[Top 5] Paladins Best Tank Champions That Are Excellent

Run or else!!

Paladin’s is a game that has a bunch of different frontline champions to choose from and it can be very tough on deciding which one to play. In this post, I will be showing you the best tank champions in Paladins that will always be a good pick in any game. 


5 Atlas

Atlas is a very strong tank that can easily conquer any point and offers amazing survivability.  This time-based tank allows for some strong pushes as he has an infinite health shield and can reverse time to get out of any situation easily as well as doing a lot of damage. 

What makes Atlas a good Tank

Atlas’ Setback ability allows him to reverse the time of any enemy he hits allowing him to reverse any healing that enemy received. This easily allows him to shred certain champions with ease and with the right loadout it makes him a force to be reckoned with.

Atlas’ Stasis Field is a barrier that has infinite health and stops all projectiles from going through it. This is an insanely strong shield because when you place it down the only choice the enemy has is to hide or walk through it since there is nothing else for them to do other than to wait for it to go down. This is especially true if you use the talent Temporal Divide which makes it much larger.

Second Chance is Atlas’ best ability as it allows him to reverse himself back in time allowing him to return to full health and even sometimes taking him out of the fight completely. This is a very good ability which gives him great survivability as a tank and can be amplified by the loadout you choose.

Atlas Details: https://www.paladins.com/champions/atlas    

4 Raum

Raum is a very good off-tank to choose in paladins due to him using souls to generate shields for himself. This is only amplified by the amazing abilities that let him deal massive damage and escape almost any situation as long as you don't get crippled. If you want to play your tank more like a flank then Raum is definitely a great choice for you.

What makes a Raum good Tank

Raum’s passive ability lets him shatter enemies' souls creating a soul fragment that he can then collect by colliding with them or by using his soul harvest ability to gain a soul shield to give him great survivability and become very tanky. The Soul Harvest ability will give you 2000 soul shield as well as any extra soul fragments which are only amplified by the loadout you choose.

Juggernaut is Raum’s movement ability and it allows him to charge really fast for 3.5 seconds allowing him to knock around the enemy or escape any situation. This can be buffed tremendously with the talent Enforced which reduces his damage taken by 40% while Juggernaut is active.

Cataclysm is Raum’s ultimate that will deal 1000 damage to anyone in a 40-degree cone in front of them stunning them. This is a very powerful ult that can easily allow you and your team to wipe out the enemy team. Raum’s talent Earthsplitter will buff your ult making it charge 60% faster.

Raum Details: https://www.paladins.com/champions/raum    

3 Ash  

Ash is a very good point-tank and off-tank depending on the loadout you choose and has amazing CC and survivability. This tank is able to shield tons of damage for their team and can knock the enemy off the point at the same time as well as having a great movement ability to escape most situations. If you are looking for a great tank that you can play however you want this is definitely a good pick for you.

What makes Ash a good Tank

Ash’s Siege Shield is a decent shield that has 4500 health and will slowly move forward towards the point allowing your team to push while also protecting you from damage. This shield can be buffed by the talent Fortress Breaker adding an extra 2000 health and making it move slower allowing you to shield your team from tons of damage.

Ash’s Kinetic Burst allows her to knock her enemies away from her or even force the team to separate so they are easier to kill. The ability is also really good at reducing your other abilities' cooldowns if you have the right cards in your loadout.

Ash’s Shoulder Bash ability is a great movement that provides a great form of escape and provides the ability to knock an enemy back off the point. If you use the talent battering ram it will give Ash a 75% damage reduction while using Shoulder Bash which basically allows you to escape combat easily without dying.

Ash Details: https://www.paladins.com/champions/ash    

2 Inara

Inara is the best point tank in the whole game and probably always will be. This is because of her amazing CC and high sustain that allows her to basically never die if she is played right. If you are looking for an easy tank that is always really hard to kill if played right then Inara is for you.

What makes Inara a good Tank

Inara’s Impasse is an amazing shield ability that will allow you to separate the enemy team from each other or simply shield yourself. With good wall placements, you can easily pick off healers or other tanks and allow your team to easily kill them off.

Inara’s Warden Field is great for annoying enemies that are trying to force you off the point because it gives them 60% movement reduction and damages them slowly. This is only amplified by the talent Trechourous Ground that makes it cripple any enemy in the field which makes it really easy to kill anyone stuck in it.

Inara’s Earthen Gaurd ability allows her to survive mostly anything due to the fact that it gives her 30% damage reduction and 40% more healing. This can be amplified with the talent Mothers Grace which gives her another 10% damage reduction and also gives her CC immunity making her insanely strong when her ability is activated.

Inara Details: https://www.paladins.com/champions/inara    

1 Makoa 

Makoa is the tank that I see most when I play paladins. I think this is because of how great of a team player he is. This is because he can easily shield his team, damage the enemies, and even use his hook to separate them. He also has a good movement that can help his survivability making him the best tank in all of Paladins.

What makes Makoa a good Tank

Makoa’s Dredge Anchor allows him to hook an enemy and bring them over to him forcing them away from their team and making it easier to kill them. If you combine this with the talent Pluck which allows you to do 75% extra damage on your next shot on that enemy which makes it very easy to pick off a healer or a flank.

Makoa’s Shell Shield is an amazing shield that covers a large area, easily providing a shield for your team. If you use the talent half shell it makes your shield much stronger and allows you to place it on the floor allowing Makoa to do damage while it is active.

Makoa’s Shell Spin is a decent movement ability that will knock any enemy it touches away. This is a decent movement that will move the enemies away from you while you retreat and will also do a little bit of damage. If you use the right load out you can basically constantly spin around the point.

Makoa Details: https://www.paladins.com/champions/makoa    

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