It seems now more than ever, we’ve entered a Golden Age of video game design and concept. There is always a new game on the horizon that promises a truly revolutionary take on a beloved setting or idea. This is of course, only good news for game aficionados. If you’re one for exploring the depths of space, or like to imagine the different futures humanity may mold, sci-fi games are sure to draw you in with ease. Here are some of the top-rated games of the season that are must-plays:
15. Borderlands 3 (PC / PS4 / XBO / PS5)
Play as a death-defying Vault Hunter in this latest release of the Borderlands looter-shooter. New guns, new enemies, and a new story are all packed into this adventure, perfect for playing by yourself or with a friend in tow.
- With highly addictive gameplay, Borderlands 3 will leave you craving more before you ever finish
- Replayable and offering up additional action skills that allow the player to pick their own playstyle, Borderlands 3 is fast-paced and a modern take on the original beloved games
14. Destiny 2 (PC / PS3 / PS4 / XBO)
Choose between three classes in this first-person shooter. As a defender of the Last City, you are known as a Guardian, whose job is to protect humanity from darkness. This game will hook you and keep your attention for hours to come.
- Featuring raids and complex encounters, Destiny is bound to scratch that particular gaming itch. With fluid combat and a comprehensive gearing system, powering yourself up in Destiny 2 is just a rewarding as the gameplay itself
- In addition to multiplayer and PvP content, Destiny 2 has a story arc you can follow if you’re looking for a more PvE-focused experience
- Destiny 2 is Free-To-Play!
13. Astroneer (PC / PS4 / XBO)
A much “cuter” game than one would expect in the Sci-Fi category, Astroneer holds its own in this lineup. If you’re looking for something bright, squishy-looking and comical while also dishing out some danger, then Astroneer is for you. Survive on a planet’s surface, drill your way to the core, and keep going!
- Build custom bases with your friends or by yourself in this sandbox game. Your range of options is nearly limitless
- With seven different unique worlds to explore in entirety, tame the surface, risk the caves and drill your way to the planet’s core to claim the ultimate prize
- This game moves at your pace, whether you’re hoping to steam-roll through each planet you land on or take your time to casually explore
- Earn emotes, cosmetic skins and find fun toys while out adventuring!
12. RimWorld (PC)
Anything can happen in this game. From man-eating rabbit hordes to ancient alien killing machines, to more simple occasions like a break-up between colonists, you’ll be left guessing in the best of ways when playing RimWorld. Build a working colony in unforgiving conditions, fend off random attacks and interact with the world in incredible ways.
- Tend to the needs and( many times) eclectic desires of your band of colonists. Some may be wrestling with addiction, while others are simply incapable of certain tasks, but all of them have their own special character traits that will make them an interesting addition to your own story
- Designed to be a rather twisted tale, there are three choices of AI Storytellers in RimWorld. Each has their own niche for different playstyles. If you’re craving an insane adventure with absurd situations, or merely want to sit back and relax on the path to survival, you’ll find what you’re looking for in one of these three Storytellers. Regardless of your choice, you’re going to have some pretty interesting stories to tell yourself at the end of a playthrough
- Each new world you play in RimWorld is generated, meaning that no playthrough will be like the other!
11. Star Wars: The Old Republic (PC)
Immerse yourself in your very own Star Wars story with this fantastic MMO. Whether you want to live out your dreams of being a Sith or a flirtatious Smuggler, SWTOR can readily supply a story-driven experience.
- Choose between eight different classes and storylines, each with their own missions and ultimate objectives. SWTOR allows you to feel like a hero, even if you’re playing a “bad guy”. Your path is your own!
- Though this MMO is centered on its superb BioWare story-telling, it is by no means limited to it. There’s lots of different activities to engage in, such as raids, PvP and even roleplaying
- With over twenty amazing planets, you can roam about the Star Wars universe of your own volition! Discover lore objects and uncover powerful datacrons that will adjust your stats permanently
10. No Man’s Sky (PC / PS4 / PS5 / XBO)
Travel to any planet of your choice in this exploration game. Boasting an infinite procedurally generated universe, No Man’s Sky will whisk you away to far-off worlds and present you with new challenges, new lifeforms and an adventure all your own.
- Your adventure depends entirely on your choices in No Man’s Sky. Upgrade your ship and armor, flee dangerous pirate encounters or stand and fight for the riches you’ve accumulated
- Many people have a lot of things to say about No Man’s Sky's initial release – and though a lot has changed for it since then, one thing that definitely hasn’t faltered, is how much these game developers care about their game. Reacting to criticism with grace and a can-do attitude, this game is constantly being tweaked to make it a better more immersive experience for the player
9. Among Us (PC / XBO / Nintendo Switch / iOS / Android)
Play as part of a crew – the catch? One of you is an imposter, whose only goal is to kill the rest of the crew before all the tasks can be completed. Call meetings, attempt to root out the imposter and keep your eyes peeled for any suspicious activity!
- Play with friends or online with randoms, Among Us is extremely affordable and will provide you with a fun way to pass the time
- Having just recently received a new map update, Among Us is still adding in new crew skills and new ways to manipulate and trick one another
- With simple mechanics and easily accessible, Among Us truly can be for everyone
8. Cyberpunk 2077 (PC / PS4 / PS5 / XBO)
Move through the megalopolis of Night City as V on the search for immortality itself. Open-world and centered on the action of city-life, find your own way through this futuristic dystopia and shape your journey with the choices you make. With a few initial hiccups, this game made headlines for weeks. Not to fear, the bug-fixes have finally arrived!
- With an extremely immersive story, the depth of each character in Cyberpunk will blow you away
- Though the main story line is of course the big attraction here, Cyberpunk also features some rather fantastic side-quests that will draw you into the world even deeper. Some may be off the beaten path however, so it’s a good idea to fully explore your surroundings and really take your time while playing
- The environments and world-building in Cyberpunk are extremely detailed and compelling. Night City truly feels lived in!
7. The Outer Worlds (PC / PS4 / XBO / Nintendo Switch)
A single-player RPG taking place in the furthest reaches of colonial space, you’ll find yourself in the middle of a deadly conspiracy. How you react to this game’s villains and NPCs will determine how your story becomes shaped, delivering a story that is individualistic
- Though Outer Worlds features a main story that is shorter than say, Cyberpunk, it’s without a doubt extremely polished. Your choices matter greatly, and go on to seriously affect decisions later on in the game. Morality really matters
- This game lets you take full control: no matter how important an NPC is to the game, you can kill them and change the direction of the story completely.
- Outer Worlds tracks your gameplay flaws, and will find what you aren’t that amazing at. Though it will punish you in some ways with these flaws, it will reward you in other ways. The feature is optional, but it truly draws you into who your character becomes and is extremely interactive
6. Elite Dangerous (PC / PS4 / XBO)
Elite Dangerous features the full galactic proportions of our very own Milky Way, and allows you to speed through the stars in your own space vessel. Face the ever-changing power dynamics of this futuristic take on our own galaxy and forge your way to the top from nearly nothing.
- The real stars and planets of our own galaxy are the setting of Elite Dangerous, which makes for an interesting concept all its own. You could almost imagine this as the not-too-distant future
- Your actions affect the story-line. Explore, mine, or attack other ships all in an attempt to become one of the Elite
- Here’s another game with very invested game developers. This game is constantly receiving updates, all of which are based on player feedback
5. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (PC / PS4 / XBO)
Taking place five years after the events of Revenge of the Sith, this amazing game will throw you into Cal Kestis’ shoes: an ex-Jedi on the run, suppressing his connection to the Force in order to blend in more easily and go by unnoticed. Cinematic and masterfully animated, you will feel as if you too are struggling to survive in an Empire-governed world.
- Heralded as the Star Wars version of Dark Souls, Fallen Order offers beautifully choreographed combat that is more rewarding the more you practice it
- Learn Force abilities throughout your adventure that further hone your prowess in combat!
- The models in this game are all created using motion-capture technology, which gives them extremely life-like movement
- Star Wars is known for its uncanny ability to tug on the heartstrings when it comes to family themes and bonds of friendship that get forged along the way: Fallen Order is no different. Prepare to become invested in these characters!
4. Horizon Zero Dawn (PC / PS4)
Beloved by gamers all across the globe, Horizon Zero Dawn will take you on a journey into another world where machines reign supreme. With a brilliantly designed atmosphere and endless open-world options, Horizon Zero Dawn will test your endurance and leave you craving more.
- With incredibly satisfying combat, it’s easy to feel as if you have the prowess of Aloy herself as you take aim with her distinctive bow
- Entrenched in superstition and a mysterious future where machine and Nature coexist in a single setting, this game’s story will lead you on a path of reflection and self-discovery
- Horizon Zero Dawn is expertly designed, with breath-taking views. You’ll be taking trips out into the wilderness just to enjoy the sights alone
3. Subnautica (PC / PS4 / XBO / Nintendo Switch)
Labelled as a survival game taking place on an alien world almost completely covered in water, Subnautica will surprise you – in more ways than one. Whether becoming awestruck by the gorgeous designs of these alien creatures, terror-stricken by their immense size or just… entranced by that… beautiful creature… Subnautica will draw you in just like a mesmer.
- Subnautica has possibly one of the best stories to have come out recently, and with a sequel in development and well on the way to release (Subnautica: Below Zero), this small developer keeps delivering over and over. Meaningful and absolutely engaging, you will feel invested in this journey as if you’re really treading water on the planet’s surface yourself, fighting to survive.
- If the deep, open water terrifies you, prepare yourself to be scared witless. At least on Earth’s oceans, there’s usually not anything lurking below. On 4546B’s… there always is.
- Construct a futuristic base that will allow you to survive the harsh waters of this alien world, befriend a tentacled fish, discover the dark truth behind the state of the oceans, reactivate ancient alien technology and become the best (and only) Cyclops captain on the surface. There’s so much to learn about 4546B – all you have to do is dive in.
2. DOOM Eternal (PC / PS4 / PS5 / XBO / Nintendo Switch)
Earth has been invaded by the army of Hell, and you’re the only one who can stop them. A modern rendition on the classic slayer game, DOOM Eternal has defined goals and compelling villains that will keep you slaying for hours to come.
- The soundtrack of DOOM games has always been deeply adored by its fanbase. This game is no different. You’ll feel like an unstoppable force as you slay your way through wave after wave of demons with this soundtrack to accompany you
- Combat is king in DOOM, and how you go about it is entirely in your hands. Run and gun, or melee your way to victory.
- Combat is never repetitive and stays diverse and new despite being the main focus of DOOM’s gameplay
- There are plenty of secrets and hidden items to be found within DOOM Eternal. Some may even change how you play the game!
1. Deep Rock Galactic (PC / XBO)
Deep Rock Galactic is a fantastic 4-player Co-Op where you can play as a dwarf – in space! You’ll begin each mission on your company’s space rig, and launch each mission from the drop pod. Your main objective: mine precious goods for Deep Rock Galactic and survive waves of alien bug swarms.
- Deep Rock has fantastic music that accompanies it throughout each mission. From spooky tunes that make you check over your shoulder for a grabber to pumped-up arrangements that get your dwarven blood going, there isn’t a moment in this small game that isn’t overlaid with a fantastic soundtrack to back it up and bring it to life.
- Play as one of four different classes: Scout, Gunner, Engineer or Driller. Each have different strengths and different abilities that they can use during an encounter, with their own unique weapons and grenades.
- Deep Rock doesn’t just feature hordes of bugs to fight with some unique enemies scattered here and there: there are boss fights you can stumble upon at random during each mission, different statuses that your intended encounter can begin with that may change how it all goes down, as well as different mission types.
- This game is hilarious. With a plethora of unique voice lines for each class, each alcoholic beverage and even for each enemy ping, you are bound to be bent over with laughter at some of the ridiculous, yet strangely called-for comments these dwarves make along their travels.
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