In Destiny 2, grenade launchers are a versatile and powerful category of weapons players can use to deal with explosive damage from a distance. They come in various forms, including single-shot and drum-loaded variants, each suited to different playstyles and combat situations.
Like any other weapon in Destiny 2, grenade launchers come with various random perks, and one of the top picks for the second column perk is DISORIENTING GRENADES. This perk causes explosions from the weapon to disorient enemies, blinding them for a short time briefly. Grenade launchers equipped with the Blinding Grenade perk are incredibly useful in PvE activities, especially when ads swarm you and you need to escape quickly or create breathing room.
What are the best Blinding Grenade Launchers in Destiny 2?
In Destiny 2, while over 20 legendary grenade launchers are available, only a select few are equipped with the coveted DISORIENTING GRENADES perk, also known as Blinding Grenades, in the player community. Here's a look at the game's top 5 blinding grenade launchers, focusing on their stats and methods to get them.
5. Pardon Our Dust

Pardon Our Dust is a grenade launcher in Destiny 2, known for its unique perk combinations and how it fits into the game's vast arsenal of weapons. It is a special category weapon and offers impressive stats; it can come with a range of perks that make it highly effective in various combat situations in PvE due to its ability to roll with ambitious assassins and demolitionists.
Pardon Our Dust is a go-to grenade launcher for mid to high-end content, including Grand Master nightfalls and raids. Although the blinding capacity of this weapon will be less effective in high-end activities, it can easily be used to control ads in various scenarios.
Pardon Our Dust Stats
- Blast Radius: 100
- Velocity: 73
- Stability: 28
- Handling: 68
- Reload Speed: 69
- Reload Time: 2.23 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 75
- Inventory Size: 67
- Zoom: 13
- Airborne Effectiveness: 2
- Recoil: 77
- Rounds Per Minute: 90
- Magazine: 1
PvE God roll:
- Barrel: Volatile Launch
- Magazine: Blinding Grenades
- Perk 1: Auto-Loading Holster
- Perk 2: Demolitionist
How to get Pardon Our Dust
Pardon Our Dust can be acquired by completing the Dares of Eternity activity in the game. However, players do not need to own the 30th Anniversary Pack to participate in Dares of Eternity.
4. Lingering Dread
Lingering Dread has become a well-known Legendary Grenade Launcher in Destiny 2, renowned for its effectiveness in PvE and PvP events. What makes it particularly appealing are the unique perk options and grenade launcher archetype.
One of the most striking features of "Lingering Dread" is the variety of available perks, which can significantly impact how it is used in the game. For example, the Blinding Grenade perk is highly valued in PvE scenarios because of its ability to disorient opponents. This ability is beneficial for crowd control and for facing more powerful ads, limiting their counterattacks.
Lingering Dread Stats
- Blast Radius: 100
- Velocity: 73
- Stability: 24
- Handling: 70
- Reload Speed: 70
- Reload Time: 2.21 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 75
- Inventory Size: 66
- Zoom: 13
- Airborne Effectiveness: 3
- Recoil: 63
- Rounds Per Minute: 90
- Magazine: 1
PvE God roll:
- Barrel: Volatile Launch
- Magazine: Blinding Grenades
- Perk 1: Auto-Loading Holster
- Perk 2: Chill Clip
How to get Lingering Dread
The Lingering Dread grenade launcher is obtainable in the Duality dungeon. It will drop only from the last encounter of the dungeon. Once it is unlocked in your collections, you can also get it from secret chests.
3. Empty Vessel
Empty Vessel is a powerful Legendary Grenade Launcher in Destiny 2 that comes in useful whether you're fighting other players in PvP or blasting through opponents in PvE. It fits neatly into your energy weapon slot, making it a go-to option for any type of action.
The best part about Empty Vessel is that you can mix and combine its perks to suit how you play. You have perks like Auto-Loading Holster, which gives your launcher a self-reload capability while doing other things, and Disruption Break, which is ideal for making enemies especially vulnerable to kinetic damage after you pop their shields. Combine these perks with the disorienting grenades, and you can make an ultimate ad-killer machine.
Empty Vessel Stats
- Blast Radius: 100
- Velocity: 70
- Stability: 26
- Handling: 70
- Reload Speed: 70
- Reload Time: 2.3 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 70
- Inventory Size: 70
- Zoom: 13
- Airborne Effectiveness: 2
- Recoil: 75
- Rounds Per Minute: 90
- Magazine: 1
PvE God roll:
- Barrel: Volatile Launch
- Magazine: Blinding Grenades
- Perk 1: Auto-Loading Holster
- Perk 2: Disruption Break
How to get Empty Vessel
To obtain Empty Vessel in Destiny 2, complete Strike playlists and hope for a random drop. This weapon is available to all players, including base game and season pass owners. Whether Empty Vessel appears in your Strike playlists is essentially up to chance.
Since their release, grenade launchers' prominence in the Destiny 2 meta has changed. While none are particularly weak in terms of damage output, some models outperform others. Ignition Code has the potential to be one of the best grenade launchers in the game thanks to its outstanding capabilities.
The ignition Code was introduced during the season of the splicer and can be obtained from any seasonal activity. It is not currently acquirable in the game but is undoubtedly one of the best grenade launchers with perk combinations like blinding grenades and Ambitious Assassin.
- Blast Radius: 100
- Velocity: 72
- Stability: 28
- Handling: 64
- Reload Speed: 64
- Reload Time: 2.29 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 71
- Inventory Size: 64
- Zoom: 13
- Airborne Effectiveness: 2
- Recoil: 75
- Rounds Per Minute: 90
- Magazine: 1
PvE God roll:
- Barrel: Quick Launch
- Magazine: Blinding Grenades
- Perk 1: Ambitious Assassin
- Perk 2: Frenzy
Ignition Code could be acquired by completing any seasonal activity in the Season of the Splicer, and unfortunately, there is no way to acquire this weapon in the game.
The Militia's Birthright, a Lightweight Grenade Launcher from the Forsaken expansion, disappeared over a year ago. However, it has made a comeback this season as a rotating Nightfall weapon, returning to players' stocks.
The weapon's stats are impressive, making it an outstanding grenade launcher, especially with its blinding grenades. Being an adept weapon, it allows you to use adept mods to boost its performance further, adding an extra layer of customization and effectiveness.
- Blast Radius: 100
- Velocity: 70
- Stability: 26
- Handling: 70
- Reload Speed: 70
- Reload Time: 2.3 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 70
- Inventory Size: 70
- Zoom: 13
- Airborne Effectiveness: 2
- Recoil: 75
- Rounds Per Minute: 90
- Magazine: 1
PvE God roll:
- Barrel: Quick Launch
- Magazine: Blinding Grenades
- Perk 1: Quickdraw
- Perk 2: Auto-Loading Holster
You can get THE MILITIA'S BIRTHRIGHT only if you complete a Nightfall activity, but only if it is the reward for the week. Furthermore, players who beat a GM Nightfall in Destiny 2 can get THE MILITIA'S BIRTHRIGHT, which allows the weapon to take advantage of Adept weapon mods.