Behold the fearsome and ferocious beast who has proven to be fatal in every way possible. Primal Beast is a fan favorite and is often a top pick in competitive matches. Primal Beast’s abilities center around his ability to control and manipulate the battlefield, making him a formidable opponent for any enemy team. Overall, Primal Beast's strengths lie in his ability to control the crowd, initiate teamfights, and provide durability to his team. His versatility and unique abilities make him a strong pick in any situation and a hero that is feared by enemies and respected by allies.
The ruthless savage Primal Beast is an excellent hero in the meta, but with certain builds and items, he can dominate the game quite easily. We bring you the Best 5 Primal Beast Builds in the current meta, these builds are highly effective and make sure he ends up crushing the game in his favor.
5. Old Eleven Build
Old Eleven is one of the best players to emerge from the Chinese region. He is known for his proficiency with Primal Beast. Primal Beast ranks as one of his most-played heroes in the offlane due to its unique abilities that suit the aggressive playstyle of Old Eleven. He always finds to turn tough games around with this ferocious dino. This is due to his hyper-aggressive playstyle and immense mechanical skill. He is known to be an aggressive laner, often opting to chase and ward off enemy carries from the lane. If you want to try Primal Beast in the offlane, then this is the right build to start with.
Old Eleven has been praised widely for his intense and nail-biting performance on this hero. Everything from pouncing on enemies with Onslaught to dominating the late game with his unique offlane builds, he knows it all. On an offlane build, it is often advised to build items that help you and your allies fight while also building items that can sustain you in a fight. Hence, he opts to get a Gem of Truesight as he is facing Riki. It is not a true Primal Beast game if you do not build a Black King bar. It offers optimum fight and pushes potential which you need to win a teamfight, Old Eleven plays an excellent Primal Beast, pay attention to his insane map awareness in the highlight video.
Use This Build If:
- You want to supplement the ability of your teammates to fight as an offlaner
- You want to be involved in more skirmishes from the early game
- You want a self-sustainable build that makes you tanky, making it extremely valuable against damage-dealing heroes
- You are facing heroes with high magical or physical damage
Skill Points
Level 1: Onslaught - Allows Primal Beast to charge upon a targeted location, knocking back both enemies and allies. Enemies are stunned and dealt damage upon the knockback. The further Primal Beast charges, the more damage he deals. It can be used both defensively and offensively to initiate a fight or to escape.
Level 2: Trample - Primal Beast stomps over everything, dealing damage in a short AoE around him while making him unable to do physical damage. It deals increased damage for every 140 units traveled. It is an exceptional spell that helps him farm and deals damage right from the get-go.
Level 3: Trample
Level 4: Uproar - Primal Beast receives bonus damage passively while also gaining Uproar stacks when he receives damage of 50 or more. Primal Beast can use the stacks to deal higher attack damage while also gaining armor for a brief duration. This is an excellent spell as it makes him deal high damage from the laning phase. +90 Onsalught Damage
Level 5: Trample
Level 6: Pulverize - Primal Beast channels and slams his targeted enemy unit into the ground repeatedly, dealing decent damage in the early game. Any enemies coming close while Primal Beast uses Pulverize also get mini-stunned and dealt damage. It can be used to stop enemies from using their channeled abilities.
Level 7: Trample
Level 8: Onslaught
Level 9: Onslaught
Level 10: Onslaught
Level 11: +90 Onslaught Damage
Level 12: Pulverize
Level 13: Uproar
Level 14: Uproar
Level 15: -5s Trample Cooldown
Level 16: Uproar
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Pulverize
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +25% Trample Attack Multiplier
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Tango (90 Gold) - Provides health regen if used on a tree. It's the cheapest yet the most convenient way of healing up in the early stages of the game when you are playing in the side lanes. Regardless of the hero you play, Tangoes are a core item.
- Quelling Blade (100 Gold) - Increases the physical attack damage on non-hero units, and can also be used to cut trees. It is a must-have item on melee carry heroes like Primal Beast.
- 3x Iron Branch (50 Gold) - Grants +1 of all attributes per branch. It provides decent sustain in the early game. The branch can be also planted to block paths for enemies or to deceive them under the fog.
- Magic Stick (200 Gold) - Gains a charge each time an enemy uses a spell around you. Each direction grants 15 HP and mana and can have up to 10 charges. It is a perfect item in the laning stage if you face heroes who cast spells frequently.
- Magic Wand (450 Gold) - Bought at 0:09. Gains a charge every time an enemy uses a spell in an AoE. It can store up to 20 charges, with each charge healing you up to 15 HP and mana. It is an ideal starting item as it allows Primal to sustain himself in the lane if he is facing spellcasting heroes.
- Boots of Speed (500 Gold) - Purchased at 2 minutes. Provides +45 movement speed to Primal Beast. It is ideal for all heroes as you can purchase upgraded boots with it.
- Healing Salve (100 Gold) - Purchased at 3 minutes. Grants 30 HP regeneration per second for 13 seconds. It allows Primal Beast to heal up and return to the lane.
- Ring of Health (825 Gold) - Bought at 4 minutes. It provides Primal Beast with a +6.5 health regeneration, allowing him to sustain well in the early game. It is further upgraded into Linken.
- Wind Lace (250 Gold) - Purchased at 4 minutes. Provides +20 movement speed. It is a decent early-game item providing Primal Beast with the much-needed movement speed that he lacks.
- Perseverance (1650 Gold) - Purcased at 6 minutes. Void Stone and Ring of Health are combined into Perseverance which grants Primal Beast +6.5 HP regen along with +2.25 Mana regen.
- Boots of Travel (2500 Gold) - Purchased at 10 minutes. Allows Primal Beast to teleport on allied creeps and his allies, making him a great global presence in a teamfight. Purchasing this item grants the dino with extreme mobility, making him highly active and providing him with increased global potential. He can push lanes and join his allies in a teamfight anytime he wants.
- Dust of Appearance (80 Gold) - Purchased at 11 minutes. Upon usage, it reveals invisible enemies in an AoE. It also slows the revealed units by 20%. It is an effective item in the early game as Old Eleven is facing a Riki.
- Linken’s Sphere (4600 Gold) - Purchased at 17 minutes. Blocks one single targeted spell every 14 seconds, and also provides increased stats and mana regen for Primal Beast. This build has enough offensive items and having a balance of offensive and defensive items can be extremely useful in the late game, helping him stay alive in the high-pressure teamfights.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 21 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Primal Beast invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Gem of True Sight (900 Gold) - Purchased at 22 minutes. Grants Primal Beast the ability to see invisible units (enemies or wards) around him while it is active allowing him to reveal invisible units in a certain area for a certain duration. It is an ideal item against invisible heroes.
- Blink Dagger (2250 Gold) - Purchased at 25 minutes. Blink Dagger is a core item on Primal Beast, as it allows him to initiate a teamfight, or chase enemies with it. It can also be upgraded into Arcane Blink or Overwhelming Blink. This will enable him to be the frontline and initiates a fight with the follow-up of his ultimate.
- Scythe of Vyse (5675 Gold) - Purchased at 32 minutes. Scythe offers immense disable potential as it turns the targeted enemy into a pig, making them unable to use any spells or items while also reducing their movement speed. This disabler item is of high value to Primal Beast as it allows him to dominate the late game by locking down his foes and decimating them with the follow-up from his team.
Neutral Items
- Arcane Ring - Provides 75 Mana to Primal Beast and his allies. It also increases his intelligence and armor making him resilient in skirmishes.
- Fairy’s Trinket - Increases Primal Beast’s health by 75, while increasing spell amplification and reduces mana loss by 5% Though it is an effective item on spellcaster heroes, the ferocious dinosaur can benefit from it in the early game if he is constantly fighting from the get-go.
- Bullwhip - Increases Primal’s health regeneration by 3 and mana regeneration by 2.5. Upon usage, it grants 18% movement speed for 4 seconds to allies and Primal Beast. It also slows for the same amount and duration of cast on enemies.
4. Armel Build
Considered to be a prodigy, Armel made his splash into the pro-dota scene quite early in his life. Having played various LAN tournaments all across the world and placed quite high in the MMR leaderboards, it’s safe to assume that this boy has the potential. Primal Beast is played quite aggressively by Armel as he is known to express aggression with whichever hero he opts to pick. In the laning phase, it is quite a difficult task to zone him out if he has the right items at his disposal. You may need multiple heroes to ward him off the lane. An impossible task that may end up in a team kill.
Armel is known to be a great initiator, and he manages to do quite well with his Primal Beast. He quite often juggles around between skill builds, sometimes he prefers the max Onslaught build, which is great if you’re going a spell-casting route, or sometimes he may opt for the max damage build, putting points in Uproar and Trample. Regardless of the build, Armel is a menace on Primal Beast. His breathtaking skills are often evident in every game he plays. He exhibits clever and interesting gameplay.
Use This Build If:
- You want an extremely reliable build for the late game
- You want to be involved in more skirmishes from the early game
- You want a self-sustainable build that makes you tanky, making it extremely valuable against damage-dealing heroes
- You are facing heroes with low magic resistance or overall survivability
Skill Points
Level 1: Uproar - Primal Beast receives bonus damage passively while also gaining Uproar stacks when he receives damage of 50 or more. Primal Beast can use the stacks to deal higher attack damage while also gaining armor for a brief duration. This is an ideal level 1 spell as it makes him deal high damage from the laning phase.
Level 2: Onslaught - Allows Primal Beast to charge upon a targeted location, knocking back both enemies and allies. Enemies are stunned and dealt damage upon the knockback. The further Primal Beast charges, the more damage he deals. It can be used both defensively and offensively to initiate a fight or to escape.
Level 3: Trample - Primal Beast stomps over everything, dealing damage in a short AoE around him while making him unable to do physical damage. It deals increased damage for every 140 units traveled. It is an exceptional spell that helps him farm and deals damage right from the get-go.
Level 4: Trample
Level 5: Trample
Level 6: Pulverize - Primal Beast channels and slams his targeted enemy unit into the ground repeatedly, dealing decent damage in the early game. Any enemies coming close while Primal Beast uses Pulverize also get mini-stunned and dealt damage. It can be used to stop enemies from using their channeled abilities.
Level 7: Trample
Level 8: Onslaught
Level 9: Onslaught
Level 10: Onslaught
Level 11: +90 Onsalught Damage
Level 12: Pulverize
Level 13: Uproar
Level 14: Uproar
Level 15: Primal Beast dispels himself while activating Uproar
Level 16: Uproar +20% Magic Resistance during Trample
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Pulverize
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +25% Trample Attack Multiplier
Level 25: +100% Pulverize Duration
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Tango (90 Gold) - Provides health regen if used on a tree. It's the cheapest yet the most convenient way of healing up in the early stages of the game when you are playing in the side lanes. Regardless of the hero you play, Tangoes are a core item.
- Quelling Blade (100 Gold) - Increases the physical attack damage on non-hero units, and can also be used to cut trees. It is a must-have item on melee carry heroes like Primal Beast.
- 3x Iron Branch (50 Gold) - Grants +1 of all attributes per branch. It provides decent sustain in the early game. The branch can be also planted to block paths for enemies or to deceive them under the fog.
- Faerie Fire (70 Gold) - Instantly restores 85 health upon usage. It also passively grants 2 damage per instance. It is an effective item if you’re playing in the mid lane, or just want extra damage and sustain in the side lanes.
- Observer Ward - Grants vision of an area in an AoE upon the plant. The ward is stationary and can be destroyed by enemies if they purchase a sentry ward. It is a beneficial item in the mid-lane for Primal Beast as it provides him with the vision to see any incoming ganks or to secure the runes in the early game.
- Bottle (675 Gold) - Purchased at 1 minute. The bottle is an essential item on a mid-hero. Regardless of the hero you play, Bottle keeps you sustained through the laning phase by replenishing your mana and HP. It also ensures you store power runes for later instead of immediately using them. As Primal is played in the mid-lane in this matchup, a Bottle always comes in handy.
- Magic Wand (450 Gold) - Bought at 1 minute. Gains a charge every time an enemy uses a spell in an AoE. It can store up to 20 charges, with each charge healing you up to 15 HP and mana. It is an ideal starting item as it allows Primal to sustain himself in the lane if he is facing spellcasting heroes.
- Boots of Speed (500 Gold) - Purchased at 3 minutes. Provides +45 movement speed to Primal Beast. It is ideal for all heroes as you can purchase upgraded boots with it.
- Clarity (50 Gold) - Purchased at 4 minutes. Grants 6 mana regeneration for 25 seconds. As Primal Beast loves using mana to secure creeps and kills, this item ensures he sustains his mana throughout the laning phase or even in the late game.
- Phase Boots (1500 Gold) - Bought at 5 minutes. It offers high movement speed along with increased armor as well as physical damage. The item also allows Primal Beast to phase through enemies when activated, making it easy to escape or initiate fights without getting his body blocked.
- Wind Lace (250 Gold) - Purchased at 7 minutes. Provides +20 movement speed. It is a decent early-game item providing Primal Beast with the much-needed movement speed that he lacks.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 15 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Primal Beast invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Kaya (2050 Gold) - Purchased at 18 minutes. It provides Leshrac with increased stats along with increased spell lifesteal, damage amplification, and increased mana regen amplification. It ensures Primal Beast does not run out of mana whilst, in a teamfight, it can further be upgraded into Kaya and Sange if need be, which is again a great item on the dino.
- Kaya and Sange (4100 Gold) - Purchased at 21 minutes. Provides huge bonuses such as increased stats, status resistance, spell damage amplification, health, and mana amplification. It is an effective item for spellcasting heroes like Primal Beast. Besides, it offers extreme survivability with increased stats, making him durable in a teamfight. This item ensures he never runs out of mana.
- Blink Dagger (2250 Gold) - Purchased at 25 minutes. Blink Dagger is a core item on Primal Beast, as it allows him to initiate a teamfight, or chase enemies with it. It can also be upgraded into Arcane Blink or Overwhelming Blink. This will enable him to be the frontline and initiates a fight with the follow-up of his ultimate.
- Linken’s Sphere (4600 Gold) - Purchased at 32 minutes. Blocks one single targeted spell every 14 seconds, and also provides increased stats and mana regen for Primal Beast. This build has enough offensive items and having a balance of offensive and defensive items can be extremely useful in the late game, helping him stay alive in the high-pressure teamfights.
- Scythe of Vyse (5675 Gold) - Purchased at 37 minutes. Scythe offers immense disable potential as it turns the targeted enemy into a pig, making them unable to use any spells or items while also reducing their movement speed. This disabler item is of high value to Primal Beast as it allows him to dominate the late game by locking down his foes and decimating them with the follow-up from his team.
- Overwhelming Blink (6800 Gold) - Purchased at 42 minutes. Upgrades the Blink Dagger. Increases strength and deals damage in an AoE that deals attack and movement speed slow to enemies, while also making them take 150% of your strength as damage. Primal Beast benefits heavily from this item as he can survive a teamfight due to the high strength bonus.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Purchased at 44 minutes. Grants the Rock Throw ability, which stuns and damages the targeted enemy. The rock also splits into three additional fragments when landing on enemies, dealing damage to the units around them. It is effective in helping Primal Beast have some sort of lockdown in a teamfight.
- Boots of Travel 2 (4500 Gold) - Purchased at 50 minutes. Allows Primal Beast to teleport on allied creeps and his allies, making him a great global presence in a teamfight. Purchasing this item grants the dino with extreme mobility, making him highly active and providing him with increased global potential. He can push lanes and join his allies in a teamfight anytime he wants.
Neutral Items
- Lance of Pursuit - Attacking from behind slows the enemies by 12% (6% for Primal Beast as he is ranged) and 15 more damage to them. It is an ideal item if you are facing heroes that are very fast right from the early game.
- Vambrace - It acts as a secondary Power Treads which provides Primal Beast the stats depending upon the attribute he has set it to. It is essential to survive through the early game.
- Quickening Charm - It increases Primal’s health regeneration by 10% while also reducing her spell and item cooldown by 10%.
- Timeless Relic - It provides Shadow Fiend with +20% Debuff duration while also increasing his spell amplification by 15%. As Armel is playing Primal Beast in a magical build, this item is highly beneficial to him as it amplifies his ultimate and his magic damage potential.
3. Boom Build
Boom made his splash on the competitive scene at a very young age, he lead big teams to victory with his impressive gameplay. He is also very versatile and has played a wide range of roles throughout his pro career. Primal Beast is played very aggressively in lane by Boom, often relying on levels and then rotating to other lanes for kills. Boom loves to build initiating items, including Blink Dagger along with immunity items like Black King Bar which are later combined with Shiva’s Guard and Kaya and Sange which turn him into a nightmare!
Boom is extremely experienced when it comes to Primal Beast, often predicting and reading his enemy’s movements. Even if Primal Beast is off-meta or nerfed, Boom picks it and that wins him games. He is known to bust out his impressive gameplay and dominate the game with his impressive Primal performance. Boom knows when to build unconventional items that are extremely situational but win him the games.
Use This Build If:
- You want an extremely reliable mid-Primal Beast build
- You are facing enemies which are considered to be highly slippery
- You want to be involved in more skirmishes from the early game
- You want a self-sustainable build that makes you tanky, making it extremely valuable against damage-dealing heroes
Skill Points
Level 1: Uproar - Primal Beast receives bonus damage passively while also gaining Uproar stacks when he receives damage of 50 or more. Primal Beast can use the stacks to deal higher attack damage while also gaining armor for a brief duration. This is an ideal level 1 spell as it makes him deal high damage from the laning phase.
Level 2: Onslaught - Allows Primal Beast to charge upon a targeted location, knocking back both enemies and allies. Enemies are stunned and dealt damage upon the knockback. The further Primal Beast charges, the more damage he deals. It can be used both defensively and offensively to initiate a fight or to escape.
Level 3: Trample - Primal Beast stomps over everything, dealing damage in a short AoE around him while making him unable to do physical damage. It deals increased damage for every 140 units traveled. It is an exceptional spell that helps him farm and deals damage right from the get-go.
Level 4: Trample
Level 5: Trample
Level 6: Pulverize - Primal Beast channels and slams his targeted enemy unit into the ground repeatedly, dealing decent damage in the early game. Any enemies coming close while Primal Beast uses Pulverize also get mini-stunned and dealt damage. It can be used to stop enemies from using their channeled abilities.
Level 7: Trample
Level 8: Onslaught
Level 9: Onslaught
Level 10: Onslaught
Level 11: +90 Onsalught Damage
Level 12: Pulverize
Level 13: Uproar
Level 14: Uproar
Level 15: Primal Beast dispels himself while activating Uproar
Level 16: Uproar
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Pulverize
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +25% Trample Attack Multiplier
Level 25: +100% Pulverize Duration
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Tango (90 Gold) - Provides health regen if used on a tree. It's the cheapest yet the most convenient way of healing up in the early stages of the game when you are playing in the side lanes. Regardless of the hero you play, Tangoes are a core item.
- Quelling Blade (100 Gold) - Increases the physical attack damage on non-hero units, and can also be used to cut trees. It is a must-have item on melee carry heroes like Primal Beast.
- 2x Iron Branch (50 Gold) - Grants +1 of all attributes per branch. It provides decent sustain in the early game. The branch can be also planted to block paths for enemies or to deceive them under the fog.
- Faerie Fire (70 Gold) - Instantly restores 85 health upon usage. It also passively grants 2 damage per instance. It is an effective item if you’re playing in the mid lane, or just want extra damage and sustain in the side lanes.
- Observer Ward - Grants vision of an area in an AoE upon the plant. The ward is stationary and can be destroyed by enemies if they purchase a sentry ward. It is a beneficial item in the mid-lane for Primal Beast as it provides him with the vision to see any incoming ganks or to secure the runes in the early game.
- Bottle (675 Gold) - Purchased at 1 minute. The bottle is an essential item on a mid-hero. Regardless of the hero you play, Bottle keeps you sustained through the laning phase by replenishing your mana and HP. It also ensures you store power runes for later instead of immediately using them. As Primal is played in the mid-lane in this matchup, a Bottle always comes in handy.
- Boots of Speed (500 Gold) - Purchased at 2 minutes. Provides +45 movement speed to Primal Beast. It is ideal for all heroes as you can purchase upgraded boots with it.
- Wind Lace (250 Gold) - Purchased at 3 minutes. Provides +20 movement speed. It is a decent early-game item providing Primal Beast with the much-needed movement speed that he lacks.
- Phase Boots (1500 Gold) - Bought at 6 minutes. It offers high movement speed along with increased armor as well as physical damage. The item also allows Primal Beast to phase through enemies when activated, making it easy to escape or initiate fights without getting his body blocked.
- Clarity (50 Gold) - Purchased at 6 minutes. Grants 6 mana regeneration for 25 seconds. As Primal Beast loves using mana to secure creeps and kills, this item ensures he sustains his mana throughout the laning phase or even in the late game.
- Magic Wand (450 Gold) - Bought at 6 minutes. Gains a charge every time an enemy uses a spell in an AoE. It can store up to 20 charges, with each charge healing you up to 15 HP and mana. It is an ideal starting item as it allows Primal to sustain himself in the lane if he is facing spellcasting heroes.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 16 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Primal Beast invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Blink Dagger (2250 Gold) - Purchased at 20 minutes. Blink Dagger is a core item on Primal Beast, as it allows him to initiate a teamfight, or chase enemies with it. It can also be upgraded into Arcane Blink or Overwhelming Blink. This will enable him to be the frontline and initiates a fight with the follow-up of his ultimate.
- Kaya (2050 Gold) - Purchased at 23 minutes. It provides Leshrac with increased stats along with increased spell lifesteal, damage amplification, and increased mana regen amplification. It ensures Primal Beast does not run out of mana whilst, in a teamfight, it can further be upgraded into Kaya and Sange if need be, which is again a great item on the dino.
- Kaya and Sange (4100 Gold) - Purchased at 24 minutes. Provides massive bonuses such as increased stats, status resistance, spell damage amplification, along with health and mana amplification. It is an effective item for spellcasting heroes like Primal Beast. Besides, it offers extreme survivability with increased stats, making him durable in a teamfight. This item ensures he never runs out of mana.
- Shiva’s Guard (4850 Gold) - Bought at 29 minutes. Upon usage, it emits a freezing wave that deals 200 damage and slows the enemy for 40% of their movement speed. This slow is impressive and lasts for 4 seconds. The increased armor and survivability ensure Primal Beast stays durable in fights while reducing enemy healing in an AoE.
Neutral Items
- Fairy’s Trinket - Increases Primal Beast’s health by 75, while increasing spell amplification and reduces mana loss by 5% Though it is an effective item on spellcaster heroes, the ferocious dinosaur can benefit from it in the early game if he is constantly fighting from the get-go.
2. Abed Build
While being an amazing mid-laner, Abed is also a great Primal Beast player. His farming speed is unparalleled, and so is his insane map awareness. Abed is known to be quite an aggressive mid-laner, but as a Primal Beast, he is more than just aggressive, he is bloodthirsty, always in the mood for kills and ganks. His quick item timing combined with his mechanical skills on Rolling Thunder makes him great at the devastating dinosaur. One takeaway that you can have from this highlight is that switching up builds according to the heroes you are facing is highly ideal and possibly game-winning.
Abed often juggles around between skill builds, sometimes he prefers the max Onsalught build, which is great if you’re going a quick farm, or sometimes he may opt for the max Trample build, putting points in Onslaught and Trample. Regardless of the build, Abed is a menace on Primal Beast and it is quite evident in the highlight video. Abed also opts for all the necessary talents which help him deal high damage in a teamfight, his item build is very unorthodox in this matchup, opting for Wind Waker and Hood of Defiance.
Use This Build If:
- You want to deal high physical damage with Primal Beast
- You are facing low magic-resistant heroes or squishy heroes with low HP and high armor
- You want a mid-Primal Beast build that prioritizes teamfight and objectives over farming
Skill Points
Level 1: Onslaught - Allows Primal Beast to charge upon a targeted location, knocking back both enemies and allies. Enemies are stunned and dealt damage upon the knockback. The further Primal Beast charges, the more damage he deals. It can be used both defensively and offensively to initiate a fight or to escape.
Level 2: Trample - Primal Beast stomps over everything, dealing damage in a short AoE around him while making him unable to do physical damage. It deals increased damage for every 140 units traveled. It is an exceptional spell that helps him farm and deals damage right from the get-go.
Level 3: Trample
Level 4: Onslaught
Level 5: Trample
Level 6: Pulverize - Primal Beast channels and slams his targeted enemy unit into the ground repeatedly, dealing decent damage in the early game. Any enemies coming close while Primal Beast uses Pulverize also get mini-stunned and dealt damage. It can be used to stop enemies from using their channeled abilities.
Level 7: Trample
Level 8: Onslaught
Level 9: Onslaught
Level 10: +90 Onslaught Damage
Level 11: Uproar - Primal Beast receives bonus damage passively while also gaining Uproar stacks when he receives damage of 50 or more. Primal Beast can use the stacks to deal higher attack damage while also gaining armor for a brief duration. This is an excellent spell as it makes him deal high damage from the laning phase. +90 Onsalught Damage
Level 12: Pulverize
Level 13: Uproar
Level 14: Uproar
Level 15: Uproar
Level 16: Primal Beast dispels himself while activating Uproar
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Pulverize
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +25% Trample Attack Multiplier
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Tango (90 Gold) - Provides health regen if used on a tree. It's the cheapest yet the most convenient way of healing up in the early stages of the game when you are playing in the side lanes. Regardless of the hero you play, Tangoes are a core item.
- Quelling Blade (100 Gold) - Increases the physical attack damage on non-hero units, and can also be used to cut trees. It is a must-have item on melee carry heroes like Primal Beast.
- 2x Iron Branch (50 Gold) - Grants +1 of all attributes per branch. It provides decent sustain in the early game. The branch can be also planted to block paths for enemies or to deceive them under the fog.
- Faerie Fire (70 Gold) - Instantly restores 85 health upon usage. It also passively grants 2 damage per instance. It is an effective item if you’re playing in the mid lane, or just want extra damage and sustain in the side lanes.
- Observer Ward - Grants vision of an area in an AoE upon the plant. The ward is stationary and can be destroyed by enemies if they purchase a sentry ward. It is a beneficial item in the mid-lane for Primal Beast as it provides him with the vision to see any incoming ganks or to secure the runes in the early game.
- Bottle (675 Gold) - Purchased at 1 minute. The bottle is an essential item on a mid-hero. Regardless of the hero you play, Bottle keeps you sustained through the laning phase by replenishing your mana and HP. It also ensures you store power runes for later instead of immediately using them. As Primal is played in the mid-lane in this matchup, a Bottle always comes in handy.
- Wind Lace (250 Gold) - Purchased at 2 minutes. Provides +20 movement speed. It is a decent early-game item providing Primal Beast with the much-needed movement speed that he lacks.
- Boots of Speed (500 Gold) - Purchased at 3 minutes. Provides +45 movement speed to Primal Beast. It is ideal for all heroes as you can purchase upgraded boots with it.
- Sentry Ward (50 Gold) - Purchased at 4 minutes. Reveals invisible enemies, units, and wards in an AoE. As Primal Beast is played the mid-role by Abed, he opts to purchase this item to destroy enemy observer wards, which saves him from getting ganked.
- Infused Raindrops (225 Gold) - Purchased at 5 minutes. Passively provides +0.8 Mana Regeneration while consuming a charge to block 120 incoming magic damage from instances over 75 damage. It comes with 6 charges, helping Primal Beast fare well against heroes with high magic damage output.
- Phase Boots (1500 Gold) - Bought at 6 minutes. It offers high movement speed along with increased armor as well as physical damage. The item also allows Primal Beast to phase through enemies when activated, making it easy to escape or initiate fights without getting his body blocked.
- Magic Wand (450 Gold) - Bought at 6 minutes. Gains a charge every time an enemy uses a spell in an AoE. It can store up to 20 charges, with each charge healing you up to 15 HP and mana. It is an ideal starting item as it allows Primal to sustain himself in the lane if he is facing spellcasting heroes.
- Clarity (50 Gold) - Purchased at 7 minutes. Grants 6 mana regeneration for 25 seconds. As Primal Beast loves using mana to secure creeps and kills, this item ensures he sustains his mana throughout the laning phase or even in the late game.
- Blink Dagger (2250 Gold) - Purchased at 12 minutes. Blink Dagger is a core item on Primal Beast, as it allows him to initiate a teamfight, or chase enemies with it. It can also be upgraded into Arcane Blink or Overwhelming Blink. This will enable him to be the frontline and initiates a fight with the follow-up of his ultimate.
- Eul’s Scepter (2725 Gold) - Purchased at 19 minutes. Allows Primal Beast to whirl himself or the targeted enemy into the air, interrupting their channeling and dispelling certain buffs the enemies may have. It also disciples any negative buffs that he may have if he self-casts it. It is another great way of locking enemies down along with his stun combo.
- Aghanim’s Scepter (4200 Gold) - Purchased at 24 minutes. When Primal Beast activates Uproar, he releases 3 waves of 2 projectiles per stack of uproar each in a circle around him. Projectiles deal damage and Break enemies hit. After a short delay, each projectile splinters in two. This is an effective way of dealing high damage in a fight and applying break on enemy heroes.
- Hood of Defiance (1500 Gold) - Purchased at 28 minutes. The Hood is the first defensive item that people often purchase on Primal Beast, as it provides increased magic resistance. Upon activation, it can absorb up to 350 magic damage, making it an ideal purchase against heroes with high magic damage.
- Wind Waker (6825 Gold) - Purchased at 30 minutes. Allows Primal Beast to whirl himself or his allies in the air (just like Eul’s Scepter), while also allowing him to control the direction while they’re under its effect. It can be used to save allies or disrupt enemy spells in a team fight. It is an ideal item for the ultra-late game.
Neutral Items
- Arcane Ring - Provides 75 Mana to Primal Beast and his allies. It also increases his intelligence and armor making him resilient in skirmishes.
- Bullwhip - Increases Primal’s health regeneration by 3 and mana regeneration by 2.5. Upon usage, it grants 18% movement speed for 4 seconds to allies and Primal Beast. It also slows for the same amount and duration of cast on enemies.
1. Topson Build
Topson is one of the best Primal Beast players in the game. He is known for his unorthodox builds and playstyles. His sheer skill and game sense ensures he triumphs even with the strangest builds. Even when this hero was nerfed into oblivion, Topson made him look viable and very much relevant. His exceptional farming style and aggressive demeanor ensure there is no stone left unturned when it comes to winning the lane.
Topson rotates as early as he can with this build. He ensures that all his lanes are secured and no one is lagging in terms of levels or farm. He goes for an off-meta item like Bloodstone which helps him disrupt the fight and save his allies if need be. Topson makes the game look like a cakewalk. He prioritizes farming and damage items, which allow him to beat multiple enemies down at once and carry the team quite effortlessly.
Use This Build If:
- You want an extremely reliable mid-build prioritized for the late game
- You want to deal impeccable damage as a Primal Beast right from the early game
- You want to be involved in more skirmishes from the early game
Skill Points
Level 1: Uproar - Primal Beast receives bonus damage passively while also gaining Uproar stacks when he receives damage of 50 or more. Primal Beast can use the stacks to deal higher attack damage while also gaining armor for a brief duration. This is an ideal level 1 spell as it makes him deal high damage from the laning phase.
Level 2: Trample - Primal Beast stomps over everything, dealing damage in a short AoE around him while making him unable to do physical damage. It deals increased damage for every 140 units traveled. It is an exceptional spell that helps him farm and deals damage right from the get-go.
Level 3: Onslaught - Allows Primal Beast to charge upon a targeted location, knocking back both enemies and allies. Enemies are stunned and dealt damage upon the knockback. The further Primal Beast charges, the more damage he deals. It can be used both defensively and offensively to initiate a fight or to escape.
Level 4: Trample
Level 5: Trample
Level 6: Pulverize - Primal Beast channels and slams his targeted enemy unit into the ground repeatedly, dealing decent damage in the early game. Any enemies coming close while Primal Beast uses Pulverize also get mini-stunned and dealt damage. It can be used to stop enemies from using their channeled abilities.
Level 7: Trample
Level 8: Onslaught
Level 9: Onslaught
Level 10: Onslaught
Level 11: Uproar
Level 12: Pulverize
Level 13: Uproar
Level 14: Uproar
Level 15: Primal Beast dispels himself while activating Uproar
Level 16: +20% Magic Resistance during Trample
Level 17: Stats
Level 18: Pulverize
Level 19: Stats
Level 20: +25% Trample Attack Multiplier
Level 25: +100% Pulverize Duration
Items to buy for this build (Early to Late Game)
- Tango (90 Gold) - Provides health regen if used on a tree. It's the cheapest yet the most convenient way of healing up in the early stages of the game when you are playing in the side lanes. Regardless of the hero you play, Tangoes are a core item.
- Quelling Blade (100 Gold) - Increases the physical attack damage on non-hero units, and can also be used to cut trees. It is a must-have item on melee carry heroes like Primal Beast.
- 2x Iron Branch (50 Gold) - Grants +1 of all attributes per branch. It provides decent sustain in the early game. The branch can be also planted to block paths for enemies or to deceive them under the fog.
- Faerie Fire (70 Gold) - Instantly restores 85 health upon usage. It also passively grants 2 damage per instance. It is an effective item if you’re playing in the mid lane, or just want extra damage and sustain in the side lanes.
- Observer Ward - Grants vision of an area in an AoE upon the plant. The ward is stationary and can be destroyed by enemies if they purchase a sentry ward. It is a beneficial item in the mid-lane for Primal Beast as it provides him with the vision to see any incoming ganks or to secure the runes in the early game.
- Bottle (675 Gold) - Purchased at 1 minute. The bottle is an essential item on a mid-hero. Regardless of the hero you play, Bottle keeps you sustained through the laning phase by replenishing your mana and HP. It also ensures you store power runes for later instead of immediately using them. As Primal is played in the mid-lane in this matchup, a Bottle always comes in handy.
- Boots of Speed (500 Gold) - Purchased at 2 minutes. Provides +45 movement speed to Primal Beast. It is ideal for all heroes as you can purchase upgraded boots with it.
- Wind Lace (250 Gold) - Purchased at 4 minutes. Provides +20 movement speed. It is a decent early-game item providing Primal Beast with the much-needed movement speed that he lacks.
- Magic Wand (450 Gold) - Bought at 5 minutes. Gains a charge every time an enemy uses a spell in an AoE. It can store up to 20 charges, with each charge healing you up to 15 HP and mana. It is an ideal starting item as it allows Primal to sustain himself in the lane if he is facing spellcasting heroes.
- Infused Raindrops (225 Gold) - Purchased at 5 minutes. Passively provides +0.8 Mana Regeneration while consuming a charge to block 120 incoming magic damage from instances over 75 damage. It comes with 6 charges, helping Primal Beast fare well against heroes with high magic damage output.
- Clarity (50 Gold) - Purchased at 5 minutes. Grants 6 mana regeneration for 25 seconds. As Primal Beast loves using mana to secure creeps and kills, this item ensures he sustains his mana throughout the laning phase or even in the late game.
- Phase Boots (1500 Gold) - Bought at 7 minutes. It offers high movement speed along with increased armor as well as physical damage. The item also allows Primal Beast to phase through enemies when activated, making it easy to escape or initiate fights without getting his body blocked.
- Black King Bar (4050 Gold) - Purchased at 15 minutes. Provides magic immunity upon usage, making Primal Beast invulnerable during team fights. It is essential in most matchups as he has low magical resistance.
- Kaya (2050 Gold) - Purchased at 18 minutes. It provides Leshrac with increased stats along with increased spell lifesteal, damage amplification, and increased mana regen amplification. It ensures Primal Beast does not run out of mana whilst, in a teamfight, it can further be upgraded into Kaya and Sange if need be, which is again a great item on the dino.
- Kaya and Sange (4100 Gold) - Purchased at 21 minutes. Provides big bonuses such as increased stats, status resistance, spell damage amplification, health, and mana amplification. It is an effective item for spellcasting heroes like Primal Beast. Besides, it offers extreme survivability with increased stats, making him durable in a teamfight. This item ensures he never runs out of mana.
- Blink Dagger (2250 Gold) - Purchased at 23 minutes. Blink Dagger is a core item on Primal Beast, as it allows him to initiate a teamfight, or chase enemies with it. It can also be upgraded into Arcane Blink or Overwhelming Blink. This will enable him to be the frontline and initiates a fight with the follow-up of his ultimate.
- Overwhelming Blink (6800 Gold) - Purchased at 27 minutes. Upgrades the Blink Dagger. Increases strength and deals damage in an AoE that deals attack and movement speed slow to enemies, while also making them take 150% of your strength as damage. Primal Beast benefits heavily from this item as he can survive a teamfight due to the high strength bonus.
- Bloodstone (4400 Gold) - Purchased at 33 minutes. Upon activation, it increases spell lifesteal by 2.5x while converting the damage dealt under its duration into mana. This ensures Primal Beast does not run out of mana in a teamfight. He highly relies on spellcasting, hence it is ideal that he has enough mana to shell out in a fight.
- Aghanim’s Shard (1400 Gold) - Purchased at 35 minutes. Grants the Rock Throw ability, which stuns and damages the targeted enemy. The rock also splits into three additional fragments when landing on enemies, dealing damage to the units around them. It is effective in helping Primal Beast have some sort of lockdown in a teamfight.
Neutral Items
- Tumbler’s Toy - Propels Primal Beast 300 units in the direction he is facing. It gets disabled if the damage is dealt with by an enemy hero.
- Cloak of Flames - Provides Primal Beast with +4 armor and +10% magic resistance. It also deals 45 damage per second to units close to Primal Beast. It is a mini-radiance that allows him to farm quickly and stay resilient in a fight.
- Havoc Hammer - Provides Primal Beast with increased 12 Strength and attack damage. Its active allows him to knock back enemies around him while slowing them and dealing damage to them based on his strength.
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