What are some of the best Character Customizations?
Because customization is so open-ended in Scarlet and Violet, you should be as creative as possible!
Sometimes, a change in style is nice, and playing as a defined character makes Scarlet and Violet more enjoyable.
ost of these styles require that you have the Teal Mask, Indigo Disc DLC, and the Hidden Treasure of Area 0 DLC. It includes the Kitakami Jinbeis, New Outfits, and mostly Blueberry Academy Uniforms.
Here’s a useful link for how to buy all the clothing in the game.
This article thinks about these questions when it comes to character customizations:
- What would the missing Type Gym Leaders look like in Scarlet and Violet? As an example, what would the Stellar Gym leader have on their team?
- What if you could play as different anime characters in Scarlet and Violet? Bring your anime ideas to fruition.
- What if you could play as Tanijiiro Kamado from the Demon Slayer series in Scarlet and Violet? He probably would have lots of Water and Fire Pokémon.
- What if you could play as Saskue from the Naruto series in Scarlet and Violet? Saskue would have powerful Fire and Electric Types and maybe a sneaky Ghost Pokémon.
Read on to get some ideas!
25. Poison-Type Gym Leader

If you want a more slim relaxed look with some sun tanning, play as a Poison-Type Gym Leader.
Why it's a great style:
While Team Star has a Poison Crew, it still doesn't quite count as an official gym per se. This is what the Poison-Type Gym Leader may look like in Scarlet and Violet.
The Poison-Type Gym Leader wants to stand out but wants to be chill about it, no big deal. Brown, black, blonde, and red hair are so typical to him that he wants to take risks. Purple stands out. Also, he loves Poison-Type Pokémon and wants to match their toxins. He probably has a few of them who know the move on Sunny Day for his siestas.
The Side Part hairstyle with Violet dye shows he's a risk taker in the Pokémon battlefield because it's an unpopular hairstyle. He doesn't care if his Togicroak has 1HP left. Also, he's winging it during the battle, eventually he has a plan.
Considering this loose mindset, the Poison-Type Gym Leader still takes Pokémon battles seriously. The New Spring Uniform takes risks by blending its Purple shorts with its plaid-pink undertones and light-blue collar. It's the underdog, and the Poison-Type Gym Leader demands respect for coolness.
Poison-Type Gym Leader details:
- Haircut: Side Part
- Hair color: Violet
- Eyelash A I
- Eye color: Black
- Eyelash color: Black
- Brow A II
- Eyebrow Color: Black
- Mouth 1
Outfit details:
- New Spring Uniform
- High Socks Purple (Mesagoza)
- BB School Shoes
- Polarized Sports Sunglasses Sky Blue (Mesagoza)
- Plain Gloves Green (Mesagoza)
- Canvas Backpack Beige (Levencia)
24. Rock-Type Gym Leader

If you want a more “rockstar” style, play as a Rock-Type Gym Leader.
Why it's a great style:
Because there's no Rock-Type Gym present in Scarlet and Violet, this is what the Rock-Type Gym Leader would look like.
The Rock-Type Gym Leader wants to "rock out" with all his Pokémon. He's cool and edgy and likes a more streamlined look when on the Pokémon battlefield. He's music-driven and boasts that he's better than Team Star's DJ.
He probably would want to match the power of his Rock-Types and stick to Brown hair dye. His Aloan Golem would act like an amp to his guitar since it's a Rock and Electric Type.
The Bantu Knots hairstyle with dark brown dye shows that he's an energetic and tough trainer during Pokémon battles. There may be some risks even if 1 Pokémon uses Self-Destruct and has heavy defense tactics using moves like Rock Polish. He'd have a Carbink for a Misty Explosion against Dragon-Types.
To show his true love for Rock-Types, he wears Engineer Boots and some polarized sunglasses to feel the "Rock" music. Plus, it looks good with his purple jeans. He'd wear fingerless gloves so he'd be able to play guitar during a Pokémon battle.
Rock-Type Gym Leader details:
- Haircut: Bantu Knots
- Hair color: Dark Brown
- Eye Shape IV
- Eye color: Blue-gray
- Eyelash D I
- Eyelash color: Black
- Eyebrow Shape F II
- Eyebrow Color: Dark Brown
- Mouth II
Outfit details:
- Winter Uniform
- Trainer Gloves Red (Casscarafa)
- Engineer Boots Pattern A (Casscarafa)
- 2 Way Nylon Backpack Red (Levencia Veracidad)
- Polarized Sports Sunglasses Yellow (Mesagoza)
23. Ground-Type Gym Leader

The Ground-Type Gym Leader is silent but deadly.
If you want to “dig it” with some Lokix drip, play as a Ground-type Gym Leader.
Why it's a great style:
Because there's no Ground-Type Gym present in Scarlet and Violet, this is what the Ground-Type Gym Leader would look like. The Ground-Type Gym Leaders have a terrible history in the Pokémon franchise because they're the worst gyms. This design for a Ground-Type Gym Leader would have increased the Ground-Type reputation, and having them as a female Ground-Type Gym Leader would've been interesting story-wise.
Underneath that Lokix Helmet is a gorgeous "sandstorm". The Ground-Type Gym leader is so cute but too shy to show it. All she wants to do is to "rollout" with her Ting-Lu and traverse the Asado Desert.
Her brown Lokix Helmet symbolizes that she's an advanced Gym Leader. Her Ground-Type Pokémon would have moves like Dig, Earthquake, Fissure, Sandstorm, and Scorching Sands.
She has awesome motorcycle spunk, and she'd want to match with her Ground-Type Pokémon with the colors of dark brown. She has a high sense of fashion and wears Dress Shoes, Leather Gloves, and a Leather Backpack to show she means business. The Black and Gold Tracksuit shows her true love of Ground-Types, and when she rides so fast, she's on fire.
Ground-Type Gym Leader details:
- Haircut: Short Bob
- Hair color: Ash Brown
- Eye Shape VII
- Eye color: Yellow
- Eyelash E II
- Eyelash color: Brown
- Eyebrow Shape: A III
- Eyebrow Color: Ash Brown
- Mouth IV
- Lip Color: Orange
Outfit details:
- Tracksuit Black / Gold (Talk to Drayton twice Post-Game in League Club Room)
- Leather Gloves Brown / Black (Levencia)
- Leather Backpack Brown (Levencia)
- Lokix Helmet Brown (Casscarafa)
- High Top Sneakers Brown (Levencia)
22. Flying-Type Gym Leader

If you want to feel elegant in brisk wind, play as a Flying-Type Gym Leader.
Why it's a great style:
Because there's no Flying-Type Gym present in Scarlet and Violet, this is what the Flying-Type Gym Leader would look like.
The Flying-Type Gym Leader wants to fly with all her Pokémon as if they're doing an aerial dance. She's sharp and peculiar and sees beauty as an intense competition on the Pokémon battlefield.
She would want to match the power of her Flying-Types and stick with a Silver hair dye to symbolize the air or the colors of her Skarmorys. A Long Bob hairstyle feels long and free as the wind makes it look better. Her hues of pink may imply that she may have a Togekiss, Altaria, or even a Galarian Articuno on her team!
To show her true love of Flying-Types, she'll wear Aviator Glasses to be glamorous and precise during Pokémon battles. It's important to her that she has the high ground and unleashes the moves of Hurricane or Brave Bird.
Flying-Type Gym Leader details:
- Haircut: Long Bob
- Hair color: White
- Eye Shape VIII
- Eye color: Lavender
- Eyelash H III
- Eyelash color: Silver
- Eyebrow Shape: D II
- Eyebrow Color: Silver
- Mouth I
- Lip Color: Pink
Outfit details:
- BB Spring Uniform
- Plain Tights White (Casscarafa)
- Dress Shoes White / Black (Levencia)
- Aviator Sunglasses Gold / Black (Levencia)
- Leather Gloves Pink / Black (Levencia)
- Pink Fedora (Casscarafa)
- Classic Leather Backpack White / Black (Levencia)
21. Stellar-Type Gym Leader

If you want to party, play as the Stellar-Type Gym Leader.
Why it's a great style:
Seriously, Game Freak had a huge missed Post-Game opportunity after players caught Terpagos. Would there be a secret Gym unlocked? What if there was a Stellar-Type Gym, and the Gym Leader looked like an EDM DJ? That would've been so exciting!
The Stellar-type Gym Leader's a night person and wants to party with all their Pokémon! They're so pumped that all their Pokémon learn various dance moves such as Swords Dance, Revelation Dance, Lunar Dance, Dragon's Dance, and even Victory Dance. He laughs at the term Pokémon Battle and thinks of it as a wild rave!
His Pokémon are so unpredictable they're a Wild-Uno Card. Psychic and Ground? Now a Ghost and Flying? Oh no he has a Dragon and Fairy? All of them may have the move Tera Starstorm, so he has to wear a helmet to protect himself from his Pokémon's blinding Stellar lights. It would also help him even see during the Pokémon battle.
The Stellar-Type Gym leader would have an unpredictable strategy and Terastalize his Pokémon at an odd time during battle, such as the climax. He might have his Pokémon learn U-Turn to swap out or swap in their Terastalized Pokémon smoothly!
To show his true love of Stellar-Types he would match them with the flashy Festival Jinbei outfit when they’re Terastalized. His version of the Electric Slide requires engineer boots because the audience will be on Electric Terrain! How else is the Stellar-Gym Leader going to get venues?
Stellar-Type Gym Leader details:
- Haircut: Pokéball Fade
- Hair color: Silver
- Eye Shape IV
- Eyes: Multicolor Swirl
- Eyelash C 1
- Eyelash color: Black
- Eyebrow Shape G III
- Eyebrow Color: Black
- Mouth VIII
Outfit details:
- Festival Jinbei Flashy (contribute $1,000,000 to the Caretaker in Kitakami Hall)
- Trainer Gloves Yellow (Casscarafa)
- Cool Helmet Yellow (Casscarafa)
- Engineer Boots Black / White (Casscarafa)
- Sporty High Socks Neon Blue (Mesagoza)
- Leather Backpack Black / White (Levencia)
20. Tanijiiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)

Tanijiiro would use his breathing styles to make his Pokémon stronger!
Why it's a great style:
Considering Tanjiiro's iconic checkered robe, he'd be the only anime character outside the Pokémon series that would naturally look good with the Kitakami green Festival Jinbei. It's recommended that when you start the game, to get Tanijiiro' ’s skin correct, select the 1'st boy on the 1'st row.
Give Tanjiiro the Slicked-Back with wine-red hair because it's the most accurate style that matches his original design. You could give him some sandals for accuracy, but he looks much better with some pattern tights to match his white-banded footwear slightly.
Give him red high-top sneakers to make him look more appealing and cool with the green and white hues. A 2-Way Nylon Backpack may be the only way to fit all his demon-slaying weapons.
Tanjiiro would make an interesting mixed Pokémon team. He may use his water and sun breathing techniques with Gyrados, Blastoise, and Larvesta! Kingambit can act like his sword.
Tanijiiro Kamado details:
- Prerequisite: Teal Mask and Indigo Disc DLC
- Haircut: Slicked Back
- Hair color: Wine Red
- Eye shape I
- Eye color: Burgundy
- Eyelash B I
- Eyelash color: Black
- Brow B III
- Eyebrow color: Wine Red
- Mouth VIII
Outfit details:
- Festival Jinbei Green
- Pattern Tights C (Levencia)
- High Top Sneakers Red (Levencia)
- 2 Way Nylon Backpack (Levencia)
19. Muzan Kibutsuji (Demon Slayer)

Play as Muzan from Demon Slayer.
Why it's a great style:
Muzan kills it with the Winter Uniform because he's an anime character who naturally wears a uniform. It's recommended that when you start the game, to get Muzan's skin correct, select the 1'st boy on the 2'nd row.
Give Muzan the Tousled Bob with black hair and put on a white fedora. Get some red eyes in there and adjust his eyebrows to look evil-y, and he should look spot on. Muzan does wear white shoes, so give him some white dress shoes. Even if he's not a character wearing gloves, he can symbolize his white dress by adding some plain white gloves. All these fit nicely with Winter Outfit's purple hues.
Muzan would also have a mixed Pokémon team directly fighting against Tanjiiro's breathing techniques. He might have Articuno and Suicune to mess up Tanjijiiro's Pokémon movements and then end the fight with Lunala, Darkrai, Haunter, and Zoroark as his main fighters. Also those 4 Pokémon do look like demons!
Muzan details:
- Prerequisite: Teal Mask and Indigo Disc DLC
- Haircut: Tousled Bob
- Hair color: Black
- Eye shape IV
- Eye color: Poppy Red
- Eyelash A I
- Eyelash color: Black
- Brow D III
- Eyebrow color: Black
- Mouth III
Outfit details:
- Winter Uniform
- Dress Shoes White (Levencia)
- Fedora White (Casscarafa)
- Plain Gloves White (Mesagoza)
- High Socks White (Mesagoza)
- Leather Backpack White (Levencia)
18. Itachi Uchiha (Naruto Sphippuden)

Imagine what Itachi Uchiha would look like in the Pokémon world. He’d be an A-Ranked Student and somehow catch every Pokémon in under 1 hour.
Why it's a great style:
If you're a huge Anime fan and love Naruto and Pokémon, Itachi's a great customization to copy. The Standard Shortcut with a black dye loosely resembles the style of Itachi's hair. It's recommended that when you start the game, to get Itachi's skin correct, select the 1'st boy on the 1'st row.
Considering his calm and devious personality, he'd wear something between classy and edgy with dark colors and some sharp purple touches. The Winter Outfit has a purple tie, resembling Itachi's aura of the Amaterasu Jutsu. It's the player's choice to make him wear a Headband, but it's not recommended with this outfit.
He'd probably have lots of Corviknights with different Tera Types, and his Tsukoyomi could unleash a Trick Room against his opponents Pokémon!
Itachi details:
- Haircut: Standard Shortcut
- Hair color: Black
- Eye Shape IV
- Eyes: Red
- Eyelash A I
- Eyelash color: Black
- Eyebrow Shape H III
- Eyebrow Color: Black
- Mouth V
Outfit details:
- Winter Uniform
- Plain Gloves Black (Mesagoza)
- Low Top Sneakers Black (Mesagoza)
- 2 Way Nylon Backpack Black (Levencia)
17. Deidara (Naruto Shippuden)

Imagine what Deidra from Naruto would look like in the Pokémon world. He would only be great at Art class and all his Pokémon are Rock -Type and Ground-Type with the moves Explosion and Self Destruct.
Why it's a great style:
If you're a huge Anime fan and love both Naruto and Pokémon, Deidara's a great customization to copy. The Undercut Bob with the Gold hair is close to his original design. It may be missing the ponytail element that comes with the bob, but it just looks so dang satisfying. It's recommended that when you start the game, to get Deidra's skin correct, select the 1'st boy on the 1'st row.
Considering his boisterous and cunning personality, Deidra would wear something artistic, chaotic, and unpredictable and may go with the Festival Jinbei because it suits his hair. After all, he's the loudest and stands out the most from the Akatsuki.
Being the weirdo that he is, he'd probably be wearing socks with sandals. With this look, Deidra can make his own Team Star Gang and call it Team Deidra, specializing in only exploding Pokémon such as Golem and Garganacl.
Deidara details:
- Haircut: Undercut Bob
- Hair color: Gold
- Eye color: Gray
- Eye Shape II
- Eye Brow D III
- Eyebrow Color: Ash Brown
- Mouth X1
Outfit details:
- Festival Jinbei Green
- Festival Sandals (Finish Teal Mask DLC)
- Black Sweatband (Veracidad Levencia)
- Plain Gloves Black (Mesagoza)
16. Sakura (Naruto Shippuden)

Imagine what Sakura would look like in the Pokémon world. She’d probably be a great person to have on a Double Battle team as she can use her Healing Jutsu with her Healing Pokémon.
Why it's a great style:
If you’re a huge Anime fan and love both Naruto and Pokémon, Sakura’s a great customization to copy. The Center-parted bob with pink hair is close to her original design. She looks the best in the League Club Uniform because it matches Sakura’s pink hair. It’s recommended that when you start the game, to get Sakura’s skin correct, select the 1’st girl on the 2’nd row.
Considering her sweet but tough personality, Sakura would wear something competitive to beat up Naruto’s immaturity. She’s cute but practical and has to move fast. She looks visually appealing with pink low-top sneakers and purple high socks. Her green eyes look pretty and blend well with the blues, pink, white, and purple with her outfit. Since she’s a medical ninja, she would specialize in Fairy-Type Pokémon. She would have great chemistry with Jigglypuff and Gardevoir.
Sakura details:
- Prerequisite: Teal Mask and Indigo Disc DLC
- Haircut: Center-parted bob
- Hair color: Pink
- Eye shape V
- Eye Color: Green
- Eyelash A II
- Eyelash color: Black
- Brow G II (To make her look angry all the time)
- Eyebrow color: Pink Brown
- Mouth XIV
- Lip Color: Pink (To make her even look madder)
Outfit details:
- League Club Uniform
- High Socks Purple (Mesagoza)
- Low Top Sneakers Pink (Mesagoza)
- Sweatband Black (Levencia)
- Plain gloves white (Mesagoza)
- Enamel Backpack Black (Levencia)
15. Naruto (Naruto Shippuden)

Imagine what Naruto would look like in the Pokémon world. He’d probably be the best Fire and Fighting-Type trainer and would have great chemistry with Infernape and Lucario.
Why it's a great style:
If you’re a huge Anime fan and love both Naruto and Pokémon, Naruto’s a great customization to copy. The Short Curls with gold hair is similar to his original design. He looks the best in the Black / Gold Tracksuit, as the fire may symbolize Naruto’s Ninetails chakra. It’s recommended that when you start the game, to get Naruto’s skin correct, select the 1’st boy on the 1’st row.
Considering his energetic and fiery personality, Naruto would wear something that's 24/7 prepared for a Pokémon battle. In the spirit of the Green Leaf, give him a blue headband. Tracksuits look the most appealing on him in the game. Put some orange on him to match his original colors, such as the plain gloves and the running shoes. Naruto can’t “Naruto Run” on fancy shoes. He wants to run with his Pokémon with Extreme Speed, such as Lucario, and they can both power up their Aura Sphere and Rasengan!
Naruto details:
- Prerequisite: Teal Mask and Indigo Disc DLC
- Haircut: Short Curls
- Hair color: Gold
- Eye shape VIII
- Eye color: Blue
- Eyelash A I
- Eyelash color: Black
- Brow D III
- Eyebrow color: Light Brown
- Mouth II
Outfit details:
- Tracksuit Black / Gold (Talk to Drayton twice in the League Club Room)
- Running Shoes Orange (Mesagoza)
- High Socks Orange (Mesagoza)
- Plain Gloves Orange (Mesagoza)
- Canvas Backpack Black (Mesagoza)
- Blue Sweatband (Levencia)
14. Saskue (Naruto Shippuden)

Imagine what Saskue would look like in the Pokémon world. He’d have a mix of Electric, Fire, and Ghost-Types.
Why it's a great style:
If you’re a huge Anime fan and love Naruto and Pokémon, Sakue’s a great customization to copy. The Center-Parted Bob with dark denim blue hair is similar to his original design during the late stages of the Shippuden series. The game, unfortunately, doesn’t have spiky hair as an option. It’s recommended that when you start the game, to get Saskue’s skin correct, select the 1’st boy on the 1’st row.
Considering his cunning, cool, and arrogant personality, Saskue would wear something moderately mundane with gray and blue. He’d still look cool, regardless. The BB Summer Uniform is best for him to wear as the red matches his Sharingan. Make his Sharingan eyes more visible by giving him plain red gloves and a red Canvas Backpack. The Canvas Backpacks partially resemble the Uchiha Crest. He looks cool with a headband and looks best with black dress shoes.
His favorite Pokémon might be Skeledirge, so he can increase Skeledirge’s fire attacks with fire-type Jutsus and ghost attacks with his Amaterasu Jutsu. Saskue could power up his Miraidon with his Chidori.
Saskue details:
- Haircut: Center-parted bob
- Hair color: Dark Denim Blue
- Eye shape V
- Eye color: Red
- Eyelash B I
- Eyelash color: Black
- Brow B II
- Eyebrow color: Dark Denim Blue
- Mouth XV (To achieve Saskue’s unimpressed expression)
Outfit details:
- Black Sweatband (Levencia)
- BB Summer Uniform
- Grey Plain Tights (Casscarafa)
- Dress Shoes Black (Levencia)
- Plain Gloves Red (Mesagoza)
- Canvas Backpack Red (Mesagoza) (To match the Uchiha crest)
13. Obito Uchiha (Naruto Shippuden)

Imagine what Obito would look like in the Pokémon world. He’d have a mix of Ghost, Psychic, and Dark Pokémon.
Why it's a great style:
If you're a huge Anime fan and love Naruto and Pokémon, Obito's a great customization to gain inspiration from. There's no orange swirl mask in Pokémon, but an orange Lokix Helmet may do. It's recommended that when you start the game, to get Obito's skin correct, select the 1'st boy on the 1'st row. He looks much better with the orange Lokix Helmet.
Considering his evil and merciless personality in Shippuden, honor his evilness by sticking with the orange Lokix Helmet. He'll still look as mysterious as ever as the blue Festival Jinbei looks close with his Akatsuki robe. Give him some plain gray tights and black dress shoes to match his original footwear. Finesse and let him wear black gloves, as that matches his original design too.
Obito would probably use his Kamui Jutsu with Darkrai, Zoroark, Deoxys, and Mew!
Obito details:
- Prerequisite: Teal Mask and Indigo Disc DLC
- Haircut: Short-Crop
- Hair color: Dark Denim Blue
- Eye shape V III
- Eye color option 1: Red (If you want Sharingan Obito)
- Eye color option 2: Purple (if you want Rinnegan Obito)
- Eye color option 3: Total Dark (Obito’s natural eye color)
- Eyelash D II
- Eyelash color: Black
- Brow B III
- Eyebrow color: Black
- Mouth XIV (To achieve Obito’s classic smirking)
Outfit details:
- Lokix Helmet Orange (Casscarafa)
- Festival Jinbei Blue
- Canvas Backpack Black (Mesagoza)
- Plain Gloves Black (Casscarafa)
- Plain Tights White (Casscarafa)
- Dress Shoes Black (Casscarafa)
12. Roy (Scarlet and Violet Anime)

If you love watching the Scarlet and Violet anime, you can play as Roy in the game!
Why it's a great style:
The Scarlet and Violet game wouldn’t be complete if Roy wasn’t customizable. He almost resembles Ash from the anime and naturally looks great with the BB Summer Uniform. It’s recommended that when you start the game, to get Roy’s skin correct, select the 2’nd boy on the 1’st row.
Look like an actual Blueberry Academy Freshman. Roy in the anime wears sandals, and the black sandals are close to his original design, including the Normal-Type Sporty Cap. While the barbershop doesn’t offer Roy’s unique hairstyle, the Tousled Crop with wine-red hair is close to his hair design.
Roy’s hair fits the BB summer Uniform and looks great with the sporty cap. If you love the look of traditional male trainers, you’ll be extremely satisfied playing as Roy. Select Fuecoco when starting the game and feel like Roy.
Roy details:
- Haircut: Tousled Crop
- Hair color: Wine Red
- Eye shape I
- Eye color: Burgundy
- Eyelash A I
- Eyelash color: Black
- Eyebrow Shape: Brow F I
- Eyebrow color: Black
- Mouth VII
Outfit details:
- Sporty Cap Normal (Mesagoza)
- BB Summer Uniform
- Black Sandals (Casscarafa)
- Canvas Backpack Black (Mesagoza)
11. Liko (Scarlet and Violet Anime)

If you love watching the Scarlet and Violet anime, you can play as Liko in the game!
Why it's a great style:
The Scarlet and Violet game wouldn’t be complete if Liko wasn’t customizable. She resembles what most female trainers would look like in other generation games with a cute top and shorts.
It’s recommended that when you start the game, to get Roy’s skin correct, select the 1’st girl on the 1’st row.
While Scarlet and Violet suffers from having gowns, dresses, and skirts as more feminine options, the League Club Uniform is one of the best that can be adjusted for a more feminine style. Liko has such pleasant blue eyes that she naturally looks cute in the League Club Uniform. Give her white crew socks and low-top shoes to match her original footwear and as another way to match her shirt. Select a Sprigatito at the start of the game to feel like Liko.
Liko details:
- Prerequisite: Teal Mask and Indigo Disc DLC
- Haircut: Romantic Tuck
- Hair color: Dark Denim Blue
- Eye shape I
- Eye color: Light Blue
- Eyelash C II
- Eyelash color: Black
- Eyebrow Shape: D II
- Eyebrow color: Dark Denim Blue
- Mouth V
Outfit details:
- League Club Uniform
- Low Top White Shoes (Mesagoza)
- Crew Socks White (Mesagoza)
- Leather Backpack White (Levencia)
10. Brock (Indigo League Anime)

If you love the original anime series, play as Brock.
Why it's a great style:
The Winter Uniform is one of the hardest uniforms to play around with and develop a style. Brock kills this style because he’s an anime character who wears a vest. It’s recommended that when you start the game, to get Brock’s skin correct, Select the 2’nd boy on the 2’nd row.
Brock’s known for his green vest, and while the game doesn’t allow you to change the uniform's colors, add more oomph by giving him dark brown materials. He’s a Rock-Type Gym Leader. He would choose to wear something dark brown in the game, such as gloves, crew socks, backpack, and dress shoes. To resemble his long, spiky hair, the Short Curls with dark brown hair look close to his original design.
If you want to honor his squinting, give him black sporty sunglasses so you can’t see his actual eyes and pupils. Adjust those eyebrows to Eyebrow GII, and he looks awesome. Onyx is not transferable in Scarlet and Violet. Catch a Geodude, Aloan Golem, Forretress, Croagnuk, Ludicolo, Mudkip, and feel like Brock!
Brock details:
- Haircut: Short Curls
- Hair color: Dark Brown
- Eye shape IV
- Eye color: Total Dark
- Eyelash A I
- Eyelash color: Black
- Eyebrow Shape: G II
- Eyebrow color: Dark Brown
- Mouth XI
Outfit details:
- Winter Uniform
- Dress Shoes Brown (Levencia)
- High Socks Brown (Mesagoza)
- Optional: Leather Gloves Brown / Black (Levencia)
- Sport Backpack Brown (Levencia)
- Optional: Sporty Sunglasses Black (If you want to give him better spunk)
9. Misty (Indigo League Anime)

If you love the original anime series, play as Misty.
Why it's a great style:
Misty is a Water-Type Gym Leader, and it makes the most sense that she wears the BB Winter Uniform to bring out her true colors. Her green eyes evenly complement the outfit. It’s recommended that when you start the game, to get Misty’s skin correct, Select the 1’st girl on the 2’nd row.
Misty has such unique hair that the game doesn't have her standard haircut. The Kitakami Ponytail with scarlet hair is close to her original design. Give her some orange gloves and high-top sneakers to make her look like an elite trainer in the Scarlet and Violet world. A green canvas backpack creates a nice balance with her outfit and eyes. Catch a Gyrados, Azumarill, Psyduck, Poliwhirl, Horsea, or Politoad, and feel like Misty!
Misty details:
- Prerequisite: Teal Mask and Indigo Disc DLC
- Haircut: Kitakami Ponytail
- Hair color: Scarlet
- Eye shape VII
- Eye color: Green
- Eyelash B II
- Eyelash color: Black
- Eyebrow Shape: B III
- Eyebrow color: Scarlet
- Mouth XIII
Outfit details:
- BB Winter Uniform
- Plain Gloves Orange (Mesagoza)
- High Top Sneakers Orange (Levencia)
- Canvas Backpack Green (Mesagoza)
8. Dawn (Diamond and Pearl Anime)

If you’re a fan of the Diamond and Pearl anime series, play as Dawn.
Why it's a great style:
Dawn is a Pokémon Contest girl, and she's going to look the cutest in the League Club Uniform. It's recommended that when you start the game, to get Dawn's skin correct, select the 1'st girl on the first row.
Unfortunately, in Scarlet and Violet, you can't buy skirts or scarves, which sucks for many female Pokémon fans wishing it was an option. The game has many beanie options, and the best ones to get are in Casscarafa's Capbourg or Levencia's Capbourg. There isn't a beanie that exactly replicates Dawn's white cap with a pink design. Go with a White or Pink beanie.
The League Club Uniform perfectly matches Dawn's style, blending her original design with pink and white. Recreate it by giving her white trainer gloves, pink high socks, and pink high-top sneakers. Catch a Puplip and Mamoswine and feel like Dawn!
Dawn details:
- Haircut Option 1: Long and Straight (To go with her classic look)
- Haircut Option 2: Ponytail (If you want to go with her Pokémon Contest style)
- Hair color: Blue or Dark Denim blue
- Eye shape I
- Eye color: Gray
- Eyelash A II
- Eyelash color: Black
- Brow B III
- Eyebrow color: Black
- Mouth VIII
- Lip Color: Pink (optional)
Outfit details:
- League Club Uniform
- High Socks Pink (Mesagoza)
- High Top Sneakers Pink (Levencia)
- Leather Backpack White (Levencia)
- White Pom-Pom Hat (Levencia)
- Fingerless Gloves White (Casscarafa)
- Optional: Polarized Sunglasses White (Mesagoza)
7. Lillie (Sun and Moon)

If you’re a fan of the Sun and Moon anime series, play as Lillie.
Why it's a great style:
Lilie’s known for wearing a white dress in the Sun and Moon series. The Kitakami white Festival Jinbei is an excellent option for her character. It’s recommended that when you start the game, to get Lillie’s skin correct, select the 1’st girl in the 2’nd row.
The Kitakami DLC Festival Jinbei dresses look in the style of gowns. The white Festival Jinbei is close to Lillie’s white gown. Give her Long and Straight with platinum blond hair and put a white fedora hat on. She’ll be spot-on and beautiful. Lillie also wears a bit of light blue and looks best in neon blue sporty high socks, plain white gloves, and white dress shoes. Catch an Aloan Ninetails and feel like Lillie!
Sun and Moon Lillie details:
- Haircut: Long and Straight
- Hair color: Platinum Blond
- Eye color: Green
- Eye shape I
- Eyelash A II
- Eye lash color: Black
- Brow D II
- Eyebrow color: Platinum Blond
- Mouth III
Outfit details:
- Festival Jinbei White/ Grey (Talk to Kieran’s Grandma at their house after completing the Teal Mask and Indigo Disc DLC)
- Sporty High Socks Neon Blue (Mesagoza)
- Dress Shoes Pattern A (Casscarafa)
- Enamel Backpack Black (Levencia)
- Fedora White (Casscarafa)
- Plain gloves white (Mesagoza)
6. James (Team Rocket)

Bring back some Team Rocket vibes by playing as James.
Why it's a great style:
How else would Jesse and James be part of Scarlet and Violet? They need another disguise! The BB Spring Uniform is close enough to their Team Rocket original design as they try to blend in as Blueberry Academy teachers.
For James, give him the Side Part with Violet hair, as it will look best on their new outfit. It’s recommended that when you start the game, to get Jame’s skin correct, select the 1’st boy in the 2’nd row.
Even if you can’t do Team Rocket shenanigans in Violet, James would use his Inkay, Cacnea, and Mopeko to rob citizens in every city. The funniest thing you could do is use the auto-battle function and allow your Pokémon to attack NPCs. Laugh out loud as the NPC’s won’t react.
James details:
- Prerequisite: Teal Mask and Indigo Disc DLC
- Haircut: Side Part
- Hair color: Violet
- Eye color: Green
- Eye shape V
- Eyelash B I
- Eyelash color: Black
- Eyebrow Shape: G III
- Eyebrow color: Ash Purple
- Mouth XV
Outfit details:
- BB Spring Uniform
- Engineer Boots Black (Casscarafa)
- Plain Tights Black (Mesagoza)
- Plain Gloves Black (Mesagoza)
- Two-Way Nylon Backpack Red (Mesagoza)
5. Jesse (Team Rocket)

Bring back some Team Rocket vibes by playing as Jesse.
Why it’s a great style:
How else would Jesse and James be part of Scarlet and Violet? They need another disguise! The BB Spring Uniform is close enough to their Team Rocket original design as they try to blend in as Blueberry Academy teachers.
Scarlet and Violet unfortunately doesn’t have an accurate hairstyle in terms of her original design. It’s believable that in Scarlet and Violet, her hair is so long that she might have the Modern Beehive hairstyle, which resembles a hair bun. Give her red hair color, and oh yeah, it looks just like her once you adjust her eyes to blue. It’s recommended that when you start the game, to get Jesse’s skin correct, select the 1’st girl in the 2’nd row.
Even if you can’t do Team Rocket shenanigans in Violet, Jesse would use her Arbok and Meowth to rob citizens in every city. The funniest thing you could do is use the auto-battle function and allow your Pokémon to attack NPCs. Laugh out loud as the NPC’s won’t react.
Jesse details:
- Prerequisite: Teal Mask and Indigo Disc DLC
- Haircut: Modern Beehive
- Hair color: Red
- Eye shape: VIII
- Eye color: Blue
- Eyelash B II
- Eyelash color: Black
- Eyebrow Shape: H III
- Eyebrow color: Red
- Mouth XI
- Lip color: Red
Outfit details:
- BB Spring Uniform
- Dress Shoes Black (Levencia)
- Plain Tights Black (Mesagoza)
- Plain Gloves Black (Mesagoza)
- Two-Way Nylon Backpack Red (Mesagoza)
4. Cynthia (Diamond and Pearl)

If you’re a fan of the Diamond and Pearl anime series, play as Cynthia.
Why it's a great style:
Cynthia’s fashion is highly difficult to translate in Scarlet and Violet because the game doesn’t offer her iconic black gown. Cynthia looks most fashionable and intense in the League Club Outfit. It’s recommended that when you start the game, to get Cynthia’s skin correct, select the 1’st girl in the 2’nd row.
Give Cynthia the Short Bob with platinum blond hair to get her hairstyle right. The plain black tights and white dress shoes are close to her original design. Add plain white gloves and a black enamel backpack to make her look astounding. She even looks like she’s part of the Elite 4. If the game had heels as an option, she’d look even better. Catch Roselia, Lucario, Spiritomb, Gastrodon, Milotic, Garchomp, and feel like a champion!
Cynthia details:
- Prerequisite: Teal Mask and Indigo Disc DLC
- Select the 3’rd girl on the 2’nd row
- Haircut: Short Bob
- Hair color: Platinum Blond
- Eye shape: VIII
- Eye color: Light Gray
- Eyelash B II
- Eyelash color: Black
- Eyebrow Shape: B III
- Eyebrow color: Platinum Blond
- Mouth I
- Lip color: Red
Outfit details:
- League Club Uniform
- Plain Tights Black (Mesagoza)
- Dress Shoes White (Levencia)
- Plain Gloves White (Mesagoza)
- Enamel Backpack Black (Levencia)
3. Serena (X and Y and XY&Z)

If you’re a fan of the X/Y and XY&Z anime series, play as Serena.
Why it's a great style:
Serena in Scarlet and Violet looks beautiful when adding her iconic attributes. She looks best in the BB Autumn Uniform as if she’s already become an elite trainer in Pokémon Contests. It’s recommended that when you start the game, to get Serena’s skin correct, select the 1’st girl in the 1’st row.
Give her the Long Bob with light brown hair and add a red Fedora. It’ll look exactly like her! Add more depth with black dress shoes, pink leather gloves, and a red enamel backpack. Her red hat matches the outfit’s red tie, gloves, and backpack. Her green eyes still stand out with the outfit. Catch a Slyveon and a Delphox and feel like Serena.
Serena details:
- Prerequisite: Teal Mask and Indigo Disc DLC
- Select the 3’rd girl on the 1’st row
- Haircut: Long Bob
- Hair color: Light Brown
- Eye shape: I
- Eye color: Blue
- Eyelash A II
- Eyelash color: Black
- Eyebrow Shape: B III
- Eyebrow color: Light Brown
- Mouth I
- (Optional) Lip color: Beige
Outfit details:
- BB Autumn Uniform
- Fedora Red (Casscarafa)
- Plain Tights Black (Mesagoza)
- Dress Shoes Black (Levencia)
- Leather Gloves Pink (Levencia)
- Enamel Backpack Red (Levencia)
2. Ash Ketchum

Everyone knows who this is!
Why it's a great style:
Bring extreme nostalgia back and play as Ash. Ash never wears a uniform… like ever. But in Scarlet and Violet, he looks great in the BB Summer Uniform as if he’s about to be late visiting his fans, forgot to do laundry, and the Blueberry professor brought him this outfit for his visit.
It’s recommended that when you start the game, to get Ash’’s skin correct, select the 1’st boy in the 1’st row.
Give Ash the Pixie Cut with black hair and put on a red hat. It matches well with his brown eyes. To resemble his many original character designs, give him green trainer gloves, red crew socks, and blue low-top sneakers. The BB Summer Uniform matches well with some extra red and blue. All with the BB School Backpack, Ash looks extremely mature and handsome, ready for his next journey. Stylistically, this appearance is similar to Ash's X and Y design.
Catch Pikachu, Sceptile, Infernape, Greninja, Incineroar, Lucario, and feel like Ash!
Ash details:
- Haircut: Pixie Cut
- Hair color: Black
- Eye shape: I
- Eye color: Dark Brown
- Eyelash A I
- Eyelash color: Black
- Eyebrow Shape: D III
- Eyebrow color: Black
- Mouth II
Outfit details:
- BB Summer Uniform
- Sporty Cap Red (Mesagoza)
- BB School Backpack
- Low Top Sneakers Blue (Mesagoza)
- Crew Socks Red (Mesagoza)
- Trainer Gloves Green (Mesagoza)
1. Legendary Trainer Red (Mewtwo Strikes Back)

Trainer Red would look like this in Scarlet and Violet
Why it's a great style:
Legendary Trainer Red needs no introduction. In Scarlet and Violet, he’d look like the best trainer. He looks best with the BB Summer Uniform as if he has already graduated and cannot lose his winning streak. It’s recommended that when you start the game, to get Ash’’s skin correct, select the 1’st boy in the 1’st row.
You’ll need a lot of red to make Legendary Trainer Red daring and scary. Give him a Pixie Cut with dark brown hair while wearing a red sporty cap. Give him red trainer gloves, BB School Backpack, and white low-top sneakers. He’ll look remarkably close to his original design.
Giving him red eyes is important, as if after catching Mewtwo in the anime short, all he sees is red surging with more power. He also looks very good with yellow polarized glasses or a red Lokix Helmet for a new look.
Catch Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Charizard, Lapras, Mewtwo, and feel like Legendary Trainer Red! Transfer a Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Go Mewtwo into Scarlet and Violet.
Legendary Trainer Red Details:
- Haircut: Pixie Cut
- Hair color: Dark Brown
- Eye shape: I
- Eye color: Red
- Eyelash A I
- Eyelash color: Black
- Eyebrow Shape: D III
- Eyebrow color: Dark Brown
- Mouth II
Outfit details for Legendary Trainer Red Classic Look:
- BB Summer Uniform
- BB School Backpack
- Trainer Gloves Red (Casscarafa)
- High Socks Red (Mesagoza)
- Low Top Sneakers White (Mesagoza)
- Sporty Cap Red (Mesagoza)
- (Optional) Polarized Sport Glasses Yellow (Mesagoza)
Outfit details for Legendary Trainer Red New Look:
- BB Summer Uniform
- BB School Backpack
- Trainer Gloves Red (Casscarafa)
- High Socks Red (Mesagoza)
- Low Top Sneakers White (Mesagoza)
- Loxix Helmet Red (Casscarafa)
“Thanks for reading!”- Dawn