[Top 10] Fallout 4 Best Dismemberment Mods That Are Fun

Fallout 4 Best Dismemberment Mods
Check out the Best Dismemberment Mods for Fallout 4!

Fallout 4 has some of the most enjoyable gameplay mechanics present. While the combat is a bit outdated and old school in a sense, you can spice up the experience through some heavy-hitting mods. So here are the 10 best dismemberment mods if you enjoy the gore and blood in the game!

10 . Bullet Time

This is not a specific dismemberment mod, but this does help in achieving that. If you want the combat in the game to mimic that of The Matrix movies, then this mod is for you. The Bullet Time mod slows down the time which will easily help you aim at specific limbs and can dismember them. The slowing down of time will drain your AP which will make it more challenging. It works as a great alternative to VATS if you’re not a fan of the system.

Get the mod here

9 . Better Locational Damage

This mod completely overhauls Fallout 4's combat, making it crisper and more intense. Headshots are scripted, and helmets can help prevent them. NPC health has been adjusted to avoid bullet sponges. Obtaining a well-balanced armor rating is critical for survival, as health no longer scales with level because of this mod. The weapons have also become much more lethal so dismemberment can be achieved more easily.

Get the mod here!

8 . Enhanced Blood Textures Basic

This mod completely overhauls the game's blood. Replace combat blood splatter, screen blood, and decapitation spurts are among the features. The amount of blood is also increased. All hits and decapitation effects will now result in additional bloodstains. vanilla hand-placed blood decals are also improved.

Get the mod here!

7 . Gibs Of Glory - Head Explosions And More (Gore)

This mod significantly increases the level of violence in Fallout 4. Head explosions have been heightened and are especially graphic. This increases the number of skull fragments in head explosions and the number of Generic Gibs in Humanoid Limb and Torso explosions. This is the one to watch if you want to see super mutants ripped apart.

Get the mod here!

6 . Realistic Gore And Dismemberment

The dismemberment in the game is made to look more realistic and gory with this mod. Enemies have a chance of surviving limbs that have been blown off in some cases. Furthermore, this mod affects not only humans but also super mutants and other creatures.

Get the mod here!

5 . Real World Damages

This mod uses creature type and locational hit to dynamically boost damage to both players and NPCs. It is easy to kill creatures, even yourself. It uses creature kind and locational hit to dynamically boost damage to both players and NPCs. Biological creatures, such as yourself, are easy to kill, whereas robots are more difficult to kill. Damage modifiers on the individual body parts of the creature you hit increase the damage. Furthermore, Armor can only prevent a portion of the damage.

Get the mod here!

4 . Realistic Headshots

This mod increases the headshot damage of most vanilla creatures, including the Robobrain from Automatron, Cave Crickets, Rad Rats, Bloodworlds, and Giant Ant, to 20 times normal, allowing you to die in one headshot. Deathclaws, the Mirelurk Queen, Behemoths, artificial creatures, the Hermit Crab, and the Fog Crawler are immune. Overall, it succeeds in making headshots more realistic than they have ever been.

Get the mod here!

3 . Fallout IV- Gore Overhaul

This Mod's sole purpose is to enhance the gore in Fallout 4 and make it more detailed and violent. It adds more detailed wounds to Fallout's combats, as well as "all-new" flesh and blood textures. Wounds and bones have been sharpened, and new textures and gore have been added. It re-textures bullet entry wounds and gives wounds more brightness for a more detailed and highlighted flesh texture.

Get the mod here!

2 . Immersive Scaling - Damage - Dismemberment

This mod is a simple overhaul of player and NPC scaling, encounters, and damage modifiers to give the game a much more limitless and immersive feel. NPCs, enemies, and encounters all scale according to the player's level. It gives most NPCs non-fatal dismemberment chances, but the chance is adjusted to be realistic. NPCs and the Player's invisible health scaling bonuses have also been removed. It also has a number of other interesting features.

Get the mod here!

1 . Live Dismemberment

The Live Dismemberment mod does a complete overhaul of the damage and injury system in the game. If you’re into blood and gore, then this is for you. It increases the chance of injury and limb damage for enemies and makes the affected areas look extremely realistic. It essentially makes the combat more gruesome and challenging. If you’re all in on immersion in the game, then this mod will surely spark your interest.

Get the mod here!

With these mods, your bloodlust in the Commonwealth can be satisfied. Good Luck fellow Wastelanders!

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