break through Protect and Detect. It holds Mystic Water boosting Water-Type moves by 20% such as Surging Strikes, dealing critical hits and ignores stat changes.
- For this team, Urshifu’s Taunt is essential to prevent the opponent from using status-category moves for three turns.
- Chi-Yu has the Beads of Ruin ability, lowering the Special Defense of all Pokémon except itself. It holds a Choice Scarf raising its Speed but only 1 move can be used.
- Depending on the situation, use Chi-Yu’s Overheat dealing massive damage and to lower the opponent’s Special Attack by 2 stages. Or use Snarl, lowering the opponent's Special Defense more. Dark Pulse deals 80 damage and causes the opponent to flinch.
- Rillaboom’s Grassy Surge ability, activates Grassy Terrain when entering battle and restores HP of Grounded Pokémon each turn including increasing the power of Grass type attacks.
- Rillaboom also holds the Assault Vest, boosting Special Defense moves but prevents status condition moves. For this team, it will increase Grassy Terrain so allies can restore greater HP.
- Rillaboom should only be in the battlefield so allies can regain health, and participate by using Fake Out as a first move. Use U-Turn to swap in for stronger attacking Pokémon such as Chi-Yu and Calyrex Shadow Rider.
6. Kyogre, Tornadus, Landorus, Farigaf, Archaludon, Rillaboom

Here is a strong rain and trick room team, supporting Kyogre’s power. It has lots of Tera Type coverage.
Kyogre’s strong against:
- Ground
- Rock
- Water
- Grass
Tornadus’s Strong against:
- Fairy
- Ice
- Rock
- Poison (immune to)
Landorus’s strong against:
- Fire
- Ground
- Rock
- Ice
Farigaf and Archaludon are strong against:
- Dragon (immune)
- Fighting
- Dark
- Bug
Rillaboom’s strong against:
- Ground
- Rock
- Water
This team may struggle against:
- Electric
- Fire (only if Tornadus KO’s first)
A rain team is formidable when Rain Dance is in effect to boost Kyogre’s Water-Type moves.
Farigaf’s Trick Room is a secondary Special Defense tool. Landorous and Archiludon create negative status conditions such as shock or poisoning the opponent.
Tornadus is immune to Poison-Type moves, and Archaludon is immune to Dragon-Type moves, which assists in taking down strong legendaries like Eternatus.
PainInRain’s Strengths:
- This team’s designed to defeat legendaries such as Eternatus, Groudon, Moltres, Suicune, and Lugia when it comes to Kyogre’s power of Water and Ice-Type. Kyogre should only Teratalize as a Grass-Tera Type when facing Suicune and Lugia.
- Kyogre has the Drizzle Ability, to create a rain shower when entering battle lasting 5 turns. If multiple Pokémon with weather-generating abilities enter the field on the same turn, each weather condition will activate consecutively, fastest Pokémon first.
- Kyogre also holds Mystic Water, boosting Water-Type moves by 20%.
- Tornadus has the Prankster Ability, increasing priority to status moves such as Tailwind, Bleakwind Storm, and Rain Dance. It holds a Cover Cloak protecting itself from additional effects from moves.
- Landorus has the Sheer Force Ability increasing the power of moves that have beneficial secondary effects by 30%, but removes those additional effects. It also holds the Life Orb, increasing the power of moves but loses HP in return.
- If Landorus holds a Life Orb and uses an attack that activates Sheer Force, it will not receive the 10% damage from Life Orb, but it gets boosts from both Life Orb and Sheer Force (total of 69% base power increase).
- For example, Sandsear Storm may cause a burn to both opponents. A Pokémon with Sheer Force using the move would gain the power increase, but it would never cause a burn if it is the effect. Also, during Rain Dance, Sandsnear Storm ignores Accuracy.
- Farigaf holds Safety Goggles, preventing damage from weather. Farigaf has the Armor Tail Ability, preventing the opponent to use priority moves such as Quick Attack or moves that could counter Trick Room such as Roar and Dragon Tail.
- Archaludon has the Stamina Ability, raising its Defense when attacked by any move. It holds an Assault Vest, boosting its Special Defense but prevents status moves.
- During rain, Archaludon’s Electro Shot executes in 1 turn instead of charging on the 1’st turn and attacking on the next.
- Rillaboom’s Grassy Surge ability, activates Grassy Terrain when entering battle and restores HP of Grounded Pokémon each turn including increasing the power of Grass type attacks. It also holds Miracle Seed, boosting Grass-type attacks by 20%.
- Rillaboom helps this specific team regaining HP on Grassy Terrain as it participates by using Fake Out as a first move and then uses U-turn for either Farigaf and Tornadus to assist Kyogre in battle with Rain Dance or Trick Room effects.
5. Tornadus, Terapagos, Clefairy, Volcarona, Incineroar, and Ogerpon

Here’s an exciting defensive Rain Dance team which follows Terapagos’s leadership.
They have great Tera Type Coverage despite having a small selection.
Incineroar and Tornadus are strong against:
- Ghost
- Psychic
- Normal (immune to)
Incineroar is immune to:
- Normal
- Fighting
Terapagos’s strong against:
- Fighting
- Stellar
- Ghost (immune to)
Clefairy’s strong against:
- Ground
- Rock
- Water
Ogerpon and Volcarona are strong against:
- Fire
- Ground
- Rock
- Steel
- Ice
This team may struggle against:
- Electric
- Ice
- Fire
When Rain Dance is in effect, Clefairy plays as a powerful supporting Pokémon, assisting Terapagos with Life Dew to regain HP and Helping Hand to increase Terapagos’s power of Tera Starstorm.
Ogerpon can act as another supporting Pokémon to Terapagos, using Follow Me to take in all attacks and Spiky Shield to prevent any attacks targeted at Ogerpon from striking. If it is a physical Attack, the opponent receives partial damage.
Incineroar can help Terapagos by using Knock Off if the opponent has a powerful held item. Alternatively, Volcarona can help Terapagos by using Flamethrower or its Flame Body ability, which gives the opponent a burn.
TurtleWars Strengths:
- The goal with Terapagos is to punish opponents who Terastalize early, as Tera Starstorm becomes more powerful if the opponent Terastalizes. This team is ready against any legendary who terastalizes.
- Terapagos has the Tera Shift ability. When Terapagosenters a battle, it absorbs the energy around itself and transforms into its Terastal Form. It also holds a Clear Amulet, preventing opponents from lowering Terapagos’s stats by using any moves or Abilities.
- Tornadus has the Prankster Ability, increasing priority to status moves such as Tailwind and Bleakwind Storm. It holds a Rocky Helmet, where if Tornadus takes damage the opponent does too. For this team, Rain Dance is its most important move to boost Clefairy’s Life Dew.
- Clefairy has the Friend Guard Ability reducing damage done to allies. It holds an Eviolite boosting its Special Defense and Defense stats because Clefairy can still evolve to Clefable. For this team, Life Dew is its most important move to last longer in battle.
- Volcarona has the Flame Body Ability, for when an opponent comes into physical contact with it, they get burned. Volcarona also holds Leftovers, gradually restoring HP during battle.
- Incineroar has the Intimidate ability, lowering the Attack stat of all opponents by 1 stage when it enters battle. Incineroar holds Safety Goggles, preventing damage from weather. With Incineroar use Fake Out, Knock Off, and then use Parting Shot.
- Ogerpon has the Water Absorb Ability, where if it gets hit by Water-Type moves it regains HP instead. Ogerpon also holds the Wellspring Mask, boosting its Special Defense such as the move Spiky Shield which prevents any attacks targeted at Ogerpon from striking. If it is a physical Attack, the opponent receives partial damage.
4. Diagla, Ursaluna, Cresselia, Incineroar, Ogerpon, and Flutter Mane.

This team is a tough Trick Room team as 3 Pokémon can learn the move and Diagla is the dominant leader. They have excellent Tera Type coverage.
Diagla’s strong against:
- Ground
- Rock
- Water
Ursuluna’s strong against:
- Electric
- Fire
- Poison
- Rock
- Steel
- Ghost (immune to)
Cresselia and Flutter Mane are strong against:
- Dragon (immune to)
- Dark
- Fighting
Ogerpon’s strong against:
- Fire
- Ground
- Rock
Incineroar’s strong against:
- Fire
- Ground
- Rock
This team may struggle against:
- Poison (if Diagla Teratsalizes into a Grass-Type)
- Ice
- Electric
- Bug
- Flying
Keep Diagla in to become a powerhouse. Trick Room will turn its 90 Speed base stat into a major strength to go first and use super efective moves against powerful Fairy, Dragon, and Ice-Types.
Ogerpon, Cresselia, and Incineroar help Diagla by using moves such as Follow Me, Helping Hand, Lunar Blessing, Fake Out, Snarl, and Parting shots.
Ursaluna and Flutter Mane are excellent offensive assets to Diagla, as they use powerful moves such as Dazzling Gleam and Facade.
Flutter Mane and Cresselia can keep activating Trick Room after 5 turns occurred.
TIME WARP’s Strengths:
- This team’s designed to defeat powerful opposing Fairy-Types and Legendary Dragons. This team can defeat powerful Legendary Ice and Steel Types such as Articuno, Chien-Pao, Calyrex, and Registeel. With Ursaluna, they can beat Legendary Beasts and Birds.
- Diagla has the Telepathy Ability, so Diagla won’t take damage from teammates in double battles. Diagla aslo holds the Adament Crystal by changing to its original form and boosts Dragon and Steel-Type moves by 20%.
- Ursaluna holds the Flame Orb, inflicting a burn on it during battle. The Flame Orb increases Ursaluna’s Guts Ability, raising the it’s Attack by 50% when inflicted by a major status ailment. A burn effect does not suffer the usual drop in Attack.
- Ursaluna’s Ability and held item doubles the power of Facade (140) when Ursaluna is under a burn status condition.
- Cresselia has the Levitate Ability, gaining full immunity to Ground-Type moves in case it’s sharing the battlefield with Ursaluna. Cresselia also holds a Mental Herb, as it’s able to shake off move-binding effects to move freely, but only once.
- Incineroar has the Intimidate ability, lowering the Attack stat of all opponents by 1 stage when it enters battle. Incineroar also holds a Sitrus Berry, healing its HP a little.
- For this team, use Incineroar’s moves in the following order, Fake Out, Snarl, Parting Shot. Use Flare Blitz to burn the opponent if its weak to Fire-Type moves.
- Ogerpon has the Water Absorb Ability, where if it gets hit by Water-Type moves it regains HP instead. Ogerpon also holds the Wellspring Mask, boosting its Special Defense such as the move Spiky Shield which prevents any attacks targeted at Ogerpon from striking. If it is a physical Attack, the opponent receives partial damage.
- This team benefits from Ogerpon’s Wellspring Mask, because Ogerpon should use the move Ivy Cudgel changing its type to Water countering against Fire-Types. Ivy Cudgel deals damage and has an increased critical hit ratio. Fire-Types can threaten Diagla’s Grass-Tera-Type form.
- Flutter Mane has the Protosynthesis Ability, by boosting its most proficient stat in harsh sunlight or if it is holding Booster energy. Flutter Mane has great Special Attack stats.
- Flutter Mane also holds the Choice Specs, raising Special Attack even more, but only 1 move can be used.
- Flutter Mane’s Ability and held item boosts moves such as Dazzling Gleam, dealing damage hitting all opponents in double battles.
3. Mewtwo, Indeedee, Landorous, Tornadus, Ogerpon, Incineroar

This is an anti-Trick Room team that also has Rain Dance. This team has excellent Tera Type Coverage.
Mewtwos's strong against:
- Dragon (immune to)
- Dark
- Fighting
Indeedee's strong against:
- Ghost (immune to)
- Fighting
- Poison
Landorus’s strong against:
- Fairy
- Grass
Tornadus’s strong against:
- Fairy
- Ice
- Rock
- Poison (immune to)
Ogerpon’s strong against:
- Fire
- Ground
- Rock
Incineroar’s strong against:
- Ghost
- Psychic
- Normal (immune to)
- Fighting (immune to)
This team’s weak against:
- Electric
- Other Psychics
- Bug
- Ghost
- Dark
To make Mewtwo effective in battle, Indeedee’s move, Imprison, should disable the opponent’s using Trick Room, allowing Mewtwo’s high-speed stat to go first.
When opponents use Sunny Day to boost their Fire-Type or Solar-Type moves, use Tornadus’s Rain Dance so Ogerpon can use Ivy Cudgel against Fire-Types.
This team works exceptionally well together, helping Mewtwo with moves such as Sludge Bomb, Flare Blitz, Bleakwind Storm, Tailwind, and Follow Me.
SSBPS’s Strengths:
- This team’s designed to defeat plenty of powerful Pokémon such as Zacian, Zamenzenta, Umbreon, Volcarona, Scizor, Regirock, Diagla, and Kyogre.
- Mewtwo has the Pressure Ability, causing opponent’s to have less PP of an attack when targeting Mewtwo. Mewtwo holds a Twisted Spoon, boosting its Psychic moves by 20%.
- Indeedee has the Psychic Surge Ability that mimics Psychic Terrain boosting Psychic moves, but it prevents high priority moves from being used against your team. Indeedee also holds a Rocky Helmet where if it takes damage the opponent does too.
- Landorous has the Sheer Force Ability, increasing the power of moves that have beneficial secondary effects by 30%, but removes those additional effects. Earth Power, Sludge Bomb, and Extrasensory become more powerful but their effects won’t work.
- Landorous also holds a Life Orb, increasing the power of moves but loses HP every turn.
- Tornadus has the Prankster Ability, increasing the priority of status moves by +1. It also holds the Covert Cloak, protecting Tornadus from additional effects of moves.
- Ogerpon has the Water Absorb Ability, where if it gets hit by Water-Type moves it regains HP instead. Ogerpon also holds the Wellspring Mask, boosting its Special Defense such as the move Spiky Shield which prevents any attacks targeted at Ogerpon from striking. If it is a physical Attack, the opponent receives partial damage.
- This team benefits from Ogerpon’s Wellspring Mask, because Ogerpon should use the move Ivy Cudgel changing its type to Water countering against Fire-Types. Ivy Cudgel deals damage and has an increased critical hit ratio. Fire-Types can threaten Indeedee who is an essential asset to Mewtwo.
- Incineroar has the Intimidate ability, lowering the Attack stat of all opponents by 1 stage when it enters battle. Incineroar also holds a Sitrus Berry, healing its HP a little. Incineroar assists this team by using Fake Out, Knock Off, and Parting Shot.
2. Kyurem, Ninetales, Incineroar, Ogerpon, Tornadus, and Gholengo

This is a formidable Snow Team. Their Tera Type coverage may be small, but don’t underestimate their power.
Kyrem’s strong against:
- Dragon
- Flying
- Grass
- Ground
Incineroar, Ninetales, and Ogerpon are strong against:
- Fire
- Ground
- Rock
Tornadus’s strong against:
- Ghost
- Psychic
- Normal (immune to)
- Fighting (immune to)
Gholengo’s strong against:
- Dragon (if Terastalized)
This team may struggle against:
- Fire
- Electric
- Poison
- Ghost
This team depends on Ninetales’s Snow Warning Ability, which creates a hailstorm, and Kyurem’s Turboblaze Ability, which is unimpeded by the opponents' ability.
Ninetales, Ogerpon, and Tornadus assist with the team's defense using moves such as Snowscape, Aurora Veil, Helping Hand, Tailwind, Follow Me, and Spiky Shield.
After Incineroar uses Parting Shot and swaps it in for Gholengo, Gholengo can use Make It Rain or Shadow Ball against opponents who are weak against those moves.
This team is ranked higher than Mewtwo’s team because opponents will have a more challenging time recovering if they’re frozen from Blizzard than having some of their PP cut off from Mewtwo’s Pressure Ability. Opposing Pokémon with Trick Room can still become defenseless when frozen.
WHITE’s Strengths:
- This team’s designed to defeat a massive category of Legendary Dragons such as Rayquaza. They can destroy the 4 Treasures of Ruin Pokémon and could counter Legendary Beasts and Birds only if they are not Fire-Types.
- Kyurem has the Turboblaze Ability, where Kyurem’s moves are unimpeded by the Ability of the target. Kyurem also holds the Life Orb, increasing the power of moves but loses HP every turn.
- Ninetales has the Snow Warning Ability, creating a hailstorm when entering battle lasting 5 turns. Ninetales also holds the Covert Cloak, protecting itself from additional effects of moves.
- These defensive measures that Ninetales has makes it the leader of defense using Aurora Veil halving the damage from Attacks and Special Attacks. Snowscape raises Defense stats for Ice-Types for 5 turns. Helping Hand increases allies’ powers.
- Incineroar has the Intimidate Ability, lowering the Attack stat of all opponents by 1 stage when it enters battle. Incineroar also holds a Sitrus Berry, healing its HP a little. Incineroar assists this team by using Fake Out, Knock Off, and Parting Shot.
- Ogerpon has the Water Absorb Ability, where if it gets hit by Water-Type moves it regains HP instead. Ogerpon also holds the Wellspring Mask, boosting its Special Defense such as the move Spiky Shield which prevents any attacks targeted at Ogerpon from striking. If it is a physical Attack, the opponent receives partial damage.
- This team benefits from Ogerpon’s Wellspring Mask, because Ogerpon should use the move Ivy Cudgel changing its type to Water countering against Fire-Types. Ivy Cudgel deals damage and has an increased critical hit ratio. Fire-Types can threaten Kyurem’s Ice-Tera-Type form.
- Tornadus has the Prankster Ability, increasing the priority of status moves by +1. Tornadus also holds a Mental Herb, as it’s able to shake off move-binding effects to move freely, but only once.
- Gholengo has the Good as Gold Ability, giving Gholengo full immunity to other Pokémon’s status moves. It also holds Leftovers, gradually restoring HP during battle.
1. Rayquaza, Okidogi, Tropius, Chien-Pao, Gouging Fire, Farigaf

#1 on the list here is an anti-weather, anti-terrain, and anti-trick room team. Although, this team could benefit from Trick Room if it is in effect. This team has Super Tera-Type-Coverage.
Rayquaza’s strong against:
- Ghost (immune to)
- Ground (immune to)
- Dragon
- Bug
- Fighting
- Grass
Gouging Fire and Farigaf are strong against:
- Dragon (immune to)
- Dark
- Fighting
- Ice
- Poison
Okidogi’s strong against:
- Ground (immune to)
- Bug
- Fighting
- Grass
Chien-Pao’s strong against:
- Normal (immune to)
- Fighting (immune to)
- Psychic
Tropius’s strong against:
- Fire
- Ground
- Rock
This team may struggle against:
- Electric
- Ice (only if Gouging Fire and Okidogi faints in battle)
- Dragon
- Fairy
- Rock
This team is ranked higher than Mewtwo’s and Kyrurem’s because Rayquaza’s Air Lock ability eliminates the opponent's weather conditions. Rayquaza has slower Speed stats than Mewtwo and could use the effects of Trick Room if desired.
This team's designed to eliminate extra effects. Farigaf uses Imprison, ensuring the opponent doesn't activate Trick Room if they are slower than Rayquaza.
Chien-Pao can swap in and use Ice Spinner to eliminate opposing terrain effects.
Okidogi can assist the team using Knock Off to eliminate the opponent’s held items.
Tropius assists with the defense using Wide Guard, Tailwind, and Helping Hand.
Gouging Fire can compensate for Rayquaza’s weakness against Ice-types by using its Fire-type moves. It can use Snarl to lower the opponent's Special Attack stat by 1 stage and Howl to boost the Attack stats of Rayquaza and itself.
Dogius’s Strengths:
- This team’s designed to defeat many powerful Pokémon like Flapple, Rillaboom, Scizor, Volcarona, Zacian, Zamazenta, Kyogre, Flutter Mane, Calyrex Shadow Rider, Groudon, Diagla, and Mewtwo.
- Rayquaza has the Air Lock Ability, which eliminates the effects of weather. Rayquaza also holds the Clear Amulet, protecting itself from having its stats lowered by moves used against it or by other Pokémon’s Abilities.
- Rayquaza’s Clear Amulet will help the stats of Extreme Speed and Dragon Ascent high if boosted.
- Okidogi has the Guard Dog Ability, where Okidogi increases its Attack stat when intimidated and prevents from switching out. Okidogi also holds an Assault Vest, boosting Special Defense but prevents the use of status moves.
- Tropius has the Chlorophyll Ability, doubling Tropius’s Speed during bright sunshine. This can work even if the opponent accidentally activates Sunny Day. It also holds a Mental Herb, as it’s able to shake off move-binding effects to move freely, but only once.
- Chien-Pao’s Sword of Ruin ability lowers the defense of all Pokémon but itself.
- Chien-Pao also holds a Focus Slash. If Chien-Pao has full HP, it will endure one potential KO attack, leaving 1 HP. You want this setup because it boosts all of its attacks such as Sacred Sword or Ice Spinner to get rid of opposing terrain effects.
- Gouging Fire has the Protosynthesis Ability, by boosting its most proficient stat in harsh sunlight or if it is holding Booster energy. Gouging Fire also holds Booster Energy, boosting its strength. All of these will boost its powerful Fire-Type moves.
- Farigaf has the Armor Tail Ability, preventing the opponent from using any moves that have priority. Farigaf also holds Safety Goggles. Rayquaza’s Air Lock Ability cancels out weather effects, so Farigaf’s Safety Goggles protect it from all types of powder such as poison and sleep.
Thanks for reading!

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